mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 12:24:43 +03:00
fix: price: Make sure inferred market prices have the correct sign with
total prices. (#1813) Also reduce duplication for inferring market prices (previously it was done separately in both Hledger.Data.Journal and Hledger.Cli.Commands.Prices), and remove *TotalPriceToUnitPrice functions, since unit prices cannot represent all total prices. Add a helper function numDigitsInt to get the number of digits in an integer, which has a surprising number of ways to get it wrong.
This commit is contained in:
@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- ** rendering
@ -125,7 +124,6 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
-- ** rendering
@ -171,7 +169,7 @@ import Test.Tasty (testGroup)
import Test.Tasty.HUnit ((@?=), assertBool, testCase)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Utils (colorB)
import Hledger.Utils (colorB, numDigitsInt)
import Hledger.Utils.Text (textQuoteIfNeeded)
import Text.WideString (WideBuilder(..), wbFromText, wbToText, wbUnpack)
@ -312,22 +310,6 @@ amountCost a@Amount{aquantity=q, aprice=mp} =
Just (UnitPrice p@Amount{aquantity=pq}) -> p{aquantity=pq * q}
Just (TotalPrice p@Amount{aquantity=pq}) -> p{aquantity=pq}
-- | Replace an amount's TotalPrice, if it has one, with an equivalent UnitPrice.
-- Has no effect on amounts without one.
-- Also increases the unit price's display precision to show one extra decimal place,
-- to help keep transaction amounts balancing.
-- Does Decimal division, might be some rounding/irrational number issues.
amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice :: Amount -> Amount
a@Amount{aquantity=q, aprice=Just (TotalPrice pa@Amount{aquantity=pq, astyle=ps})}
= a{aprice = Just $ UnitPrice pa{aquantity=abs (pq/q), astyle=ps{asprecision=pp}}}
-- Increase the precision by 1, capping at the max bound.
pp = case asprecision ps of
NaturalPrecision -> NaturalPrecision
Precision p -> Precision $ if p == maxBound then maxBound else p + 1
amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice a = a
-- | Apply a function to an amount's quantity (and its total price, if it has one).
transformAmount :: (Quantity -> Quantity) -> Amount -> Amount
transformAmount f a@Amount{aquantity=q,aprice=p} = a{aquantity=f q, aprice=f' <$> p}
@ -950,8 +932,8 @@ elisionDisplay mmax sep n lastAmt
| otherwise = Nothing
fullString = T.pack $ show n ++ " more.."
-- sep from the separator, 7 from " more..", 1 + floor (logBase 10 n) from number
fullLength = sep + 8 + floor (logBase 10 $ fromIntegral n)
-- sep from the separator, 7 from " more..", numDigits n from number
fullLength = sep + 7 + numDigitsInt n
str | Just m <- mmax, fullLength > m = T.take (m - 2) fullString <> ".."
| otherwise = fullString
@ -985,12 +967,6 @@ mixedAmountStripPrices (Mixed ma) =
canonicaliseMixedAmount :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -> MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
canonicaliseMixedAmount styles = mapMixedAmountUnsafe (canonicaliseAmount styles)
-- | Replace each component amount's TotalPrice, if it has one, with an equivalent UnitPrice.
-- Has no effect on amounts without one.
-- Does Decimal division, might be some rounding/irrational number issues.
mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice :: MixedAmount -> MixedAmount
mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice = mapMixedAmount amountTotalPriceToUnitPrice
-- tests
@ -926,26 +926,12 @@ canonicalStyle a b = a{asprecision=prec, asdecimalpoint=decmark, asdigitgroups=m
journalInferMarketPricesFromTransactions :: Journal -> Journal
journalInferMarketPricesFromTransactions j =
j{jinferredmarketprices =
dbg4 "jinferredmarketprices" $
mapMaybe postingInferredmarketPrice $ journalPostings j
dbg4 "jinferredmarketprices" .
map priceDirectiveToMarketPrice .
concatMap postingPriceDirectivesFromCost $
journalPostings j
-- | Make a market price equivalent to this posting's amount's unit
-- price, if any. If the posting amount is multicommodity, only the
-- first commodity amount is considered.
postingInferredmarketPrice :: Posting -> Maybe MarketPrice
postingInferredmarketPrice p@Posting{pamount} =
-- convert any total prices to unit prices
case amountsRaw $ mixedAmountTotalPriceToUnitPrice pamount of
Amount{acommodity=fromcomm, aprice = Just (UnitPrice Amount{acommodity=tocomm, aquantity=rate})}:_ ->
Just MarketPrice {
mpdate = postingDate p
,mpfrom = fromcomm
,mpto = tocomm
,mprate = rate
_ -> Nothing
-- | Convert all this journal's amounts to cost using the transaction prices, if any.
-- The journal's commodity styles are applied to the resulting amounts.
journalToCost :: ConversionOp -> Journal -> Journal
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Posting (
@ -73,7 +74,7 @@ where
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, mapMaybe)
import Data.List (foldl', sort, union)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Data.Text (Text)
@ -456,6 +457,12 @@ postingAddInferredEquityPostings equityAcct p = taggedPosting : concatMap conver
priceTag = ("cost", T.strip . wbToText $ foldMap showAmountPrice priceAmounts)
priceAmounts = filter (isJust . aprice) . amountsRaw $ pamount p
-- | Make a market price equivalent to this posting's amount's unit
-- price, if any.
postingPriceDirectivesFromCost :: Posting -> [PriceDirective]
postingPriceDirectivesFromCost p@Posting{pamount} =
mapMaybe (amountPriceDirectiveFromCost $ postingDate p) $ amountsRaw pamount
-- | Apply a transform function to this posting's amount.
postingTransformAmount :: (MixedAmount -> MixedAmount) -> Posting -> Posting
postingTransformAmount f p@Posting{pamount=a} = p{pamount=f a}
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Valuation (
-- ,priceLookup
@ -96,6 +97,22 @@ priceDirectiveToMarketPrice PriceDirective{..} =
, mprate = aquantity pdamount
-- | Make one or more `MarketPrice` from an 'Amount' and its price directives.
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost :: Day -> Amount -> Maybe PriceDirective
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost d amt@Amount{acommodity=fromcomm, aquantity=fromq} = case aprice amt of
Just (UnitPrice pa) -> Just $ pd{pdamount=pa}
Just (TotalPrice pa) | fromq /= 0 -> Just $ pd{pdamount=fromq `divideAmountExtraPrecision` pa}
_ -> Nothing
pd = PriceDirective{pddate = d, pdcommodity = fromcomm, pdamount = nullamt}
divideAmountExtraPrecision n a = (n `divideAmount` a) { astyle = style' }
style' = (astyle a) { asprecision = precision' }
precision' = case asprecision (astyle a) of
NaturalPrecision -> NaturalPrecision
Precision p -> Precision $ (numDigitsInt $ truncate n) + p
-- Converting things to value
@ -234,6 +234,22 @@ sequence' ms = do
mapM' :: Monad f => (a -> f b) -> [a] -> f [b]
mapM' f = sequence' . map f
-- | Find the number of digits of an 'Int'.
numDigitsInt :: Integral a => Int -> a
numDigitsInt n
| n == minBound = 19 -- negate minBound is out of the range of Int
| n < 0 = go (negate n)
| otherwise = go n
go a | a < 10 = 1
| a < 100 = 2
| a < 1000 = 3
| a < 10000 = 4
| a >= 10000000000000000 = 16 + go (a `quot` 10000000000000000)
| a >= 100000000 = 8 + go (a `quot` 100000000)
| otherwise = 4 + go (a `quot` 10000)
{-# INLINE numDigitsInt #-}
-- | Simpler alias for errorWithoutStackTrace
error' :: String -> a
error' = errorWithoutStackTrace
@ -8,11 +8,9 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Prices (
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Time
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit
@ -37,10 +35,10 @@ prices opts j = do
mprices = jpricedirectives j
cprices =
map (stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision styles) $
concatMap postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts ps
concatMap postingPriceDirectivesFromCost ps
rcprices =
map (stylePriceDirectiveExceptPrecision styles) $
concatMap (postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts . postingTransformAmount (mapMixedAmount invertPrice))
concatMap (postingPriceDirectivesFromCost . postingTransformAmount (mapMixedAmount invertPrice))
allprices =
@ -58,15 +56,6 @@ prices opts j = do
showPriceDirective :: PriceDirective -> T.Text
showPriceDirective mp = T.unwords ["P", T.pack . show $ pddate mp, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded $ pdcommodity mp, wbToText . showAmountB noColour{displayZeroCommodity=True} $ pdamount mp]
divideAmount' :: Quantity -> Amount -> Amount
divideAmount' n a = a' where
a' = (n `divideAmount` a) { astyle = style' }
style' = (astyle a) { asprecision = precision' }
extPrecision = (1+) . floor . logBase 10 $ (realToFrac n :: Double)
precision' = case asprecision (astyle a) of
NaturalPrecision -> NaturalPrecision
Precision p -> Precision $ extPrecision + p
-- XXX
-- | Invert an amount's price for --invert-cost, somehow ? Unclear.
@ -84,19 +73,6 @@ invertPrice a =
nonZeroSignum x = if x < 0 then -1 else 1
postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts :: Posting -> [PriceDirective]
postingsPriceDirectivesFromCosts p = mapMaybe (amountPriceDirectiveFromCost date) . amountsRaw $ pamount p
where date = fromMaybe (tdate . fromJust $ ptransaction p) $ pdate p
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost :: Day -> Amount -> Maybe PriceDirective
amountPriceDirectiveFromCost d a =
case aprice a of
Just (UnitPrice pa) -> Just
PriceDirective { pddate = d, pdcommodity = acommodity a, pdamount = pa }
Just (TotalPrice pa) | aquantity a /= 0 -> Just
PriceDirective { pddate = d, pdcommodity = acommodity a, pdamount = abs (aquantity a) `divideAmount'` pa }
_ -> Nothing
-- | Given a map of standard amount display styles, apply the
-- appropriate one, if any, to this price directive's amount.
-- But keep the number of decimal places unchanged.
@ -32,10 +32,15 @@ P 2016/2/1 EUR $1.05
2016/1/3 spend
expenses 20 EUR @@ $21.45
2016/1/4 spend
expenses -20 EUR @@ $21.45
$ hledger prices -f- --infer-market-prices
P 2016-01-01 EUR $1.06
P 2016-01-02 EUR $1.07
P 2016-01-03 EUR $1.0725
P 2016-01-04 EUR $1.0725
P 2016-02-01 EUR $1.05
# 3. inverted prices can be calculated
Reference in New Issue
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