;lib: csv: rename error-prone default rules

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-09-13 17:51:14 -07:00
parent a0deb88796
commit 46caa1d4ef

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@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ type RecordMatcher = [RegexpPattern] -- match if any regexps match any of the
type DateFormat = String
type RegexpPattern = String
rules = CsvRules {
defrules = CsvRules {
@ -441,7 +441,7 @@ parseAndValidateCsvRules rulesfile s = do
parseCsvRules :: FilePath -> T.Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text CustomErr) CsvRules
-- parseCsvRules rulesfile s = runParser csvrulesfile nullrules{baseAccount=takeBaseName rulesfile} rulesfile s
parseCsvRules rulesfile s =
runParser (evalStateT rulesp rules) rulesfile s
runParser (evalStateT rulesp defrules) rulesfile s
-- | Return the validated rules, or an error.
validateRules :: CsvRules -> ExceptT String IO CsvRules
@ -893,21 +893,21 @@ parseDateWithFormatOrDefaultFormats mformat s = firstJust $ map parsewith format
tests_CsvReader = tests "CsvReader" [
tests "parseCsvRules" [
test "empty file" $
parseCsvRules "unknown" "" `is` Right rules
parseCsvRules "unknown" "" `is` Right defrules
,tests "rulesp" [
test "trailing comments" $
parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip\n# \n#\n" `is` Right rules{rdirectives = [("skip","")]}
parseWithState' defrules rulesp "skip\n# \n#\n" `is` Right defrules{rdirectives = [("skip","")]}
,test "trailing blank lines" $
parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip\n\n \n" `is` (Right rules{rdirectives = [("skip","")]})
parseWithState' defrules rulesp "skip\n\n \n" `is` (Right defrules{rdirectives = [("skip","")]})
,test "no final newline" $
parseWithState' rules rulesp "skip" `is` (Right rules{rdirectives=[("skip","")]})
parseWithState' defrules rulesp "skip" `is` (Right defrules{rdirectives=[("skip","")]})
,test "assignment with empty value" $
parseWithState' rules rulesp "account1 \nif foo\n account2 foo\n" `is`
(Right rules{rassignments = [("account1","")], rconditionalblocks = [([["foo"]],[("account2","foo")])]})
parseWithState' defrules rulesp "account1 \nif foo\n account2 foo\n" `is`
(Right defrules{rassignments = [("account1","")], rconditionalblocks = [([["foo"]],[("account2","foo")])]})