queries: Add generalised boolean queries

This commit changes some of the functions in the Query module and
changes the overall way to parse queries. Instead of using the words''
split function, this commit starts to fully parse the query, as it's
seen as a type of expression.

AND, OR, NOT, and space operators can be used. The space operator
simulates the behaviour from before, leaving a minimal amount of tests
that need to be adjusted to comply to the new behaviour.
This commit is contained in:
Chris Lemaire 2023-01-22 08:52:51 +01:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 790b6ca9da
commit 35db1cae4f
5 changed files with 234 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ transactions..) by various criteria, and a SimpleTextParser for query expressio
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Hledger.Query (
-- * Query and QueryOpt
@ -19,7 +20,7 @@ module Hledger.Query (
-- * parsing
-- * modifying
@ -82,9 +83,10 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, fromGregorian )
import Safe (readDef, readMay, maximumByMay, maximumMay, minimumMay)
import Text.Megaparsec (between, noneOf, sepBy)
import Text.Megaparsec (between, noneOf, sepBy, try, (<?>), notFollowedBy)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, string)
import Hledger.Utils hiding (words')
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.AccountName
@ -154,23 +156,13 @@ data QueryOpt = QueryOptInAcctOnly AccountName -- ^ show an account register fo
-- showAccountMatcher _ = Nothing
-- | A version of parseQueryList which acts on a single Text of
-- space-separated terms.
-- | Parses a query from the string containing a query expression.
-- Parts of the query expression are either (sub-)queries or query options.
-- The usual shell quoting rules are assumed. When a pattern contains
-- whitespace, it (or the whole term including prefix) should be enclosed
-- in single or double quotes.
-- >>> parseQuery nulldate "expenses:dining out"
-- Right (Or [Acct (RegexpCI "expenses:dining"),Acct (RegexpCI "out")],[])
-- >>> parseQuery nulldate "\"expenses:dining out\""
-- Right (Acct (RegexpCI "expenses:dining out"),[])
parseQuery :: Day -> T.Text -> Either String (Query,[QueryOpt])
parseQuery d = parseQueryList d . words'' queryprefixes
-- | Convert a list of query expression containing to a query and zero
-- or more query options; or return an error message if query parsing fails.
-- in ESCAPED single or double quotes or the whole term should be between
-- parentheses to denotate a subquery.
-- A query term is either:
@ -191,30 +183,121 @@ parseQuery d = parseQueryList d . words'' queryprefixes
-- Period expressions may contain relative dates, so a reference date is
-- required to fully parse these.
-- >>> parseQuery nulldate "expenses:dining out"
-- Right (Or [Acct (RegexpCI "expenses:dining"),Acct (RegexpCI "out")],[])
-- >>> parseQuery nulldate "\"expenses:dining out\""
-- Right (Acct (RegexpCI "expenses:dining out"),[])
parseQuery :: Day -> T.Text -> Either String (Query,[QueryOpt])
parseQuery = parseBooleanQuery
-- | Variant of parseQuery that recombines a list of queries before parsing.
-- This function succeeds the parseQueryList function. The list of expressions
-- is simply concatenated before passing to parseQuery, as the list might contain
-- keywords such as AND that cannot be separately interpreted as a query.
parseQueries :: Day -> [T.Text] -> Either String (Query,[QueryOpt])
parseQueries d ts = parseQuery d $ T.intercalate " " ts
-- | Parses a boolean query expression.
-- Boolean queries combine smaller queries into larger ones. The boolean operators
-- made available through this function are "NOT e", "e AND e", "e OR e", and "e e".
-- Query options defined in multiple sub-queries are simply combined by concatenating
-- all options into one list.
-- Boolean operators in queries take precedence over one another. For instance, the
-- prefix-operator "NOT e" is always parsed before "e AND e", "e AND e" before "e OR e",
-- and "e OR e" before "e e".
-- The space-separation operator is left as it was the default before the introduction of
-- boolean operators. It takes the behaviour defined in the interpretQueryList function,
-- whereas the NOT, OR, and AND operators simply wrap a list of queries with the associated
-- The result of this function is either an error encountered during parsing of the
-- expression or the combined query and query options.
-- >>> parseBooleanQuery nulldate "expenses:dining AND out"
-- Right (And [Acct (RegexpCI "expenses:dining"),Acct (RegexpCI "out")],[])
-- >>> parseBooleanQuery nulldate "expenses:dining AND desc:a OR desc:b"
-- Right (Or [And [Acct (RegexpCI "expenses:dining"),Desc (RegexpCI "a")],Desc (RegexpCI "b")],[])
parseBooleanQuery :: Day -> T.Text -> Either String (Query,[QueryOpt])
parseBooleanQuery d t = either (Left . ("failed to parse query:" <>) . customErrorBundlePretty) Right $ parsewith allQueriesP t
allQueriesP :: SimpleTextParser (Query, [QueryOpt])
allQueriesP = either (Any,) id <$> spacedQueriesP
regexP :: SimpleTextParser T.Text
regexP = choice'
[ stripquotes . T.pack <$> between (char '\'') (char '\'') (many $ noneOf ("'" :: [Char])),
stripquotes . T.pack <$> between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ noneOf ("\"" :: [Char])),
T.pack <$> (notFollowedBy keywordSpaceP >> (many $ noneOf (") \n\r" :: [Char]))) ]
queryPrefixP :: SimpleTextParser T.Text
queryPrefixP = (string "not:" <> (fromMaybe "" <$> optional queryPrefixP))
<|> choice' (string <$> queryprefixes)
<?> "query prefix"
queryTermP :: SimpleTextParser (Either [QueryOpt] (Query, [QueryOpt]))
queryTermP = do
prefix <- optional queryPrefixP
queryRegex <- regexP
case parseQueryTerm d (fromMaybe "" prefix <> queryRegex) of
Right q -> case q of
Right opt -> return $ Left [opt]
Left query -> return $ Right (query, [])
Left err -> error' err -- PARTIAL:
keywordSpaceP :: SimpleTextParser T.Text
keywordSpaceP = choice' ["NOT ", "AND ", "OR "]
parQueryP,notQueryP :: SimpleTextParser (Either [QueryOpt] (Query, [QueryOpt]))
parQueryP = between (char '(' >> skipNonNewlineSpaces)
(try $ skipNonNewlineSpaces >> char ')')
<|> queryTermP
notQueryP = (maybe id (\_ (Right (q, qopts)) -> Right (Not q, qopts)) <$> optional (string "NOT" >> skipNonNewlineSpaces1)) <*> parQueryP
andQueriesP,orQueriesP,spacedQueriesP :: SimpleTextParser (Either [QueryOpt] (Query, [QueryOpt]))
andQueriesP = nArityOp And <$> notQueryP `sepBy` (try $ skipNonNewlineSpaces >> string "AND" >> skipNonNewlineSpaces1)
orQueriesP = nArityOp Or <$> andQueriesP `sepBy` (try $ skipNonNewlineSpaces >> string "OR" >> skipNonNewlineSpaces1)
spacedQueriesP = nArityOp interpretQueryList <$> orQueriesP `sepBy` skipNonNewlineSpaces1
nArityOp :: ([Query] -> Query) -> [Either [QueryOpt] (Query, [QueryOpt])] -> Either [QueryOpt] (Query, [QueryOpt])
nArityOp f res = let (qoptss, results) = partitionEithers res
(qs, qoptss') = unzip results
qoptss'' = concat qoptss <> concat qoptss'
in case qs of
[] -> Left qoptss''
(q:[]) -> Right (simplifyQuery q, qoptss'')
_ -> Right (simplifyQuery $ f qs, qoptss'')
-- | Convert a list of space-separated queries to a single query
-- Multiple terms are combined as follows:
-- 1. multiple account patterns are OR'd together
-- 2. multiple description patterns are OR'd together
-- 3. multiple status patterns are OR'd together
-- 4. then all terms are AND'd together
parseQueryList :: Day -> [T.Text] -> Either String (Query, [QueryOpt])
parseQueryList d termstrs = do
eterms <- mapM (parseQueryTerm d) termstrs
let (pats, opts) = partitionEithers eterms
(descpats, pats') = partition queryIsDesc pats
(acctpats, pats'') = partition queryIsAcct pats'
(statuspats, otherpats) = partition queryIsStatus pats''
q = simplifyQuery $ And $ [Or acctpats, Or descpats, Or statuspats] ++ otherpats
Right (q, opts)
interpretQueryList :: [Query] -> Query
interpretQueryList pats = q
(descpats, pats') = partition queryIsDesc pats
(acctpats, pats'') = partition queryIsAcct pats'
(statuspats, otherpats) = partition queryIsStatus pats''
q = simplifyQuery $ And $ [Or acctpats, Or descpats, Or statuspats] ++ otherpats
-- XXX
-- | Quote-and-prefix-aware version of words - don't split on spaces which
-- are inside quotes, including quotes which may have one of the specified
-- prefixes in front, and maybe an additional not: prefix in front of that.
words'' :: [T.Text] -> T.Text -> [T.Text]
words'' prefixes = fromparse . parsewith maybeprefixedquotedphrases -- XXX
maybeprefixedquotedphrases :: SimpleTextParser [T.Text]
maybeprefixedquotedphrases = choice' [prefixedQuotedPattern, singleQuotedPattern, doubleQuotedPattern, patterns] `sepBy` skipNonNewlineSpaces1
words'' prefixes = fromparse . parsewith maybePrefixedQuotedPhrases -- XXX
maybePrefixedQuotedPhrases :: SimpleTextParser [T.Text]
maybePrefixedQuotedPhrases = choice' [prefixedQuotedPattern, singleQuotedPattern, doubleQuotedPattern, patterns] `sepBy`
(notFollowedBy (skipNonNewlineSpaces >> char ')') >> skipNonNewlineSpaces1)
prefixedQuotedPattern :: SimpleTextParser T.Text
prefixedQuotedPattern = do
not' <- fromMaybe "" `fmap` (optional $ string "not:")
@ -847,6 +930,22 @@ tests_Query = testGroup "Query" [
parseQuery nulldate "'a a' 'b" @?= Right (Or [Acct $ toRegexCI' "a a",Acct $ toRegexCI' "'b"], [])
parseQuery nulldate "\"" @?= Right (Acct $ toRegexCI' "\"", [])
,testCase "parseBooleanQuery" $ do
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "(tag:'atag=a')" @?= Right (Tag (toRegexCI' "atag") (Just $ toRegexCI' "a"), [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "( tag:\"atag=a\" )" @?= Right (Tag (toRegexCI' "atag") (Just $ toRegexCI' "a"), [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "(acct:'expenses:food')" @?= Right (Acct $ toRegexCI' "expenses:food", [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "(((acct:'expenses:food')))" @?= Right (Acct $ toRegexCI' "expenses:food", [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "acct:'expenses:food' AND desc:'b'" @?= Right (And [Acct $ toRegexCI' "expenses:food", Desc $ toRegexCI' "b"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "((desc:'a') AND (desc:'b') OR (desc:'c'))" @?= Right (Or [And [Desc $ toRegexCI' "a", Desc $ toRegexCI' "b"], Desc $ toRegexCI' "c"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "((desc:'a') OR (desc:'b') AND (desc:'c'))" @?= Right (Or [Desc $ toRegexCI' "a", And [Desc $ toRegexCI' "b", Desc $ toRegexCI' "c"]], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "((desc:'a') AND desc:'b' AND (desc:'c'))" @?= Right (And [Desc $ toRegexCI' "a", Desc $ toRegexCI' "b", Desc $ toRegexCI' "c"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "(NOT (desc:'a') AND (desc:'b'))" @?= Right (And [Not $ Desc $ toRegexCI' "a", Desc $ toRegexCI' "b"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "((desc:'a') AND (NOT desc:'b'))" @?= Right (And [Desc $ toRegexCI' "a", Not $ Desc $ toRegexCI' "b"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "(desc:'a' AND desc:'b')" @?= Right (And [Desc $ toRegexCI' "a", Desc $ toRegexCI' "b"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "(acct:'a' acct:'b')" @?= Right (Or [Acct $ toRegexCI' "a", Acct $ toRegexCI' "b"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate " acct:'a' acct:'b'" @?= Right (Or [Acct $ toRegexCI' "a", Acct $ toRegexCI' "b"], [])
parseBooleanQuery nulldate "not:a" @?= Right (Not $ Acct $ toRegexCI' "a", [])
,testCase "words''" $ do
(words'' [] "a b") @?= ["a","b"]
(words'' [] "'a b'") @?= ["a b"]

View File

@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ makeHledgerClassyLenses ''ReportSpec
-- >>> _rsQuery <$> setEither querystring ["assets"] defreportspec
-- Right (Acct (RegexpCI "assets"))
-- >>> _rsQuery <$> setEither querystring ["(assets"] defreportspec
-- Left "This regular expression is malformed...
-- Left "failed to parse query:1:8:\n |\n1 | (assets\n | ^\nunexpected end of input\nexpecting \"AND\", \"OR\", or ')'\n"
-- >>> _rsQuery $ set querystring ["assets"] defreportspec
-- Acct (RegexpCI "assets")
-- >>> _rsQuery $ set querystring ["(assets"] defreportspec
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ instance HasReportOpts ReportSpec where
-- | Generate a ReportSpec from a set of ReportOpts on a given day.
reportOptsToSpec :: Day -> ReportOpts -> Either String ReportSpec
reportOptsToSpec day ropts = do
(argsquery, queryopts) <- parseQueryList day $ querystring_ ropts
(argsquery, queryopts) <- parseQueries day $ querystring_ ropts
return ReportSpec
{ _rsReportOpts = ropts
, _rsDay = day

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ tags CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
values = boolopt "values" rawopts
parsed = boolopt "parsed" rawopts
empty = empty_ $ _rsReportOpts rspec
query <- either usageError (return . fst) $ parseQueryList today querystr
query <- either usageError (return . fst) $ parseQueries today querystr
q = simplifyQuery $ And [queryFromFlags $ _rsReportOpts rspec, query]
matchedtxns = filter (q `matchesTransaction`) $ jtxns $ journalApplyValuationFromOpts rspec j

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@ -4,7 +4,11 @@
a a 1
$ hledger -f- register 'a a'
2010/3/1 y
a 1
$ hledger -f- register "'a a'"
2010-03-01 x a a 1 1
@ -20,7 +24,7 @@ $ hledger -f- register 'a a'
a 1
$ hledger -f- register desc:'x x'
$ hledger -f- register "desc:'x x'"
2010-03-02 x x a 1 1
b -1 0
@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ $ hledger -f- register desc:'x x'
a a 1
$ hledger -f- register 'a a' "'b"
$ hledger -f- register "'a a' \"'b\""
2011-09-11 a a 1 1
'b -1 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
2022-01-01 Transaction 1 ; transactiontag:A
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
2022-01-01 Transaction 2 ; transactiontag:A
assets:bank:main -1
assets:bank:secondary -1 ; atag:a
2022-01-01 Transaction 3 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
2022-01-01 Transaction 4 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
expenses:food 2
# 1. Simple queries can be encased in an arbitrary number of parentheses (1)
$ hledger -f - print "(tag:'transactiontag=B')"
2022-01-01 Transaction 3 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
2022-01-01 Transaction 4 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
expenses:food 2
# 2. Simple queries can be encased in an arbitrary number of parentheses (3)
$ hledger -f - print "(((tag:'transactiontag=B')))"
2022-01-01 Transaction 3 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
2022-01-01 Transaction 4 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
expenses:food 2
# 3. Simple boolean AND query works
$ hledger -f - print tag:'transactiontag=B' AND desc:3
2022-01-01 Transaction 3 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
# 4. AND + OR works without parentheses
$ hledger -f - print tag:'transactiontag=B' AND desc:3 OR desc:1
2022-01-01 Transaction 1 ; transactiontag:A
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
2022-01-01 Transaction 3 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
# 5. Unnecessary NOT + OR works without parentheses
$ hledger -f - print NOT tag:'transactiontag=B' OR desc:1
2022-01-01 Transaction 1 ; transactiontag:A
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
2022-01-01 Transaction 2 ; transactiontag:A
assets:bank:main -1
assets:bank:secondary -1 ; atag:a
# 6. Necessary NOT + OR works without parentheses
$ hledger -f - print NOT tag:'transactiontag=B' OR desc:4
2022-01-01 Transaction 1 ; transactiontag:A
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
2022-01-01 Transaction 2 ; transactiontag:A
assets:bank:main -1
assets:bank:secondary -1 ; atag:a
2022-01-01 Transaction 4 ; transactiontag:B
assets:bank:main -1 ; A comment
expenses:food 2