imp: close: reorder flags, rewrite help/doc (#2020)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-04-04 15:16:16 -10:00
parent 53aeabebbc
commit 3acd0a33df
2 changed files with 37 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ defcloseacct = "equity:opening/closing balances"
closemode = hledgerCommandMode
$(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Close.txt")
[flagNone ["retain"] (setboolopt "retain") "show RX retain earnings transaction"
,flagNone ["migrate"] (setboolopt "migrate") "show ALE closing/opening transactions"
,flagNone ["open"] (setboolopt "open") "show ALE opening transaction"
,flagReq ["close-desc"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "close-desc" s opts) "DESC" ("description for closing transaction (default: "++defclosedesc++")")
,flagReq ["open-desc"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "open-desc" s opts) "DESC" ("description for opening transaction (default: "++defopendesc++")")
,flagReq ["close-acct"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "close-acct" s opts) "ACCT" ("account to transfer closing balances to (default: "++defcloseacct++")")
[flagNone ["open"] (setboolopt "open") "show opening transaction instead of closing (ALE by default)"
,flagNone ["migrate"] (setboolopt "migrate") "show closing and opening transactions (ALE by default)"
,flagNone ["retain"] (setboolopt "retain") "show retain earnings transaction (RX by default)"
,flagReq ["close-desc"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "close-desc" s opts) "DESC" "change closing transaction's description"
,flagReq ["open-desc"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "open-desc" s opts) "DESC" "change opening transaction's description"
,flagReq ["close-acct"] (\s opts -> Right $ setopt "close-acct" s opts) "ACCT" "change account to transfer to/from"
,flagNone ["explicit","x"] (setboolopt "explicit") "show all amounts explicitly"
,flagNone ["interleaved"] (setboolopt "interleaved") "keep source and destination postings adjacent"
,flagNone ["show-costs"] (setboolopt "show-costs") "keep balances with different costs separate"

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@ -1,44 +1,44 @@
## close
`close [--retain | --migrate | --open] [QUERY]`
By default:
prints a transaction that zeroes out ("closes") all accounts,
transferring their balances to an equity account.
Query arguments can be added to override the accounts selection.
Three other modes are supported:
`close [--open | --migrate | --retain] [QUERY]`
prints a transaction closing revenue and expense balances.
This is traditionally done by businesses at the end of each accounting period;
it is less necessary in personal and computer-based accounting,
but it can help balance the accounting equation A=L+E.
prints a transaction to close asset, liability and most equity balances,
and another transaction to re-open them.
This can be useful when starting a new file (for performance or data protection).
Adding the closing transaction to the old file allows old and new files to be combined.
as above, but prints just the opening transaction.
This can be useful for starting a new file, leaving the old file unchanged.
Similar to Ledger's equity command.
Transfer account balances to and/or from an equity account.
You can change the equity account name with `--close-acct ACCT`.
It defaults to `equity:retained earnings` with `--retain`,
or `equity:opening/closing balances` otherwise.
This command is useful in several situations.
It has four main modes, corresponding to the most common use cases:
You can change the transaction description(s)
with `--close-desc 'DESC'` and `--open-desc 'DESC'`.
It defaults to `retain earnings` with `--retain`,
or `closing balances` and `opening balances` otherwise.
By default, it prints a "closing balances" transaction that zeroes out
all accounts, transferring their balances to `equity:opening/closing balances`.
Just one posting to the equity account will be used by default,
with an implicit amount.
With `--open`, it instead prints an "opening balances" transaction that restores the balances
of asset, liability and most equity accounts. This is similar to Ledger's equity command,
and could be useful for propagating balances to a new file.
With `--migrate`, it prints both the closing and opening transactions,
for asset, liability and most equity accounts.
This is the preferred way to migrate balances to a new file:
the opening transaction should be inserted at the start of the new file,
and the closing transaction should be added at the end of the old file.
Now, the files can be combined for multi-file reporting, without disturbing balances
(because the redundant closing/opening transactions cancel each other out).
With `--retain`, it prints a "retain earnings" transaction that transfers
revenue and expense balances to `equity:retained earnings`.
Businesses traditionally do this at the end of each accounting period;
it is less necessary with computer-based accounting, but it could still be useful
if you want to see the accounting equation A=L+E satisfied.
In all modes, those defaults can be overridden:
- the transaction descriptions can be changed with `--close-desc=DESC` and `--open-desc=DESC`
- the account to transfer to/from can be changed with `--close-acct=ACCT`
- the accounts to be closed/opened can be changed with `QUERY` (an account query).
By default just one equity posting, with an implicit amount, will be used.
With `--x/--explicit` the amount will be shown explicitly,
and if it involves multiple commodities, a separate posting
will be generated for each commodity.