lib,cli: Use Text Builder for Balance commands.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2020-11-09 16:54:28 +11:00
parent 089564b04b
commit 462a13cad7
28 changed files with 270 additions and 248 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,10 @@
-- hledger's report item fields. The formats are used by
-- report-specific renderers like renderBalanceReportItem.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies, PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
module Hledger.Data.StringFormat (
@ -21,12 +24,13 @@ import Numeric (readDec)
import Data.Char (isPrint)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust)
-- import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char, digitChar, string)
import Hledger.Utils.Parse (SimpleStringParser)
import Hledger.Utils.String (formatString)
import Hledger.Utils.Parse (SimpleTextParser)
import Hledger.Utils.Text (formatText)
import Hledger.Utils.Test
-- | A format specification/template to use when rendering a report line item as text.
@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ data StringFormat =
deriving (Show, Eq)
data StringFormatComponent =
FormatLiteral String -- ^ Literal text to be rendered as-is
FormatLiteral Text -- ^ Literal text to be rendered as-is
| FormatField Bool
(Maybe Int)
(Maybe Int)
@ -102,14 +106,14 @@ defaultBalanceLineFormat = BottomAligned (Just 20) [
-- | Parse a string format specification, or return a parse error.
parseStringFormat :: String -> Either String StringFormat
parseStringFormat :: Text -> Either String StringFormat
parseStringFormat input = case (runParser (stringformatp <* eof) "(unknown)") input of
Left y -> Left $ show y
Right x -> Right x
defaultStringFormatStyle = BottomAligned
stringformatp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormat
stringformatp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormat
stringformatp = do
alignspec <- optional (try $ char '%' >> oneOf ("^_,"::String))
let constructor =
@ -120,19 +124,19 @@ stringformatp = do
_ -> defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing
constructor <$> many componentp
componentp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormatComponent
componentp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormatComponent
componentp = formatliteralp <|> formatfieldp
formatliteralp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormatComponent
formatliteralp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormatComponent
formatliteralp = do
s <- some c
s <- T.pack <$> some c
return $ FormatLiteral s
isPrintableButNotPercentage x = isPrint x && x /= '%'
c = (satisfy isPrintableButNotPercentage <?> "printable character")
<|> try (string "%%" >> return '%')
formatfieldp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormatComponent
formatfieldp :: SimpleTextParser StringFormatComponent
formatfieldp = do
char '%'
leftJustified <- optional (char '-')
@ -147,7 +151,7 @@ formatfieldp = do
Just text -> Just m where ((m,_):_) = readDec text
_ -> Nothing
fieldp :: SimpleStringParser ReportItemField
fieldp :: SimpleTextParser ReportItemField
fieldp = do
try (string "account" >> return AccountField)
<|> try (string "depth_spacer" >> return DepthSpacerField)
@ -161,8 +165,8 @@ fieldp = do
formatStringTester fs value expected = actual @?= expected
actual = case fs of
FormatLiteral l -> formatString False Nothing Nothing l
FormatField leftJustify min max _ -> formatString leftJustify min max value
FormatLiteral l -> formatText False Nothing Nothing l
FormatField leftJustify min max _ -> formatText leftJustify min max value
tests_StringFormat = tests "StringFormat" [
@ -176,7 +180,7 @@ tests_StringFormat = tests "StringFormat" [
formatStringTester (FormatField True (Just 20) (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description "
formatStringTester (FormatField True Nothing (Just 3) DescriptionField) "description" "des"
,let s `gives` expected = test s $ parseStringFormat s @?= Right expected
,let s `gives` expected = test s $ parseStringFormat (T.pack s) @?= Right expected
in tests "parseStringFormat" [
"" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [])
, "D" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle Nothing [FormatLiteral "D"])

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module Hledger.Reports.BudgetReport (
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
@ -42,12 +43,12 @@ import Safe
--import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
--import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
--import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
--import Lucid as L
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Tabular as T
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as T
@ -68,7 +69,7 @@ type BudgetCell = (Maybe Change, Maybe BudgetGoal)
type BudgetReportRow = PeriodicReportRow DisplayName BudgetCell
type BudgetReport = PeriodicReport DisplayName BudgetCell
type BudgetDisplayCell = ((String, Int), Maybe ((String, Int), Maybe (String, Int)))
type BudgetDisplayCell = ((Text, Int), Maybe ((Text, Int), Maybe (Text, Int)))
-- | Calculate per-account, per-period budget (balance change) goals
-- from all periodic transactions, calculate actual balance changes
@ -219,23 +220,23 @@ combineBudgetAndActual ropts j
totActualByPeriod = Map.fromList $ zip actualperiods actualtots :: Map DateSpan Change
-- | Render a budget report as plain text suitable for console output.
budgetReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> String
budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
title ++ "\n\n" ++
renderTable def{tableBorders=False,prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
budgetReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> TL.Text
budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
renderTableB def{tableBorders=False,prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(alignCell TopLeft) (alignCell TopRight) (uncurry showcell) displayTableWithWidths
title = printf "Budget performance in %s%s:"
(showDateSpan $ periodicReportSpan budgetr)
(case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> error' unsupportedValueThenError -- PARTIAL:
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " ++ T.unpack (showDate d)
Nothing -> "")
title = "Budget performance in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan budgetr)
<> (case value_ of
Just (AtCost _mc) -> ", valued at cost"
Just (AtThen _mc) -> error' unsupportedValueThenError -- PARTIAL:
Just (AtEnd _mc) -> ", valued at period ends"
Just (AtNow _mc) -> ", current value"
Just (AtDate d _mc) -> ", valued at " <> showDate d
Nothing -> "")
<> ":"
displayTableWithWidths :: Table String String ((Int, Int, Int), BudgetDisplayCell)
displayTableWithWidths :: Table Text Text ((Int, Int, Int), BudgetDisplayCell)
displayTableWithWidths = Table rh ch $ map (zipWith (,) widths) displaycells
Table rh ch displaycells = case budgetReportAsTable ropts budgetr of
Table rh' ch' vals -> maybetranspose . Table rh' ch' $ map (map displayCell) vals
@ -244,8 +245,8 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
actual' = fromMaybe 0 actual
budgetAndPerc b = (showamt b, showper <$> percentage actual' b)
showamt = showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) color_
showper p = let str = show (roundTo 0 p) in (str, length str)
showamt = first T.pack . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing (Just 32) color_
showper p = let str = T.pack (show $ roundTo 0 p) in (str, T.length str)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Nothing) = (wa, 0, 0)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Just ((_,wb), Nothing)) = (wa, wb, 0)
cellWidth ((_,wa), Just ((_,wb), Just (_,wp))) = (wa, wb, wp)
@ -259,14 +260,14 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
-- XXX lay out actual, percentage and/or goal in the single table cell for now, should probably use separate cells
showcell :: (Int, Int, Int) -> BudgetDisplayCell -> Cell
showcell (actualwidth, budgetwidth, percentwidth) ((actual,wa), mbudget) =
Cell TopRight [(replicate (actualwidth - wa) ' ' ++ actual ++ budgetstr, actualwidth + totalbudgetwidth)]
Cell TopRight [(T.replicate (actualwidth - wa) " " <> actual <> budgetstr, actualwidth + totalbudgetwidth)]
totalpercentwidth = if percentwidth == 0 then 0 else percentwidth + 5
totalbudgetwidth = if budgetwidth == 0 then 0 else budgetwidth + totalpercentwidth + 3
budgetstr = case mbudget of
Nothing -> replicate totalbudgetwidth ' '
Just ((budget, wb), Nothing) -> " [" ++ replicate totalpercentwidth ' ' ++ replicate (budgetwidth - wb) ' ' ++ budget ++ "]"
Just ((budget, wb), Just (pct, wp)) -> " [" ++ replicate (percentwidth - wp) ' ' ++ pct ++ "% of " ++ replicate (budgetwidth - wb) ' ' ++ budget ++ "]"
Nothing -> T.replicate totalbudgetwidth " "
Just ((budget, wb), Nothing) -> " [" <> T.replicate totalpercentwidth " " <> T.replicate (budgetwidth - wb) " " <> budget <> "]"
Just ((budget, wb), Just (pct, wp)) -> " [" <> T.replicate (percentwidth - wp) " " <> pct <> "% of " <> T.replicate (budgetwidth - wb) " " <> budget <> "]"
-- | Calculate the percentage of actual change to budget goal to show, if any.
-- If valuing at cost, both amounts are converted to cost before comparing.
@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
| otherwise = id
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
budgetReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> Table String String (Maybe MixedAmount, Maybe MixedAmount)
budgetReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> Table Text Text (Maybe MixedAmount, Maybe MixedAmount)
(PeriodicReport spans rows (PeriodicReportRow _ coltots grandtot grandavg)) =
@ -299,7 +300,7 @@ budgetReportAsTable
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header colheadings)
(map rowvals rows)
colheadings = map (T.unpack . reportPeriodName balancetype_ spans) spans
colheadings = map (reportPeriodName balancetype_ spans) spans
++ [" Total" | row_total_ ropts]
++ ["Average" | average_ ropts]
@ -308,8 +309,8 @@ budgetReportAsTable
-- budgetReport sets accountlistmode to ALTree. Find a principled way to do
-- this.
renderacct row = case accountlistmode_ ropts of
ALTree -> replicate ((prrDepth row - 1)*2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (prrDisplayName row)
ALFlat -> T.unpack . accountNameDrop (drop_ ropts) $ prrFullName row
ALTree -> T.replicate ((prrDepth row - 1)*2) " " <> prrDisplayName row
ALFlat -> accountNameDrop (drop_ ropts) $ prrFullName row
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) =
as ++ [rowtot | row_total_ ropts] ++ [rowavg | average_ ropts]

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@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ rawOptsToReportOpts rawopts = do
supports_color <- hSupportsANSIColor stdout
let colorflag = stringopt "color" rawopts
formatstring = maybestringopt "format" rawopts
formatstring = T.pack <$> maybestringopt "format" rawopts
querystring = map T.pack $ listofstringopt "args" rawopts -- doesn't handle an arg like "" right
format <- case parseStringFormat <$> formatstring of

View File

@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
import Data.Char (isSpace, toLower, toUpper)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Text.Megaparsec ((<|>), between, many, noneOf, sepBy)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char)
import Text.Printf (printf)
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ import Hledger.Utils.Parse
import Hledger.Utils.Regex (toRegex', regexReplace)
import Text.Tabular (Header(..), Properties(..))
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide (Align(..), Cell(..), TableOpts(..), renderRow)
import Text.WideString (strWidth, charWidth)
import Text.WideString (charWidth, strWidth, textWidth)
-- | Take elements from the end of a list.
@ -184,16 +186,16 @@ unbracket s
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, top-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatTopPadded :: [String] -> String
concatTopPadded = renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
concatTopPadded = TL.unpack . renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Group NoLine . map (Header . cell)
where cell = Cell BottomLeft . map (\x -> (x, strWidth x)) . lines
where cell = Cell BottomLeft . map (\x -> (x, textWidth x)) . T.lines . T.pack
-- | Join several multi-line strings as side-by-side rectangular strings of the same height, bottom-padded.
-- Treats wide characters as double width.
concatBottomPadded :: [String] -> String
concatBottomPadded = renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
concatBottomPadded = TL.unpack . renderRow def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Group NoLine . map (Header . cell)
where cell = Cell TopLeft . map (\x -> (x, strWidth x)) . lines
where cell = Cell TopLeft . map (\x -> (x, textWidth x)) . T.lines . T.pack
-- | Join multi-line strings horizontally, after compressing each of

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@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Text
-- -- * single-line layout
-- elideLeft,
-- formatString,
-- -- * multi-line layout
-- concatBottomPadded,
@ -97,15 +97,15 @@ wrap start end x = start <> x <> end
textChomp :: Text -> Text
textChomp = T.dropWhileEnd (`elem` ['\r', '\n'])
-- -- | Clip and pad a string to a minimum & maximum width, and/or left/right justify it.
-- -- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
-- formatString :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> String -> String
-- formatString leftJustified minwidth maxwidth s = intercalate "\n" $ map (printf fmt) $ lines s
-- where
-- justify = if leftJustified then "-" else ""
-- minwidth' = maybe "" show minwidth
-- maxwidth' = maybe "" (("."++).show) maxwidth
-- fmt = "%" ++ justify ++ minwidth' ++ maxwidth' ++ "s"
-- | Clip and pad a string to a minimum & maximum width, and/or left/right justify it.
-- Works on multi-line strings too (but will rewrite non-unix line endings).
formatText :: Bool -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int -> Text -> Text
formatText leftJustified minwidth maxwidth =
T.intercalate "\n" . map (pad . clip) . T.lines
pad = maybe id justify minwidth
clip = maybe id T.take maxwidth
justify n = if leftJustified then T.justifyLeft n ' ' else T.justifyRight n ' '
-- underline :: String -> String
-- underline s = s' ++ replicate (length s) '-' ++ "\n"

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@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
-- | Text.Tabular.AsciiArt from tabular-, modified to treat
-- wide characters as double width.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Text.Tabular.AsciiWide where
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Default (Default(..))
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
import Data.Semigroup (stimesMonoid)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder, fromString, fromText, singleton, toLazyText)
import Safe (maximumMay)
import Text.Tabular
import Text.WideString (strWidth)
import Text.WideString (textWidth)
-- | The options to use for rendering a table.
@ -25,7 +32,7 @@ instance Default TableOpts where
-- | Cell contents along an alignment
data Cell = Cell Align [(String, Int)]
data Cell = Cell Align [(Text, Int)]
deriving (Show)
-- | How to align text in a cell
@ -36,8 +43,8 @@ emptyCell :: Cell
emptyCell = Cell TopRight []
-- | Create a single-line cell from the given contents with its natural width.
alignCell :: Align -> String -> Cell
alignCell a x = Cell a [(x, strWidth x)]
alignCell :: Align -> Text -> Cell
alignCell a x = Cell a [(x, textWidth x)]
-- | Return the width of a Cell.
cellWidth :: Cell -> Int
@ -45,22 +52,31 @@ cellWidth (Cell _ xs) = fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay $ map snd xs
-- | Render a table according to common options, for backwards compatibility
render :: Bool -> (rh -> String) -> (ch -> String) -> (a -> String) -> Table rh ch a -> String
render :: Bool -> (rh -> Text) -> (ch -> Text) -> (a -> Text) -> Table rh ch a -> TL.Text
render pretty fr fc f = renderTable def{prettyTable=pretty} (cell . fr) (cell . fc) (cell . f)
where cell = alignCell TopRight
-- | Render a table according to various cell specifications
-- | Render a table according to various cell specifications>
renderTable :: TableOpts -- ^ Options controlling Table rendering
-> (rh -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for row headers
-> (ch -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for column headers
-> (a -> Cell) -- ^ Function determining the string and width of a cell
-> Table rh ch a
-> String
renderTable topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fr fc f (Table rh ch cells) =
unlines . addBorders $
renderColumns topts sizes ch2
: bar VM DoubleLine -- +======================================+
: renderRs (fmap renderR $ zipHeader [] cellContents rowHeaders)
-> TL.Text
renderTable topts fr fc f = toLazyText . renderTableB topts fr fc f
-- | A version of renderTable which returns the underlying Builder.
renderTableB :: TableOpts -- ^ Options controlling Table rendering
-> (rh -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for row headers
-> (ch -> Cell) -- ^ Rendering function for column headers
-> (a -> Cell) -- ^ Function determining the string and width of a cell
-> Table rh ch a
-> Builder
renderTableB topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fr fc f (Table rh ch cells) =
unlinesB . addBorders $
renderColumns topts sizes ch2
: bar VM DoubleLine -- +======================================+
: renderRs (fmap renderR $ zipHeader [] cellContents rowHeaders)
renderR (cs,h) = renderColumns topts sizes $ Group DoubleLine
[ Header h
@ -83,49 +99,54 @@ renderTable topts@TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders} fr fc f (T
-- borders and bars
addBorders xs = if borders then bar VT SingleLine : xs ++ [bar VB SingleLine] else xs
bar vpos prop = concat $ renderHLine vpos borders pretty sizes ch2 prop
bar vpos prop = mconcat $ renderHLine vpos borders pretty sizes ch2 prop
unlinesB = (<>singleton '\n') . mconcat . intersperse "\n"
-- | Render a single row according to cell specifications.
renderRow :: TableOpts -> Header Cell -> String
renderRow topts h = renderColumns topts is h
renderRow :: TableOpts -> Header Cell -> TL.Text
renderRow topts = toLazyText . renderRowB topts
-- | A version of renderRow which returns the underlying Builder.
renderRowB:: TableOpts -> Header Cell -> Builder
renderRowB topts h = renderColumns topts is h
where is = map (\(Cell _ xs) -> fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay $ map snd xs) $ headerContents h
verticalBar :: Bool -> Char
verticalBar pretty = if pretty then '│' else '|'
leftBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
leftBar pretty True = verticalBar pretty : " "
leftBar pretty False = [verticalBar pretty]
leftBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
leftBar pretty True = fromString $ verticalBar pretty : " "
leftBar pretty False = singleton $ verticalBar pretty
rightBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
rightBar pretty True = ' ' : [verticalBar pretty]
rightBar pretty False = [verticalBar pretty]
rightBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
rightBar pretty True = fromString $ ' ' : [verticalBar pretty]
rightBar pretty False = singleton $ verticalBar pretty
midBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
midBar pretty True = ' ' : verticalBar pretty : " "
midBar pretty False = [verticalBar pretty]
midBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
midBar pretty True = fromString $ ' ' : verticalBar pretty : " "
midBar pretty False = singleton $ verticalBar pretty
doubleMidBar :: Bool -> Bool -> String
doubleMidBar pretty True = if pretty then "" else " || "
doubleMidBar pretty False = if pretty then "" else "||"
doubleMidBar :: Bool -> Bool -> Builder
doubleMidBar pretty True = fromText $ if pretty then "" else " || "
doubleMidBar pretty False = fromText $ if pretty then "" else "||"
-- | We stop rendering on the shortest list!
renderColumns :: TableOpts -- ^ rendering options for the table
-> [Int] -- ^ max width for each column
-> Header Cell
-> String
-> Builder
renderColumns TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders, borderSpaces=spaces} is h =
concat . intersperse "\n" -- Put each line on its own line
. map (addBorders . concat) . transpose -- Change to a list of lines and add borders
mconcat . intersperse "\n" -- Put each line on its own line
. map (addBorders . mconcat) . transpose -- Change to a list of lines and add borders
. map (either hsep padCell) . flattenHeader -- We now have a matrix of strings
. zipHeader 0 is $ padRow <$> h -- Pad cell height and add width marker
-- Pad each cell to have the appropriate width
padCell (w, Cell TopLeft ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> x ++ replicate (w - xw) ' ') ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomLeft ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> x ++ replicate (w - xw) ' ') ls
padCell (w, Cell TopRight ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> replicate (w - xw) ' ' ++ x) ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomRight ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> replicate (w - xw) ' ' ++ x) ls
padCell (w, Cell TopLeft ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> fromText x <> fromText (T.replicate (w - xw) " ")) ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomLeft ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> fromText x <> fromText (T.replicate (w - xw) " ")) ls
padCell (w, Cell TopRight ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> fromText (T.replicate (w - xw) " ") <> fromText x) ls
padCell (w, Cell BottomRight ls) = map (\(x,xw) -> fromText (T.replicate (w - xw) " ") <> fromText x) ls
-- Pad each cell to have the same number of lines
padRow (Cell TopLeft ls) = Cell TopLeft $ ls ++ replicate (nLines - length ls) ("",0)
@ -133,13 +154,13 @@ renderColumns TableOpts{prettyTable=pretty, tableBorders=borders, borderSpaces=s
padRow (Cell BottomLeft ls) = Cell BottomLeft $ replicate (nLines - length ls) ("",0) ++ ls
padRow (Cell BottomRight ls) = Cell BottomRight $ replicate (nLines - length ls) ("",0) ++ ls
hsep :: Properties -> [String]
hsep :: Properties -> [Builder]
hsep NoLine = replicate nLines $ if spaces then " " else ""
hsep SingleLine = replicate nLines $ midBar pretty spaces
hsep DoubleLine = replicate nLines $ doubleMidBar pretty spaces
addBorders xs | borders = leftBar pretty spaces ++ xs ++ rightBar pretty spaces
| spaces = ' ' : xs ++ " "
addBorders xs | borders = leftBar pretty spaces <> xs <> rightBar pretty spaces
| spaces = fromText " " <> xs <> fromText " "
| otherwise = xs
nLines = fromMaybe 0 . maximumMay . map (\(Cell _ ls) -> length ls) $ headerContents h
@ -150,52 +171,48 @@ renderHLine :: VPos
-> [Int] -- ^ width specifications
-> Header a
-> Properties
-> [String]
-> [Builder]
renderHLine _ _ _ _ _ NoLine = []
renderHLine vpos borders pretty w h prop = [renderHLine' vpos borders pretty prop w h]
renderHLine' :: VPos -> Bool -> Bool -> Properties -> [Int] -> Header a -> String
renderHLine' vpos borders pretty prop is h = addBorders $ sep ++ coreLine ++ sep
renderHLine' :: VPos -> Bool -> Bool -> Properties -> [Int] -> Header a -> Builder
renderHLine' vpos borders pretty prop is h = addBorders $ sep <> coreLine <> sep
addBorders xs = if borders then edge HL ++ xs ++ edge HR else xs
addBorders xs = if borders then edge HL <> xs <> edge HR else xs
edge hpos = boxchar vpos hpos SingleLine prop pretty
coreLine = concatMap helper $ flattenHeader $ zipHeader 0 is h
coreLine = foldMap helper $ flattenHeader $ zipHeader 0 is h
helper = either vsep dashes
dashes (i,_) = concat (replicate i sep)
dashes (i,_) = stimesMonoid i sep
sep = boxchar vpos HM NoLine prop pretty
vsep v = case v of
NoLine -> sep ++ sep
_ -> sep ++ cross v prop ++ sep
NoLine -> sep <> sep
_ -> sep <> cross v prop <> sep
cross v h = boxchar vpos HM v h pretty
data VPos = VT | VM | VB -- top middle bottom
data HPos = HL | HM | HR -- left middle right
boxchar :: VPos -> HPos -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> String
boxchar :: VPos -> HPos -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> Builder
boxchar vpos hpos vert horiz = lineart u d l r
u =
case vpos of
VT -> NoLine
_ -> vert
d =
case vpos of
VB -> NoLine
_ -> vert
l =
case hpos of
HL -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
r =
case hpos of
HR -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
u = case vpos of
VT -> NoLine
_ -> vert
d = case vpos of
VB -> NoLine
_ -> vert
l = case hpos of
HL -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
r = case hpos of
HR -> NoLine
_ -> horiz
pick :: String -> String -> Bool -> String
pick x _ True = x
pick _ x False = x
pick :: Text -> Text -> Bool -> Builder
pick x _ True = fromText x
pick _ x False = fromText x
lineart :: Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> String
lineart :: Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Properties -> Bool -> Builder
-- up down left right
lineart SingleLine SingleLine SingleLine SingleLine = pick "" "+"
lineart SingleLine SingleLine SingleLine NoLine = pick "" "+"
@ -244,6 +261,4 @@ lineart NoLine SingleLine DoubleLine DoubleLine = pick "╤" "+"
lineart SingleLine SingleLine DoubleLine DoubleLine = pick "" "+"
lineart DoubleLine DoubleLine SingleLine SingleLine = pick "" "++"
lineart _ _ _ _ = const ""
lineart _ _ _ _ = const mempty

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@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
) where
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (intercalate, transpose)
import Data.List (intersperse, transpose)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybeToList)
--import qualified Data.Map as Map
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
@ -263,11 +263,12 @@ import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time (fromGregorian)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Lucid as L
import Text.Tabular as T
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as T
import Text.Tabular as Tab
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide as Tab
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
@ -321,16 +322,16 @@ balance opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
assrt = not $ ignore_assertions_ $ inputopts_ opts
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> budgetReportAsText ropts
"json" -> TL.unpack . (<>"\n") . toJsonText
"csv" -> TL.unpack . printCSV . budgetReportAsCsv ropts
_ -> const $ error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt
writeOutput opts $ render budgetreport
"json" -> (<>"\n") . toJsonText
"csv" -> printCSV . budgetReportAsCsv ropts
_ -> error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt
writeOutputLazyText opts $ render budgetreport
if multiperiod then do -- multi period balance report
let report = multiBalanceReport rspec j
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> TL.pack . multiBalanceReportAsText ropts
"txt" -> multiBalanceReportAsText ropts
"csv" -> printCSV . multiBalanceReportAsCsv ropts
"html" -> (<>"\n") . L.renderText . multiBalanceReportAsHtml ropts
"json" -> (<>"\n") . toJsonText
@ -340,7 +341,7 @@ balance opts@CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
else do -- single period simple balance report
let report = balanceReport rspec j -- simple Ledger-style balance report
render = case fmt of
"txt" -> \ropts -> TL.pack . balanceReportAsText ropts
"txt" -> \ropts -> TB.toLazyText . balanceReportAsText ropts
"csv" -> \ropts -> printCSV . balanceReportAsCsv ropts
"json" -> const $ (<>"\n") . toJsonText
_ -> error' $ unsupportedOutputFormatError fmt -- PARTIAL:
@ -363,18 +364,21 @@ balanceReportAsCsv opts (items, total) =
else [["total", T.pack $ showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice False total]]
-- | Render a single-column balance report as plain text.
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> String
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) = unlines $
concat lines ++ if no_total_ opts then [] else overline : totallines
balanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReport -> TB.Builder
balanceReportAsText opts ((items, total)) =
unlinesB lines <> unlinesB (if no_total_ opts then [] else [overline, totallines])
unlinesB [] = mempty
unlinesB xs = mconcat (intersperse (TB.singleton '\n') xs) <> TB.singleton '\n'
lines = map (balanceReportItemAsText opts) items
-- abuse renderBalanceReportItem to render the total with similar format
acctcolwidth = maximum' [T.length fullname | (fullname, _, _, _) <- items]
totallines = map rstrip $ renderBalanceReportItem opts (T.replicate (acctcolwidth+1) " ", 0, total)
totallines = renderBalanceReportItem opts ("", 0, total)
-- with a custom format, extend the line to the full report width;
-- otherwise show the usual 20-char line for compatibility
overlinewidth = fromMaybe (maximum' . map length $ concat lines) . overlineWidth $ format_ opts
overline = replicate overlinewidth '-'
overlinewidth = fromMaybe 22 . overlineWidth $ format_ opts
--overlinewidth = fromMaybe (maximum' . map length $ concat lines) . overlineWidth $ format_ opts
overline = TB.fromText $ T.replicate overlinewidth "-"
@ -391,7 +395,7 @@ This implementation turned out to be a bit convoluted but implements the followi
-- whatever string format is specified). Note, prices will not be rendered, and
-- differently-priced quantities of the same commodity will appear merged.
-- The output will be one or more lines depending on the format and number of commodities.
balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReportItem -> [String]
balanceReportItemAsText :: ReportOpts -> BalanceReportItem -> TB.Builder
balanceReportItemAsText opts (_, accountName, depth, amt) =
renderBalanceReportItem opts (
@ -400,41 +404,45 @@ balanceReportItemAsText opts (_, accountName, depth, amt) =
-- | Render a balance report item using the given StringFormat, generating one or more lines of text.
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> [String]
renderBalanceReportItem :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> TB.Builder
renderBalanceReportItem opts (acctname, depth, total) =
lines $ case format_ opts of
OneLine _ comps -> concatOneLine $ render1 comps
TopAligned _ comps -> concatBottomPadded $ render comps
BottomAligned _ comps -> concatTopPadded $ render comps
case format_ opts of
OneLine _ comps -> foldMap (TB.fromText . T.intercalate ", ") $ render1 comps
TopAligned _ comps -> renderRow' TopLeft $ render comps
BottomAligned _ comps -> renderRow' BottomLeft $ render comps
render1 = map (renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total))
render = map (renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total))
renderRow' align = renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False}
. Tab.Group NoLine . map (Header . cell)
where cell = Cell align . map (\x -> (x, textWidth x))
render1 = map (T.lines . renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total))
render = map (T.lines . renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total))
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
renderComponent :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> String
renderComponent :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> T.Text
renderComponent _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
DepthSpacerField -> formatString ljust Nothing max $ replicate d ' '
DepthSpacerField -> formatText ljust Nothing max $ T.replicate d " "
where d = case min of
Just m -> depth * m
Nothing -> depth
AccountField -> formatString ljust min max (T.unpack acctname)
TotalField -> fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
AccountField -> formatText ljust min max acctname
TotalField -> T.pack . fst $ showMixed showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
_ -> ""
-- | Render one StringFormat component for a balance report item.
-- This variant is for use with OneLine string formats; it squashes
-- any multi-line rendered values onto one line, comma-and-space separated,
-- while still complying with the width spec.
renderComponent1 :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> String
renderComponent1 :: ReportOpts -> (AccountName, Int, MixedAmount) -> StringFormatComponent -> T.Text
renderComponent1 _ _ (FormatLiteral s) = s
renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field) = case field of
AccountField -> formatString ljust min max ((intercalate ", " . lines) (indented (T.unpack acctname)))
AccountField -> formatText ljust min max . T.intercalate ", " . T.lines $ indented acctname
-- better to indent the account name here rather than use a DepthField component
-- so that it complies with width spec. Uses a fixed indent step size.
indented = ((replicate (depth*2) ' ')++)
TotalField -> fst $ showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
indented = ((T.replicate (depth*2) " ")<>)
TotalField -> T.pack . fst $ showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice min max (color_ opts) total
_ -> ""
-- rendering multi-column balance reports
@ -559,9 +567,11 @@ multiBalanceReportHtmlFootRow ropts (acct:rest) =
--thRow = tr_ . mconcat . map (th_ . toHtml)
-- | Render a multi-column balance report as plain text suitable for console output.
multiBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> String
multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r =
T.unpack title <> "\n\n" <> (balanceReportTableAsText ropts $ balanceReportAsTable ropts r)
multiBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> TL.Text
multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r = TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title
<> TB.fromText "\n\n"
<> balanceReportTableAsText ropts (balanceReportAsTable ropts r)
title = mtitle <> " in " <> showDateSpan (periodicReportSpan r) <> valuationdesc <> ":"
@ -584,23 +594,23 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r =
_ -> False
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
balanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table String String MixedAmount
balanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table T.Text T.Text MixedAmount
balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balancetype_}
(PeriodicReport spans items (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals tot avg)) =
maybetranspose $
addtotalrow $
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header accts)
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header colheadings)
(Tab.Group NoLine $ map Header accts)
(Tab.Group NoLine $ map Header colheadings)
(map rowvals items)
totalscolumn = row_total_ && balancetype_ `notElem` [CumulativeChange, HistoricalBalance]
colheadings = map (T.unpack . reportPeriodName balancetype_ spans) spans
colheadings = map (reportPeriodName balancetype_ spans) spans
++ [" Total" | totalscolumn]
++ ["Average" | average_]
accts = map renderacct items
renderacct row =
replicate ((prrDepth row - 1) * 2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (prrDisplayName row)
T.replicate ((prrDepth row - 1) * 2) " " <> prrDisplayName row
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) = as
++ [rowtot | totalscolumn]
++ [rowavg | average_]
@ -617,12 +627,12 @@ balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balancetype_}
-- made using 'balanceReportAsTable'), render it in a format suitable for
-- console output. Amounts with more than two commodities will be elided
-- unless --no-elide is used.
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table String String MixedAmount -> String
balanceReportTableAsText :: ReportOpts -> Table T.Text T.Text MixedAmount -> TB.Builder
balanceReportTableAsText ReportOpts{..} =
T.renderTable def{tableBorders=False, prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(T.alignCell TopLeft) (T.alignCell TopRight) showamt
Tab.renderTableB def{tableBorders=False, prettyTable=pretty_tables_}
(Tab.alignCell TopLeft) (Tab.alignCell TopRight) showamt
showamt = Cell TopRight . pure . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing mmax color_
showamt = Cell TopRight . (\(a,w) -> [(T.pack a,w)]) . showMixedOneLine showAmountWithoutPrice Nothing mmax color_
mmax = if no_elide_ then Nothing else Just 32
@ -631,14 +641,12 @@ tests_Balance = tests "Balance" [
tests "balanceReportAsText" [
test "unicode in balance layout" $ do
j <- readJournal' "2009/01/01 * медвежья шкура\n расходы:покупки 100\n актив:наличные\n"
let rspec = defreportspec
balanceReportAsText (rsOpts rspec) (balanceReport rspec{rsToday=fromGregorian 2008 11 26} j)
let rspec = defreportspec{rsOpts=defreportopts{no_total_=True}}
TL.unpack (TB.toLazyText $ balanceReportAsText (rsOpts rspec) (balanceReport rspec{rsToday=fromGregorian 2008 11 26} j))
[" -100 актив:наличные"
," 100 расходы:покупки"
," 0"

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
The @roi@ command prints internal rate of return and time-weighted rate of return for and investment.
@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ import Data.List
import Numeric.RootFinding
import Data.Decimal
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TL
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as CmdArgs
import Text.Tabular as Tbl
@ -126,14 +128,14 @@ roi CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts, reportspec_=rspec} j = do
, T.pack $ printf "%0.2f%%" $ smallIsZero twr ]
let table = Table
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . show) (take (length tableBody) [1..])))
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . T.pack . show) (take (length tableBody) [1..])))
(Tbl.Group DoubleLine
[ Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Begin", Header "End"]
, Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Value (begin)", Header "Cashflow", Header "Value (end)", Header "PnL"]
, Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "IRR", Header "TWR"]])
putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id T.unpack table
TL.putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id id table
timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans (OneSpan spanBegin spanEnd valueBefore valueAfter cashFlow pnl) = do
let initialUnitPrice = 100
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ timeWeightedReturn showCashFlow prettyTables investmentsQuery trans (OneSpan spa
unitBalances = add initialUnits unitBalances'
valuesOnDate = add 0 valuesOnDate'
putStr $ Ascii.render prettyTables T.unpack id id
TL.putStr $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id T.pack
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . showDate) dates))
(Tbl.Group DoubleLine [ Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Portfolio value", Header "Unit balance"]
@ -226,11 +228,11 @@ internalRateOfReturn showCashFlow prettyTables (OneSpan spanBegin spanEnd valueB
when showCashFlow $ do
printf "\nIRR cash flow for %s - %s\n" (showDate spanBegin) (showDate (addDays (-1) spanEnd))
let (dates, amounts) = unzip totalCF
putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables T.unpack id id
TL.putStrLn $ Ascii.render prettyTables id id id
(Tbl.Group NoLine (map (Header . showDate) dates))
(Tbl.Group SingleLine [Header "Amount"])
(map ((:[]) . show) amounts))
(map ((:[]) . T.pack . show) amounts))
-- 0% is always a solution, so require at least something here
case totalCF of

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@ -16,8 +17,12 @@ module Hledger.Cli.CompoundBalanceCommand (
import Data.List (foldl')
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, addDays)
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, printCSV)
@ -153,7 +158,7 @@ compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportspec_=r
-- render appropriately
render = case outputFormatFromOpts opts of
"txt" -> TL.pack . compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts'
"txt" -> compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts'
"csv" -> printCSV . compoundBalanceReportAsCsv ropts'
"html" -> L.renderText . compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts'
"json" -> toJsonText
@ -189,11 +194,12 @@ Balance Sheet
Total || 1 1 1
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> String
compoundBalanceReportAsText :: ReportOpts -> CompoundPeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount -> TL.Text
compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts
(CompoundPeriodicReport title _colspans subreports (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals grandtotal grandavg)) =
T.unpack title ++ "\n\n" ++
balanceReportTableAsText ropts bigtable'
TB.toLazyText $
TB.fromText title <> TB.fromText "\n\n" <>
balanceReportTableAsText ropts bigtable'
bigtable =
case map (subreportAsTable ropts) subreports of
@ -218,7 +224,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsText ropts
-- convert to table
Table lefthdrs tophdrs cells = balanceReportAsTable ropts r
-- tweak the layout
t = Table (Tab.Group SingleLine [Header $ T.unpack title, lefthdrs]) tophdrs ([]:cells)
t = Table (Tab.Group SingleLine [Header title, lefthdrs]) tophdrs ([]:cells)
-- | Add the second table below the first, discarding its column headings.
concatTables (Table hLeft hTop dat) (Table hLeft' _ dat') =

View File

@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ $ hledger -f- balance --alias=cc=credit-card --alias=b=bank
75 bank
15 expenses
# 9. query will search both origin and substitution in alias

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ hledger -f - register
# 3. balance
hledger -f - balance
hledger -f - balance -N
a EUR 1 ; a euro
@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ hledger -f - balance
USD 1 b
EUR -1
USD -1 c
# 4. a single-commodity zero amount's commodity/decimal places/price is preserved, when possible
@ -63,7 +61,7 @@ hledger -f- print --explicit --empty
# When preserving a zero amount's commodity, we should also preserve
# the amount style, such as where to place the symbol.
hledger -f- balance --tree
hledger -f- balance --tree -N
D 1000,00€
@ -79,8 +77,6 @@ D 1000,00€
4000,58€ 1
-1000,58€ D
-3000,00€ e
>>>= 0

View File

@ -16,22 +16,18 @@
1 -1
# 1. simple balance report in tree mode with zero/boring parents
$ hledger -f - bal --tree
$ hledger -f - bal --tree -N
0 1:2
1 3
0 4
1 5
# 2. simple balance report in flat mode
$ hledger -f - bal --flat
$ hledger -f - bal --flat -N
-1 1:2
1 1:2:3
-1 1:2:3:4
1 1:2:3:4:5
# 3. tabular balance report in flat mode
$ hledger -f - bal -Y

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ hledger -f sample.journal balance --tree
$-1 salary
$1 liabilities:debts
# 2.
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ hledger -f sample.journal balance --tree o
$-1 gifts
$-1 salary
# 3. Period reporting works for a specific year
hledger -f - balance -b 2016 -e 2017
hledger -f - balance -b 2016 -e 2017 -N
2015/10/10 Client A | Invoice #1
assets:receivables $10,000.00
@ -52,13 +52,11 @@ hledger -f - balance -b 2016 -e 2017
$-40.00 assets:checking
$50.00 expense:hosting
$-10.00 revenue:clients:B
>>>= 0
# 4. Period reporting works for two years
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015 -e 2017
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015 -e 2017 -N
2015/10/10 Client A | Invoice #1
assets:receivables $10,000.00
@ -85,13 +83,11 @@ hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015 -e 2017
$-10,010.00 revenue:clients
$-10,000.00 A
$-10.00 B
>>>= 0
# 5. Period reporting works for one month
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015/11 -e 2015/12
hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015/11 -e 2015/12 -N
2015/10/10 Client A | Invoice #1
assets:receivables $10,000.00
@ -116,8 +112,6 @@ hledger -f - balance --tree -b 2015/11 -e 2015/12
0 assets
$10,000.00 checking
$-10,000.00 receivables
>>>= 0
@ -145,7 +139,7 @@ hledger -f - balance -b 2016/10 -e 2016/11
assets:receivables -$10.00
>>>= 0

View File

@ -19,11 +19,11 @@ $ hledger -f bcexample.hledger bal -t -1 --color=always
-337.26 VACHR Income
-2891.85 USD Liabilities
70.00 GLD
17.00 ITOT
489.957000000000 RGAGX
-104412.76 USD
309.950000000000 VBMPX
36.00 VEA
294.00 VHT
70.00 GLD
17.00 ITOT
489.957000000000 RGAGX
-104412.76 USD
309.950000000000 VBMPX
36.00 VEA
294.00 VHT

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
hledger -f - balance -p 'in 2009' --date2
hledger -f - balance -p 'in 2009' --date2 -N
2009/1/1 x
a 1
@ -10,6 +10,4 @@ hledger -f - balance -p 'in 2009' --date2
1 a
-1 b

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --flat
1 b
1 b:bb:bbb
>>>= 0
# --flat --depth shows the same accounts, but clipped and aggregated at the depth limit
@ -47,5 +47,5 @@ hledger -f - balance --flat --depth 2
1 b
1 b:bb
>>>= 0

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
$ hledger -f - balance

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ hledger -f sample.journal balance expenses -% --tree
50.0 % food
50.0 % supplies
100.0 %
100.0 %
>>>= 0
# 2. Multi column percent

View File

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ hledger -f- balance
1.00 a
-1.00 b

View File

@ -7,5 +7,5 @@ hledger -f - balance
10 руб τράπεζα
-10 руб नकद

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ hledger -f chinese.journal balance --tree
0 㐃
1 A 㐄

View File

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ $ hledger -f- balance
10 "DE 0002 635307" a
-10 "DE 0002 635307" b
# 5. autobalance with prices
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ $ hledger -f- print
a 1 EUR
$ hledger -f- bal a
# 12. Example of surprising decimal mark parsing behaviour.

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ $ hledger balance -f- --auto --tree
$-100 remuneration
$-38 liabilities:tax
# Balance assertions see postings generated by transaction modifier rules.

View File

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ D 1,000.00 EUR
1,000.00 EUR a
-1,000.00 EUR b
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ commodity 1,000.00 EUR
1,000.00 EUR a
-1,000.00 EUR b
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ commodity €1,000.00
€1,000.00 a
€-1,000.00 b
@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ commodity 100. EUR
1000 EUR a
-1000 EUR b
@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ hledger bal -f -
0.1 EUR a
-0.1 EUR b

View File

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --cost
$3266.32 assets:investment:ACME
$-3266.32 equity:opening balances
# hledger 0.14pre: precision=2, presumably from price
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ D $1000.0
$3266.3 assets:investment:ACME
$-3266.3 equity:opening balances
### hledger 0.14pre: precision=2, presumably from price, ignores D
### $3266.32 assets:investment:ACME

View File

@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ hledger -f - balance -B
$-135 assets
$135 expenses:foreign currency
# 8. transaction in two commodities should balance out properly
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --cost
16$ a
-16$ b
# 9. When commodity price is specified implicitly, transaction should
@ -122,8 +122,8 @@ hledger -f - balance
-10£ a
16$ b
# 10. When commodity price is specified implicitly, transaction should
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ hledger -f - balance
£2 a
# 12. this should balance
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ hledger -f - balance --no-total
-1X a
>>>= 0
# 16.
# 16.
hledger -f - balance --no-total -B

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ $ hledger -f- balance -V
150.48 H a
-150.00 H b
0.48 H
0.48 H
# 7. register -V affects posting amounts and total.

View File

@ -50,6 +50,6 @@ hledger -f- balance --tree
10 e
-10 f