This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2007-02-13 01:19:23 +00:00
parent 7e38481f8b
commit 41fa72cbeb

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@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ type Date = String
type Status = Bool
type Account = String
-- amounts
-- amount arithmetic currently ignores currency conversion
data Amount = Amount {
currency :: String,
quantity :: Double
} deriving (Eq)
-- amount arithmetic, ignores currency conversion
instance Num Amount where
abs (Amount c q) = Amount c (abs q)
signum (Amount c q) = Amount c (signum q)
@ -73,9 +75,9 @@ data Entry = Entry {
etransactions :: [Transaction]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Entry where show = showEntryDetails
instance Show Entry where show = showEntry
showEntryDetails e = printf "%-10s %-20s " (edate e) (take 20 $ edescription e)
showEntry e = printf "%-10s %-20s " (edate e) (take 20 $ edescription e)
isEntryBalanced :: Entry -> Bool
isEntryBalanced e = (sumTransactions . etransactions) e == 0
@ -92,31 +94,28 @@ data Transaction = Transaction {
tamount :: Amount
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show Transaction where
show t = printf "%-25s %10s" (take 25 $ taccount t) (show $ tamount t)
instance Show Transaction where show = showTransaction
showTransaction t = printf "%-25s %10s" (take 25 $ taccount t) (show $ tamount t)
autofillTransactions :: [Transaction] -> [Transaction]
autofillTransactions ts =
let (ns, as) = normalAndAutoTransactions ts in
let (ns, as) = partition isNormal ts
where isNormal t = (currency $ tamount t) /= "AUTO" in
case (length as) of
0 -> ns
1 -> ns ++ [balanceTransaction $ head as]
where balanceTransaction t = t{tamount = -(sumTransactions ns)}
otherwise -> error "too many blank transactions in this entry"
normalAndAutoTransactions :: [Transaction] -> ([Transaction], [Transaction])
normalAndAutoTransactions ts =
partition isNormal ts
where isNormal t = (currency $ tamount t) /= "AUTO"
sumTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Amount
sumTransactions ts = sum [tamount t | t <- ts]
-- entrytransactions
-- the entry/transaction types used in app-level functions have morphed
-- through E->T; (T,E); ET; E<->T; (E,T). Currently, we parse Entries
-- containing Transactions and flatten them into (Entry,Transaction) pairs
-- (hereafter referred to as "transactions") for processing
-- We parse Entries containing Transactions and flatten them into
-- (entry,transaction) pairs (entrytransactions, hereafter referred to as
-- "transactions") for easier processing. (So far, these types have
-- morphed through E->T; (T,E); ET; E<->T; (E,T)).
type EntryTransaction = (Entry,Transaction)
@ -157,16 +156,11 @@ showTransactionsWithBalances ts b =
showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance :: EntryTransaction -> Amount -> String
showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance t b =
(showTransactionEntryDetails t) ++ (showTransactionDetails t) ++ (showBalance b)
(showEntry $ entry t) ++ (showTransaction $ transaction t) ++ (showBalance b)
showTransactionAndBalance :: EntryTransaction -> Amount -> String
showTransactionAndBalance t b =
(replicate 32 ' ') ++ (showTransactionDetails t) ++ (showBalance b)
-- like showEntryDetails
showTransactionEntryDetails t = printf "%-10s %-20s " (date t) (take 20 $ description t)
showTransactionDetails t = printf "%-25s %10s" (take 25 $ account t) (show $ amount t)
(replicate 32 ' ') ++ (showTransaction $ transaction t) ++ (showBalance b)
showBalance b = printf " %10.2s" (show b)