doc: contributing: move workflows to the end

[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-02-05 12:54:23 -08:00
parent 6f4bb29734
commit 43be7c1381

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@ -239,231 +239,6 @@ See help:
## Developer workflows
### Get developer tools
Ensure [`stack`]( is installed
(or if youre a [cabal]( expert, feel free to use that.)
Ensure [`git`]( is installed. On Windows, it comes with stack.
Here are some useful optional tools:
- [GNU Make]( to use the convenient [Make rules](#make).
- [`entr`]( runs arbitrary commands when files change.
- [`ghcid`]( gives real-time GHC feedback as you make code changes.
- [`shelltestrunner`]( runs hledger's functional tests.
- [`quickbench`]( measures and reports time taken by commands.
- [`hasktags`]( generates tag files for quick code navigation in editors like Emacs and vim.
- For browsing and editing Haskell code, popular tools include: Emacs, Vim, IDEA, VS Code, Atom..
stack install ghcid shelltestrunner quickbench hasktags
brew install entr
### Get the code
git clone
cd hledger
### Review code
- review and discuss new [pull requests]( and commits on github
- build hledger and test the latest changes in your own repo
- read the existing [code docs and source](#quick-links)
- send feedback or discuss via [IRC or mail list](/docs.html#helpfeedback)
### Build in place
See also .
stack build # hledger hledger-ui ...
This fetches the required GHC version and haskell dependencies from the default stackage snapshot (configured in `stack.yaml`),
then builds all hledger packages.
This can take a while! To save time, you can build individual packages, eg just the CLI and TUI.
Note stack does not fetch C libraries such as curses or terminfo, which you might need to install yourself, using your system's package manager.
In case of trouble, see [download](/download.html#link-errors).
If you want to use an older snapshot/GHC for some reason, specify one of the older stack-ghc*.yaml files:
stack --stack-yaml stack-ghc8.2.yaml build
### Run in place
stack exec -- hledger # ARGS...
stack exec -- hledger-ui # ARGS...
stack exec -- which hledger
### Build and install
This builds and also copies the hledger executables to `~/.local/bin` or the Windows equivalent
(which you should [add to your `$PATH`](/download.html#b)).
stack install # hledger hledger-ui ...
### Run package tests
Runs any HUnit/doctest/easytest tests defined by each hledger package.
stack test # hledger ...
### Run package benchmarks
Runs any performance reports defined by each hledger package.
stack bench # hledger ...
### Run quickbench benchmarks
Times the end-user commands in `` using quickbench.
make bench
### Run functional tests
Runs the shelltestrunner tests defined in tests/, which test the hledger CLI.
stack build hledger
make functest
### Run haddock tests
Checks for anything that would break haddock doc generation.
make haddocktest
Checks for the unit-tests embedded in documentation.
make doctest
### Simulate Travis tests
Locally runs tests similar to what we run on Travis CI.
make travistest
### Test with all supported GHC versions/stackage snapshots
make allsnapshotstest
### Use GHCI
GHCI is GHC's REPL, useful for exploring and calling code interactively.
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger-lib:
cd hledger-lib; stack ghci hledger-lib
Changing into the package directory isn't actually needed, but it
enables a custom .ghci script which sets a more useful short prompt.
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger:
cd hledger; stack ghci hledger
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger-ui:
cd hledger-ui; stack ghci hledger-ui
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger-web:
cd hledger-web; stack ghci hledger-web
hledger-web also needs to find some things in its current directory (like the static/ directory).
This normally just works, if not please [send details](
### Add a test
- identify what to test
- choose the test type: unit ? functional ? benchmark ?
- currently expected to pass or fail ?
- figure out where it goes
- write test, verify expected result
- get it committed
### Fix a bug or add a feature
- research, discuss, validate the issue/feature on irc/list/bug tracker
- look for related tests, run the tests and check they are passing
- add a test ?
- develop a patch
- include any related issue numbers in the patch name, eg: "fix for blah blah (#NNN)"
- get it committed
### Get your changes accepted
Follow the usual github workflow:
- fork the main hledger repo on github,
- git clone it to your local machine,
- git commit, after (?) pulling and merging the latest upstream changes
- git push back to github,
- open a pull request on github,
- follow up on any discussion there.
If you're new to this process, []( may be useful.
### Add yourself to the contributor list
- after getting something into the master branch, read and sign the [contributor list & agreement](contributors.html). Or, [ask](/docs.html#helpfeedback) to be added.
- give yourself a high five!
### Work on docs
Most docs tasks are handled by [[Shake]].
#### List Shake rules:
#### Generate man/info/txt manuals (in hledger*/) and embed in hledger executables:
./Shake manuals
stack build
#### Generate html manuals and the hledger website (in site/_site/):
./Shake website
#### To remove all files generated by Shake:
./Shake Clean
### Use ghcid for watching GHC/GHCI
[ghcid]( is the most reliable and fastest way to see GHC's feedback, and optionally run tests or a GHCI command, as you edit. We run it via make, for convenience and to watch multiple packages rather than just one. Run `make help-ghcid` to list related rules.
#### Watch for compile errors in hledger-lib and hledger:
make ghcid
#### Watch compile errors and the output of some hledger command:
ghcid -c 'make ghci' -T ':main -f a.j bal --budget -N'
### Use --file-watch for watching stack
stack's --file-watch flag will re-run build/test/bench when source files or package.yaml/cabal files change. Eg:
stack test hledger --file-watch
If you find that adding --fast makes this any faster, please update this.
### Use entr for watching arbitrary commands
[entr]( is the most robust cross-platform tool for watching files and running a command when they change. Note its first argument must be an executable program, to run a shell command or multiple commands use `bash -c "..."`.
#### Rerun a single functional test as you change it:
ls tests/budget/budget.test | entr bash -c 'clear; COLUMNS=80 stack exec -- shelltest --execdir tests/budget/budget.test -i12'
## Code
hledger is a suite of applications, tools and libraries.
@ -1505,3 +1280,224 @@ and help us to experiment.
You are encouraged to claim your bounties,
though you can also choose to transfer them to a new issue of your choice.
## Developer workflows
### Get developer tools
Ensure [`stack`]( is installed
(or if youre a [cabal]( expert, feel free to use that.)
Ensure [`git`]( is installed. On Windows, it comes with stack.
Here are some useful optional tools:
- [GNU Make]( to use the convenient [Make rules](#make).
- [`entr`]( runs arbitrary commands when files change.
- [`ghcid`]( gives real-time GHC feedback as you make code changes.
- [`shelltestrunner`]( runs hledger's functional tests.
- [`quickbench`]( measures and reports time taken by commands.
- [`hasktags`]( generates tag files for quick code navigation in editors like Emacs and vim.
- For browsing and editing Haskell code, popular tools include: Emacs, Vim, IDEA, VS Code, Atom..
stack install ghcid shelltestrunner quickbench hasktags
brew install entr
### Get the code
git clone
cd hledger
### Review code
- review and discuss new [pull requests]( and commits on github
- build hledger and test the latest changes in your own repo
- read the existing [code docs and source](#quick-links)
- send feedback or discuss via [IRC or mail list](/docs.html#helpfeedback)
### Build in place
See also .
stack build # hledger hledger-ui ...
This fetches the required GHC version and haskell dependencies from the default stackage snapshot (configured in `stack.yaml`),
then builds all hledger packages.
This can take a while! To save time, you can build individual packages, eg just the CLI and TUI.
Note stack does not fetch C libraries such as curses or terminfo, which you might need to install yourself, using your system's package manager.
In case of trouble, see [download](/download.html#link-errors).
If you want to use an older snapshot/GHC for some reason, specify one of the older stack-ghc*.yaml files:
stack --stack-yaml stack-ghc8.2.yaml build
### Run in place
stack exec -- hledger # ARGS...
stack exec -- hledger-ui # ARGS...
stack exec -- which hledger
### Build and install
This builds and also copies the hledger executables to `~/.local/bin` or the Windows equivalent
(which you should [add to your `$PATH`](/download.html#b)).
stack install # hledger hledger-ui ...
### Run package tests
Runs any HUnit/doctest/easytest tests defined by each hledger package.
stack test # hledger ...
### Run package benchmarks
Runs any performance reports defined by each hledger package.
stack bench # hledger ...
### Run quickbench benchmarks
Times the end-user commands in `` using quickbench.
make bench
### Run functional tests
Runs the shelltestrunner tests defined in tests/, which test the hledger CLI.
stack build hledger
make functest
### Run haddock tests
Checks for anything that would break haddock doc generation.
make haddocktest
Checks for the unit-tests embedded in documentation.
make doctest
### Simulate Travis tests
Locally runs tests similar to what we run on Travis CI.
make travistest
### Test with all supported GHC versions/stackage snapshots
make allsnapshotstest
### Use GHCI
GHCI is GHC's REPL, useful for exploring and calling code interactively.
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger-lib:
cd hledger-lib; stack ghci hledger-lib
Changing into the package directory isn't actually needed, but it
enables a custom .ghci script which sets a more useful short prompt.
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger:
cd hledger; stack ghci hledger
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger-ui:
cd hledger-ui; stack ghci hledger-ui
#### Get a GHCI prompt for hledger-web:
cd hledger-web; stack ghci hledger-web
hledger-web also needs to find some things in its current directory (like the static/ directory).
This normally just works, if not please [send details](
### Add a test
- identify what to test
- choose the test type: unit ? functional ? benchmark ?
- currently expected to pass or fail ?
- figure out where it goes
- write test, verify expected result
- get it committed
### Fix a bug or add a feature
- research, discuss, validate the issue/feature on irc/list/bug tracker
- look for related tests, run the tests and check they are passing
- add a test ?
- develop a patch
- include any related issue numbers in the patch name, eg: "fix for blah blah (#NNN)"
- get it committed
### Get your changes accepted
Follow the usual github workflow:
- fork the main hledger repo on github,
- git clone it to your local machine,
- git commit, after (?) pulling and merging the latest upstream changes
- git push back to github,
- open a pull request on github,
- follow up on any discussion there.
If you're new to this process, []( may be useful.
### Add yourself to the contributor list
- after getting something into the master branch, read and sign the [contributor list & agreement](contributors.html). Or, [ask](/docs.html#helpfeedback) to be added.
- give yourself a high five!
### Work on docs
Most docs tasks are handled by [[Shake]].
#### List Shake rules:
#### Generate man/info/txt manuals (in hledger*/) and embed in hledger executables:
./Shake manuals
stack build
#### Generate html manuals and the hledger website (in site/_site/):
./Shake website
#### To remove all files generated by Shake:
./Shake Clean
### Use ghcid for watching GHC/GHCI
[ghcid]( is the most reliable and fastest way to see GHC's feedback, and optionally run tests or a GHCI command, as you edit. We run it via make, for convenience and to watch multiple packages rather than just one. Run `make help-ghcid` to list related rules.
#### Watch for compile errors in hledger-lib and hledger:
make ghcid
#### Watch compile errors and the output of some hledger command:
ghcid -c 'make ghci' -T ':main -f a.j bal --budget -N'
### Use --file-watch for watching stack
stack's --file-watch flag will re-run build/test/bench when source files or package.yaml/cabal files change. Eg:
stack test hledger --file-watch
If you find that adding --fast makes this any faster, please update this.
### Use entr for watching arbitrary commands
[entr]( is the most robust cross-platform tool for watching files and running a command when they change. Note its first argument must be an executable program, to run a shell command or multiple commands use `bash -c "..."`.
#### Rerun a single functional test as you change it:
ls tests/budget/budget.test | entr bash -c 'clear; COLUMNS=80 stack exec -- shelltest --execdir tests/budget/budget.test -i12'