pkg: progress towards supporting GHC 9.2 and newer libs (#1774)

hledger-lib builds, hledger's deps don't (shakespeare).
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2021-12-06 11:07:28 -10:00
parent 642102e291
commit 35c1c9b6a2
14 changed files with 332 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ ghcid-shake: $(call def-help,ghcid-shake, start ghcid autobuilder on Shake.hs)
# run default GHCI
# run latest GHCI for modern features
#STACKGHCI=stack --stack-yaml=stack8.10.yaml
#STACKGHCI=stack --stack-yaml=stack9.2.yaml
# multi-package GHCI prompts
ghci: $(call def-help,ghci, start ghci REPL on hledger-lib + hledger)

View File

@ -903,8 +903,8 @@ tests_Balancing =
transaction (fromGregorian 2019 01 01) [ vpost' "a" missingamt (balassert (num 1)) ]
assertRight ej
let Right j = ej
(jtxns j & head & tpostings & head & pamount & amountsRaw) @?= [num 1]
case ej of Right j -> (jtxns j & head & tpostings & head & pamount & amountsRaw) @?= [num 1]
Left _ -> error' "balance-assignment test: shouldn't happen"
,testCase "same-day-1" $ do
assertRight $ journalBalanceTransactions defbalancingopts $

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ transactionModifierToFunction styles refdate TransactionModifier{tmquerytxt, tmp
q <- simplifyQuery . fst <$> parseQuery refdate tmquerytxt
fs = map (tmPostingRuleToFunction styles q tmquerytxt) tmpostingrules
generatePostings ps = concatMap (\p -> p : map ($p) (if q `matchesPosting` p then fs else [])) ps
generatePostings = concatMap (\p -> p : map ($ p) (if q `matchesPosting` p then fs else []))
Right $ \t@(tpostings -> ps) -> txnTieKnot t{tpostings=generatePostings ps}
-- | Converts a 'TransactionModifier''s posting rule to a 'Posting'-generating function,

View File

@ -17,13 +17,19 @@ For more detailed documentation on each type, see the corresponding modules.
-- {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} --
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Hledger.Data.Types
module Hledger.Data.Types (
module Hledger.Data.Types,
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,11,0)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
@ -47,6 +53,19 @@ import Text.Megaparsec (SourcePos)
import Hledger.Utils.Regex
-- synonyms for various date-related scalars
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,11,0)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Year)
type Year = Integer
type Month = Int -- 1-12
type Quarter = Int -- 1-4
type YearWeek = Int -- 1-52
type MonthWeek = Int -- 1-5
type YearDay = Int -- 1-366
type MonthDay = Int -- 1-31
type WeekDay = Int -- 1-7
-- | A possibly incomplete year-month-day date provided by the user, to be
-- interpreted as either a date or a date span depending on context. Missing
@ -77,16 +96,6 @@ data DateSpan = DateSpan (Maybe Day) (Maybe Day) deriving (Eq,Ord,Generic)
instance Default DateSpan where def = DateSpan Nothing Nothing
-- synonyms for various date-related scalars
type Year = Integer
type Month = Int -- 1-12
type Quarter = Int -- 1-4
type YearWeek = Int -- 1-52
type MonthWeek = Int -- 1-5
type YearDay = Int -- 1-366
type MonthDay = Int -- 1-31
type WeekDay = Int -- 1-7
-- Typical report periods (spans of time), both finite and open-ended.
-- A higher-level abstraction than DateSpan.
data Period =

View File

@ -192,23 +192,25 @@ regexReplaceUnmemo re repl s = foldM (replaceMatch repl) s (reverse $ match (reC
-- appropriate for this match. Or return an error message.
replaceMatch :: Replacement -> String -> MatchText String -> Either RegexError String
replaceMatch replpat s matchgroups =
erepl >>= \repl -> Right $ pre ++ repl ++ post
((_,(off,len)):_) = elems matchgroups -- groups should have 0-based indexes, and there should always be at least one, since this is a match
(pre, post') = splitAt off s
post = drop len post'
-- The replacement text: the replacement pattern with all
-- numeric backreferences replaced by the appropriate groups
-- from this match. Or an error message.
erepl = regexReplaceAllByM backrefRegex (lookupMatchGroup matchgroups) replpat
case elems matchgroups of
[] -> Right s
((_,(off,len)):_) -> -- groups should have 0-based indexes, and there should always be at least one, since this is a match
erepl >>= \repl -> Right $ pre ++ repl ++ post
-- Given some match groups and a numeric backreference,
-- return the referenced group text, or an error message.
lookupMatchGroup :: MatchText String -> String -> Either RegexError String
lookupMatchGroup grps ('\\':s@(_:_)) | all isDigit s =
case read s of n | n `elem` indices grps -> Right $ fst (grps ! n) -- PARTIAL: should not fail, all digits
_ -> Left $ "no match group exists for backreference \"\\"++s++"\""
lookupMatchGroup _ s = Left $ "lookupMatchGroup called on non-numeric-backreference \""++s++"\", shouldn't happen"
(pre, post') = splitAt off s
post = drop len post'
-- The replacement text: the replacement pattern with all
-- numeric backreferences replaced by the appropriate groups
-- from this match. Or an error message.
erepl = regexReplaceAllByM backrefRegex (lookupMatchGroup matchgroups) replpat
-- Given some match groups and a numeric backreference,
-- return the referenced group text, or an error message.
lookupMatchGroup :: MatchText String -> String -> Either RegexError String
lookupMatchGroup grps ('\\':s@(_:_)) | all isDigit s =
case read s of n | n `elem` indices grps -> Right $ fst (grps ! n) -- PARTIAL: should not fail, all digits
_ -> Left $ "no match group exists for backreference \"\\"++s++"\""
lookupMatchGroup _ s = Left $ "lookupMatchGroup called on non-numeric-backreference \""++s++"\", shouldn't happen"
backrefRegex = toRegex' "\\\\[0-9]+" -- PARTIAL: should not fail
-- regexReplace' :: Regexp -> Replacement -> String -> String

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ library
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns
Decimal >=0.5.1
, Glob >=0.9
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ library
, aeson-pretty
, ansi-terminal >=0.9
, array
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, blaze-markup >=0.5.1
, bytestring
, call-stack
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ test-suite doctest
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns
Decimal >=0.5.1
, Glob >=0.7
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ test-suite doctest
, aeson-pretty
, ansi-terminal >=0.9
, array
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, blaze-markup >=0.5.1
, bytestring
, call-stack
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ test-suite unittest
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans
ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind -fno-warn-name-shadowing -fno-warn-missing-signatures -fno-warn-type-defaults -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns
Decimal >=0.5.1
, Glob >=0.9
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ test-suite unittest
, aeson-pretty
, ansi-terminal >=0.9
, array
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, blaze-markup >=0.5.1
, bytestring
, call-stack

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ extra-source-files:
- base >=4.11 && <4.16
- base >=4.11 && <4.17
- aeson >=1
- aeson-pretty
- ansi-terminal >=0.9
@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ ghc-options:
- -fno-warn-missing-signatures
- -fno-warn-type-defaults
- -fno-warn-orphans
# XXX seems new in 9.2, fix these
- -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns
#- other/ledger-parse

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ executable hledger-ui
ansi-terminal >=0.9
, async
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, brick >=0.23
, cmdargs >=0.8
, containers >=0.5.9

View File

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ dependencies:
- hledger >=1.24.99 && <1.25
- ansi-terminal >=0.9
- async
- base >=4.11 && <4.16
- base >=4.11 && <4.17
- cmdargs >=0.8
- containers >=0.5.9
- data-default

View File

@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ library
Decimal >=0.5.1
, aeson >=1
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, base64
, blaze-html
, blaze-markup

View File

@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ library:
- hledger-lib >=1.24.99 && <1.25
- hledger >=1.24.99 && <1.25
- aeson >=1
- base >=4.11 && <4.16
- base >=4.11 && <4.17
- base64
- blaze-html
- blaze-markup

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ library
, Diff
, aeson >=1
, ansi-terminal >=0.9
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, bytestring
, cmdargs >=0.10
, containers >=0.5.9
@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ executable hledger
Decimal >=0.5.1
, aeson >=1
, ansi-terminal >=0.9
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, bytestring
, cmdargs >=0.10
, containers >=0.5.9
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ test-suite unittest
Decimal >=0.5.1
, aeson >=1
, ansi-terminal >=0.9
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, bytestring
, cmdargs >=0.10
, containers >=0.5.9
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ benchmark bench
Decimal >=0.5.1
, aeson >=1
, ansi-terminal >=0.9
, base >=4.11 && <4.16
, base >=4.11 && <4.17
, bytestring
, cmdargs >=0.10
, containers >=0.5.9

View File

@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ dependencies:
- hledger-lib >=1.24.99 && <1.25
- aeson >=1
- ansi-terminal >=0.9
- base >=4.11 && <4.16
- base >=4.11 && <4.17
- bytestring
- cmdargs >=0.10
- containers >=0.5.9

stack9.2.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
# stack build plan using GHC 9.2.1
# XXX This is WIP; some deps like shakespeare don't build yet. hledger-lib builds.
pure: false
packages: [perl gmp ncurses zlib]
resolver: ghc-9.2.1
- hledger-lib
- hledger
- hledger-ui
- hledger-web
# for, eg
allow-newer: true
# for hledger-lib:
- Decimal-0.5.2
- Glob-0.10.2
- OneTuple-0.3.1
- Only-0.1
- StateVar-1.2.2
- aeson-
- aeson-pretty-0.8.9
- ansi-terminal-0.11.1
- ansi-wl-pprint-0.6.9
- assoc-1.0.2
- attoparsec-0.14.2
- base-compat-0.12.1
- base-compat-batteries-0.12.1
- base-orphans-0.8.6
- bifunctors-5.5.11
- blaze-builder-
- blaze-markup-
- cabal-doctest-1.0.9
- call-stack-0.4.0
- case-insensitive-
- cassava-
- cassava-megaparsec-2.0.4
- clock-0.8.2
- cmdargs-0.10.21
- colour-2.3.6
- comonad-5.0.8
- contravariant-1.5.5
- csv-0.1.2
- data-default-
- data-default-class-
- data-default-instances-containers-0.0.1
- data-default-instances-dlist-0.0.1
- data-default-instances-old-locale-0.0.1
- data-fix-0.3.2
- distributive-
- dlist-1.0
- doclayout-
- emojis-0.1.2
- extra-1.7.10
- file-embed-
- hashable-
- hashtables-1.3
- html-
- indexed-traversable-0.1.2
- indexed-traversable-instances-0.1.1
- integer-logarithms-
- megaparsec-9.2.0
- microlens-
- microlens-th-
- old-locale-
- optparse-applicative-
- parser-combinators-1.3.0
- pretty-simple-
- prettyprinter-1.7.1
- prettyprinter-ansi-terminal-1.1.3
- primitive-
- random-1.2.1
- regex-base-
- regex-tdfa-
- safe-0.3.19
- scientific-
- semialign-
- semigroupoids-5.3.6
- splitmix-
- strict-
- tabular-
- tagged-
- tasty-
- tasty-hunit-
- text-short-0.1.4
- th-abstraction-
- these-
- time-compat-
- timeit-2.0
- transformers-compat-
- uglymemo-
- unbounded-delays-
- unordered-containers-
- utf8-string-1.0.2
- uuid-types-1.0.5
- vector-
- wcwidth-0.0.2
- witherable-0.4.2
# for hledger:
- Diff-0.4.0
- blaze-html-
- control-monad-free-0.6.2
- githash-
- lucid-2.11.0
- math-functions-
- mmorph-1.2.0
- shakespeare-2.0.25
- split-
- temporary-1.3
- th-compat-0.1.3
- th-lift-0.8.2
- utility-ht-0.0.16
- wizards-1.0.3
# for hledger-ui:
- QuickCheck-2.14.2
- async-2.2.4
- brick-0.65
- cereal-
- config-ini-
- data-clist-
- fsnotify-
- hfsevents-0.1.6
- microlens-ghc-
- microlens-mtl-
- microlens-platform-
- parallel-
- text-zipper-0.11
- unix-compat-0.5.3
- vty-5.33
- word-wrap-0.5
# for hledger-web:
- HUnit-
- alex-3.2.6
- appar-0.1.8
- asn1-encoding-0.9.6
- asn1-parse-0.9.5
- asn1-types-0.3.4
- attoparsec-iso8601-
- auto-update-0.1.6
- base-unicode-symbols-
- base64-
- base64-bytestring-
- basement-0.0.12
- bsb-http-chunked-
- byteable-0.1.1
- byteorder-1.0.4
- cipher-aes-0.2.11
- clientsession-
- conduit-
- conduit-extra-1.3.5
- connection-0.3.1
- cookie-0.4.5
- cprng-aes-0.6.1
- crypto-api-0.13.3
- crypto-cipher-types-0.0.9
- crypto-random-0.0.9
- cryptonite-0.29
- cryptonite-conduit-0.2.2
- css-text-
- easy-file-0.2.2
- email-validate-
- entropy-
- fast-logger-3.0.5
- ghc-byteorder-
- happy-1.20.0
- haskell-lexer-1.1
- hjsmin-
- hourglass-0.2.12
- hspec-2.9.3
- hspec-core-2.9.3
- hspec-discover-2.9.3
- hspec-expectations-0.8.2
- html-conduit-
- http-api-data-0.4.3
- http-client-0.7.9
- http-client-tls-
- http-conduit-2.3.8
- http-date-0.0.11
- http-types-0.12.3
- http2-3.0.2
- iproute-1.7.12
- language-javascript-
- libyaml-0.1.2
- lift-type-
- lifted-base-
- memory-0.16.0
- mime-types-
- monad-control-
- monad-logger-0.3.36
- monad-loops-0.4.3
- mono-traversable-
- network-
- network-byte-order-0.1.6
- network-uri-
- old-time-
- path-pieces-0.2.1
- pem-0.2.4
- persistent-
- persistent-template-
- pretty-show-1.10
- psqueues-
- quickcheck-io-0.2.0
- resource-pool-
- resourcet-
- securemem-0.1.10
- setenv-
- silently-
- simple-sendfile-0.2.30
- skein-
- socks-0.6.1
- stm-chans-
- streaming-commons-
- tagsoup-0.14.8
- tf-random-0.5
- th-lift-instances-0.1.18
- time-manager-0.0.0
- tls-1.5.5
- transformers-base-0.4.6
- typed-process-
- unix-time-0.4.7
- unliftio-0.2.20
- unliftio-core-
- vault-
- vector-algorithms-
- wai-3.2.3
- wai-app-static-
- wai-cors-0.2.7
- wai-extra-3.1.7
- wai-handler-launch-
- wai-logger-2.3.6
- warp-3.3.18
- word8-0.1.3
- x509-1.7.5
- x509-store-1.6.7
- x509-system-1.6.6
- x509-validation-1.6.11
- xml-conduit-
- xml-types-0.3.8
- xss-sanitize-0.3.7
- yaml-
- yesod-
- yesod-core-
- yesod-form-1.7.0
- yesod-persistent-
- yesod-static-
- yesod-test-1.6.12
- zlib-
# for Shake.hs:
#allow-newer: true
# for precise profiling, per
# apply-ghc-options: everything
# rebuild-ghc-options: true
# stack build --profile --ghc-options="-fno-prof-auto"
# tell GHC to write hie files, eg for weeder. Rumoured to be slow.
# ghc-options:
# "$locals": -fwrite-ide-info
# ghc-options:
# "$locals": -ddump-timings
# "$targets": -Werror
# "$everything": -O2
# some-package: -DSOME_CPP_FLAG