help: don't require a journal file

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2019-08-22 17:48:13 -07:00
parent 9f8c24fe71
commit 4dc0e359dc

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@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ main = do
dbgIO "interval from opts" (interval_ $ reportopts_ opts)
dbgIO "query from opts & args" (queryFromOpts d $ reportopts_ opts)
journallesserror = error "journal-less command tried to use the journal"
-- high priority flags and situations. -h, then --help, then --info are highest priority.
| hasHelpFlag argsbeforecmd = dbgIO "" "-h before command, showing general usage" >> printUsage
@ -171,13 +172,15 @@ main = do
-- builtin commands
| Just (cmdmode, cmdaction) <- findCommand cmd =
(case cmd of
"test" -> -- should not read the journal
cmdaction opts (error "journal-less command tried to use the journal")
"add" -> -- should create the journal if missing
(ensureJournalFileExists =<< (head <$> journalFilePathFromOpts opts)) >>
withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
_ -> -- all other commands: read the journal or fail if missing
-- these commands should not require or read the journal
"test" -> cmdaction opts journallesserror
"help" -> cmdaction opts journallesserror
-- this command should create the journal if missing
"add" -> do
(ensureJournalFileExists =<< (head <$> journalFilePathFromOpts opts))
withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
-- other commands read the journal and should fail if it's missing
_ -> withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
`orShowHelp` cmdmode