webyesod: ui cleanups, more user-friendly add form

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2010-07-06 19:59:21 +00:00
parent 206f5eeacd
commit 460cf2c774
2 changed files with 86 additions and 42 deletions

View File

@ -133,22 +133,26 @@ template here msg a p title content = [$hamlet|
#messages $m$
%pre $string.content$
where m = fromMaybe (string "") msg
navbar' = navbar here a p
addform' | here == TransactionsPage = addform
| otherwise = nulltemplate
stylesheet = StyleCss
metacontent = "text/html; charset=utf-8"
nulltemplate = [$hamlet||]
navbar :: HledgerWebAppRoutes -> String -> String -> Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoutes
navbar here a p = [$hamlet|
%a#hledgerorglink!href=$string.hledgerurl$ hledger.org
%a.toprightlink!href=$string.hledgerurl$ hledger.org
%a.toprightlink!href=$string.manualurl$ manual
%a#helplink!href=$string.manualurl$ help
where navlinks' = navlinks a p
searchform' = searchform here a p
@ -180,76 +184,111 @@ searchform here a p = [$hamlet|
ahelp = helplink "filter-patterns"
phelp = helplink "period-expressions"
ahelp = helplink "filter-patterns" "?"
phelp = helplink "period-expressions" "?"
| null a && null p = [$hamlet||]
| null a && null p = nulltemplate
| otherwise = [$hamlet|%span#resetlink $
%a!href=@here@ reset|]
helplink topic = [$hamlet|%a!href=$string.u$ ?|]
helplink topic label = [$hamlet|%a!href=$string.u$ $string.label$|]
where u = manualurl ++ if null topic then "" else '#':topic
addform :: Hamlet HledgerWebAppRoutes
addform = [$hamlet|
%span!style=float:right; ^formhelp^
%span#formheading Add a transaction:
^datehelp^ $
%input!size=35!name=desc!value=$string.desc$ $
#help $string.datehelp$ ^datehelplink^ $
#help $string.deschelp$
<br clear="all" />
datehelp = helplink "dates"
formhelp = helplink "file-format" "?"
datehelplink = helplink "dates" "..."
datehelp = "eg: 7/20, 2010/1/1, "
deschelp = "eg: supermarket (optional)"
addlabel = "add transaction"
addhelp = helplink "file-format"
date = ""
date = "today"
desc = ""
transactionfields1 = transactionfields 1
transactionfields2 = transactionfields 2
-- transactionfields :: Int -> Hamlet String
transactionfields n = [$hamlet|
%input!size=15!name=$string.amtvar$!value=$string.amt$ $
#help $string.accthelp$
#help $string.amthelp$
label | n == 1 = "To account"
| otherwise = "From account"
accthelp | n == 1 = "eg: expenses:food"
| otherwise = "eg: assets:bank:checking"
amtfield | n == 1 = [$hamlet|
| otherwise = nulltemplate
amthelp | n == 1 = "eg: 5, $9.01, €7" -- XXX , £75 <- misencoded
| otherwise = ""
acct = ""
amt = ""
numbered = (++ show n)
acctvar = numbered "acct"
amtvar = numbered "amt"
acctvar = numbered "accountname"
amtvar = numbered "amount"
postTransactionsPage :: Handler HledgerWebApp RepPlain
postTransactionsPage = do
today <- liftIO getCurrentDay
-- get form input values, or basic validation errors. E means an Either value.
dateE <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ notEmpty $ required $ input "date"
descE <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ required $ input "desc"
acct1E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ notEmpty $ required $ input "acct1"
amt1E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ required $ input "amt1"
acct2E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ notEmpty $ required $ input "acct2"
amt2E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ required $ input "amt2"
descE <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ required $ input "description"
acct1E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ notEmpty $ required $ input "accountname1"
amt1E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ notEmpty $ required $ input "amount1"
acct2E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ notEmpty $ required $ input "accountname2"
amt2E <- runFormPost $ catchFormError $ input "amount2"
-- supply defaults and parse date and amounts, or get errors.
let dateE' = either Left (either (\e -> Left [("date", showDateParseError e)]) Right . fixSmartDateStrEither today) dateE
amt1E' = either Left (either (const (Right missingamt)) Right . parse someamount "") amt1E -- XXX missingamt only when missing/empty
amt2E' = either Left (either (const (Right missingamt)) Right . parse someamount "") amt2E
amt2E' = case amt2E of Right [] -> Right missingamt
_ -> either Left (either (const (Right missingamt)) Right . parse someamount "" . head) amt2E
strEs = [dateE', descE, acct1E, acct2E]
amtEs = [amt1E', amt2E']
errs = lefts strEs ++ lefts amtEs
@ -275,7 +314,7 @@ postTransactionsPage = do
case tE of
Left errs -> do
-- save current form values in session
setMessage $ string $ intercalate ", " $ map (intercalate ", " . map (\(a,b) -> a++": "++b)) errs
setMessage $ string $ intercalate "; " $ map (intercalate ", " . map (\(a,b) -> a++": "++b)) errs
redirect RedirectTemporary TransactionsPage
Right t -> do

View File

@ -5,11 +5,16 @@ body { font-family: "helvetica","arial", "sans serif"; margin:0; }
#navlinks { display:inline; }
.navlink { font-weight:normal; }
#searchform { font-size:small; display:inline; margin-left:1em; }
#hledgerorglink { font-size:small; float:right; }
#helplink { font-size:small; margin-left:1em; }
#resetlink { font-size:small; }
.toprightlink { font-size:small; margin-left:1em; float:right; }
#messages { color:red; background-color:#ffeeee; margin:0.5em;}
#content { padding:0 4px 0 4px; }
#addform { margin-left:1em; font-size:small; float:right;}
#addform table { background-color:#eeeeee; border:2px solid #dddddd; }
#addform #addbuttonrow td { text-align:left; }
#addform { margin:1em; font-size:small; }
#addform { background-color:#eeeeee; border:2px solid #dddddd; cell-padding:0; cell-spacing:0; }
#addform #descriptionrow { }
#addform #postingrow { }
#addform #addbuttonrow { text-align:right; }
#content { margin:1em; }
.formheading td { padding-bottom:8px; }
#formheading { font-size:medium; font-weight:bold; }
.helprow td { padding-bottom:8px; }
#help {font-style: italic; font-size:smaller; }