mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 12:24:43 +03:00
ui: refactor: AppState -> UIState, cleanups
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import System.FilePath (takeFileName)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Graphics.Vty
import Brick
-- import Brick.Widgets.Center
import Brick.Widgets.List
@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion,green)
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- import Hledger.UI.Theme
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIState
import Hledger.UI.UIUtils
import Hledger.UI.RegisterScreen
import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen
@ -50,13 +51,13 @@ accountsScreen = AccountsScreen{
,_asSelectedAccount = ""
asInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState
asInit d reset st@AppState{
asInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
asInit d reset ui@UIState{
} =
st{aopts=uopts', aScreen=s & asList .~ newitems'}
ui{aopts=uopts', aScreen=s & asList .~ newitems'}
newitems = list (Name "accounts") (V.fromList displayitems) 1
@ -103,8 +104,8 @@ asInit d reset st@AppState{
asInit _ _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
asDraw :: AppState -> [Widget]
asDraw AppState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
asDraw :: UIState -> [Widget]
asDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
@ -230,8 +231,8 @@ asDrawItem (acctwidth, balwidth) selected AccountsScreenItem{..} =
sel | selected = (<> "selected")
| otherwise = id
asHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
asHandle st'@AppState{
asHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
asHandle ui0@UIState{
@ -247,62 +248,62 @@ asHandle st'@AppState{
selacct = case listSelectedElement $ scr ^. asList of
Just (_, AccountsScreenItem{..}) -> asItemAccountName
Nothing -> scr ^. asSelectedAccount
st = st'{aScreen=scr & asSelectedAccount .~ selacct}
ui = ui0{aScreen=scr & asSelectedAccount .~ selacct}
case mode of
Minibuffer ed ->
case ev of
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ stCloseMinibuffer st
EvKey KEnter [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stFilter s $ stCloseMinibuffer st
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ closeMinibuffer ui
EvKey KEnter [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setFilter s $ closeMinibuffer ui
where s = chomp $ unlines $ getEditContents ed
ev -> do ed' <- handleEvent ev ed
continue $ st{aMode=Minibuffer ed'}
continue $ ui{aMode=Minibuffer ed'}
Help ->
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
_ -> helpHandle st ev
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
Normal ->
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'l') [MCtrl] -> do
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d st
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help st
EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> liftIO (stReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j st) >>= continue
EvKey (KChar 'a') [] -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> stReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j st
EvKey (KChar '0') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 0) st
EvKey (KChar '1') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 1) st
EvKey (KChar '2') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 2) st
EvKey (KChar '3') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 3) st
EvKey (KChar '4') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 4) st
EvKey (KChar '5') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 5) st
EvKey (KChar '6') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 6) st
EvKey (KChar '7') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 7) st
EvKey (KChar '8') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 8) st
EvKey (KChar '9') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 9) st
EvKey (KChar '-') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth st
EvKey (KChar '_') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth st
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar '+', KChar '='] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ incDepth st
EvKey (KChar 'F') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleFlat st
EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty st)
EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared st)
EvKey (KChar 'U') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleUncleared st)
EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal st)
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar '/'] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stShowMinibuffer st
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stResetFilter st)
EvKey (KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen st
EvKey (k) [] | k `elem` [KRight, KEnter] -> scrollTopRegister >> continue (screenEnter d scr st)
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help ui
EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> liftIO (uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui) >>= continue
EvKey (KChar 'a') [] -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
EvKey (KChar '0') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 0) ui
EvKey (KChar '1') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 1) ui
EvKey (KChar '2') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 2) ui
EvKey (KChar '3') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 3) ui
EvKey (KChar '4') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 4) ui
EvKey (KChar '5') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 5) ui
EvKey (KChar '6') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 6) ui
EvKey (KChar '7') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 7) ui
EvKey (KChar '8') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 8) ui
EvKey (KChar '9') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setDepth (Just 9) ui
EvKey (KChar '-') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui
EvKey (KChar '_') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ decDepth ui
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar '+', KChar '='] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ incDepth ui
EvKey (KChar 'F') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleFlat ui
EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleEmpty ui)
EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleCleared ui)
EvKey (KChar 'U') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleUncleared ui)
EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleReal ui)
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar '/'] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer ui
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui)
EvKey (KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen ui
EvKey (k) [] | k `elem` [KRight, KEnter] -> scrollTopRegister >> continue (screenEnter d scr ui)
scr = rsSetAccount selacct registerScreen
-- fall through to the list's event handler (handles up/down)
ev -> do
newitems <- handleEvent ev (scr ^. asList)
continue $ st{aScreen=scr & asList .~ newitems
continue $ ui{aScreen=scr & asList .~ newitems
& asSelectedAccount .~ selacct
-- continue =<< handleEventLensed st someLens ev
-- continue =<< handleEventLensed ui someLens ev
-- Encourage a more stable scroll position when toggling list items.
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
module Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Monoid
-- import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Graphics.Vty
import Brick
-- import Brick.Widgets.List
-- import Brick.Widgets.Border
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion,green)
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- import Hledger.UI.Theme
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIState
import Hledger.UI.UIUtils
errorScreen :: Screen
@ -36,12 +37,12 @@ errorScreen = ErrorScreen{
,esError = ""
esInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState
esInit _ _ st@AppState{aScreen=ErrorScreen{}} = st
esInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
esInit _ _ ui@UIState{aScreen=ErrorScreen{}} = ui
esInit _ _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
esDraw :: AppState -> [Widget]
esDraw AppState{ -- aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=_copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=_ropts@ReportOpts{query_=querystr}}},
esDraw :: UIState -> [Widget]
esDraw UIState{ -- aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=_copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=_ropts@ReportOpts{query_=querystr}}},
,aMode=mode} =
case mode of
@ -65,8 +66,8 @@ esDraw AppState{ -- aopts=_uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=_copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=_rop
esDraw _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
esHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
esHandle st@AppState{
esHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
esHandle ui@UIState{
@ -75,35 +76,35 @@ esHandle st@AppState{
case mode of
Help ->
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
_ -> helpHandle st ev
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
_ -> do
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d st
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help st
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help ui
EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> do
(ej, _) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged copts d j
case ej of
Left err -> continue st{aScreen=s{esError=err}} -- show latest parse error
Right j' -> continue $ regenerateScreens j' d $ popScreen st -- return to previous screen, and reload it
-- EvKey (KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen st
Left err -> continue ui{aScreen=s{esError=err}} -- show latest parse error
Right j' -> continue $ regenerateScreens j' d $ popScreen ui -- return to previous screen, and reload it
-- EvKey (KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen ui
-- EvKey (KRight) [] -> error (show curItem) where curItem = listSelectedElement is
-- fall through to the list's event handler (handles [pg]up/down)
_ -> do continue st
_ -> do continue ui
-- is' <- handleEvent ev is
-- continue st{aScreen=s{rsState=is'}}
-- continue =<< handleEventLensed st someLens e
-- continue ui{aScreen=s{rsState=is'}}
-- continue =<< handleEventLensed ui someLens e
esHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
-- If journal file(s) have changed, reload the journal and regenerate all screens.
-- This is here so it can reference the error screen.
stReloadJournalIfChanged :: CliOpts -> Day -> Journal -> AppState -> IO AppState
stReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j st = do
uiReloadJournalIfChanged :: CliOpts -> Day -> Journal -> UIState -> IO UIState
uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui = do
(ej, _) <- journalReloadIfChanged copts d j
return $ case ej of
Right j' -> regenerateScreens j' d st
Left err -> screenEnter d errorScreen{esError=err} st
Right j' -> regenerateScreens j' d ui
Left err -> screenEnter d errorScreen{esError=err} ui
@ -107,10 +107,10 @@ runBrickUi uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}} j = do
(error' $ "--register "++apat++" did not match any account")
$ filter (regexMatches apat . T.unpack) $ journalAccountNames j
-- Initialising the accounts screen is awkward, requiring
-- another temporary AppState value..
-- another temporary UIState value..
ascr' = aScreen $
asInit d True $
,aScreen=asSetSelectedAccount acct accountsScreen
@ -118,8 +118,8 @@ runBrickUi uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}} j = do
st = (sInit scr) d True
ui = (sInit scr) d True
@ -127,20 +127,15 @@ runBrickUi uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}} j = do
brickapp :: App (AppState) V.Event
brickapp :: App (UIState) V.Event
brickapp = App {
appLiftVtyEvent = id
, appStartEvent = return
, appAttrMap = const theme
, appChooseCursor = showFirstCursor
, appHandleEvent = \st ev -> sHandle (aScreen st) st ev
, appDraw = \st -> sDraw (aScreen st) st
-- XXX bizarro. removing the st arg and parameter above,
-- which according to GHCI does not change the type,
-- causes "Exception: draw function called with wrong screen type"
-- on entering a register. Likewise, removing the st ev args and parameters
-- causes an exception on exiting a register.
, appHandleEvent = \ui ev -> sHandle (aScreen ui) ui ev
, appDraw = \ui -> sDraw (aScreen ui) ui
void $ defaultMain brickapp st
void $ defaultMain brickapp ui
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Graphics.Vty
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.List
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion,green)
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- import Hledger.UI.Theme
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIState
import Hledger.UI.UIUtils
import Hledger.UI.TransactionScreen
import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen
@ -49,9 +50,9 @@ registerScreen = RegisterScreen{
rsSetAccount a scr@RegisterScreen{} = scr{rsAccount=a}
rsSetAccount _ scr = scr
rsInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState
rsInit d reset st@AppState{aopts=opts, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@RegisterScreen{..}} =
rsInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
rsInit d reset ui@UIState{aopts=opts, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@RegisterScreen{..}} =
-- gather arguments and queries
ropts = (reportopts_ $ cliopts_ opts)
@ -99,8 +100,8 @@ rsInit d reset st@AppState{aopts=opts, ajournal=j, aScreen=s@RegisterScreen{..}}
rsInit _ _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
rsDraw :: AppState -> [Widget]
rsDraw AppState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
rsDraw :: UIState -> [Widget]
rsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
} =
@ -219,8 +220,8 @@ rsDrawItem (datewidth,descwidth,acctswidth,changewidth,balwidth) selected Regist
sel | selected = (<> "selected")
| otherwise = id
rsHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
rsHandle st@AppState{
rsHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
rsHandle ui@UIState{
@ -231,31 +232,31 @@ rsHandle st@AppState{
case mode of
Minibuffer ed ->
case ev of
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ stCloseMinibuffer st
EvKey KEnter [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stFilter s $ stCloseMinibuffer st
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ closeMinibuffer ui
EvKey KEnter [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ setFilter s $ closeMinibuffer ui
where s = chomp $ unlines $ getEditContents ed
ev -> do ed' <- handleEvent ev ed
continue $ st{aMode=Minibuffer ed'}
continue $ ui{aMode=Minibuffer ed'}
Help ->
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
_ -> helpHandle st ev
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
Normal ->
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d st
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help st
EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> liftIO (stReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j st) >>= continue
EvKey (KChar 'a') [] -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> stReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j st
EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty st)
EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared st)
EvKey (KChar 'U') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleUncleared st)
EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal st)
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar '/'] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stShowMinibuffer st)
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stResetFilter st)
EvKey (KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen st
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help ui
EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> liftIO (uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui) >>= continue
EvKey (KChar 'a') [] -> suspendAndResume $ clearScreen >> setCursorPosition 0 0 >> add copts j >> uiReloadJournalIfChanged copts d j ui
EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleEmpty ui)
EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleCleared ui)
EvKey (KChar 'U') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleUncleared ui)
EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> scrollTop >> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ toggleReal ui)
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar '/'] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ showMinibuffer ui)
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KBS, KDel] -> (continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ resetFilter ui)
EvKey (KLeft) [] -> continue $ popScreen ui
EvKey (k) [] | k `elem` [KRight, KEnter] -> do
case listSelectedElement rsList of
@ -267,13 +268,13 @@ rsHandle st@AppState{
continue $ screenEnter d transactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t)
,tsAccount=rsAccount} st
Nothing -> continue st
,tsAccount=rsAccount} ui
Nothing -> continue ui
-- fall through to the list's event handler (handles [pg]up/down)
ev -> do newitems <- handleEvent ev rsList
continue st{aScreen=s{rsList=newitems}}
-- continue =<< handleEventLensed st someLens ev
continue ui{aScreen=s{rsList=newitems}}
-- continue =<< handleEventLensed ui someLens ev
-- Encourage a more stable scroll position when toggling list items (cf AccountsScreen.hs)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
-- import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Graphics.Vty
-- import Safe (headDef, lastDef)
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.List (listMoveTo)
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ import Hledger.Cli hiding (progname,prognameandversion,green)
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- import Hledger.UI.Theme
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIState
import Hledger.UI.UIUtils
import Hledger.UI.ErrorScreen
@ -46,14 +47,14 @@ transactionScreen = TransactionScreen{
,tsAccount = ""
tsInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState
tsInit _d _reset st@AppState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=_ropts}}
tsInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
tsInit _d _reset ui@UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=_ropts}}
,aScreen=TransactionScreen{..}} = st
,aScreen=TransactionScreen{..}} = ui
tsInit _ _ _ = error "init function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
tsDraw :: AppState -> [Widget]
tsDraw AppState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
tsDraw :: UIState -> [Widget]
tsDraw UIState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
@ -107,8 +108,8 @@ tsDraw AppState{aopts=UIOpts{cliopts_=CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}
tsDraw _ = error "draw function called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
tsHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
tsHandle st@AppState{aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t)
tsHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
tsHandle ui@UIState{aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t)
@ -119,8 +120,8 @@ tsHandle st@AppState{aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t)
case mode of
Help ->
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
_ -> helpHandle st ev
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
_ -> helpHandle ui ev
_ -> do
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
@ -128,14 +129,14 @@ tsHandle st@AppState{aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t)
(iprev,tprev) = maybe (i,t) ((i-1),) $ lookup (i-1) nts
(inext,tnext) = maybe (i,t) ((i+1),) $ lookup (i+1) nts
case ev of
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt st
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d st
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help st
EvKey (KChar 'q') [] -> halt ui
EvKey KEsc [] -> continue $ resetScreens d ui
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KChar 'h', KChar '?'] -> continue $ setMode Help ui
EvKey (KChar 'g') [] -> do
d <- liftIO getCurrentDay
(ej, _) <- liftIO $ journalReloadIfChanged copts d j
case ej of
Left err -> continue $ screenEnter d errorScreen{esError=err} st
Left err -> continue $ screenEnter d errorScreen{esError=err} ui
Right j' -> do
-- got to redo the register screen's transactions report, to get the latest transactions list for this screen
-- XXX duplicates rsInit
@ -155,21 +156,21 @@ tsHandle st@AppState{aScreen=s@TransactionScreen{tsTransaction=(i,t)
Nothing | null numberedts -> (0,nulltransaction)
| i > fst (last numberedts) -> last numberedts
| otherwise -> head numberedts
st' = st{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(i',t')
ui' = ui{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(i',t')
continue $ regenerateScreens j' d st'
continue $ regenerateScreens j' d ui'
-- if allowing toggling here, we should refresh the txn list from the parent register screen
-- EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty st
-- EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared st
-- EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal st
EvKey KUp [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d st{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(iprev,tprev)}}
EvKey KDown [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d st{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(inext,tnext)}}
EvKey KLeft [] -> continue st''
-- EvKey (KChar 'E') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleEmpty ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'C') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleCleared ui
-- EvKey (KChar 'R') [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d $ stToggleReal ui
EvKey KUp [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d ui{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(iprev,tprev)}}
EvKey KDown [] -> continue $ regenerateScreens j d ui{aScreen=s{tsTransaction=(inext,tnext)}}
EvKey KLeft [] -> continue ui''
st'@AppState{aScreen=scr} = popScreen st
st'' = st'{aScreen=rsSelect (fromIntegral i) scr}
_ -> continue st
ui'@UIState{aScreen=scr} = popScreen ui
ui'' = ui'{aScreen=rsSelect (fromIntegral i) scr}
_ -> continue ui
tsHandle _ _ = error "event handler called with wrong screen type, should not happen"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
{- | UIState operations. -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.UI.UIState
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Data.List
import Data.Text.Zipper (gotoEOL)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- | Toggle between showing only cleared items or all items.
toggleCleared :: UIState -> UIState
toggleCleared ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleCleared ropts}}}
toggleCleared ropts = ropts{cleared_=not $ cleared_ ropts, uncleared_=False, pending_=False}
-- | Toggle between showing only pending items or all items.
togglePending :: UIState -> UIState
togglePending ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=togglePending ropts}}}
togglePending ropts = ropts{pending_=not $ pending_ ropts, uncleared_=False, cleared_=False}
-- | Toggle between showing only uncleared items or all items.
toggleUncleared :: UIState -> UIState
toggleUncleared ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleUncleared ropts}}}
toggleUncleared ropts = ropts{uncleared_=not $ uncleared_ ropts, cleared_=False, pending_=False}
-- | Toggle between showing all and showing only nonempty (more precisely, nonzero) items.
toggleEmpty :: UIState -> UIState
toggleEmpty ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleEmpty ropts}}}
toggleEmpty ropts = ropts{empty_=not $ empty_ ropts}
-- | Toggle between flat and tree mode. If in the third "default" mode, go to flat mode.
toggleFlat :: UIState -> UIState
toggleFlat ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleFlatMode ropts}}}
toggleFlatMode ropts@ReportOpts{accountlistmode_=ALFlat} = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALTree}
toggleFlatMode ropts = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALFlat}
-- | Toggle between showing all and showing only real (non-virtual) items.
toggleReal :: UIState -> UIState
toggleReal ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleReal ropts}}}
toggleReal ropts = ropts{real_=not $ real_ ropts}
-- | Apply a new filter query.
setFilter :: String -> UIState -> UIState
setFilter s ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
-- | Clear all filter queries/flags.
resetFilter :: UIState -> UIState
resetFilter ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
resetDepth :: UIState -> UIState
resetDepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
-- | Get the maximum account depth in the current journal.
maxDepth :: UIState -> Int
maxDepth UIState{ajournal=j} = maximum $ map accountNameLevel $ journalAccountNames j
-- | Decrement the current depth limit towards 0. If there was no depth limit,
-- set it to one less than the maximum account depth.
decDepth :: UIState -> UIState
decDepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{..}}}}
= ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=dec depth_}}}}
dec (Just d) = Just $ max 0 (d-1)
dec Nothing = Just $ maxDepth ui - 1
-- | Increment the current depth limit. If this makes it equal to the
-- the maximum account depth, remove the depth limit.
incDepth :: UIState -> UIState
incDepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{..}}}}
= ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=inc depth_}}}}
inc (Just d) | d < (maxDepth ui - 1) = Just $ d+1
inc _ = Nothing
-- | Set the current depth limit to the specified depth, or remove the depth limit.
-- Also remove the depth limit if the specified depth is greater than the current
-- maximum account depth. If the specified depth is negative, reset the depth limit
-- to whatever was specified at uiartup.
setDepth :: Maybe Int -> UIState -> UIState
setDepth mdepth ui@UIState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}}
= ui{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=mdepth'}}}}
mdepth' = case mdepth of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just d | d < 0 -> depth_ ropts
| d >= maxDepth ui -> Nothing
| otherwise -> mdepth
-- | Open the minibuffer, setting its content to the current query with the cursor at the end.
showMinibuffer :: UIState -> UIState
showMinibuffer ui = setMode (Minibuffer e) ui
e = applyEdit gotoEOL $ editor "minibuffer" (str . unlines) (Just 1) oldq
oldq = query_ $ reportopts_ $ cliopts_ $ aopts ui
-- | Close the minibuffer, discarding any edit in progress.
closeMinibuffer :: UIState -> UIState
closeMinibuffer = setMode Normal
setMode :: Mode -> UIState -> UIState
setMode m ui = ui{aMode=m}
-- | Regenerate the content for the current and previous screens, from a new journal and current date.
regenerateScreens :: Journal -> Day -> UIState -> UIState
regenerateScreens j d ui@UIState{aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} =
-- XXX clumsy due to entanglement of UIState and Screen.
-- sInit operates only on an appstate's current screen, so
-- remove all the screens from the appstate and then add them back
-- one at a time, regenerating as we go.
first:rest = reverse $ s:ss :: [Screen]
ui0 = ui{ajournal=j, aScreen=first, aPrevScreens=[]} :: UIState
ui1 = (sInit first) d False ui0 :: UIState
ui2 = foldl' (\ui s -> (sInit s) d False $ pushScreen s ui) ui1 rest :: UIState
pushScreen :: Screen -> UIState -> UIState
pushScreen scr ui = ui{aPrevScreens=(aScreen ui:aPrevScreens ui)
popScreen :: UIState -> UIState
popScreen ui@UIState{aPrevScreens=s:ss} = ui{aScreen=s, aPrevScreens=ss}
popScreen ui = ui
resetScreens :: Day -> UIState -> UIState
resetScreens d ui@UIState{aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} =
(sInit topscreen) d True $ resetDepth $ resetFilter $ closeMinibuffer ui{aScreen=topscreen, aPrevScreens=[]}
topscreen = case ss of _:_ -> last ss
[] -> s
-- | Enter a new screen, saving the old screen & state in the
-- navigation history and initialising the new screen's state.
screenEnter :: Day -> Screen -> UIState -> UIState
screenEnter d scr ui = (sInit scr) d True $
pushScreen scr
@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
{- |
hledger-ui's AppState holds the currently active screen and any previously visited
hledger-ui's UIState holds the currently active screen and any previously visited
screens (and their states).
The brick App delegates all event-handling and rendering
to the AppState's active screen.
to the UIState's active screen.
Screens have their own screen state, render function, event handler, and app state
update function, so they have full control.
Brick.defaultMain brickapp st
brickapp :: App (AppState) V.Event
brickapp :: App (UIState) V.Event
brickapp = App {
appLiftVtyEvent = id
, appStartEvent = return
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ Brick.defaultMain brickapp st
, appHandleEvent = \st ev -> sHandle (aScreen st) st ev
, appDraw = \st -> sDraw (aScreen st) st
st :: AppState
st :: UIState
st = (sInit s) d
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ module Hledger.UI.UITypes where
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import qualified Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Graphics.Vty
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.List
import Brick.Widgets.Edit (Editor)
@ -59,12 +59,12 @@ instance Show Editor where show _ = "<Editor>"
-- As you navigate through screens, the old ones are saved in a stack.
-- The app can be in one of several modes: normal screen operation,
-- showing a help dialog, entering data in the minibuffer etc.
data AppState = AppState {
aopts :: UIOpts -- ^ the command-line options and query arguments currently in effect
,ajournal :: Journal -- ^ the journal being viewed
,aPrevScreens :: [Screen] -- ^ previously visited screens, most recent first
,aScreen :: Screen -- ^ the currently active screen
,aMode :: Mode -- ^ the currently active mode
data UIState = UIState {
aopts :: UIOpts -- ^ the command-line options and query arguments currently in effect
,ajournal :: Journal -- ^ the journal being viewed
,aPrevScreens :: [Screen] -- ^ previously visited screens, most recent first
,aScreen :: Screen -- ^ the currently active screen
,aMode :: Mode -- ^ the currently active mode
} deriving (Show)
-- | The mode modifies the screen's rendering and event handling.
@ -86,34 +86,34 @@ instance Eq Editor where _ == _ = True
-- cases need to be handled, and also that their lenses are traversals, not single-value getters.
data Screen =
AccountsScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState -- ^ function to initialise or update this screen's state
,sDraw :: AppState -> [Widget] -- ^ brick renderer for this screen
,sHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState) -- ^ brick event handler for this screen
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState -- ^ function to initialise or update this screen's state
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget] -- ^ brick renderer for this screen
,sHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState) -- ^ brick event handler for this screen
-- state fields.These ones have lenses:
,_asList :: List AccountsScreenItem -- ^ list widget showing account names & balances
,_asSelectedAccount :: AccountName -- ^ a backup of the account name from the list widget's selected item (or "")
| RegisterScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState
,sDraw :: AppState -> [Widget]
,sHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget]
,sHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
,rsList :: List RegisterScreenItem -- ^ list widget showing transactions affecting this account
,rsAccount :: AccountName -- ^ the account this register is for
| TransactionScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState
,sDraw :: AppState -> [Widget]
,sHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget]
,sHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
,tsTransaction :: NumberedTransaction -- ^ the transaction we are currently viewing, and its position in the list
,tsTransactions :: [NumberedTransaction] -- ^ list of transactions we can step through
,tsAccount :: AccountName -- ^ the account whose register we entered this screen from
| ErrorScreen {
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> AppState -> AppState
,sDraw :: AppState -> [Widget]
,sHandle :: AppState -> Vty.Event -> EventM (Next AppState)
sInit :: Day -> Bool -> UIState -> UIState
,sDraw :: UIState -> [Widget]
,sHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
,esError :: String -- ^ error message to show
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ data RegisterScreenItem = RegisterScreenItem {
type NumberedTransaction = (Integer, Transaction)
-- dummy monoid instance needed for lenses for now since the List fields are not common across constructors
-- dummy monoid instance needed make lenses work with List fields not common across constructors
instance Monoid (List a)
mempty = list "" V.empty 1
@ -1,212 +1,26 @@
{- | Rendering & misc. helpers. -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Hledger.UI.UIUtils
-- (
-- pushScreen
-- ,popScreen
-- ,resetScreens
-- ,screenEnter
-- ,regenerateScreens
-- ,getViewportSize
-- -- ,margin
-- ,withBorderAttr
-- ,topBottomBorderWithLabel
-- ,topBottomBorderWithLabels
-- ,defaultLayout
-- ,borderQueryStr
-- ,borderDepthStr
-- ,borderKeysStr
-- ,minibuffer
-- --
-- ,stToggleCleared
-- ,stTogglePending
-- ,stToggleUncleared
-- ,stToggleEmpty
-- ,stToggleFlat
-- ,stToggleReal
-- ,stFilter
-- ,stResetFilter
-- ,stShowMinibuffer
-- ,stCloseMinibuffer
-- )
import Lens.Micro.Platform ((^.))
-- import Control.Monad
-- import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- import Data.Default
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text.Zipper (gotoEOL)
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Dialog
-- import Brick.Widgets.List
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Brick.Widgets.Border
import Brick.Widgets.Border.Style
import Graphics.Vty as Vty
import Brick.Widgets.Dialog
import Brick.Widgets.Edit
import Data.List
import Data.Monoid
import Graphics.Vty
import Lens.Micro.Platform
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.UI.UITypes
import Hledger.UI.UIOptions
-- | Toggle between showing only cleared items or all items.
stToggleCleared :: AppState -> AppState
stToggleCleared st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleCleared ropts}}}
toggleCleared ropts = ropts{cleared_=not $ cleared_ ropts, uncleared_=False, pending_=False}
-- | Toggle between showing only pending items or all items.
stTogglePending :: AppState -> AppState
stTogglePending st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=togglePending ropts}}}
togglePending ropts = ropts{pending_=not $ pending_ ropts, uncleared_=False, cleared_=False}
-- | Toggle between showing only uncleared items or all items.
stToggleUncleared :: AppState -> AppState
stToggleUncleared st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleUncleared ropts}}}
toggleUncleared ropts = ropts{uncleared_=not $ uncleared_ ropts, cleared_=False, pending_=False}
-- | Toggle between showing all and showing only nonempty (more precisely, nonzero) items.
stToggleEmpty :: AppState -> AppState
stToggleEmpty st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleEmpty ropts}}}
toggleEmpty ropts = ropts{empty_=not $ empty_ ropts}
-- | Toggle between flat and tree mode. If in the third "default" mode, go to flat mode.
stToggleFlat :: AppState -> AppState
stToggleFlat st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleFlatMode ropts}}}
toggleFlatMode ropts@ReportOpts{accountlistmode_=ALFlat} = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALTree}
toggleFlatMode ropts = ropts{accountlistmode_=ALFlat}
-- | Toggle between showing all and showing only real (non-virtual) items.
stToggleReal :: AppState -> AppState
stToggleReal st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=toggleReal ropts}}}
toggleReal ropts = ropts{real_=not $ real_ ropts}
-- | Apply a new filter query.
stFilter :: String -> AppState -> AppState
stFilter s st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
-- | Clear all filter queries/flags.
stResetFilter :: AppState -> AppState
stResetFilter st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
resetDepth :: AppState -> AppState
resetDepth st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}} =
-- | Get the maximum account depth in the current journal.
maxDepth :: AppState -> Int
maxDepth AppState{ajournal=j} = maximum $ map accountNameLevel $ journalAccountNames j
-- | Decrement the current depth limit towards 0. If there was no depth limit,
-- set it to one less than the maximum account depth.
decDepth :: AppState -> AppState
decDepth st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{..}}}}
= st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=dec depth_}}}}
dec (Just d) = Just $ max 0 (d-1)
dec Nothing = Just $ maxDepth st - 1
-- | Increment the current depth limit. If this makes it equal to the
-- the maximum account depth, remove the depth limit.
incDepth :: AppState -> AppState
incDepth st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts@ReportOpts{..}}}}
= st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=inc depth_}}}}
inc (Just d) | d < (maxDepth st - 1) = Just $ d+1
inc _ = Nothing
-- | Set the current depth limit to the specified depth, or remove the depth limit.
-- Also remove the depth limit if the specified depth is greater than the current
-- maximum account depth. If the specified depth is negative, reset the depth limit
-- to whatever was specified at startup.
setDepth :: Maybe Int -> AppState -> AppState
setDepth mdepth st@AppState{aopts=uopts@UIOpts{cliopts_=copts@CliOpts{reportopts_=ropts}}}
= st{aopts=uopts{cliopts_=copts{reportopts_=ropts{depth_=mdepth'}}}}
mdepth' = case mdepth of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just d | d < 0 -> depth_ ropts
| d >= maxDepth st -> Nothing
| otherwise -> mdepth
-- | Open the minibuffer, setting its content to the current query with the cursor at the end.
stShowMinibuffer st = setMode (Minibuffer e) st
e = applyEdit gotoEOL $ editor "minibuffer" (str . unlines) (Just 1) oldq
oldq = query_ $ reportopts_ $ cliopts_ $ aopts st
-- | Close the minibuffer, discarding any edit in progress.
stCloseMinibuffer = setMode Normal
setMode :: Mode -> AppState -> AppState
setMode m st = st{aMode=m}
-- | Regenerate the content for the current and previous screens, from a new journal and current date.
regenerateScreens :: Journal -> Day -> AppState -> AppState
regenerateScreens j d st@AppState{aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} =
-- XXX clumsy due to entanglement of AppState and Screen.
-- sInit operates only on an appstate's current screen, so
-- remove all the screens from the appstate and then add them back
-- one at a time, regenerating as we go.
first:rest = reverse $ s:ss :: [Screen]
st0 = st{ajournal=j, aScreen=first, aPrevScreens=[]} :: AppState
st1 = (sInit first) d False st0 :: AppState
st2 = foldl' (\st s -> (sInit s) d False $ pushScreen s st) st1 rest :: AppState
pushScreen :: Screen -> AppState -> AppState
pushScreen scr st = st{aPrevScreens=(aScreen st:aPrevScreens st)
popScreen :: AppState -> AppState
popScreen st@AppState{aPrevScreens=s:ss} = st{aScreen=s, aPrevScreens=ss}
popScreen st = st
resetScreens :: Day -> AppState -> AppState
resetScreens d st@AppState{aScreen=s,aPrevScreens=ss} =
(sInit topscreen) d True $ resetDepth $ stResetFilter $ stCloseMinibuffer st{aScreen=topscreen, aPrevScreens=[]}
topscreen = case ss of _:_ -> last ss
[] -> s
-- clearScreens :: AppState -> AppState
-- clearScreens st = st{aPrevScreens=[]}
-- | Enter a new screen, saving the old screen & state in the
-- navigation history and initialising the new screen's state.
screenEnter :: Day -> Screen -> AppState -> AppState
screenEnter d scr st = (sInit scr) d True $
pushScreen scr
import Hledger.UI.UIState
-- | Draw the help dialog, called when help mode is active.
helpDialog :: Widget
helpDialog =
Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
c <- getContext
@ -251,22 +65,21 @@ helpDialog =
renderKey (key,desc) = withAttr (borderAttr <> "keys") (str key) <+> str " " <+> str desc
-- | Event handler used when help mode is active.
helpHandle st ev =
helpHandle :: UIState -> Event -> EventM (Next UIState)
helpHandle ui ev =
case ev of
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KEsc, KChar 'h'] -> continue $ setMode Normal st
_ -> continue st
EvKey k [] | k `elem` [KEsc, KChar 'h'] -> continue $ setMode Normal ui
_ -> continue ui
-- | In the EventM monad, get the named current viewport's width and height,
-- or (0,0) if the named viewport is not found.
getViewportSize :: Name -> EventM (Int,Int)
getViewportSize name = do
mvp <- lookupViewport name
let (w,h) = case mvp of
Just vp -> vp ^. vpSize
Nothing -> (0,0)
-- liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (w,h)
return (w,h)
-- | Draw the minibuffer.
minibuffer :: Editor -> Widget
minibuffer ed =
forceAttr (borderAttr <> "minibuffer") $
hBox $
[txt "filter: ", renderEditor ed]
-- | Wrap a widget in the default hledger-ui screen layout.
defaultLayout :: Widget -> Widget -> Widget -> Widget
defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel =
topBottomBorderWithLabels (str " "<+>toplabel<+>str " ") (str " "<+>bottomlabel<+>str " ") .
margin 1 0 Nothing
@ -274,6 +87,26 @@ defaultLayout toplabel bottomlabel =
-- padLeftRight 1 -- XXX should reduce inner widget's width by 2, but doesn't
-- "the layout adjusts... if you use the core combinators"
borderQueryStr :: String -> Widget
borderQueryStr "" = str ""
borderQueryStr qry = str " matching " <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str qry)
borderDepthStr :: Maybe Int -> Widget
borderDepthStr Nothing = str ""
borderDepthStr (Just d) = str " to " <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "depth") (str $ "depth "++show d)
borderKeysStr :: [(String,String)] -> Widget
borderKeysStr keydescs =
hBox $
intersperse sep $
[withAttr (borderAttr <> "keys") (str keys) <+> str ":" <+> str desc | (keys, desc) <- keydescs]
-- sep = str " | "
sep = str " "
-- generic
topBottomBorderWithLabel :: Widget -> Widget -> Widget
topBottomBorderWithLabel label = \wrapped ->
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
@ -290,6 +123,7 @@ topBottomBorderWithLabel label = \wrapped ->
topBottomBorderWithLabels :: Widget -> Widget -> Widget -> Widget
topBottomBorderWithLabels toplabel bottomlabel = \wrapped ->
Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
c <- getContext
@ -307,6 +141,7 @@ topBottomBorderWithLabels toplabel bottomlabel = \wrapped ->
hBorderWithLabel bottomlabel
-- XXX should be equivalent to the above, but isn't (page down goes offscreen)
_topBottomBorderWithLabel2 :: Widget -> Widget -> Widget
_topBottomBorderWithLabel2 label = \wrapped ->
let debugmsg = ""
in hBorderWithLabel (label <+> str debugmsg)
@ -340,33 +175,6 @@ margin h v mcolour = \w ->
-- withBorderStyle (borderStyleFromChar ' ') .
-- applyN n border
withBorderAttr :: Attr -> Widget -> Widget
withBorderAttr attr = updateAttrMap (applyAttrMappings [(borderAttr, attr)])
-- _ui = vCenter $ vBox [ hCenter box
-- , str " "
-- , hCenter $ str "Press Esc to exit."
-- ]
borderQueryStr :: String -> Widget
borderQueryStr "" = str ""
borderQueryStr qry = str " matching " <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "query") (str qry)
borderDepthStr :: Maybe Int -> Widget
borderDepthStr Nothing = str ""
borderDepthStr (Just d) = str " to " <+> withAttr (borderAttr <> "depth") (str $ "depth "++show d)
borderKeysStr :: [(String,String)] -> Widget
borderKeysStr keydescs =
hBox $
intersperse sep $
[withAttr (borderAttr <> "keys") (str keys) <+> str ":" <+> str desc | (keys, desc) <- keydescs]
-- sep = str " | "
sep = str " "
minibuffer :: Editor -> Widget
minibuffer ed =
forceAttr (borderAttr <> "minibuffer") $
hBox $
[txt "filter: ", renderEditor ed]
@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ executable hledger-ui
Reference in New Issue
Block a user