balance, print; more wide char support (#242)

Simple (non-multicolumn) balance reports containing wide characters
should now align correctly (in apps and fonts that show wide chars as
double width). Likewise, the print command.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2015-09-28 18:33:18 -10:00
parent 5b5e5eeaf4
commit 42e2da4bb6
4 changed files with 110 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -118,12 +118,12 @@ elideAccountName width s
names = splitOn ", " $ take (length s - 8) s
widthpername = (max 0 (width - 8 - 2 * (max 1 (length names) - 1))) `div` length names
elideLeftWidth width False $
fitString Nothing (Just width) True False $
(++" (split)") $
intercalate ", " $
[accountNameFromComponents $ elideparts widthpername [] $ accountNameComponents s' | s' <- names]
| otherwise =
elideLeftWidth width False $ accountNameFromComponents $ elideparts width [] $ accountNameComponents s
fitString Nothing (Just width) True False $ accountNameFromComponents $ elideparts width [] $ accountNameComponents s
elideparts :: Int -> [String] -> [String] -> [String]
elideparts width done ss

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@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
-- * wide-character-aware single-line layout
-- * multi-line layout
@ -45,7 +40,14 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
-- * wide-character-aware layout
) where
@ -169,26 +171,28 @@ unbracket s
| (head s == '[' && last s == ']') || (head s == '(' && last s == ')') = init $ tail s
| otherwise = s
-- | Join multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, top-padded.
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, top-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatTopPadded :: [String] -> String
concatTopPadded strs = intercalate "\n" $ map concat $ transpose padded
lss = map lines strs
h = maximum $ map length lss
ypad ls = replicate (difforzero h (length ls)) "" ++ ls
xpad ls = map (padleft w) ls where w | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map length ls
xpad ls = map (padLeftWide w) ls where w | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map strWidth ls
padded = map (xpad . ypad) lss
-- | Join multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, bottom-padded.
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, bottom-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatBottomPadded :: [String] -> String
concatBottomPadded strs = intercalate "\n" $ map concat $ transpose padded
lss = map lines strs
h = maximum $ map length lss
ypad ls = ls ++ replicate (difforzero h (length ls)) ""
xpad ls = map (padright w) ls where w | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map length ls
xpad ls = map (padRightWide w) ls where w | null ls = 0
| otherwise = maximum $ map strWidth ls
padded = map (xpad . ypad) lss
@ -237,11 +241,13 @@ difforzero :: (Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> a
difforzero a b = maximum [(a - b), 0]
-- | Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string left-padded to the specified width.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
padleft :: Int -> String -> String
padleft w "" = concat $ replicate w " "
padleft w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (printf (printf "%%%ds" w)) $ lines s
-- | Convert a multi-line string to a rectangular string right-padded to the specified width.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
padright :: Int -> String -> String
padright w "" = concat $ replicate w " "
padright w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (printf (printf "%%-%ds" w)) $ lines s
@ -258,27 +264,87 @@ fitto w h s = intercalate "\n" $ take h $ rows ++ repeat blankline
fit w = take w . (++ repeat ' ')
blankline = replicate w ' '
-- Functions below are aware of double-width characters eg in CJK text.
-- Functions below treat wide (eg CJK) characters as double-width.
-- | Wide-character-aware string clipping to the specified width, with an ellipsis on the right.
-- When the second argument is true, also right-pad with spaces to the specified width if needed.
elideLeftWidth :: Int -> Bool -> String -> String
elideLeftWidth width pad s
| strWidth s > width = ellipsis ++ reverse (takeWidth (width - length ellipsis) $ reverse s)
| otherwise = reverse (takeWidth width $ reverse s ++ padding)
ellipsis = ".."
padding = if pad then repeat ' ' else ""
-- | A version of fitString that works on multi-line strings,
-- separate for now to avoid breakage.
-- This will rewrite any line endings to unix newlines.
fitStringMulti :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> String
fitStringMulti mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside s =
(intercalate "\n" . map (fitString mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside) . lines) s
-- | Wide-character-aware string clipping to the specified width, with an ellipsis on the left.
-- When the second argument is true, also left-pad with spaces to the specified width if needed.
elideRightWidth :: Int -> Bool -> String -> String
elideRightWidth width pad s
| strWidth s > width = takeWidth (width - length ellipsis) s ++ ellipsis
| otherwise = takeWidth width $ s ++ padding
-- | General-purpose single-line string layout function.
-- It can left- or right-pad a short string to a minimum width.
-- It can left- or right-clip a long string to a maximum width, optionally inserting an ellipsis.
-- It clips and pads on the right if the fourth argument is true, on the left otherwise.
-- It treats wide characters as double width.
fitString :: Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> String
fitString mminwidth mmaxwidth ellipsify rightside s = (clip . pad) s
ellipsis = ".."
padding = if pad then repeat ' ' else ""
clip :: String -> String
clip s =
case mmaxwidth of
Just w
| strWidth s > w ->
case rightside of
True -> takeWidth (w - length ellipsis) s ++ ellipsis
False -> ellipsis ++ reverse (takeWidth (w - length ellipsis) $ reverse s)
| otherwise -> s
ellipsis = if ellipsify then ".." else ""
Nothing -> s
pad :: String -> String
pad s =
case mminwidth of
Just w
| sw < w ->
case rightside of
True -> s ++ replicate (w - sw) ' '
False -> replicate (w - sw) ' ' ++ s
| otherwise -> s
Nothing -> s
where sw = strWidth s
-- | Wide-character-aware right-clip a string to the specified width.
-- When the second argument is true, an ellipsis will be inserted if the string is clipped.
-- When the third argument is true, a short string will be right-padded with spaces to the specified width.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
elideLeftWidth :: Int -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> String
elideLeftWidth width ellipsify pad s = format s --intercalate "\n" $ map format $ lines s
format s
| strWidth s > width = ellipsis ++ reverse (takeWidth (width - length ellipsis) $ reverse s)
| otherwise = reverse (takeWidth width $ reverse s ++ padding)
ellipsis = if ellipsify then ".." else ""
padding = if pad then repeat ' ' else ""
-- | Wide-character-aware left-clip a string to the specified width.
-- When the second argument is true, an ellipsis will be inserted if the string is clipped.
-- When the third argument is true, a short string will be left-padded with spaces to the specified width.
elideRightWidth :: Int -> Bool -> Bool -> String -> String
elideRightWidth width ellipsify pad s = format s --intercalate "\n" $ map format $ lines s
format s
| strWidth s > width = takeWidth (width - length ellipsis) s ++ ellipsis
| otherwise = takeWidth width $ s ++ padding
ellipsis = if ellipsify then ".." else ""
padding = if pad then repeat ' ' else ""
-- | Left-pad a string to the specified width. (Also clips to this width.)
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
padLeftWide :: Int -> String -> String
padLeftWide w "" = replicate w ' '
padLeftWide w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (elideLeftWidth w False True) $ lines s
-- | Right-pad a string to the specified width. (Also clips to this width.)
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
padRightWide :: Int -> String -> String
padRightWide w "" = replicate w ' '
padRightWide w s = intercalate "\n" $ map (elideRightWidth w False True) $ lines s
-- | Double-width-character-aware string truncation. Take as many
-- characters as possible from a string without exceeding the

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@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) = unlines $ concat lines ++ t
-- with a custom format, extend the line to the full report width;
-- otherwise show the usual 20-char line for compatibility
overlinewidth | isJust (format_ opts) = maximum' $ map length $ concat lines
| otherwise = 20
| otherwise = defaultTotalFieldWidth
overline = replicate overlinewidth '-'
in overline : totallines
Left _ -> []
@ -407,6 +407,8 @@ renderBalanceReportItem fmt (acctname, depth, total) =
render1 = map (renderComponent1 (acctname, depth, total))
render = map (renderComponent (acctname, depth, total))
defaultTotalFieldWidth = 20
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
renderComponent :: (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> String
renderComponent _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
@ -416,7 +418,7 @@ renderComponent (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = cas
Just m -> depth * m
Nothing -> depth
AccountField -> formatString ljust min max acctname
TotalField -> formatString ljust min max $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice total
TotalField -> fitStringMulti min max True False $ showMixedAmountWithoutPrice total
_ -> ""
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
@ -431,7 +433,7 @@ renderComponent1 (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = ca
-- better to indent the account name here rather than use a DepthField component
-- so that it complies with width spec. Uses a fixed indent step size.
indented = ((replicate (depth*2) ' ')++)
TotalField -> formatString ljust min max $ ((intercalate ", " . map strip . lines) (showMixedAmountWithoutPrice total))
TotalField -> fitStringMulti min max True False $ ((intercalate ", " . map strip . lines) (showMixedAmountWithoutPrice total))
_ -> ""
-- multi-column balance reports

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@ -120,21 +120,21 @@ postingsReportItemAsText :: CliOpts -> PostingsReportItem -> String
postingsReportItemAsText opts (mdate, menddate, mdesc, p, b) =
-- use elide*Width to be wide-char-aware
intercalate "\n" $
[concat [elideRightWidth datewidth True date
[concat [fitString (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
," "
,elideRightWidth descwidth True desc
,fitString (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True desc
," "
,elideRightWidth acctwidth True acct
,fitString (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True acct
," "
,elideLeftWidth amtwidth True amtfirstline
,fitString (Just amtwidth) (Just amtwidth) True False amtfirstline
," "
,elideLeftWidth balwidth True balfirstline
,fitString (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) True False balfirstline
[concat [spacer
,elideLeftWidth amtwidth True a
,fitString (Just amtwidth) (Just amtwidth) True False a
," "
,elideLeftWidth balwidth True b
,fitString (Just balwidth) (Just balwidth) True False b
| (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest