lib: add eof parsing checks

This commit is contained in:
Julien Moutinho 2014-11-04 04:35:25 +01:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent eea4eb1c90
commit 3fe0551094
6 changed files with 18 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ Tested-with: hledger HEAD ~ 2014/2/4
-- hledger lib, cli and cmdargs utils
import Hledger.Cli
-- more utils for parsing
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Control.Applicative ((<*)) hiding (many)
import Text.Parsec
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ type PostingExpr = (AccountName, AmountExpr)
data AmountExpr = AmountLiteral String | AmountMultiplier Quantity deriving (Show)
addPostingExprsFromOpts :: RawOpts -> [PostingExpr]
addPostingExprsFromOpts = map (either parseerror id . runParser postingexprp nullctx "") . map stripquotes . listofstringopt "add-posting"
addPostingExprsFromOpts = map (either parseerror id . runParser (postingexprp <* eof) nullctx "") . map stripquotes . listofstringopt "add-posting"
postingexprp = do
a <- accountnamep
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ amountexprp =
amountExprRenderer :: Query -> AmountExpr -> (Transaction -> MixedAmount)
amountExprRenderer q aex =
case aex of
AmountLiteral s -> either parseerror (const . mixed) $ runParser amountp nullctx "" s
AmountLiteral s -> either parseerror (const . mixed) $ runParser (amountp <* eof) nullctx "" s
AmountMultiplier n -> (`divideMixedAmount` (1 / n)) . (`firstAmountMatching` q)
firstAmountMatching :: Transaction -> Query -> MixedAmount

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.OutputFormat (
, tests
) where
import Control.Applicative ((<*))
import Numeric
import Data.Char (isPrint)
import Data.Maybe
@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ formatValue leftJustified min max value = printf formatS value
formatS = "%" ++ l ++ min' ++ max' ++ "s"
parseStringFormat :: String -> Either String [OutputFormat]
parseStringFormat input = case (runParser formatsp () "(unknown)") input of
parseStringFormat input = case (runParser (formatsp <* eof) () "(unknown)") input of
Left y -> Left $ show y
Right x -> Right x

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module Hledger.Read.CsvReader (
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*))
import Control.Exception hiding (try)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
@ -604,7 +604,7 @@ transactionFromCsvRecord sourcepos rules record = t
precomment = maybe "" render $ mfieldtemplate "precomment"
currency = maybe (fromMaybe "" mdefaultcurrency) render $ mfieldtemplate "currency"
amountstr = (currency++) $ negateIfParenthesised $ getAmountStr rules record
amount = either amounterror (Mixed . (:[])) $ runParser (do {a <- amountp; eof; return a}) nullctx "" amountstr
amount = either amounterror (Mixed . (:[])) $ runParser (amountp <* eof) nullctx "" amountstr
amounterror err = error' $ unlines
["error: could not parse \""++amountstr++"\" as an amount"
,showRecord record

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module Hledger.Read.JournalReader (
import Control.Applicative ((<*))
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
@ -541,12 +542,12 @@ postingp = do
-- oh boy
date <- case dateValueFromTags tags of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> case runParser datep ctx "" v of
Just v -> case runParser (datep <* eof) ctx "" v of
Right d -> return $ Just d
Left err -> parserFail $ show err
date2 <- case date2ValueFromTags tags of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just v -> case runParser datep ctx "" v of
Just v -> case runParser (datep <* eof) ctx "" v of
Right d -> return $ Just d
Left err -> parserFail $ show err
return posting
@ -683,7 +684,7 @@ test_amountp = do
-- | Parse an amount from a string, or get an error.
amountp' :: String -> Amount
amountp' s =
case runParser amountp nullctx "" s of
case runParser (amountp <* eof) nullctx "" s of
Right t -> t
Left err -> error' $ show err
@ -927,7 +928,7 @@ tagsInComment c = concatMap tagsInCommentLine $ lines c'
tagsInCommentLine :: String -> [Tag]
tagsInCommentLine = catMaybes . map maybetag . map strip . splitAtElement ','
maybetag s = case runParser tag nullctx "" s of
maybetag s = case runParser (tag <* eof) nullctx "" s of
Right t -> Just t
Left _ -> Nothing

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@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ A history-aware add command to help with data entry.
module Hledger.Cli.Add
import Control.Applicative ((<*))
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
@ -178,7 +179,7 @@ dateAndCodeWizard EntryState{..} = do
parseSmartDateAndCode refdate s = either (const Nothing) (\(d,c) -> return (fixSmartDate refdate d, c)) edc
edc = runParser dateandcodep nullctx "" $ lowercase s
edc = runParser (dateandcodep <* eof) nullctx "" $ lowercase s
dateandcodep :: Stream [Char] m t => ParsecT [Char] JournalContext m (SmartDate, String)
dateandcodep = do
d <- smartdate
@ -242,7 +243,7 @@ accountWizard EntryState{..} = do
parseAccountOrDotOrNull _ _ "." = dbg $ Just "." -- . always signals end of txn
parseAccountOrDotOrNull "" True "" = dbg $ Just "" -- when there's no default and txn is balanced, "" also signals end of txn
parseAccountOrDotOrNull def@(_:_) _ "" = dbg $ Just def -- when there's a default, "" means use that
parseAccountOrDotOrNull _ _ s = dbg $ either (const Nothing) validateAccount $ runParser accountnamep (jContext esJournal) "" s -- otherwise, try to parse the input as an accountname
parseAccountOrDotOrNull _ _ s = dbg $ either (const Nothing) validateAccount $ runParser (accountnamep <* eof) (jContext esJournal) "" s -- otherwise, try to parse the input as an accountname
dbg = id -- strace
validateAccount s | no_new_accounts_ esOpts && not (s `elem` journalAccountNames esJournal) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just s
@ -266,7 +267,7 @@ amountAndCommentWizard EntryState{..} = do
maybeRestartTransaction $
line $ green $ printf "Amount %d%s: " pnum (showDefault def)
parseAmountAndComment = either (const Nothing) Just . runParser amountandcommentp nodefcommodityctx ""
parseAmountAndComment = either (const Nothing) Just . runParser (amountandcommentp <* eof) nodefcommodityctx ""
nodefcommodityctx = (jContext esJournal){ctxDefaultCommodityAndStyle=Nothing}
amountandcommentp :: Stream [Char] m t => ParsecT [Char] JournalContext m (Amount, String)
amountandcommentp = do

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@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Options (
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*))
import qualified Control.Exception as C
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.List
@ -451,7 +451,7 @@ widthFromOpts CliOpts{width_=Just ""} = Right $ TotalWidth $ Width defaultWidthW
widthFromOpts CliOpts{width_=Just s} = parseWidth s
parseWidth :: String -> Either String OutputWidth
parseWidth s = case (runParser outputwidthp () "(unknown)") s of
parseWidth s = case (runParser (outputwidthp <* eof) () "(unknown)") s of
Left e -> Left $ show e
Right x -> Right x