Option: cabal test and hlint warnings

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Desfosses 2014-05-07 20:25:37 -04:00
parent f5d2d9b766
commit 39479638e3

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@ -98,20 +98,20 @@ reportflags :: [Flag RawOpts]
reportflags = [
flagReq ["begin","b"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "begin" s opts) "DATE" "include postings/txns on or after this date"
,flagReq ["end","e"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "end" s opts) "DATE" "include postings/txns before this date"
,flagNone ["daily","D"] (\opts -> setboolopt "daily" opts) "multiperiod/multicolumn report by day"
,flagNone ["weekly","W"] (\opts -> setboolopt "weekly" opts) "multiperiod/multicolumn report by week"
,flagNone ["monthly","M"] (\opts -> setboolopt "monthly" opts) "multiperiod/multicolumn report by month"
,flagNone ["quarterly","Q"] (\opts -> setboolopt "quarterly" opts) "multiperiod/multicolumn report by quarter"
,flagNone ["yearly","Y"] (\opts -> setboolopt "yearly" opts) "multiperiod/multicolumn report by year"
,flagNone ["daily","D"] (setboolopt "daily") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by day"
,flagNone ["weekly","W"] (setboolopt "weekly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by week"
,flagNone ["monthly","M"] (setboolopt "monthly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by month"
,flagNone ["quarterly","Q"] (setboolopt "quarterly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by quarter"
,flagNone ["yearly","Y"] (setboolopt "yearly") "multiperiod/multicolumn report by year"
,flagReq ["period","p"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "period" s opts) "PERIODEXP" "set start date, end date, and/or reporting interval all at once (overrides the flags above)"
,flagNone ["date2","aux-date"] (\opts -> setboolopt "date2" opts) "use postings/txns' secondary dates instead"
,flagNone ["date2","aux-date"] (setboolopt "date2") "use postings/txns' secondary dates instead"
,flagNone ["cleared","C"] (\opts -> setboolopt "cleared" opts) "include only cleared postings/txns"
,flagNone ["uncleared","U"] (\opts -> setboolopt "uncleared" opts) "include only uncleared postings/txns"
,flagNone ["real","R"] (\opts -> setboolopt "real" opts) "include only non-virtual postings"
,flagNone ["cleared","C"] (setboolopt "cleared") "include only cleared postings/txns"
,flagNone ["uncleared","U"] (setboolopt "uncleared") "include only uncleared postings/txns"
,flagNone ["real","R"] (setboolopt "real") "include only non-virtual postings"
,flagReq ["depth"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "depth" s opts) "N" "hide accounts/postings deeper than N"
,flagNone ["empty","E"] (\opts -> setboolopt "empty" opts) "show empty/zero things which are normally omitted"
,flagNone ["cost","B"] (\opts -> setboolopt "cost" opts) "show amounts in their cost price's commodity"
,flagNone ["empty","E"] (setboolopt "empty") "show empty/zero things which are normally omitted"
,flagNone ["cost","B"] (setboolopt "cost") "show amounts in their cost price's commodity"
argsFlag :: FlagHelp -> Arg RawOpts
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ defcliopts = CliOpts
-- | Convert possibly encoded option values to regular unicode strings.
decodeRawOpts :: RawOpts -> RawOpts
decodeRawOpts = map (\(name,val) -> (name, fromSystemString val))
decodeRawOpts = map (\(name',val) -> (name', fromSystemString val))
-- | Parse raw option string values to the desired final data types.
-- Any relative smart dates will be converted to fixed dates based on
@ -288,26 +288,26 @@ checkCliOpts opts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts} = do
-- cmdargs mode, and either return them or, if a help flag is present,
-- print the mode help and exit the program.
getCliOpts :: Mode RawOpts -> IO CliOpts
getCliOpts mode = do
args <- getArgs
let rawopts = decodeRawOpts $ processValue mode args
getCliOpts mode' = do
args' <- getArgs
let rawopts = decodeRawOpts $ processValue mode' args'
opts <- rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts >>= checkCliOpts
debugArgs args opts
debugArgs args' opts
-- if any (`elem` args) ["--help","-h","-?"]
when ("help" `inRawOpts` rawopts_ opts) $
putStr (showModeHelp mode) >> exitSuccess
putStr (showModeHelp mode') >> exitSuccess
return opts
-- | Print debug info about arguments and options if --debug is present.
debugArgs :: [String] -> CliOpts -> IO ()
debugArgs args opts =
when ("--debug" `elem` args) $ do
progname <- getProgName
putStrLn $ "running: " ++ progname
putStrLn $ "raw args: " ++ show args
debugArgs args' opts =
when ("--debug" `elem` args') $ do
progname' <- getProgName
putStrLn $ "running: " ++ progname'
putStrLn $ "raw args: " ++ show args'
putStrLn $ "processed opts:\n" ++ show opts
d <- getCurrentDay
putStrLn $ "search query: " ++ (show $ queryFromOpts d $ reportopts_ opts)
putStrLn $ "search query: " ++ show (queryFromOpts d $ reportopts_ opts)
-- CliOpts accessors
@ -422,8 +422,7 @@ hledgerAddons = do
-- groupBy (\a b -> dropExtension a == dropExtension b) $
map stripprefix exes
let displaynames = concatMap stripext $
groupBy (\a b -> dropExtension a == dropExtension b) $
groupBy (\a b -> dropExtension a == dropExtension b) precisenames
return (precisenames, displaynames)
stripprefix = drop (length progname + 1)
@ -456,9 +455,9 @@ isHledgerExeName :: String -> Bool
isHledgerExeName = isRight . parsewith hledgerexenamep
hledgerexenamep = do
string progname
char '-'
many1 (noneOf ".")
_ <- string progname
_ <- char '-'
_ <- many1 (noneOf ".")
optional (string "." >> choice' (map string addonExtensions))