journal: default valuation commodity from P only, take 2 (#1239, #1253)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-06-13 09:50:36 -07:00
parent 03b4b2dedc
commit 4bf4c62181

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@ -314,8 +314,9 @@ pricesAtDate pricedirectives transactionimpliedmarketprices d =
-- trace ("pricesAtDate ("++show d++")") $
PriceGraph{prGraph=g, prNodemap=m, prDefaultValuationCommodities=defaultdests}
declaredprices = map priceDirectiveToMarketPrice $ filter ((<=d).pddate) pricedirectives
declaredandimpliedprices = latestPriceForEachPairOn pricedirectives transactionimpliedmarketprices d
-- prices in effect on date d, either declared or implied
declaredandimpliedprices = dbg5 "declaredandimpliedprices" $
latestPriceForEachPairOn pricedirectives transactionimpliedmarketprices d
-- infer any additional reverse prices not already declared or implied
reverseprices =
@ -332,10 +333,11 @@ pricesAtDate pricedirectives transactionimpliedmarketprices d =
prices = declaredandimpliedprices ++ reverseprices
allcomms = map mpfrom prices
-- save the forward prices' destinations (but only from declared
-- market prices) as the default valuation commodity for those
-- source commodities
defaultdests = M.fromList [(mpfrom,mpto) | MarketPrice{..} <- declaredprices]
-- determine a default valuation commodity D for each source commodity S:
-- the price commodity in the latest declared market price for S (on any date)
defaultdests = M.fromList [(mpfrom,mpto) | MarketPrice{..} <- alldeclaredprices]
alldeclaredprices = dbg5 "alldeclaredprices" $ map priceDirectiveToMarketPrice pricedirectives
-- From a list of price directives in parse order, and a list of
-- transaction-implied market prices in parse order, get the effective