imp: check: accounts: print a standardised error message like megaparsec's (#1436)

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Simon Michael 2022-04-21 23:56:32 -10:00
parent f47d423a67
commit 4b3644d780

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@ -377,17 +377,38 @@ journalCheckPayeesDeclared j = mapM_ checkpayee (jtxns j)
journalCheckAccountsDeclared :: Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckAccountsDeclared j = mapM_ checkacct (journalPostings j)
checkacct Posting{paccount,ptransaction}
| paccount `elem` as = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $
(printf "undeclared account \"%s\"\n" (T.unpack paccount))
++ case ptransaction of
Nothing -> ""
Just t -> printf "in transaction at: %s\n\n%s"
(sourcePosPairPretty $ tsourcepos t)
(linesPrepend " " . (<>"\n") . textChomp $ showTransaction t)
checkacct p@Posting{paccount=a,ptransaction=mt}
| a `elem` journalAccountNamesDeclared j = Right ()
| otherwise = Left msg
as = journalAccountNamesDeclared j
msg = printf "%s:%d:%d:\n%sundeclared account \"%s\"\n" f l (c+1) excerpt a
(f,l,c,excerpt) = case mt of
Nothing -> ("-",0,0,"")
Just t -> (tf,errabsline,errcol,txt)
(SourcePos tf tl _tc) = fst $ tsourcepos t
mpindex = fmap fst $ find ((a==).paccount.snd) $ zip [1..] $ tpostings t
tcommentlines = max 0 $ length (T.lines $ tcomment t) - 1
errrelline = maybe 0 (tcommentlines+) mpindex
errabsline = unPos tl + errrelline
errcol = 4 + if isVirtual p then 1 else 0
txt = formatExcerptLikeMegaparsec errabsline errrelline errcol
(showTransaction t & textChomp & (<>"\n"))
formatExcerptLikeMegaparsec :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Text -> Text
formatExcerptLikeMegaparsec absline relline col txt =
T.unlines $ js' <> ks' <> [colmarkerline] <> ms'
(ls,ms) = splitAt (relline+1) $ T.lines txt
(js,ks) = splitAt (length ls - 1) ls
(js',ks') = case ks of
[k] -> (map (lineprefix<>) js, [T.pack (show absline) <> " | " <> k])
_ -> ([], [])
ms' = map (lineprefix<>) ms
colmarkerline = lineprefix <> T.replicate col " " <> "^"
lineprefix = T.replicate marginw " " <> "| "
where marginw = length (show absline) + 1
-- | Check that all the commodities used in this journal's postings have been declared
-- by commodity directives, returning an error message otherwise.