Balance Assignments and accounts resetting (#438)

* Changed behavior of `readJournalFiles` to be identical to `readJournalFile` for singleton lists

* Balance Assertions have to be simple Amounts

* Add 'isAssignment' and 'assignmentPostings' to Hledger.Data.Posting and Transaction

* Implemented 'balanceTransactionUpdate', a more general version of 'balanceTransaction' that takes an update function

* Fixed test cases.

* Implemented balance assignment ("resetting a balance")

* Add assertions to show function

* updated the comments

* numbering is not needed in journalCheckBalanceAssertions

* remove prices before balance checks

* rename functions
This commit is contained in:
Johannes Gerer 2016-12-10 16:04:48 +01:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 74502f7e50
commit 45401e538e
13 changed files with 478 additions and 130 deletions

View File

@ -82,7 +82,10 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -61,7 +62,13 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.ST
import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Cuckoo as HT
import Data.List
-- import Data.Map (findWithDefault)
import Data.Maybe
@ -463,8 +470,8 @@ journalApplyAliases aliases j@Journal{jtxns=ts} =
-- check balance assertions.
journalFinalise :: ClockTime -> FilePath -> Text -> Bool -> ParsedJournal -> Either String Journal
journalFinalise t path txt assrt j@Journal{jfiles=fs} = do
(journalNumberAndTieTransactions <$>
(journalBalanceTransactions $
(journalTieTransactions <$>
(journalBalanceTransactions assrt $
journalApplyCommodityStyles $
j{ jfiles = (path,txt) : reverse fs
, jlastreadtime = t
@ -473,7 +480,6 @@ journalFinalise t path txt assrt j@Journal{jfiles=fs} = do
, jperiodictxns = reverse $ jperiodictxns j -- NOTE: see addPeriodicTransaction
, jmarketprices = reverse $ jmarketprices j -- NOTE: see addMarketPrice
>>= if assrt then journalCheckBalanceAssertions else return
journalNumberAndTieTransactions = journalTieTransactions . journalNumberTransactions
@ -494,94 +500,208 @@ journalUntieTransactions t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=map (\p -> p{
-- | Check any balance assertions in the journal and return an error
-- message if any of them fail.
journalCheckBalanceAssertions :: Journal -> Either String Journal
journalCheckBalanceAssertions j = do
let postingsByAccount = groupBy (\p1 p2 -> paccount p1 == paccount p2) $
sortBy (comparing paccount) $
journalPostings j
forM_ postingsByAccount checkBalanceAssertionsForAccount
Right j
journalCheckBalanceAssertions j =
runST $ journalBalanceTransactionsST True j
(return ()) (\_ _ -> return ()) (const $ return j) -- noops
-- Check any balance assertions in this sequence of postings to a single account.
checkBalanceAssertionsForAccount :: [Posting] -> Either String ()
checkBalanceAssertionsForAccount ps
| null errs = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $ head errs
errs = fst $
foldl' checkBalanceAssertion ([],nullmixedamt) $
splitAssertions $
sortBy (comparing postingDate) ps
-- Given a starting balance, accumulated errors, and a non-null sequence of
-- postings to a single account with a balance assertion in the last:
-- check that the final balance matches the balance assertion.
-- If it does, return the new balance, otherwise add an error to the
-- error list. Intended to be called from a fold.
checkBalanceAssertion :: ([String],MixedAmount) -> [Posting] -> ([String],MixedAmount)
checkBalanceAssertion (errs,startbal) ps
| null ps = (errs,startbal)
| isNothing $ pbalanceassertion p = (errs,startbal)
| iswrong = (errs++[err], finalfullbal)
| otherwise = (errs,finalfullbal)
p = last ps
Just assertedbal = pbalanceassertion p
assertedcomm = maybe "" acommodity $ headMay $ amounts assertedbal
finalfullbal = sum $ [startbal] ++ map pamount (dbg2 "ps" ps)
finalsinglebal = filterMixedAmount (\a -> acommodity a == assertedcomm) finalfullbal
actualbal = finalsinglebal -- just check the single-commodity balance, like Ledger; maybe add ==FULLBAL later
iswrong = dbg2 debugmsg $
not (isReallyZeroMixedAmount (actualbal - assertedbal))
-- bal' /= assertedbal -- MixedAmount's Eq instance currently gets confused by different precisions
debugmsg = "assertions: on " ++ show (postingDate p) ++ " balance of " ++ show assertedcomm
++ " in " ++ T.unpack (paccount p) ++ " should be " ++ show assertedbal
diff = assertedbal - actualbal
diffplus | isNegativeMixedAmount diff == Just False = "+"
| otherwise = ""
err = printf (unlines [
"balance assertion error%s",
"after posting:",
"balance assertion details:",
"date: %s",
"account: %s",
"commodity: %s",
"calculated: %s",
"asserted: %s (difference: %s)"
(case ptransaction p of
Nothing -> ":" -- shouldn't happen
Just t -> printf " in \"%s\" (line %d, column %d):\nin transaction:\n%s" f l c (chomp $ show t) :: String
where GenericSourcePos f l c = tsourcepos t)
(showPostingLine p)
(showDate $ postingDate p)
(T.unpack $ paccount p) -- XXX pack
(showMixedAmount finalsinglebal)
(showMixedAmount assertedbal)
(diffplus ++ showMixedAmount diff)
-- | Check a posting's balance assertion and return an error if it
-- fails.
checkBalanceAssertion :: Posting -> MixedAmount -> Either String ()
checkBalanceAssertion p@Posting{ pbalanceassertion = Just ass} amt
| isReallyZeroAmount diff = Right ()
| True = Left err
where assertedcomm = acommodity ass
actualbal = fromMaybe nullamt $ find ((== assertedcomm) . acommodity) (amounts amt)
diff = ass - actualbal
diffplus | isNegativeAmount diff == False = "+"
| otherwise = ""
err = printf (unlines
[ "balance assertion error%s",
"after posting:",
"balance assertion details:",
"date: %s",
"account: %s",
"commodity: %s",
"calculated: %s",
"asserted: %s (difference: %s)"
(case ptransaction p of
Nothing -> ":" -- shouldn't happen
Just t -> printf " in \"%s\" (line %d, column %d):\nin transaction:\n%s"
f l c (chomp $ show t) :: String
where GenericSourcePos f l c = tsourcepos t)
(showPostingLine p)
(showDate $ postingDate p)
(T.unpack $ paccount p) -- XXX pack
(showAmount actualbal)
(showAmount ass)
(diffplus ++ showAmount diff)
checkBalanceAssertion _ _ = Right ()
-- Given a sequence of postings to a single account, split it into
-- sub-sequences consisting of ordinary postings followed by a single
-- balance-asserting posting. Postings not followed by a balance
-- assertion are discarded.
splitAssertions :: [Posting] -> [[Posting]]
splitAssertions ps
| null rest = []
| otherwise = (ps'++[head rest]):splitAssertions (tail rest)
(ps',rest) = break (isJust . pbalanceassertion) ps
-- | Environment for 'CurrentBalancesModifier'
data Env s = Env { eBalances :: HT.HashTable s AccountName MixedAmount
, eStoreTx :: Transaction -> ST s ()
, eAssrt :: Bool
, eStyles :: Maybe (M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) }
-- | Monad transformer stack with a reference to a mutable hashtable
-- of current account balances and a mutable array of finished
-- transactions in original parsing order.
type CurrentBalancesModifier s = R.ReaderT (Env s) (ExceptT String (ST s))
-- | Fill in any missing amounts and check that all journal transactions
-- balance, or return an error message. This is done after parsing all
-- amounts and applying canonical commodity styles, since balancing
-- depends on display precision. Reports only the first error encountered.
journalBalanceTransactions :: Journal -> Either String Journal
journalBalanceTransactions j@Journal{jtxns=ts, jinferredcommodities=ss} =
case sequence $ map balance ts of Right ts' -> Right j{jtxns=ts'}
Left e -> Left e
where balance = balanceTransaction (Just ss)
journalBalanceTransactions :: Bool -> Journal -> Either String Journal
journalBalanceTransactions assrt j =
runST $ journalBalanceTransactionsST assrt (journalNumberTransactions j)
(newArray_ (1, genericLength $ jtxns j)
:: forall s. ST s (STArray s Integer Transaction))
(\arr tx -> writeArray arr (tindex tx) tx)
$ fmap (\txns -> j{ jtxns = txns}) . getElems
-- | Generalization used in the definition of
-- 'journalBalanceTransactionsST and 'journalCheckBalanceAssertions'
journalBalanceTransactionsST ::
-> Journal
-> ST s txns
-- ^ creates transaction store
-> (txns -> Transaction -> ST s ())
-- ^ "store" operation
-> (txns -> ST s a)
-- ^ calculate result from transactions
-> ST s (Either String a)
journalBalanceTransactionsST assrt j createStore storeIn extract =
runExceptT $ do
bals <- lift $ HT.newSized size
txStore <- lift $ createStore
flip R.runReaderT (Env bals (storeIn txStore) assrt $
Just $ jinferredcommodities j) $ do
dated <- fmap snd . sortBy (comparing fst) . concat
<$> mapM discriminateByDate (jtxns j)
mapM checkInferAndRegisterAmounts dated
lift $ extract txStore
where size = genericLength $ journalPostings j
-- | This converts a transaction into a list of objects whose dates
-- have to be considered when checking balance assertions and handled
-- by 'checkInferAndRegisterAmounts'.
-- Transaction without balance assignments can be balanced and stored
-- immediately and their (possibly) dated postings are returned.
-- Transaction with balance assignments are only supported if no
-- posting has a 'pdate' value. Supported transactions will be
-- returned unchanged and balanced and stored later in 'checkInferAndRegisterAmounts'.
discriminateByDate :: Transaction
-> CurrentBalancesModifier s [(Day, Either Posting Transaction)]
discriminateByDate tx
| null (assignmentPostings tx) = do
styles <- R.reader $ eStyles
balanced <- lift $ ExceptT $ return
$ balanceTransaction styles tx
storeTransaction balanced
return $ fmap (postingDate &&& (Left . removePrices))
$ tpostings $ balanced
| True = do
when (any (isJust . pdate) $ tpostings tx) $
throwError $ unlines $
["Not supported: Transactions with balance assignments "
,"AND dated postings without amount:\n"
, showTransaction tx]
return [(tdate tx, Right
$ tx { tpostings = removePrices <$> tpostings tx })]
-- | This function takes different objects describing changes to
-- account balances on a single day. It can handle either a single
-- posting (from an already balanced transaction without assigments)
-- or a whole transaction with assignments (which is required to no
-- posting with pdate set.).
-- For a single posting, there is not much to do. Only add its amount
-- to its account and check the assertion, if there is one. This
-- functionality is provided by 'addAmountAndCheckBalance'.
-- For a whole transaction, it loops over all postings, and performs
-- 'addAmountAndCheckBalance', if there is an amount. If there is no
-- amount, the amount is inferred by the assertion or left empty if
-- there is no assertion. Then, the transaction is balanced, the
-- inferred amount added to the balance (all in
-- 'balanceTransactionUpdate') and the resulting transaction with no
-- missing amounts is stored in the array, for later retrieval.
-- Again in short:
-- 'Left Posting': Check the balance assertion and update the
-- account balance. If the amount is empty do nothing. this can be
-- the case e.g. for virtual postings
-- 'Right Transaction': Loop over all postings, infer their amounts
-- and then balance and store the transaction.
checkInferAndRegisterAmounts :: Either Posting Transaction
-> CurrentBalancesModifier s ()
checkInferAndRegisterAmounts (Left p) =
void $ addAmountAndCheckBalance return p
checkInferAndRegisterAmounts (Right oldTx) = do
let ps = tpostings oldTx
styles <- R.reader $ eStyles
newPostings <- forM ps $ addAmountAndCheckBalance inferFromAssignment
storeTransaction =<< balanceTransactionUpdate
(fmap void . addToBalance) styles oldTx { tpostings = newPostings }
inferFromAssignment :: Posting -> CurrentBalancesModifier s Posting
inferFromAssignment p = maybe (return p)
(fmap (\a -> p { pamount = a }) . setBalance (paccount p))
$ pbalanceassertion p
-- | Adds a posting's amonut to the posting's account balance and
-- checks a possible balance assertion. If there is no amount, it runs
-- the supplied fallback action.
addAmountAndCheckBalance :: (Posting -> CurrentBalancesModifier s Posting)
-- ^ action to execute, if posting has no amount
-> Posting
-> CurrentBalancesModifier s Posting
addAmountAndCheckBalance _ p | hasAmount p = do
newAmt <- addToBalance (paccount p) $ pamount p
assrt <- R.reader eAssrt
lift $ when assrt $ ExceptT $ return
$ checkBalanceAssertion p newAmt
return p
addAmountAndCheckBalance fallback p = fallback p
-- | Sets an account's balance to a given amount and returns the
-- difference of new and old amount
setBalance :: AccountName -> Amount -> CurrentBalancesModifier s MixedAmount
setBalance acc amt = liftModifier $ \Env{ eBalances = bals } -> do
old <- HT.lookup bals acc
let new = Mixed $ (amt :) $ maybe []
(filter ((/= acommodity amt) . acommodity) . amounts) old
HT.insert bals acc new
return $ maybe new (new -) old
-- | Adds an amount to an account's balance and returns the resulting
-- balance
addToBalance :: AccountName -> MixedAmount -> CurrentBalancesModifier s MixedAmount
addToBalance acc amt = liftModifier $ \Env{ eBalances = bals } -> do
new <- maybe amt (+ amt) <$> HT.lookup bals acc
HT.insert bals acc new
return new
-- | Stores a transaction in the transaction array in original parsing
-- order.
storeTransaction :: Transaction -> CurrentBalancesModifier s ()
storeTransaction tx = liftModifier $ ($tx) . eStoreTx
-- | Helper function
liftModifier :: (Env s -> ST s a) -> CurrentBalancesModifier s a
liftModifier f = R.ask >>= lift . lift . f
-- | Choose and apply a consistent display format to the posting
-- amounts in each commodity. Each commodity's format is specified by
@ -792,7 +912,7 @@ abspat pat = if isnegativepat pat then drop (length negateprefix) pat else pat
-- liabilities:debts $1
-- assets:bank:checking
Right samplejournal = journalBalanceTransactions $
Right samplejournal = journalBalanceTransactions False $
{jtxns = [
txnTieKnot $ Transaction {

View File

@ -20,10 +20,12 @@ module Hledger.Data.Posting (
-- * date operations
@ -117,12 +119,20 @@ isBalancedVirtual p = ptype p == BalancedVirtualPosting
hasAmount :: Posting -> Bool
hasAmount = (/= missingmixedamt) . pamount
isAssignment :: Posting -> Bool
isAssignment p = not (hasAmount p) && isJust (pbalanceassertion p)
accountNamesFromPostings :: [Posting] -> [AccountName]
accountNamesFromPostings = nub . map paccount
sumPostings :: [Posting] -> MixedAmount
sumPostings = sum . map pamount
-- | Remove all prices of a posting
removePrices :: Posting -> Posting
removePrices p = p{ pamount = Mixed $ remove <$> amounts (pamount p) }
where remove a = a { aprice = NoPrice }
-- | Get a posting's (primary) date - it's own primary date if specified,
-- otherwise the parent transaction's primary date, or the null date if
-- there is no parent transaction.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
A 'Transaction' represents a movement of some commodity(ies) between two
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
-- * arithmetic
-- * rendering
@ -39,6 +42,8 @@ module Hledger.Data.Transaction (
import Data.List
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
@ -185,8 +190,8 @@ postingAsLines elideamount onelineamounts ps p =
++ newlinecomments
postinglines = map rstrip $ lines $ concatTopPadded [account, " ", amount, samelinecomment]
postinglines = map rstrip $ lines $ concatTopPadded [account, " ", amount, assertion, samelinecomment]
assertion = maybe "" ((" = " ++) . showAmount) $ pbalanceassertion p
account =
indent $
showstatus p ++ fitString (Just acctwidth) Nothing False True (showAccountName Nothing (ptype p) (paccount p))
@ -260,6 +265,9 @@ hasRealPostings = not . null . realPostings
realPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
realPostings = filter isReal . tpostings
assignmentPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
assignmentPostings = filter isAssignment . tpostings
virtualPostings :: Transaction -> [Posting]
virtualPostings = filter isVirtual . tpostings
@ -292,25 +300,41 @@ isTransactionBalanced styles t =
-- amount or conversion price(s), or return an error message.
-- Balancing is affected by commodity display precisions, so those can
-- (optionally) be provided.
balanceTransaction :: Maybe (Map.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle) -> Transaction -> Either String Transaction
balanceTransaction styles t =
case inferBalancingAmount t of
Left err -> Left err
Right t' -> let t'' = inferBalancingPrices t'
in if isTransactionBalanced styles t''
then Right $ txnTieKnot t''
else Left $ printerr $ nonzerobalanceerror t''
printerr s = intercalate "\n" [s, showTransactionUnelided t]
nonzerobalanceerror :: Transaction -> String
nonzerobalanceerror t = printf "could not balance this transaction (%s%s%s)" rmsg sep bvmsg
(rsum, _, bvsum) = transactionPostingBalances t
rmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost rsum = ""
| otherwise = "real postings are off by " ++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount rsum)
bvmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost bvsum = ""
| otherwise = "balanced virtual postings are off by " ++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount bvsum)
sep = if not (null rmsg) && not (null bvmsg) then "; " else "" :: String
-- this fails for example, if there are several missing amounts
-- (possibly with balance assignments)
balanceTransaction :: Maybe (Map.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle)
-> Transaction -> Either String Transaction
balanceTransaction stylemap = runIdentity . runExceptT
. balanceTransactionUpdate (\_ _ -> return ()) stylemap
-- | More general version of 'balanceTransaction' that takes an update
-- function
balanceTransactionUpdate :: MonadError String m
=> (AccountName -> MixedAmount -> m ())
-- ^ update function
-> Maybe (Map.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle)
-> Transaction -> m Transaction
balanceTransactionUpdate update styles t =
finalize =<< inferBalancingAmount update t
finalize t' = let t'' = inferBalancingPrices t'
in if isTransactionBalanced styles t''
then return $ txnTieKnot t''
else throwError $ printerr $ nonzerobalanceerror t''
printerr s = intercalate "\n" [s, showTransactionUnelided t]
nonzerobalanceerror :: Transaction -> String
nonzerobalanceerror t = printf "could not balance this transaction (%s%s%s)" rmsg sep bvmsg
(rsum, _, bvsum) = transactionPostingBalances t
rmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost rsum = ""
| otherwise = "real postings are off by "
++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount rsum)
bvmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost bvsum = ""
| otherwise = "balanced virtual postings are off by "
++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount bvsum)
sep = if not (null rmsg) && not (null bvmsg) then "; " else "" :: String
-- | Infer up to one missing amount for this transactions's real postings, and
-- likewise for its balanced virtual postings, if needed; or return an error
@ -319,61 +343,70 @@ balanceTransaction styles t =
-- We can infer a missing amount when there are multiple postings and exactly
-- one of them is amountless. If the amounts had price(s) the inferred amount
-- have the same price(s), and will be converted to the price commodity.
inferBalancingAmount :: Transaction -> Either String Transaction
inferBalancingAmount t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
inferBalancingAmount :: MonadError String m
=> (AccountName -> MixedAmount -> m ())
-- ^ update function
-> Transaction -> m Transaction
inferBalancingAmount update t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
| length amountlessrealps > 1
= Left $ printerr "could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one real posting with no amount (remember to put 2 or more spaces before amounts)"
= throwError $ printerr "could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one real posting with no amount (remember to put 2 or more spaces before amounts)"
| length amountlessbvps > 1
= Left $ printerr "could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one balanced virtual posting with no amount (remember to put 2 or more spaces before amounts)"
= throwError $ printerr "could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one balanced virtual posting with no amount (remember to put 2 or more spaces before amounts)"
| otherwise
= Right t{tpostings=map inferamount ps}
= do postings <- mapM inferamount ps
return t{tpostings=postings}
printerr s = intercalate "\n" [s, showTransactionUnelided t]
((amountfulrealps, amountlessrealps), realsum) = (partition hasAmount (realPostings t), sum $ map pamount amountfulrealps)
((amountfulbvps, amountlessbvps), bvsum) = (partition hasAmount (balancedVirtualPostings t), sum $ map pamount amountfulbvps)
inferamount p@Posting{ptype=RegularPosting} | not (hasAmount p) = p{pamount=costOfMixedAmount (-realsum)}
inferamount p@Posting{ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting} | not (hasAmount p) = p{pamount=costOfMixedAmount (-bvsum)}
inferamount p = p
((amountfulrealps, amountlessrealps), realsum) =
(partition hasAmount (realPostings t), sum $ map pamount amountfulrealps)
((amountfulbvps, amountlessbvps), bvsum) =
(partition hasAmount (balancedVirtualPostings t), sum $ map pamount amountfulbvps)
inferamount p@Posting{ptype=RegularPosting}
| not (hasAmount p) = updateAmount p realsum
inferamount p@Posting{ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting}
| not (hasAmount p) = updateAmount p bvsum
inferamount p = return p
updateAmount p amt = update (paccount p) amt' >> return p { pamount=amt' }
where amt' = costOfMixedAmount (-amt)
-- | Infer prices for this transaction's posting amounts, if needed to make
-- the postings balance, and if possible. This is done once for the real
-- postings and again (separately) for the balanced virtual postings. When
-- it's not possible, the transaction is left unchanged.
-- The simplest example is a transaction with two postings, each in a
-- different commodity, with no prices specified. In this case we'll add a
-- price to the first posting such that it can be converted to the commodity
-- of the second posting (with -B), and such that the postings balance.
-- In general, we can infer a conversion price when the sum of posting amounts
-- contains exactly two different commodities and no explicit prices. Also
-- all postings are expected to contain an explicit amount (no missing
-- amounts) in a single commodity. Otherwise no price inferring is attempted.
-- The transaction itself could contain more than two commodities, and/or
-- prices, if they cancel out; what matters is that the sum of posting amounts
-- contains exactly two commodities and zero prices.
-- There can also be more than two postings in either of the commodities.
-- We want to avoid excessive display of digits when the calculated price is
-- an irrational number, while hopefully also ensuring the displayed numbers
-- make sense if the user does a manual calculation. This is (mostly) achieved
-- in two ways:
-- - when there is only one posting in the "from" commodity, a total price
-- (@@) is used, and all available decimal digits are shown
-- - otherwise, a suitable averaged unit price (@) is applied to the relevant
-- postings, with display precision equal to the summed display precisions
-- of the two commodities being converted between, or 2, whichever is larger.
-- (We don't always calculate a good-looking display precision for unit prices
-- when the commodity display precisions are low, eg when a journal doesn't
-- use any decimal places. The minimum of 2 helps make the prices shown by the
-- print command a bit less surprising in this case. Could do better.)
inferBalancingPrices :: Transaction -> Transaction
inferBalancingPrices t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=ps'}

View File

@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ data Posting = Posting {
pcomment :: Text, -- ^ this posting's comment lines, as a single non-indented multi-line string
ptype :: PostingType,
ptags :: [Tag], -- ^ tag names and values, extracted from the comment
pbalanceassertion :: Maybe MixedAmount, -- ^ optional: the expected balance in the account after this posting
pbalanceassertion :: Maybe Amount, -- ^ optional: the expected balance in this commodity in the account after this posting
ptransaction :: Maybe Transaction -- ^ this posting's parent transaction (co-recursive types).
-- Tying this knot gets tedious, Maybe makes it easier/optional.
} deriving (Typeable,Data,Generic)

View File

@ -427,14 +427,14 @@ priceamountp =
return $ UnitPrice a))
<|> return NoPrice
partialbalanceassertionp :: Monad m => JournalStateParser m (Maybe MixedAmount)
partialbalanceassertionp :: Monad m => JournalStateParser m (Maybe Amount)
partialbalanceassertionp =
try (do
lift (many spacenonewline)
char '='
lift (many spacenonewline)
a <- amountp -- XXX should restrict to a simple amount
return $ Just $ Mixed [a])
return $ Just $ a)
<|> return Nothing
-- balanceassertion :: Monad m => TextParser m (Maybe MixedAmount)

View File

@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ tests_balanceReport =
Right samplejournal2 =
journalBalanceTransactions False
jtxns = [
txnTieKnot Transaction{

View File

@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ library
, deepseq
, directory
, filepath
, hashtables >= 1.2
, megaparsec >=5.0 && < 5.2
, mtl
, mtl-compat
@ -168,6 +169,7 @@ test-suite doctests
, deepseq
, directory
, filepath
, hashtables >= 1.2
, megaparsec >=5.0 && < 5.2
, mtl
, mtl-compat
@ -256,6 +258,7 @@ test-suite hunittests
, deepseq
, directory
, filepath
, hashtables >= 1.2
, megaparsec >=5.0 && < 5.2
, mtl
, mtl-compat

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ dependencies:
- deepseq
- directory
- filepath
- hashtables >= 1.2
- megaparsec >=5.0 && < 5.2
- mtl
- mtl-compat

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ hledger print -f personal.journal -f business.journal -f alias.journal -f person
# 3. files can be of different formats
hledger print -f personal.journal -f a.timeclock -f b.timedot
hledger print -f personal.journal -f ../journal/a.timeclock -f ../journal/b.timedot
expenses:food $1
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ hledger print -f personal.journal -f a.timeclock -f b.timedot
2016/01/01 *
( 1.00

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ hledger -f - print
㐀:㐁:㐂:㐃:㐄 1
㐀 -1
# 2.
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ hledger -f chinese.journal register --width 80
㐀:㐁:㐂:㐃 -1 0
2014/01/03 transaction 3 㐀:㐁:㐂:㐃:㐄 1 1
㐀 -1 0
# 3.
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ hledger -f chinese.journal balance
1 㐄
# 4.
@ -69,6 +72,7 @@ Balance changes in 2014:
|| 0
# 5.

View File

@ -136,3 +136,175 @@ hledger -f - stats
# >>> /Transactions/
# >>>2
# >>>=0
# 8. resetting a balance
hledger -f - stats
a $1.20
a =$1.3
a $10 =$11.3
b =$-11.3
>>> /Transactions/
# 9. Multiple assertions for an account in the same transaction.
hledger -f - stats
a $1 =$1
b =-$1
a $1 =$2
b $-1 =$-2
a $2 = $4
b $-1 = $-3
b $-1 = $-4
>>> /Transactions/
# 10. Multiple assertions and assignments for an account in the same transaction.
hledger -f - stats
a $1 =$1
b =-$1
a $6 = $7
b $-1 = $-2
b $-1 = $-3
b $-7 = $-10
b $-1
b $-1 = $-12
a $0 = $7
b $0 = $-7
>>> /Transactions/
# 11. Assignments and virtual postings
hledger -f - stats
[a] 1$
(b) = $14
a 4$
[a] = $5
b = $9
>>> /Transactions/
# 12. Having both assignements and posting dates is not supported.
hledger -f - stats
a $1 =$1
b =$-1 ; date:2012/1/1
>>>2 /Not supported/
# 13. Having both assignements and posting dates is not supported.
hledger -f - stats
a 1 = -2
c = 5
a -3 = -3 ; date:2012/1/1
d = 3
>>>2 /Not supported/
# 14. Posting Date
hledger -f - stats
[a] = -10
a 1 = -12
c = 5
a ; date:2012/1/1
d 3 = 3
[a] ; date:2011/1/1
[d] 10
>>> /Transactions/
# 15. Mix different commodities
hledger -f - stats
a $1
b -1 zorkmids
a $-1 = $0
>>> /Transactions/
# 16. Mix different commodities and assignments
hledger -f - stats
a $1
b -1 zorkmids
[a] = $1
[a] = -1 zorkmids
b = 0 zorkmids
>>> /Transactions/

View File

@ -51,4 +51,5 @@ hledger -f- balance
-10 f