doc: regen embedded manuals

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2018-04-20 06:48:26 -07:00
parent d53557b09d
commit 3a3829ac0f
24 changed files with 372 additions and 337 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.TH "hledger\-api" "1" "March 2018" "hledger\-api 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger\-api" "1" "March 2018" "hledger\-api 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Next: OPTIONS, Up: (dir)
hledger-api(1) hledger-api 1.9
hledger-api(1) hledger-api 1.9.99
hledger-api is a simple web API server, intended to support client-side
web apps operating on hledger data. It comes with a series of simple
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ options as shown above.

Tag Table:
Node: Top72
Node: OPTIONS1658
Ref: #options1743
Node: OPTIONS1664
Ref: #options1749

End Tag Table

View File

@ -117,4 +117,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger-api 1.9 March 2018 hledger-api(1)
hledger-api 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger-api(1)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.TH "hledger_csv" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger_csv" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Next: CSV RULES, Up: (dir)
hledger_csv(5) hledger 1.9
hledger_csv(5) hledger 1.9.99
hledger can read CSV (comma-separated value) files as if they were
journal files, automatically converting each CSV record into a
@ -317,33 +317,33 @@ one rules file will be used for all the CSV files being read.

Tag Table:
Node: Top72
Node: CSV RULES2161
Ref: #csv-rules2269
Node: skip2531
Ref: #skip2625
Node: date-format2797
Ref: #date-format2924
Node: field list3430
Ref: #field-list3567
Node: field assignment4272
Ref: #field-assignment4427
Node: conditional block4931
Ref: #conditional-block5085
Node: include5981
Ref: #include6111
Node: newest-first6342
Ref: #newest-first6456
Node: CSV TIPS6867
Ref: #csv-tips6961
Node: CSV ordering7079
Ref: #csv-ordering7197
Node: CSV accounts7378
Ref: #csv-accounts7516
Node: CSV amounts7770
Ref: #csv-amounts7916
Node: CSV balance assertions8691
Ref: #csv-balance-assertions8873
Node: Reading multiple CSV files9078
Ref: #reading-multiple-csv-files9248
Node: CSV RULES2167
Ref: #csv-rules2275
Node: skip2537
Ref: #skip2631
Node: date-format2803
Ref: #date-format2930
Node: field list3436
Ref: #field-list3573
Node: field assignment4278
Ref: #field-assignment4433
Node: conditional block4937
Ref: #conditional-block5091
Node: include5987
Ref: #include6117
Node: newest-first6348
Ref: #newest-first6462
Node: CSV TIPS6873
Ref: #csv-tips6967
Node: CSV ordering7085
Ref: #csv-ordering7203
Node: CSV accounts7384
Ref: #csv-accounts7522
Node: CSV amounts7776
Ref: #csv-amounts7922
Node: CSV balance assertions8697
Ref: #csv-balance-assertions8879
Node: Reading multiple CSV files9084
Ref: #reading-multiple-csv-files9254

End Tag Table

View File

@ -249,4 +249,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger 1.9 March 2018 hledger_csv(5)
hledger 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger_csv(5)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.TH "hledger_journal" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger_journal" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"
@ -1226,10 +1226,15 @@ transaction involving the \f[C]expenses:gifts\f[] account:
$\ hledger\ print\ \-\-auto
\ \ \ \ expenses:gifts\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $20
\ \ \ \ assets
\ \ \ \ (budget:gifts)\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $\-20
\ \ \ \ assets
Automated postings would not be distinguishable from equivalent postings
written by hand.
In particular, they would affect [amount inference|#postings] and
[balance assertion|#balance\-assertions] checks in the usual way.
Add\-on modes exist for various text editors, to make working with
@ -1257,7 +1262,7 @@ T}
Sublime Text

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Next: FILE FORMAT, Up: (dir)
hledger_journal(5) hledger 1.9
hledger_journal(5) hledger 1.9.99
hledger's usual data source is a plain text file containing journal
entries in hledger journal format. This file represents a standard
@ -1149,8 +1149,13 @@ every transaction involving the 'expenses:gifts' account:
$ hledger print --auto
expenses:gifts $20
(budget:gifts) $-20
Automated postings would not be distinguishable from equivalent
postings written by hand. In particular, they would affect [amount
inference|#postings] and [balance assertion|#balance-assertions] checks
in the usual way.

File:, Node: EDITOR SUPPORT, Prev: Automated postings, Up: Top
@ -1169,7 +1174,7 @@ files:
@ -1182,89 +1187,89 @@ Code

Tag Table:
Node: Top76
Ref: #file-format2550
Node: Transactions2773
Ref: #transactions2894
Node: Postings3578
Ref: #postings3705
Node: Dates4700
Ref: #dates4815
Node: Simple dates4880
Ref: #simple-dates5006
Node: Secondary dates5372
Ref: #secondary-dates5526
Node: Posting dates7089
Ref: #posting-dates7218
Node: Status8592
Ref: #status8712
Node: Description10420
Ref: #description10558
Node: Payee and note10877
Ref: #payee-and-note10991
Node: Account names11233
Ref: #account-names11376
Node: Amounts11863
Ref: #amounts11999
Node: Virtual Postings15014
Ref: #virtual-postings15173
Node: Balance Assertions16393
Ref: #balance-assertions16568
Node: Assertions and ordering17464
Ref: #assertions-and-ordering17650
Node: Assertions and included files18350
Ref: #assertions-and-included-files18591
Node: Assertions and multiple -f options18924
Ref: #assertions-and-multiple--f-options19178
Node: Assertions and commodities19310
Ref: #assertions-and-commodities19545
Node: Assertions and subaccounts20241
Ref: #assertions-and-subaccounts20473
Node: Assertions and virtual postings20994
Ref: #assertions-and-virtual-postings21201
Node: Balance Assignments21343
Ref: #balance-assignments21512
Node: Prices22632
Ref: #prices22765
Node: Transaction prices22816
Ref: #transaction-prices22961
Node: Market prices25117
Ref: #market-prices25252
Node: Comments26212
Ref: #comments26334
Node: Tags27576
Ref: #tags27694
Node: Directives29096
Ref: #directives29209
Node: Account aliases29402
Ref: #account-aliases29546
Node: Basic aliases30150
Ref: #basic-aliases30293
Node: Regex aliases30983
Ref: #regex-aliases31151
Node: Multiple aliases31869
Ref: #multiple-aliases32041
Node: end aliases32539
Ref: #end-aliases32679
Node: account directive32780
Ref: #account-directive32960
Node: apply account directive34307
Ref: #apply-account-directive34503
Node: Multi-line comments35162
Ref: #multi-line-comments35352
Node: commodity directive35480
Ref: #commodity-directive35664
Node: Default commodity36536
Ref: #default-commodity36709
Node: Default year37246
Ref: #default-year37411
Node: Including other files37834
Ref: #including-other-files37991
Node: Periodic transactions38388
Ref: #periodic-transactions38554
Node: Automated postings39543
Ref: #automated-postings39706
Ref: #editor-support40733
Ref: #file-format2556
Node: Transactions2779
Ref: #transactions2900
Node: Postings3584
Ref: #postings3711
Node: Dates4706
Ref: #dates4821
Node: Simple dates4886
Ref: #simple-dates5012
Node: Secondary dates5378
Ref: #secondary-dates5532
Node: Posting dates7095
Ref: #posting-dates7224
Node: Status8598
Ref: #status8718
Node: Description10426
Ref: #description10564
Node: Payee and note10883
Ref: #payee-and-note10997
Node: Account names11239
Ref: #account-names11382
Node: Amounts11869
Ref: #amounts12005
Node: Virtual Postings15020
Ref: #virtual-postings15179
Node: Balance Assertions16399
Ref: #balance-assertions16574
Node: Assertions and ordering17470
Ref: #assertions-and-ordering17656
Node: Assertions and included files18356
Ref: #assertions-and-included-files18597
Node: Assertions and multiple -f options18930
Ref: #assertions-and-multiple--f-options19184
Node: Assertions and commodities19316
Ref: #assertions-and-commodities19551
Node: Assertions and subaccounts20247
Ref: #assertions-and-subaccounts20479
Node: Assertions and virtual postings21000
Ref: #assertions-and-virtual-postings21207
Node: Balance Assignments21349
Ref: #balance-assignments21518
Node: Prices22638
Ref: #prices22771
Node: Transaction prices22822
Ref: #transaction-prices22967
Node: Market prices25123
Ref: #market-prices25258
Node: Comments26218
Ref: #comments26340
Node: Tags27582
Ref: #tags27700
Node: Directives29102
Ref: #directives29215
Node: Account aliases29408
Ref: #account-aliases29552
Node: Basic aliases30156
Ref: #basic-aliases30299
Node: Regex aliases30989
Ref: #regex-aliases31157
Node: Multiple aliases31875
Ref: #multiple-aliases32047
Node: end aliases32545
Ref: #end-aliases32685
Node: account directive32786
Ref: #account-directive32966
Node: apply account directive34313
Ref: #apply-account-directive34509
Node: Multi-line comments35168
Ref: #multi-line-comments35358
Node: commodity directive35486
Ref: #commodity-directive35670
Node: Default commodity36542
Ref: #default-commodity36715
Node: Default year37252
Ref: #default-year37417
Node: Including other files37840
Ref: #including-other-files37997
Node: Periodic transactions38394
Ref: #periodic-transactions38560
Node: Automated postings39549
Ref: #automated-postings39712
Ref: #editor-support40965

End Tag Table

View File

@ -897,23 +897,28 @@ Automated postings
$ hledger print --auto
expenses:gifts $20
(budget:gifts) $-20
Automated postings would not be distinguishable from equivalent post-
ings written by hand. In particular, they would affect [amount infer-
ence|#postings] and [balance assertion|#balance-assertions] checks in
the usual way.
Add-on modes exist for various text editors, to make working with jour-
nal files easier. They add colour, navigation aids and helpful com-
mands. For hledger users who edit the journal file directly (the
nal files easier. They add colour, navigation aids and helpful com-
mands. For hledger users who edit the journal file directly (the
majority), using one of these modes is quite recommended.
These were written with Ledger in mind, but also work with hledger
These were written with Ledger in mind, but also work with hledger
Sublime Text
@ -925,7 +930,7 @@ EDITOR SUPPORT
Report bugs at (or on the #hledger IRC channel
Report bugs at (or on the #hledger IRC channel
or hledger mail list)
@ -939,7 +944,7 @@ COPYRIGHT
hledger(1), hledger-ui(1), hledger-web(1), hledger-api(1),
hledger(1), hledger-ui(1), hledger-web(1), hledger-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_time-
dot(5), ledger(1)
@ -947,4 +952,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger 1.9 March 2018 hledger_journal(5)
hledger 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger_journal(5)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.TH "hledger_timeclock" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger_timeclock" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Up: (dir)
hledger_timeclock(5) hledger 1.9
hledger_timeclock(5) hledger 1.9.99
hledger can read timeclock files. As with Ledger, these are (a subset
of) timeclock.el's format, containing clock-in and clock-out entries as

View File

@ -77,4 +77,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger 1.9 March 2018 hledger_timeclock(5)
hledger 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger_timeclock(5)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.TH "hledger_timedot" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger_timedot" "5" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Next: FILE FORMAT, Up: (dir)
hledger_timedot(5) hledger 1.9
hledger_timedot(5) hledger 1.9.99
Timedot is a plain text format for logging dated, categorised quantities
(of time, usually), supported by hledger. It is convenient for
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ $ hledger -f t.timedot --alias /\\./=: bal date:2016/2/4

Tag Table:
Node: Top76
Ref: #file-format906
Ref: #file-format912

End Tag Table

View File

@ -124,4 +124,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger 1.9 March 2018 hledger_timedot(5)
hledger 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger_timedot(5)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.TH "hledger\-ui" "1" "March 2018" "hledger\-ui 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger\-ui" "1" "March 2018" "hledger\-ui 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Next: OPTIONS, Up: (dir)
hledger-ui(1) hledger-ui 1.9
hledger-ui(1) hledger-ui 1.9.99
hledger-ui is hledger's curses-style interface, providing an efficient
full-window text UI for viewing accounts and transactions, and some
@ -377,19 +377,19 @@ to cancel the reload attempt.)

Tag Table:
Node: Top71
Node: OPTIONS821
Ref: #options918
Node: KEYS4135
Ref: #keys4230
Node: SCREENS7189
Ref: #screens7274
Node: Accounts screen7364
Ref: #accounts-screen7492
Node: Register screen9722
Ref: #register-screen9877
Node: Transaction screen11951
Ref: #transaction-screen12109
Node: Error screen12979
Ref: #error-screen13101
Node: OPTIONS827
Ref: #options924
Node: KEYS4141
Ref: #keys4236
Node: SCREENS7195
Ref: #screens7280
Node: Accounts screen7370
Ref: #accounts-screen7498
Node: Register screen9728
Ref: #register-screen9883
Node: Transaction screen11957
Ref: #transaction-screen12115
Node: Error screen12985
Ref: #error-screen13107

End Tag Table

View File

@ -384,4 +384,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger-ui 1.9 March 2018 hledger-ui(1)
hledger-ui 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger-ui(1)

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
.TH "hledger\-web" "1" "March 2018" "hledger\-web 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger\-web" "1" "March 2018" "hledger\-web 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Next: OPTIONS, Up: (dir)
hledger-web(1) hledger-web 1.9
hledger-web(1) hledger-web 1.9.99
hledger-web is hledger's web interface. It starts a simple web
application for browsing and adding transactions, and optionally opens
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ this, insert a '--' argument before.)

Tag Table:
Node: Top72
Node: OPTIONS3152
Ref: #options3237
Node: OPTIONS3158
Ref: #options3243

End Tag Table

View File

@ -248,4 +248,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger-web 1.9 March 2018 hledger-web(1)
hledger-web 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger-web(1)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.TH "hledger" "1" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger" "1" "March 2018" "hledger 1.9.99" "hledger User Manuals"
@ -991,32 +991,36 @@ How many euros do I have ?
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.j\ bal\ euros
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.j\ bal\ \-N\ euros
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ €100\ \ assets:euros
What are they worth on nov 3 ?
(no report end date specified, defaults to the last date in the journal)
What are they worth at end of nov 3 ?
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.j\ bal\ euros\ \-V
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.j\ bal\ \-N\ euros\ \-V\ \-e\ 2016/11/4
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $110.00\ \ assets:euros
What are they worth on dec 21 ?
What are they worth after 2016/12/21 ?
(no report end date specified, defaults to today)
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.j\ bal\ euros\ \-V\ \-e\ 2016/12/21
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.j\ bal\ \-N\ euros\ \-V
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ $103.00\ \ assets:euros
Currently, hledger's \-V only uses market prices recorded with P
directives, not transaction prices (unlike Ledger).
Currently, the \-V has a limitation with in multicolumn balance reports:
it uses the market prices on the report end date for all columns.
(Instead of the prices on each column's end date.)
.SS Combining \-B and \-V
Using \-B/\[en]cost and \-V/\[en]value together is currently allowed,
@ -1130,13 +1134,11 @@ The following kinds of search terms can be used.
Remember these can also be prefixed with \f[B]\f[BC]not:\f[B]\f[], eg to
exclude a particular subaccount.
.B \f[B]\f[BC]REGEX\f[B]\f[]
.B \f[B]\f[BC]REGEX\f[B], \f[BC]acct:REGEX\f[B]\f[]
match account names by this regular expression.
(No prefix is equivalent to \f[C]acct:\f[]).
(With no prefix, \f[C]acct:\f[] is assumed.)
.B \f[B]\f[BC]acct:REGEX\f[B]\f[]
same as above
@ -1759,6 +1761,11 @@ Balance\ changes\ in\ 2008:
#\ Average\ is\ rounded\ to\ the\ dollar\ here\ since\ all\ journal\ amounts\ are
The \f[C]\-V/\-\-value\f[] flag currently has a limitation with
multicolumn reports: it uses the market prices on the report end date
for all columns.
(Instead of the prices on each column's end date.)
.SS Budgets
With \f[C]\-\-budget\f[] and a report interval, all periodic

View File

@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ This is, produced by makeinfo version 6.5 from stdin.

File:, Node: Top, Next: EXAMPLES, Up: (dir)
hledger(1) hledger 1.9
hledger(1) hledger 1.9.99
This is hledger's command-line interface (there are also curses and web
interfaces). Its basic function is to read a plain text file describing
@ -668,23 +668,27 @@ P 2016/12/21 € $1.03
How many euros do I have ?
$ hledger -f t.j bal euros
$ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros
€100 assets:euros
What are they worth on nov 3 ? (no report end date specified,
defaults to the last date in the journal)
What are they worth at end of nov 3 ?
$ hledger -f t.j bal euros -V
$ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros -V -e 2016/11/4
$110.00 assets:euros
What are they worth on dec 21 ?
What are they worth after 2016/12/21 ? (no report end date
specified, defaults to today)
$ hledger -f t.j bal euros -V -e 2016/12/21
$ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros -V
$103.00 assets:euros
Currently, hledger's -V only uses market prices recorded with P
directives, not transaction prices (unlike Ledger).
Currently, the -V has a limitation with in multicolumn balance
reports: it uses the market prices on the report end date for all
columns. (Instead of the prices on each column's end date.)

File:, Node: Combining -B and -V, Next: Output destination, Prev: Market value, Up: OPTIONS
@ -795,13 +799,11 @@ instead most commands show transactions/postings/accounts which match
The following kinds of search terms can be used. Remember these can
also be prefixed with *'not:'*, eg to exclude a particular subaccount.
*'REGEX', 'acct:REGEX'*
match account names by this regular expression. (No prefix is
equivalent to 'acct:').
match account names by this regular expression. (With no prefix,
'acct:' is assumed.) same as above
same as above
*'amt:N, amt:<N, amt:<=N, amt:>N, amt:>=N'*
match postings with a single-commodity amount that is equal to,
@ -1336,6 +1338,10 @@ Balance changes in 2008:
# Average is rounded to the dollar here since all journal amounts are
The '-V/--value' flag currently has a limitation with multicolumn
reports: it uses the market prices on the report end date for all
columns. (Instead of the prices on each column's end date.)

File:, Node: Budgets, Next: Custom balance output, Prev: Multicolumn balance reports, Up: balance
@ -2403,135 +2409,135 @@ hledger-check.hs checks more powerful account balance assertions.

Tag Table:
Node: Top68
Node: EXAMPLES1882
Ref: #examples1982
Node: OPTIONS3628
Ref: #options3730
Node: General options4095
Ref: #general-options4220
Node: Command options6819
Ref: #command-options6970
Node: Command arguments7368
Ref: #command-arguments7522
Node: Argument files7643
Ref: #argument-files7794
Node: Special characters8060
Ref: #special-characters8213
Node: Input files9632
Ref: #input-files9768
Node: Smart dates11738
Ref: #smart-dates11879
Node: Report start & end date13285
Ref: #report-start-end-date13455
Node: Report intervals14520
Ref: #report-intervals14683
Node: Period expressions15084
Ref: #period-expressions15244
Node: Depth limiting19201
Ref: #depth-limiting19345
Node: Pivoting19687
Ref: #pivoting19805
Node: Cost21481
Ref: #cost21589
Node: Market value21707
Ref: #market-value21842
Node: Combining -B and -V23025
Ref: #combining--b-and--v23188
Node: Output destination23335
Ref: #output-destination23497
Node: Output format23780
Ref: #output-format23932
Node: Regular expressions24317
Ref: #regular-expressions24454
Node: QUERIES25815
Ref: #queries25917
Node: COMMANDS29884
Ref: #commands29996
Node: accounts30978
Ref: #accounts31076
Node: activity32322
Ref: #activity32432
Node: add32792
Ref: #add32891
Node: balance35552
Ref: #balance35663
Node: Flat mode39167
Ref: #flat-mode39292
Node: Depth limited balance reports39712
Ref: #depth-limited-balance-reports39913
Node: Multicolumn balance reports40333
Ref: #multicolumn-balance-reports40528
Node: Budgets45217
Ref: #budgets45364
Node: Custom balance output49333
Ref: #custom-balance-output49495
Node: Colour support51661
Ref: #colour-support51793
Node: balancesheet51966
Ref: #balancesheet52102
Node: balancesheetequity54413
Ref: #balancesheetequity54562
Node: cashflow55099
Ref: #cashflow55227
Node: check-dates57350
Ref: #check-dates57477
Node: check-dupes57594
Ref: #check-dupes57718
Node: close57855
Ref: #close57962
Node: help58292
Ref: #help58392
Node: import59466
Ref: #import59580
Node: incomestatement60310
Ref: #incomestatement60444
Node: prices62848
Ref: #prices62963
Node: print63006
Ref: #print63116
Node: print-unique68010
Ref: #print-unique68136
Node: register68204
Ref: #register68331
Node: Custom register output72832
Ref: #custom-register-output72961
Node: register-match74191
Ref: #register-match74325
Node: rewrite74508
Ref: #rewrite74625
Node: stats74694
Ref: #stats74797
Node: tags75667
Ref: #tags75765
Node: test76001
Ref: #test76085
Ref: #add-on-commands76563
Node: Official add-ons77850
Ref: #official-add-ons77990
Node: api78077
Ref: #api78166
Node: ui78218
Ref: #ui78317
Node: web78375
Ref: #web78464
Node: Third party add-ons78510
Ref: #third-party-add-ons78685
Node: diff78820
Ref: #diff78917
Node: iadd79016
Ref: #iadd79130
Node: interest79213
Ref: #interest79334
Node: irr79429
Ref: #irr79527
Node: Experimental add-ons79605
Ref: #experimental-add-ons79757
Node: autosync80037
Ref: #autosync80148
Node: chart80387
Ref: #chart80506
Node: check80577
Ref: #check80679
Node: EXAMPLES1888
Ref: #examples1988
Node: OPTIONS3634
Ref: #options3736
Node: General options4101
Ref: #general-options4226
Node: Command options6825
Ref: #command-options6976
Node: Command arguments7374
Ref: #command-arguments7528
Node: Argument files7649
Ref: #argument-files7800
Node: Special characters8066
Ref: #special-characters8219
Node: Input files9638
Ref: #input-files9774
Node: Smart dates11744
Ref: #smart-dates11885
Node: Report start & end date13291
Ref: #report-start-end-date13461
Node: Report intervals14526
Ref: #report-intervals14689
Node: Period expressions15090
Ref: #period-expressions15250
Node: Depth limiting19207
Ref: #depth-limiting19351
Node: Pivoting19693
Ref: #pivoting19811
Node: Cost21487
Ref: #cost21595
Node: Market value21713
Ref: #market-value21848
Node: Combining -B and -V23224
Ref: #combining--b-and--v23387
Node: Output destination23534
Ref: #output-destination23696
Node: Output format23979
Ref: #output-format24131
Node: Regular expressions24516
Ref: #regular-expressions24653
Node: QUERIES26014
Ref: #queries26116
Node: COMMANDS30078
Ref: #commands30190
Node: accounts31172
Ref: #accounts31270
Node: activity32516
Ref: #activity32626
Node: add32986
Ref: #add33085
Node: balance35746
Ref: #balance35857
Node: Flat mode39361
Ref: #flat-mode39486
Node: Depth limited balance reports39906
Ref: #depth-limited-balance-reports40107
Node: Multicolumn balance reports40527
Ref: #multicolumn-balance-reports40722
Node: Budgets45608
Ref: #budgets45755
Node: Custom balance output49724
Ref: #custom-balance-output49886
Node: Colour support52052
Ref: #colour-support52184
Node: balancesheet52357
Ref: #balancesheet52493
Node: balancesheetequity54804
Ref: #balancesheetequity54953
Node: cashflow55490
Ref: #cashflow55618
Node: check-dates57741
Ref: #check-dates57868
Node: check-dupes57985
Ref: #check-dupes58109
Node: close58246
Ref: #close58353
Node: help58683
Ref: #help58783
Node: import59857
Ref: #import59971
Node: incomestatement60701
Ref: #incomestatement60835
Node: prices63239
Ref: #prices63354
Node: print63397
Ref: #print63507
Node: print-unique68401
Ref: #print-unique68527
Node: register68595
Ref: #register68722
Node: Custom register output73223
Ref: #custom-register-output73352
Node: register-match74582
Ref: #register-match74716
Node: rewrite74899
Ref: #rewrite75016
Node: stats75085
Ref: #stats75188
Node: tags76058
Ref: #tags76156
Node: test76392
Ref: #test76476
Ref: #add-on-commands76954
Node: Official add-ons78241
Ref: #official-add-ons78381
Node: api78468
Ref: #api78557
Node: ui78609
Ref: #ui78708
Node: web78766
Ref: #web78855
Node: Third party add-ons78901
Ref: #third-party-add-ons79076
Node: diff79211
Ref: #diff79308
Node: iadd79407
Ref: #iadd79521
Node: interest79604
Ref: #interest79725
Node: irr79820
Ref: #irr79918
Node: Experimental add-ons79996
Ref: #experimental-add-ons80148
Node: autosync80428
Ref: #autosync80539
Node: chart80778
Ref: #chart80897
Node: check80968
Ref: #check81070

End Tag Table

View File

@ -634,23 +634,27 @@ OPTIONS
How many euros do I have ?
$ hledger -f t.j bal euros
$ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros
100 assets:euros
What are they worth on nov 3 ? (no report end date specified, defaults
to the last date in the journal)
What are they worth at end of nov 3 ?
$ hledger -f t.j bal euros -V
$ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros -V -e 2016/11/4
$110.00 assets:euros
What are they worth on dec 21 ?
What are they worth after 2016/12/21 ? (no report end date specified,
defaults to today)
$ hledger -f t.j bal euros -V -e 2016/12/21
$ hledger -f t.j bal -N euros -V
$103.00 assets:euros
Currently, hledger's -V only uses market prices recorded with P direc-
tives, not transaction prices (unlike Ledger).
Currently, the -V has a limitation with in multicolumn balance reports:
it uses the market prices on the report end date for all columns.
(Instead of the prices on each column's end date.)
Combining -B and -V
Using -B/-cost and -V/-value together is currently allowed, but the
results are probably not meaningful. Let us know if you find a use for
@ -749,11 +753,10 @@ QUERIES
The following kinds of search terms can be used. Remember these can
also be prefixed with not:, eg to exclude a particular subaccount.
REGEX match account names by this regular expression. (No prefix is
equivalent to acct:).
same as above
match account names by this regular expression. (With no pre-
fix, acct: is assumed.)
same as above
amt:N, amt:<N, amt:<=N, amt:>N, amt:>=N
match postings with a single-commodity amount that is equal to,
@ -1213,6 +1216,10 @@ COMMANDS
# Average is rounded to the dollar here since all journal amounts are
The -V/--value flag currently has a limitation with multicolumn
reports: it uses the market prices on the report end date for all col-
umns. (Instead of the prices on each column's end date.)
With --budget and a report interval, all periodic transactions in your
journal with that interval, active during the requested report period,
@ -2186,4 +2193,4 @@ SEE ALSO
hledger 1.9 March 2018 hledger(1)
hledger 1.9.99 March 2018 hledger(1)