bal: improve budget, MultiBalanceReport debug output

Comply with debug levels policy, clarify some labels.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-11-19 14:39:52 -08:00
parent b6c667c388
commit 372c9724a8
3 changed files with 57 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -74,26 +74,30 @@ type BudgetDisplayCell = ((String, Int), Maybe ((String, Int), Maybe (String, In
-- and compare these to get a 'BudgetReport'.
-- Unbudgeted accounts may be hidden or renamed (see budgetRollup).
budgetReport :: ReportSpec -> Bool -> DateSpan -> Journal -> BudgetReport
budgetReport rspec assrt reportspan j = dbg1 "sortedbudgetreport" budgetreport
budgetReport rspec assrt reportspan j = dbg4 "sortedbudgetreport" budgetreport
-- Budget report demands ALTree mode to ensure subaccounts and subaccount budgets are properly handled
-- and that reports with and without --empty make sense when compared side by side
ropts = (rsOpts rspec){ accountlistmode_ = ALTree }
showunbudgeted = empty_ ropts
budgetedaccts =
dbg2 "budgetedacctsinperiod" $
dbg3 "budgetedacctsinperiod" $
nub $
concatMap expandAccountName $
accountNamesFromPostings $
concatMap tpostings $
concatMap (`runPeriodicTransaction` reportspan) $
jperiodictxns j
actualj = dbg1With (("actualj"++).show.jtxns) $ budgetRollUp budgetedaccts showunbudgeted j
budgetj = dbg1With (("budgetj"++).show.jtxns) $ budgetJournal assrt ropts reportspan j
actualj =
dbg5With (("account names adjusted for budget report:\n"++).pshow.journalAccountNamesUsed) $
budgetRollUp budgetedaccts showunbudgeted j
budgetj =
-- dbg5With (("actual txns:\n"++).pshow.jtxns) $
budgetJournal assrt ropts reportspan j
actualreport@(PeriodicReport actualspans _ _) =
dbg1 "actualreport" $ multiBalanceReport rspec{rsOpts=ropts{empty_=True}} actualj
dbg5 "actualreport" $ multiBalanceReport rspec{rsOpts=ropts{empty_=True}} actualj
budgetgoalreport@(PeriodicReport _ budgetgoalitems budgetgoaltotals) =
dbg1 "budgetgoalreport" $ multiBalanceReport rspec{rsOpts=ropts{empty_=True}} budgetj
dbg5 "budgetgoalreport" $ multiBalanceReport rspec{rsOpts=ropts{empty_=True}} budgetj
-- If no interval is specified:
-- budgetgoalreport's span might be shorter actualreport's due to periodic txns;
@ -105,14 +109,14 @@ budgetReport rspec assrt reportspan j = dbg1 "sortedbudgetreport" budgetreport
-- | Use all periodic transactions in the journal to generate
-- budget transactions in the specified report period.
-- Budget transactions are similar to forecast transactions except
-- their purpose is to set goal amounts (of change) per account and period.
-- their purpose is to define balance change goals, per account and period.
budgetJournal :: Bool -> ReportOpts -> DateSpan -> Journal -> Journal
budgetJournal assrt _ropts reportspan j =
either error' id $ journalBalanceTransactions assrt j{ jtxns = budgetts } -- PARTIAL:
budgetspan = dbg2 "budgetspan" $ reportspan
budgetspan = dbg3 "budget span" $ reportspan
budgetts =
dbg1 "budgetts" $
dbg5 "budget goal txns" $
[makeBudgetTxn t
| pt <- jperiodictxns j
, t <- runPeriodicTransaction pt budgetspan

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@ -55,12 +55,19 @@ import Safe (headMay, lastDef, lastMay, minimumMay)
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Query
import Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Utils hiding (dbg3,dbg4,dbg5)
import qualified Hledger.Utils
import Hledger.Read (mamountp')
import Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions
import Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes
-- add a prefix to this function's debug output
dbg3 s = let p = "multiBalanceReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg3 (p++" "++s)
dbg4 s = let p = "multiBalanceReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg4 (p++" "++s)
dbg5 s = let p = "multiBalanceReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg5 (p++" "++s)
-- | A multi balance report is a kind of periodic report, where the amounts
-- correspond to balance changes or ending balances in a given period. It has:
@ -106,21 +113,21 @@ multiBalanceReportWith :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle -> MultiBalanceRe
multiBalanceReportWith rspec' j priceoracle = report
-- Queries, report/column dates.
reportspan = dbg "reportspan" $ calculateReportSpan rspec' j
rspec = dbg "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
reportspan = dbg3 "reportspan" $ calculateReportSpan rspec' j
rspec = dbg3 "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
valuation = makeValuation rspec' j priceoracle -- Must use rspec' instead of rspec,
-- so the reportspan isn't used for valuation
-- Group postings into their columns.
colps = dbg'' "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec j reportspan
colspans = dbg "colspans" $ M.keys colps
colps = dbg5 "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec j reportspan
colspans = dbg3 "colspans" $ M.keys colps
-- The matched accounts with a starting balance. All of these should appear
-- in the report, even if they have no postings during the report period.
startbals = dbg' "startbals" $ startingBalances rspec j reportspan
startbals = dbg5 "startbals" $ startingBalances rspec j reportspan
-- Generate and postprocess the report, negating balances and taking percentages if needed
report = dbg' "report" $
report = dbg4 "multiBalanceReportWith" $
generateMultiBalanceReport rspec j valuation colspans colps startbals
-- | Generate a compound balance report from a list of CBCSubreportSpec. This
@ -137,18 +144,18 @@ compoundBalanceReportWith :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> PriceOracle
compoundBalanceReportWith rspec' j priceoracle subreportspecs = cbr
-- Queries, report/column dates.
reportspan = dbg "reportspan" $ calculateReportSpan rspec' j
rspec = dbg "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
reportspan = dbg3 "reportspan" $ calculateReportSpan rspec' j
rspec = dbg3 "reportopts" $ makeReportQuery rspec' reportspan
valuation = makeValuation rspec' j priceoracle -- Must use ropts' instead of ropts,
-- so the reportspan isn't used for valuation
-- Group postings into their columns.
colps = dbg'' "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec{rsOpts=(rsOpts rspec){empty_=True}} j reportspan
colspans = dbg "colspans" $ M.keys colps
colps = dbg5 "colps" $ getPostingsByColumn rspec{rsOpts=(rsOpts rspec){empty_=True}} j reportspan
colspans = dbg3 "colspans" $ M.keys colps
-- The matched accounts with a starting balance. All of these should appear
-- in the report, even if they have no postings during the report period.
startbals = dbg' "startbals" $ startingBalances rspec j reportspan
startbals = dbg5 "startbals" $ startingBalances rspec j reportspan
subreports = map generateSubreport subreportspecs
@ -199,8 +206,8 @@ startingBalances rspec@ReportSpec{rsQuery=query,rsOpts=ropts} j reportspan =
-- q projected back before the report start date.
-- When there's no report start date, in case there are future txns (the hledger-ui case above),
-- we use emptydatespan to make sure they aren't counted as starting balance.
startbalq = dbg'' "startbalq" $ And [datelessq, precedingspanq]
datelessq = dbg "datelessq" $ filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2) query
startbalq = dbg3 "startbalq" $ And [datelessq, precedingspanq]
datelessq = dbg3 "datelessq" $ filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2) query
precedingperiod = dateSpanAsPeriod . spanIntersect precedingspan .
periodAsDateSpan $ period_ ropts
@ -214,16 +221,16 @@ calculateReportSpan :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> DateSpan
calculateReportSpan ReportSpec{rsQuery=query,rsOpts=ropts} j = reportspan
-- The date span specified by -b/-e/-p options and query args if any.
requestedspan = dbg "requestedspan" $ queryDateSpan (date2_ ropts) query
requestedspan = dbg3 "requestedspan" $ queryDateSpan (date2_ ropts) query
-- If the requested span is open-ended, close it using the journal's end dates.
-- This can still be the null (open) span if the journal is empty.
requestedspan' = dbg "requestedspan'" $
requestedspan' = dbg3 "requestedspan'" $
requestedspan `spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan (date2_ ropts) j
-- The list of interval spans enclosing the requested span.
-- This list can be empty if the journal was empty,
-- or if hledger-ui has added its special date:-tomorrow to the query
-- and all txns are in the future.
intervalspans = dbg "intervalspans" $ splitSpan (interval_ ropts) requestedspan'
intervalspans = dbg3 "intervalspans" $ splitSpan (interval_ ropts) requestedspan'
-- The requested span enlarged to enclose a whole number of intervals.
-- This can be the null span if there were no intervals.
reportspan = DateSpan (spanStart =<< headMay intervalspans)
@ -239,8 +246,8 @@ makeReportQuery rspec reportspan
| otherwise = rspec{rsQuery=query}
query = simplifyQuery $ And [dateless $ rsQuery rspec, reportspandatesq]
reportspandatesq = dbg "reportspandatesq" $ dateqcons reportspan
dateless = dbg "dateless" . filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2)
reportspandatesq = dbg3 "reportspandatesq" $ dateqcons reportspan
dateless = dbg3 "dateless" . filterQuery (not . queryIsDateOrDate2)
dateqcons = if date2_ (rsOpts rspec) then Date2 else Date
-- | Make a valuation function for valuating MixedAmounts and a given Day
@ -259,7 +266,7 @@ getPostingsByColumn :: ReportSpec -> Journal -> DateSpan -> Map DateSpan [Postin
getPostingsByColumn rspec j reportspan = columns
-- Postings matching the query within the report period.
ps :: [(Posting, Day)] = dbg'' "ps" $ getPostings rspec j
ps :: [(Posting, Day)] = dbg5 "getPostingsByColumn" $ getPostings rspec j
days = map snd ps
-- The date spans to be included as report columns.
@ -278,12 +285,12 @@ getPostings ReportSpec{rsQuery=query,rsOpts=ropts} =
filterJournalAmounts symq . -- remove amount parts excluded by cur:
filterJournalPostings reportq -- remove postings not matched by (adjusted) query
symq = dbg "symq" . filterQuery queryIsSym $ dbg "requested q" query
symq = dbg3 "symq" . filterQuery queryIsSym $ dbg3 "requested q" query
-- The user's query with no depth limit, and expanded to the report span
-- if there is one (otherwise any date queries are left as-is, which
-- handles the hledger-ui+future txns case above).
reportq = dbg "reportq" $ depthless query
depthless = dbg "depthless" . filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth)
reportq = dbg3 "reportq" $ depthless query
depthless = dbg3 "depthless" . filterQuery (not . queryIsDepth)
date = case whichDateFromOpts ropts of
PrimaryDate -> postingDate
@ -295,9 +302,9 @@ calculateColSpans ropts reportspan days =
splitSpan (interval_ ropts) displayspan
| empty_ ropts = dbg "displayspan (-E)" reportspan -- all the requested intervals
| otherwise = dbg "displayspan" $ reportspan `spanIntersect` matchedspan -- exclude leading/trailing empty intervals
matchedspan = dbg "matchedspan" $ daysSpan days
| empty_ ropts = dbg3 "displayspan (-E)" reportspan -- all the requested intervals
| otherwise = dbg3 "displayspan" $ reportspan `spanIntersect` matchedspan -- exclude leading/trailing empty intervals
matchedspan = dbg3 "matchedspan" $ daysSpan days
-- | Gather the account balance changes into a regular matrix
@ -312,7 +319,7 @@ calculateAccountChanges rspec colspans colps
acctchanges = transposeMap colacctchanges
colacctchanges :: Map DateSpan (HashMap ClippedAccountName Account) =
dbg'' "colacctchanges" $ fmap (acctChangesFromPostings rspec) colps
dbg5 "colacctchanges" $ fmap (acctChangesFromPostings rspec) colps
elided = HM.singleton "..." $ M.fromList [(span, nullacct) | span <- colspans]
@ -329,7 +336,7 @@ acctChangesFromPostings ReportSpec{rsQuery=query,rsOpts=ropts} ps =
ALTree -> filter ((depthq `matchesAccount`) . aname) -- exclude deeper balances
ALFlat -> clipAccountsAndAggregate (queryDepth depthq) . -- aggregate deeper balances at the depth limit.
filter ((0<) . anumpostings)
depthq = dbg "depthq" $ filterQuery queryIsDepth query
depthq = dbg3 "depthq" $ filterQuery queryIsDepth query
-- | Accumulate and value amounts, as specified by the report options.
@ -345,7 +352,7 @@ accumValueAmounts ropts valuation colspans startbals acctchanges = -- PARTIAL:
-- The valued row amounts to be displayed: per-period changes,
-- zero-based cumulative totals, or
-- starting-balance-based historical balances.
rowbals name changes = dbg'' "rowbals" $ case balancetype_ ropts of
rowbals name changes = dbg5 "rowbals" $ case balancetype_ ropts of
PeriodChange -> changeamts
CumulativeChange -> cumulative
HistoricalBalance -> historical
@ -404,24 +411,24 @@ generateMultiBalanceReport rspec@ReportSpec{rsOpts=ropts} j valuation colspans c
-- Each account's balance changes across all columns.
acctchanges = dbg'' "acctchanges" $ calculateAccountChanges rspec colspans colps
acctchanges = dbg5 "acctchanges" $ calculateAccountChanges rspec colspans colps
-- Process changes into normal, cumulative, or historical amounts, plus value them
accumvalued = accumValueAmounts ropts valuation colspans startbals acctchanges
-- All account names that will be displayed, possibly depth-clipped.
displaynames = dbg'' "displaynames" $ displayedAccounts rspec accumvalued
displaynames = dbg5 "displaynames" $ displayedAccounts rspec accumvalued
-- All the rows of the report.
rows = dbg'' "rows"
rows = dbg5 "rows"
. (if invert_ ropts then map (fmap negate) else id) -- Negate amounts if applicable
$ buildReportRows ropts displaynames accumvalued
-- Calculate column totals
totalsrow = dbg' "totalsrow" $ calculateTotalsRow ropts rows
totalsrow = dbg5 "totalsrow" $ calculateTotalsRow ropts rows
-- Sorted report rows.
sortedrows = dbg' "sortedrows" $ sortRows ropts j rows
sortedrows = dbg5 "sortedrows" $ sortRows ropts j rows
-- Take percentages if needed
report = reportPercent ropts $ PeriodicReport colspans sortedrows totalsrow
@ -486,7 +493,7 @@ displayedAccounts ReportSpec{rsQuery=query,rsOpts=ropts} valuedaccts
| otherwise = aebalance
-- Accounts interesting because they are a fork for interesting subaccounts
interestingParents = dbg'' "interestingParents" $ case accountlistmode_ ropts of
interestingParents = dbg5 "interestingParents" $ case accountlistmode_ ropts of
ALTree -> HM.filterWithKey hasEnoughSubs numSubs
ALFlat -> mempty
@ -545,7 +552,7 @@ calculateTotalsRow ropts rows =
colamts = transpose . map prrAmounts $ filter isTopRow rows
coltotals :: [MixedAmount] = dbg'' "coltotals" $ map sum colamts
coltotals :: [MixedAmount] = dbg5 "coltotals" $ map sum colamts
-- Calculate the grand total and average. These are always the sum/average
-- of the column totals.
@ -606,13 +613,6 @@ perdivide a b = fromMaybe (error' errmsg) $ do -- PARTIAL:
return $ mixed [per $ if aquantity b' == 0 then 0 else aquantity a' / abs (aquantity b') * 100]
where errmsg = "Cannot calculate percentages if accounts have different commodities (Hint: Try --cost, -V or similar flags.)"
-- Local debug helper
-- add a prefix to this function's debug output
dbg s = let p = "multiBalanceReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg3 (p++" "++s)
dbg' s = let p = "multiBalanceReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg4 (p++" "++s)
dbg'' s = let p = "multiBalanceReport" in Hledger.Utils.dbg5 (p++" "++s)
-- dbg = const id -- exclude this function from debug output
-- tests
tests_MultiBalanceReport = tests "MultiBalanceReport" [

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@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ balance opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
if budget then do -- single or multi period budget report
let reportspan = reportSpan j rspec
budgetreport = dbg4 "budgetreport" $ budgetReport rspec assrt reportspan j
budgetreport = budgetReport rspec assrt reportspan j
assrt = not $ ignore_assertions_ $ inputopts_ opts
render = case fmt of