;doc: check: expand check descriptions

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Simon Michael 2024-05-02 19:59:00 -10:00
parent 9cdf435c0e
commit 4abb8ffc2e

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@ -4,76 +4,90 @@ Check for various kinds of errors in your data.
hledger provides a number of built-in correctness checks to help
prevent problems in your data.
Some of these are run automatically; or,
you can use this `check` command to run them on demand,
with no output and a zero exit code if all is well.
Specify their names (or a prefix) as argument(s).
Some examples:
hledger provides a number of built-in correctness checks to help validate your data and prevent errors.
Some are run automatically, some when you enable `--strict` mode;
or you can run any of them on demand with this `check` command.
`check` produces no output and a zero exit code if all is well.
hledger check # basic checks
hledger check -s # basic + strict checks
hledger check ordereddates payees # basic + two other checks
hledger check # run basic checks
hledger check -s # run basic and strict checks
hledger check ordereddates payees # run basic checks and two others
If you are an Emacs user, you can also configure flycheck-hledger to run these checks,
providing instant feedback as you edit the journal.
Here are the checks currently available.
They are performed in the order they are shown here.
(Eg, an `ordereddates` failure takes precedence over an `assertions` failure).
Generally, they are performed in the order they are shown here (and only the first failure is reported).
### Default checks
### Basic checks
These checks are always performed, by (almost) all hledger commands:
These important checks are performed by default, by almost all hledger commands:
- **parseable** - data files are in a supported [format](#data-formats),
with no syntax errors and no invalid include directives
with no syntax errors and no invalid include directives.
This ensures that all files exist and are readable.
- **autobalanced** - all transactions are [balanced](#postings),
after inferring missing amounts and conversion [costs] where possible,
and then converting to cost
and then converting to cost.
This ensures that each individual transaction is well formed.
- **assertions** - all [balance assertions] in the journal are passing.
(This check can be disabled with `-I`/`--ignore-assertions`.)
Balance assertions are like canaries in your journal, they catch many problems.
This check can sometimes get in the way, eg when you are troubleshooting bookkeeping errors,
or parsing a journal fragment, so it can be disabled temporarily with `-I`/`--ignore-assertions`.
### Strict checks
These additional checks are run when the `-s`/`--strict` ([strict mode])
flag is used with any command; or,
when they are given as arguments to the `check` command:
These additional checks are performed by any command when the `-s`/`--strict` flag is used (AKA [strict mode]).
They provide extra error-catching power when you are serious about keeping your data clean and free of typos:
- **balanced** - like `autobalanced`, but conversion costs will not be
inferred, and must be written explicitly
- **balanced** - like `autobalanced`, but in [conversion transactions](#recording-costs),
costs must be written explicitly. This ensures some redundancy in the entry, guarding against typos.
- **commodities** - all commodity symbols used
[have been declared](#commodity-error-checking)
- **commodities** - all commodity symbols used [must be declared](#commodity-error-checking).
This guards against forgetting or mistyping commodity symbols.
- **accounts** - all account names used
[have been declared](#account-error-checking)
- **accounts** - all account names used [must be declared](#account-error-checking).
This prevents the use of mistyped or outdated account names.
### Other checks
These checks can be run by giving their names as arguments to `check`:
These other checks are not wanted by everyone, but can be run using the `check` command:
- **ordereddates** - within each file, transactions are ordered by date
- **ordereddates** - within each file, transactions are ordered by date.
This is a simple and effective error catcher, and you should use it.
Alas! not everyone wants it. If you do, use `hledger check -s ordereddates`.
- **payees** - all payees used by transactions [have been declared](#payee-directive)
- **payees** - all payees used by transactions [must be declared](#payee-directive).
This will force you to always use known/declared payee names.
For most people this is a bit too restrictive.
- **tags** - all tags used by transactions [have been declared](#tag-directive)
- **tags** - all tags used by transactions [must be declared](#tag-directive).
This prevents mistyped tag names.
- **recentassertions** - all accounts with balance assertions have a
balance assertion within 7 days of their latest posting
- **recentassertions** - all accounts with balance assertions must have
a balance assertion within the last 7 days before their latest posting.
This encourages you to add balance assertions fairly regularly for
your active asset/liability accounts, which in turn should encourage
you to check and reconcile with their real world balances fairly regularly.
[`close --assert`](#close---assert) can be helpful.
(The older balance assertions become redundant; you can remove them
periodically, or leave them in place, perhaps commented, as documentation.)
- **uniqueleafnames** - all account leaf names are unique
- **uniqueleafnames** - no two accounts may have the same leaf name.
The leaf name is the last colon-separated part of an account name, eg
`checking` in `assets:bank:checking`.
This encourages you to keep those unique, effectively giving each account
a short name which is easier to remember and to type in reporting commands.
### Custom checks
You can build your own custom checks with [add-on command scripts].
(See also [Cookbook > Scripting](scripting.html).)
See also [Cookbook > Scripting](scripting.html).
Here are some examples from [hledger/bin/](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/tree/master/bin):
- **hledger-check-tagfiles** - all tag values containing / (a forward slash) exist as file paths
@ -81,18 +95,6 @@ Here are some examples from [hledger/bin/](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledg
- **hledger-check-fancyassertions** - more complex balance assertions are passing
### More about specific checks
`hledger check recentassertions` will complain if any balance-asserted account
has postings more than 7 days after its latest balance assertion.
This aims to prevent the situation where you are regularly updating your journal,
but forgetting to check your balances against the real world,
then one day must dig back through months of data to find an error.
It assumes that adding a balance assertion requires/reminds you to check the real-world balance.
(That may not be true if you auto-generate balance assertions from bank data;
in that case, I recommend to import transactions uncleared,
and when you manually review and clear them, also check the latest assertion against the real-world balance.)
[add-on command scripts]: #add-on-commands
[balance assertions]: #balance-assertions
[strict mode]: #strict-mode