feat: api: quoteForCommandLine: some very shady CLI escaping

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Simon Michael 2022-07-31 08:21:56 +01:00
parent d2f0077254
commit 442ef9361c

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
-- quoting
-- quotechars,
-- whitespacechars,
@ -118,15 +119,44 @@ quoteIfNeeded s | any (`elem` s) (quotechars++whitespacechars++redirectchars) =
escapeQuotes (c:cs) x = showChar c $ escapeQuotes cs x
-- | Single-quote this string if it contains whitespace or double-quotes.
-- No good for strings containing single quotes.
-- Does not work for strings containing single quotes.
singleQuoteIfNeeded :: String -> String
singleQuoteIfNeeded s | any (`elem` s) (quotechars++whitespacechars) = "'"++s++"'"
singleQuoteIfNeeded s | any (`elem` s) (quotechars++whitespacechars) = singleQuote s
| otherwise = s
quotechars, whitespacechars, redirectchars :: [Char]
-- | Prepend and append single quotes to a string.
singleQuote :: String -> String
singleQuote s = "'"++s++"'"
-- | Try to single- and backslash-quote a string as needed to make it usable
-- as an argument on a (sh/bash) shell command line. At least, well enough
-- to handle common currency symbols, like $. Probably broken in many ways.
-- >>> quoteForCommandLine "a"
-- "a"
-- >>> quoteForCommandLine "\""
-- "'\"'"
-- >>> quoteForCommandLine "$"
-- "'\\$'"
quoteForCommandLine :: String -> String
quoteForCommandLine s
| any (`elem` s) (quotechars++whitespacechars++shellchars) = singleQuote $ quoteShellChars s
| otherwise = s
-- | Try to backslash-quote common shell-significant characters in this string.
-- Doesn't handle single quotes, & probably others.
quoteShellChars :: String -> String
quoteShellChars = concatMap escapeShellChar
escapeShellChar c | c `elem` shellchars = ['\\',c]
escapeShellChar c = [c]
quotechars, whitespacechars, redirectchars, shellchars :: [Char]
quotechars = "'\""
whitespacechars = " \t\n\r"
redirectchars = "<>"
shellchars = "<>(){}[]$7?#!~`"
-- | Quote-aware version of words - don't split on spaces which are inside quotes.
-- NB correctly handles "a'b" but not "''a''". Can raise an error if parsing fails.