web: Add capabilities guards and conditional widget rendering

This commit is contained in:
Jakub Zárybnický 2018-06-24 16:25:22 +02:00
parent e8668e2a5c
commit 483283ec43
13 changed files with 59 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -134,11 +134,7 @@ SOURCEFILES:= \
hledger-*/Hledger/*hs \
hledger-*/Hledger/*/*hs \
hledger-lib/other/ledger-parse/Ledger/Parser/*hs \
hledger-web/app/*.hs \
hledger-web/tests/*.hs \
hledger-web/Handler/*.hs \
hledger-web/Hledger/*.hs \
hledger-web/Settings/*.hs \
hledger-web/**/*.hs \
hledger/*package.yaml \

View File

@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ instance Yesod App where
defaultLayout widget = do
master <- getYesod
here <- fromMaybe RootR <$> getCurrentRoute
VD {j, m, opts, q, qopts} <- getViewData
VD {caps, j, m, opts, q, qopts} <- getViewData
msg <- getMessage
showSidebar <- shouldShowSidebar
hideEmptyAccts <- (== Just "1") . lookup "hideemptyaccts" . reqCookies <$> getRequest
@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ getViewData = do
caps <- case capabilitiesHeader_ opts of
Nothing -> return (capabilities_ opts)
Just h -> do
hs <- fmap snd . filter ((== h) . fst) . requestHeaders <$> waiRequest
fmap join . for hs $ \x -> case capabilityFromBS x of
hs <- fmap (BC.split ',' . snd) . filter ((== h) . fst) . requestHeaders <$> waiRequest
fmap join . for (join hs) $ \x -> case capabilityFromBS x of
Left e -> [] <$ addMessage "" ("Unknown permission: " <> toHtml (BC.unpack e))
Right c -> pure [c]
return VD {opts, today, j, q, m, qopts, caps}

View File

@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ getAddR = postAddR
postAddR :: Handler ()
postAddR = do
VD{j, today} <- getViewData
VD{caps, j, today} <- getViewData
when (CapAdd `notElem` caps) (permissionDenied "Missing the 'add' capability")
((res, view), enctype) <- runFormPost $ addForm j today
t <- txnTieKnot <$> fromFormSuccess (showForm view enctype) res
-- XXX(?) move into balanceTransaction

View File

@ -27,7 +27,9 @@ getEditR = postEditR
postEditR :: FilePath -> Handler ()
postEditR f = do
VD {j} <- getViewData
VD {caps, j} <- getViewData
when (CapManage `notElem` caps) (permissionDenied "Missing the 'manage' capability")
(f', txt) <- journalFile404 f j
((res, view), enctype) <- runFormPost (editForm f' txt)
text <- fromFormSuccess (showForm view enctype) res

View File

@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ import Hledger.Web.Widget.AddForm (addModal)
import Hledger.Web.Widget.Common (accountQuery, mixedAmountAsHtml)
-- | The formatted journal view, with sidebar.
-- XXX like registerReportAsHtml
getJournalR :: Handler Html
getJournalR = do
VD{j, m, opts, qopts, today} <- getViewData
VD{caps, j, m, opts, qopts, today} <- getViewData
when (CapView `notElem` caps) (permissionDenied "Missing the 'view' capability")
let title = case inAccount qopts of
Nothing -> "General Journal"
Just (a, inclsubs) -> "Transactions in " <> a <> if inclsubs then "" else " (excluding subaccounts)"

View File

@ -22,7 +22,9 @@ import Hledger.Web.Widget.Common (mixedAmountAsHtml)
-- | The main journal/account register view, with accounts sidebar.
getRegisterR :: Handler Html
getRegisterR = do
VD{j, m, opts, qopts, today} <- getViewData
VD{caps, j, m, opts, qopts, today} <- getViewData
when (CapView `notElem` caps) (permissionDenied "Missing the 'view' capability")
let (a,inclsubs) = fromMaybe ("all accounts",True) $ inAccount qopts
s1 = if inclsubs then "" else " (excluding subaccounts)"
s2 = if m /= Any then ", filtered" else ""

View File

@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ getUploadR = postUploadR
postUploadR :: FilePath -> Handler ()
postUploadR f = do
VD {j} <- getViewData
VD {caps, j} <- getViewData
when (CapManage `notElem` caps) (permissionDenied "Missing the 'manage' capability")
(f', _) <- journalFile404 f j
((res, view), enctype) <- runFormPost (uploadForm f')
fi <- fromFormSuccess (showForm view enctype) res

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Text.Blaze as Import (Markup)
import Hledger.Web.Foundation as Import
import Hledger.Web.Settings as Import
import Hledger.Web.Settings.StaticFiles as Import
import Hledger.Web.WebOptions as Import (Capability(..))
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid as Import ((<>))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
@ -14,7 +13,6 @@ module Hledger.Web.Main where
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.String (fromString)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Network.Wai (Application)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (runSettings, defaultSettings, setHost, setPort)
import Network.Wai.Handler.Launch (runHostPortUrl)
@ -42,7 +40,7 @@ hledgerWebMain = do
hledgerWebDev :: IO (Int, Application)
hledgerWebDev =
withJournalDo' defwebopts (\o j -> defaultDevelApp loader $ makeApplication o j)
withJournalDoWeb defwebopts (\o j -> defaultDevelApp loader $ makeApplication o j)
loader =
@ -50,28 +48,27 @@ hledgerWebDev =
runWith :: WebOpts -> IO ()
runWith opts
| "help" `inRawOpts` (rawopts_ $ cliopts_ opts) = putStr (showModeUsage webmode) >> exitSuccess
| "version" `inRawOpts` (rawopts_ $ cliopts_ opts) = putStrLn prognameandversion >> exitSuccess
| "binary-filename" `inRawOpts` (rawopts_ $ cliopts_ opts) = putStrLn (binaryfilename progname)
| otherwise = do
requireJournalFileExists =<< (head `fmap` journalFilePathFromOpts (cliopts_ opts)) -- XXX head should be safe for now
withJournalDoWeb opts web
| "help" `inRawOpts` rawopts_ (cliopts_ opts) = putStr (showModeUsage webmode) >> exitSuccess
| "version" `inRawOpts` rawopts_ (cliopts_ opts) = putStrLn prognameandversion >> exitSuccess
| "binary-filename" `inRawOpts` rawopts_ (cliopts_ opts) = putStrLn (binaryfilename progname)
| otherwise = withJournalDoWeb opts web
-- | A version of withJournalDo specialised for hledger-web.
-- Disallows the special - file to avoid some bug,
-- takes WebOpts rather than CliOpts.
withJournalDoWeb :: WebOpts -> (WebOpts -> Journal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
withJournalDoWeb :: WebOpts -> (WebOpts -> Journal -> IO a) -> IO a
withJournalDoWeb opts@WebOpts {cliopts_ = copts} cmd = do
journalpaths <- journalFilePathFromOpts copts
-- https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/202
-- -f- gives [Error#yesod-core] <stdin>: hGetContents: illegal operation (handle is closed)
-- Also we may try to write to this file. Just disallow -.
when (head journalpaths == "-") $ -- always non-empty
when ("-" `elem` journalpaths) $ -- always non-empty
error' "hledger-web doesn't support -f -, please specify a file path"
mapM_ requireJournalFileExists journalpaths
-- keep synced with withJournalDo TODO refactor
readJournalFiles (inputopts_ copts) journalpaths
readJournalFiles (inputopts_ copts) journalpaths
>>= mapM (journalTransform copts)
>>= either error' (cmd opts)

View File

@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ webflags =
"enable these capabilities - comma-separated, possible values are: view, add, manage (default: view,add)"
, flagReq
(\s opts -> Right $ setopt "capabilities-from-header" s opts)
(\s opts -> Right $ setopt "capabilities-header" s opts)
"read enabled capabilities from a HTTP header (e.g. X-Sandstorm-Permissions, disabled by default)"
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ rawOptsToWebOpts rawopts =
, base_url_ = b
, file_url_ = stripTrailingSlash <$> maybestringopt "file-url" rawopts
, capabilities_ = caps
, capabilitiesHeader_ = mk . BC.pack <$> maybestringopt "capabilities-from-header" rawopts
, capabilitiesHeader_ = mk . BC.pack <$> maybestringopt "capabilities-header" rawopts
, cliopts_ = cliopts

View File

@ -7,27 +7,30 @@
<div#topbar .col-md-8 .col-sm-8 .col-xs-10>
<h1>#{takeFileName (journalFilePath j)}
<div#sidebar-menu .sidebar-offcanvas.#{sideShowmd}.#{sideShowsm}>
<table .main-menu .table>
$if elem CapView caps
<div#sidebar-menu .sidebar-offcanvas.#{sideShowmd}.#{sideShowsm}>
<table .main-menu .table>
<div#main-content .col-xs-12.#{mainShowmd}.#{mainShowsm}>
$maybe m <- msg
<div #message .alert.alert-info>#{m}
<form#searchform.input-group method=GET>
<input .form-control name=q value=#{q} placeholder="Search"
title="Enter hledger search patterns to filter the data below">
<div .input-group-btn>
$if not (T.null q)
<a href=@{here} .btn .btn-default title="Clear search terms">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-remove-circle>
<button .btn .btn-default type=submit title="Apply search terms">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-search>
<a href="@{ManageR}" .btn.btn-default title="Manage journal files">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-wrench>
<button .btn .btn-default type=button data-toggle="modal" data-target="#helpmodal"
title="Show search and general help">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-question-sign>
$if elem CapView caps
<form#searchform.input-group method=GET>
<input .form-control name=q value=#{q} placeholder="Search"
title="Enter hledger search patterns to filter the data below">
<div .input-group-btn>
$if not (T.null q)
<a href=@{here} .btn .btn-default title="Clear search terms">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-remove-circle>
<button .btn .btn-default type=submit title="Apply search terms">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-search>
$if elem CapManage caps
<a href="@{ManageR}" .btn.btn-default title="Manage journal files">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-wrench>
<button .btn .btn-default type=button data-toggle="modal" data-target="#helpmodal"
title="Show search and general help">
<span .glyphicon .glyphicon-question-sign>
<div .modal.fade #helpmodal tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="helpLabel" aria-hidden="true">

View File

@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
<a #addformlink href="#" role="button" style="cursor:pointer; margin-top:1em;"
data-toggle="modal" data-target="#addmodal" title="Add a new transaction to the journal">
Add a transaction
$if elem CapAdd caps
<a #addformlink href="#" role="button" style="cursor:pointer; margin-top:1em;"
data-toggle="modal" data-target="#addmodal" title="Add a new transaction to the journal">
Add a transaction
<div .table-responsive>
<table .transactionsreport .table .table-condensed>
@ -34,4 +35,5 @@
<td .amount style="text-align:right;">
^{mixedAmountAsHtml amt}
^{addModal AddR j today}
$if elem CapAdd caps
^{addModal AddR j today}

View File

@ -33,4 +33,5 @@
<td style="text-align:right;">
^{mixedAmountAsHtml bal}
^{addModal AddR j today}
$if elem CapAdd caps
^{addModal AddR j today}