;Shake: comment all the website generation stuff, sphinx does it now

[ci skip]
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-09-15 15:33:20 -07:00
parent 24ce2686f4
commit 4b3103cbb1

View File

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ When developing/troubleshooting this script, these are useful:
watch Shake.hs for compile errors: make ghcid-shake
load Shake.hs in GHCI: make ghci-shake
rebuild things when files change with entr (file watcher), eg:
find hledger-lib hledger | entr ./Shake website
find hledger-lib hledger | entr ./Shake manuals
view rule dependency graph:
./Shake --report, open report.html?mode=rule-graph&query=!name(/(doc%7Cimages%7Cjs%7Ccss%7Cfonts%7Ctime%7Capi%7Cui%7Ccsv)/)
@ -70,25 +70,25 @@ usage = unlines
,"./Shake.hs (re)compile this script"
,"./Shake commandhelp build embedded help texts for the hledger CLI"
,"./Shake manuals build html/txt/man/info manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake htmlmanuals build html manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake oldmanuals build old versions of html manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake commandhelp build help texts for the hledger CLI"
,"./Shake manuals build txt/man/info/web manuals for all packages"
-- ,"./Shake htmlmanuals build html manuals for all packages"
-- ,"./Shake oldmanuals build old versions of html manuals for all packages"
,"./Shake PKG build a single hledger package and its embedded docs"
,"./Shake build build all hledger packages and their embedded docs"
,"./Shake website build the website and web manuals"
,"./Shake website-all build the website and all web manual versions"
-- ,"./Shake website build the website and web manuals"
-- ,"./Shake website-all build the website and all web manual versions"
,"./Shake all build all the above"
,"./Shake hledgerorg update the hledger.org website (when run on prod)"
-- ,"./Shake hledgerorg update the hledger.org website (when run on prod)"
,"./Shake mainpages build the web pages from the main repo"
-- ,"./Shake mainpages build the web pages from the main repo"
-- ,"./Shake site/index.md update wiki links on the website home page"
,"./Shake FILE build any individual file"
,"./Shake setversion update all packages from PKG/.version"
,"./Shake changelogs update the changelogs with any new commits"
,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md[-dry] update or preview this changelog"
,"./Shake [PKG/]CHANGES.md-finalise set final release heading in this changelog"
,"./Shake site/doc/VERSION/.snapshot save current web manuals as this snapshot"
-- ,"./Shake site/doc/VERSION/.snapshot save current web manuals as this snapshot"
,"./Shake clean clean help texts, manuals, staged site content"
,"./Shake Clean also clean rendered site, object files, Shake's cache"
@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ main = do
phony "help" $ liftIO $ putStrLn usage
phony "all" $ need ["commandhelp", "manuals", "build", "website"]
phony "all" $ need ["commandhelp", "manuals", "build"] --, "website"]
-- phony "compile" $ need ["Shake"]
-- "Shake" %> \out -> do
@ -197,33 +197,33 @@ main = do
-- These may include additional files using m4.
m4manuals = [manualDir m </> m <.> "m4.md" | m <- manualNames]
-- manuals rendered to nroff, ready for man (hledger/hledger.1)
nroffmanuals = [manpageDir m </> m | m <- manpageNames]
-- manuals rendered to plain text, ready for embedding (hledger/hledger.txt)
-- manuals as plain text, ready for embedding as CLI help (hledger/hledger.txt)
txtmanuals = [manualDir m </> m <.> "txt" | m <- manualNames]
-- manuals rendered to info, ready for info (hledger/hledger.info)
-- manuals as nroff, ready for man (hledger/hledger.1)
nroffmanuals = [manpageDir m </> m | m <- manpageNames]
-- manuals as info, ready for info (hledger/hledger.info)
infomanuals = [manualDir m </> m <.> "info" | m <- manualNames]
-- individual manuals rendered to markdown, ready for conversion to html (site/hledger.md)
mdmanuals = ["site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.> "md" | m <- manpageNames]
-- manuals as web-ready markdown, written into the website for Sphinx (site/hledger.md)
webmanuals = ["site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.> "md" | m <- manpageNames]
-- latest version of the manuals rendered to html
htmlmanuals = ["site/_site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.> "html" | m <- manpageNames]
-- -- latest version of the manuals rendered to html (site/_site/hledger.html)
-- htmlmanuals = ["site/_site" </> manpageNameToUri m <.> "html" | m <- manpageNames]
-- old versions of the manuals rendered to html
oldhtmlmanuals = map (normalise . ("site/_site/doc" </>) . (<.> "html")) $
[ v </> manpageNameToUri p | v <- docversions, v>="1.0", p <- manpageNames ++ ["manual"] ] ++
[ v </> "manual" | v <- docversions, v <"1.0" ] -- before 1.0 there was only the combined manual
-- -- old versions of the manuals rendered to html (site/_site/doc/1.14/hledger.html)
-- oldhtmlmanuals = map (normalise . ("site/_site/doc" </>) . (<.> "html")) $
-- [ v </> manpageNameToUri p | v <- docversions, v>="1.0", p <- manpageNames ++ ["manual"] ] ++
-- [ v </> "manual" | v <- docversions, v <"1.0" ] -- before 1.0 there was only the combined manual
-- the html for website pages kept in the main repo
mainpageshtml = map (normalise . ("site/_site" </>) . (<.> "html")) pages
-- mainpageshtml = map (normalise . ("site/_site" </>) . (<.> "html")) pages
-- TODO: make website URIs lower-case ?
-- extensions of static web asset files, to be copied to the website
webassetexts = ["png", "gif", "cur", "js", "css", "eot", "ttf", "woff", "svg"]
-- webassetexts = ["png", "gif", "cur", "js", "css", "eot", "ttf", "woff", "svg"]
-- The directory in which to find this man page.
-- hledger.1 -> hledger/doc, hledger_journal.5 -> hledger-lib/doc
@ -249,14 +249,14 @@ main = do
-- Generate the manuals in nroff, plain text and info formats.
-- Generate the manuals in plain text, nroff, info, and markdown formats.
phony "manuals" $ need $
"commandhelp" :
concat [
-- Generate nroff man pages suitable for man output.
@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ main = do
-- Generate the individual web manuals' markdown source, using m4
-- and pandoc to tweak content.
phony "mdmanuals" $ need mdmanuals
mdmanuals |%> \out -> do -- site/hledger.md
phony "webmanuals" $ need webmanuals
webmanuals |%> \out -> do -- site/hledger.md
let manpage = manpageUriToName $ dropExtension $ takeFileName out -- hledger
manual = manpageNameToManualName manpage
dir = manpageDir manpage
@ -343,67 +343,67 @@ main = do
-- Copy some extra markdown files from the main repo into the site
-- TODO adding table of contents placeholders
-- "site/README.md",
-- "site/CONTRIBUTING.md"
] |%> \out ->
copyFile' (dropDirectory1 out) out -- XXX (map toLower out)
-- [
-- -- "site/README.md",
-- -- "site/CONTRIBUTING.md"
-- ] |%> \out ->
-- copyFile' (dropDirectory1 out) out -- XXX (map toLower out)
phony "website" $ need [
-- phony "website" $ need [
-- "webassets"
-- -- ,"mainpages"
-- -- ,"htmlmanuals"
-- ]
phony "website-all" $ need [
-- phony "website-all" $ need [
-- "website"
-- -- ,"oldmanuals"
-- ]
-- copy all static asset files (files with certain extensions
-- found under sites, plus one or two more) to sites/_site/
phony "webassets" $ do
assets <- getDirectoryFiles "site" (map ("//*" <.>) webassetexts)
need [ "site/_site" </> file
| file <- assets ++ [
, not ("_site//*" ?== file)
-- -- copy all static asset files (files with certain extensions
-- -- found under sites, plus one or two more) to sites/_site/
-- phony "webassets" $ do
-- assets <- getDirectoryFiles "site" (map ("//*" <.>) webassetexts)
-- need [ "site/_site" </> file
-- | file <- assets ++ [
-- "files/README"
-- ]
-- , not ("_site//*" ?== file)
-- ]
-- copy any one of the static asset files to sites/_site/
"site/_site/files/README" : [ "site/_site//*" <.> ext | ext <- webassetexts ] |%> \out -> do
copyFile' ("site" </> dropDirectory2 out) out
-- "site/_site/files/README" : [ "site/_site//*" <.> ext | ext <- webassetexts ] |%> \out -> do
-- copyFile' ("site" </> dropDirectory2 out) out
-- render all web pages from the main repo (manuals, home, download, relnotes etc) as html, saved in site/_site/
phony "mainpages" $ need mainpageshtml
-- phony "mainpages" $ need mainpageshtml
phony "htmlmanuals" $ need htmlmanuals
-- phony "htmlmanuals" $ need htmlmanuals
phony "oldmanuals" $ need oldhtmlmanuals
-- phony "oldmanuals" $ need oldhtmlmanuals
-- Render one website page as html, saved in sites/_site/.
-- Github-style wiki links will be hyperlinked.
"site/_site//*.html" %> \out -> do
let filename = takeBaseName out
pagename = fileNameToPageName filename
isdownloadpage = filename == "download"
isoldmanual = "site/_site/doc/" `isPrefixOf` out
| isoldmanual = "site" </> (drop 11 $ dropExtension out) <.> "md"
| otherwise = "site" </> filename <.> "md"
template = "site/site.tmpl"
siteRoot = if "site/_site/doc//*" ?== out then "../.." else "."
need [source, template]
-- read markdown source, link any wikilinks, pipe it to pandoc, write html out
Stdin . wikiLink <$> (readFile' source) >>=
(cmd Shell pandoc "-" fromsrcmd "-t html"
"--template" template
("--metadata=siteRoot:" ++ siteRoot)
("--metadata=\"title:" ++ pagename ++ "\"")
"-o" out )
-- "site/_site//*.html" %> \out -> do
-- let filename = takeBaseName out
-- pagename = fileNameToPageName filename
-- isdownloadpage = filename == "download"
-- isoldmanual = "site/_site/doc/" `isPrefixOf` out
-- source
-- | isoldmanual = "site" </> (drop 11 $ dropExtension out) <.> "md"
-- | otherwise = "site" </> filename <.> "md"
-- template = "site/site.tmpl"
-- siteRoot = if "site/_site/doc//*" ?== out then "../.." else "."
-- need [source, template]
-- -- read markdown source, link any wikilinks, pipe it to pandoc, write html out
-- Stdin . wikiLink <$> (readFile' source) >>=
-- (cmd Shell pandoc "-" fromsrcmd "-t html"
-- "--template" template
-- ("--metadata=siteRoot:" ++ siteRoot)
-- ("--metadata=\"title:" ++ pagename ++ "\"")
-- "-o" out )
-- This rule, for updating the live hledger.org site, gets called by:
-- 1. github-post-receive (github webhook handler), when something is pushed
@ -412,23 +412,23 @@ main = do
-- /etc/github-post-receive.conf
-- 2. cron, nightly. Config: /etc/crontab
-- 3. manually (make site).
phony "hledgerorg" $ do
-- XXX ideally we would ensure here that output is logged in site.log,
-- but I don't know how to do that for the Shake rules.
-- Instead we'll do the logging in "make site".
cmd_ Shell
-- phony "hledgerorg" $ do
-- -- XXX ideally we would ensure here that output is logged in site.log,
-- -- but I don't know how to do that for the Shake rules.
-- -- Instead we'll do the logging in "make site".
-- cmd_ Shell
-- print timestamp. On mac, use brew-installed GNU date.
"PATH=\"/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH\" date --rfc-3339=seconds"
-- pull latest code and site repos - sometimes already done by webhook, not always
"&& printf 'code repo: ' && git pull"
"&& printf 'site repo: ' && git -C site pull"
-- -- print timestamp. On mac, use brew-installed GNU date.
-- "PATH=\"/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin:$PATH\" date --rfc-3339=seconds"
-- -- pull latest code and site repos - sometimes already done by webhook, not always
-- "&& printf 'code repo: ' && git pull"
-- "&& printf 'site repo: ' && git -C site pull"
-- Shake.hs might have been updated, but we won't execute the
-- new one, too insecure. Continue with this one.
-- -- Shake.hs might have been updated, but we won't execute the
-- -- new one, too insecure. Continue with this one.
-- update the live site based on all latest content
need [ "website-all" ]
-- -- update the live site based on all latest content
-- need [ "website-all" ]
@ -650,14 +650,14 @@ main = do
-- Generate the web manuals based on the current checkout and save
-- them as the specified versioned snapshot in site/doc/VER/ .
-- .snapshot is a dummy file.
"site/doc/*/.snapshot" %> \out -> do
need mdmanuals
let snapshot = takeDirectory out
cmd_ Shell "mkdir -p" snapshot
forM_ mdmanuals $ \f -> -- site/hledger.md, site/journal.md
cmd_ Shell "cp" f (snapshot </> takeFileName f)
cmd_ Shell "cp -r site/images" snapshot
cmd_ Shell "touch" out
-- "site/doc/*/.snapshot" %> \out -> do
-- need webmanuals
-- let snapshot = takeDirectory out
-- cmd_ Shell "mkdir -p" snapshot
-- forM_ webmanuals $ \f -> -- site/hledger.md, site/journal.md
-- cmd_ Shell "cp" f (snapshot </> takeFileName f)
-- cmd_ Shell "cp -r site/images" snapshot
-- cmd_ Shell "touch" out
-- Cleanup.
@ -665,7 +665,7 @@ main = do
-- putNormal "Cleaning generated help texts, manuals, staged site content"
-- removeFilesAfter "." commandtxts
putNormal "Cleaning generated manuals, staged site content"
removeFilesAfter "." mdmanuals
removeFilesAfter "." webmanuals
removeFilesAfter "." [
-- "site/README.md",
-- "site/CONTRIBUTING.md"