test: refactor, document, organise easytests, port amountp tests (#812)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2018-08-15 19:43:29 +01:00
parent 717a24a76d
commit 50d666d5a0
9 changed files with 226 additions and 163 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Hledger (
module X
import Test.HUnit
import EasyTest
import Hledger.Data as X
import Hledger.Query as X
import Hledger.Read as X hiding (samplejournal)
import Hledger.Data as X hiding (easytests)
import qualified Hledger.Data (easytests)
import Hledger.Read as X hiding (samplejournal, easytests)
import qualified Hledger.Read (easytests)
import Hledger.Reports as X
import Hledger.Query as X
import Hledger.Utils as X
tests_Hledger = TestList
@ -19,3 +25,8 @@ tests_Hledger = TestList
easytests = scope "Hledger" $ tests [

View File

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
-- * Tests
import Control.Applicative (Const(..))
@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Sem
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import EasyTest
import Safe (headMay, headDef)
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Tree
@ -1085,3 +1087,24 @@ tests_Hledger_Data_Journal = TestList $
-- journalBalanceSheetAccountNames j `is` ["assets","assets:a","equity","equity:q","equity:q:qq","liabilities","liabilities:l"]
-- journalProfitAndLossAccountNames j `is` ["expenses","expenses:e","income","income:i"]
easytests = scope "Journal" $ tests [
scope "standard account types" $ do
j = samplejournal
journalAccountNamesMatching :: Query -> Journal -> [AccountName]
journalAccountNamesMatching q = filter (q `matchesAccount`) . journalAccountNames
namesfrom qfunc = journalAccountNamesMatching (qfunc j) j
[ scope "assets" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalAssetAccountQuery) ["assets","assets:bank","assets:bank:checking","assets:bank:saving","assets:cash"]
, scope "liabilities" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalLiabilityAccountQuery) ["liabilities","liabilities:debts"]
, scope "equity" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalEquityAccountQuery) []
, scope "income" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalIncomeAccountQuery) ["income","income:gifts","income:salary"]
, scope "expenses" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalExpenseAccountQuery) ["expenses","expenses:food","expenses:supplies"]

View File

@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ module Hledger.Read (
-- * Tests
) where
@ -44,6 +45,7 @@ import Data.Ord
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time (Day)
import EasyTest
import Safe
import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getHomeDirectory)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
@ -55,7 +57,8 @@ import Text.Printf
import Hledger.Data.Dates (getCurrentDay, parsedate, showDate)
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Read.Common
import Hledger.Read.Common hiding (easytests)
import qualified Hledger.Read.Common (easytests)
import qualified Hledger.Read.JournalReader as JournalReader
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.LedgerReader as LedgerReader
import qualified Hledger.Read.TimedotReader as TimedotReader
@ -360,3 +363,7 @@ tests_Hledger_Read = TestList $
either error' (assertBool "journalp parsing an empty file should give an empty journal" . null . jtxns) jE
easytests = scope "Read" $ tests [

View File

@ -92,7 +92,8 @@ module Hledger.Read.Common (
-- * tests
--- * imports
@ -118,12 +119,13 @@ import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import System.Time (getClockTime)
import Test.HUnit
import EasyTest hiding (char, char')
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer (decimal)
import Text.Megaparsec.Custom
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Data hiding (easytests)
import Hledger.Utils
-- $setup
@ -589,18 +591,6 @@ amountwithoutpricep = do
Left errMsg -> uncurry parseErrorAtRegion posRegion errMsg
Right res -> pure res
test_amountp = TestCase $ do
assertParseEqual' (parseWithState mempty amountp "$47.18") (usd 47.18)
assertParseEqual' (parseWithState mempty amountp "$1.") (usd 1 `withPrecision` 0)
-- assertParseEqual'' "amount with unit price"
-- (parseWithState mempty amountp "$10 @ €0.5")
-- (usd 10 `withPrecision` 0 `at` (eur 0.5 `withPrecision` 1))
-- assertParseEqual'' "amount with total price"
-- (parseWithState mempty amountp "$10 @@ €5")
-- (usd 10 `withPrecision` 0 @@ (eur 5 `withPrecision` 0))
-- | Parse an amount from a string, or get an error.
amountp' :: String -> Amount
amountp' s =
@ -1250,4 +1240,15 @@ match' p = do
(!txt, p) <- match p
pure (txt, p)
tests_Hledger_Read_Common = TestList [test_spaceandamountormissingp, test_amountp]
tests_Hledger_Read_Common = TestList [
easytests = scope "Common" $ tests [
scope "amountp" $ tests [
scope "basic" $ expectParseEq amountp "$47.18" (usd 47.18)
,scope "ends with decimal mark" $ expectParseEq amountp "$1." (usd 1 `withPrecision` 0)
-- ,scope "with unit price" $ expectParseEq amountp "$10 @ €0.5" (usd 10 `withPrecision` 0 `at` (eur 0.5 `withPrecision` 1))
-- ,scope "with total price" $ expectParseEq amountp "$10 @@ €5" (usd 10 `withPrecision` 0 @@ (eur 5 `withPrecision` 0))

View File

@ -1,23 +1,37 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Hledger.Utils.Test where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Test.HUnit
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import EasyTest
import Safe
import System.Exit
import System.IO
import Test.HUnit as HUnit
import Text.Megaparsec
import Hledger.Utils.Debug (pshow)
import Hledger.Utils.Parse (parseWithState)
import Hledger.Utils.UTF8IOCompat (error')
-- | Get a Test's label, or the empty string.
testName :: Test -> String
testName :: HUnit.Test -> String
testName (TestLabel n _) = n
testName _ = ""
-- | Flatten a Test containing TestLists into a list of single tests.
flattenTests :: Test -> [Test]
flattenTests :: HUnit.Test -> [HUnit.Test]
flattenTests (TestLabel _ t@(TestList _)) = flattenTests t
flattenTests (TestList ts) = concatMap flattenTests ts
flattenTests t = [t]
-- | Filter TestLists in a Test, recursively, preserving the structure.
filterTests :: (Test -> Bool) -> Test -> Test
filterTests :: (HUnit.Test -> Bool) -> HUnit.Test -> HUnit.Test
filterTests p (TestLabel l ts) = TestLabel l (filterTests p ts)
filterTests p (TestList ts) = TestList $ filter (any p . flattenTests) $ map (filterTests p) ts
filterTests _ t = t
@ -58,3 +72,100 @@ assertParseEqual'' label parse expected =
printParseError :: (Show a) => a -> IO ()
printParseError e = do putStr "parse error at "; print e
-- | Run some easytests, returning True if there was a problem. Catches ExitCode.
-- With arguments, runs only tests in the scope named by the first argument
-- (case sensitive).
-- If there is a second argument, it should be an integer and will be used
-- as the seed for randomness.
runEasyTests :: [String] -> EasyTest.Test () -> IO Bool
runEasyTests args easytests = (do
case args of
[] -> EasyTest.run easytests
[a] -> EasyTest.runOnly (T.pack a) easytests
a:b:_ -> do
case readMay b :: Maybe Int of
Nothing -> error' "the second argument should be an integer (a seed for easytest)"
Just seed -> EasyTest.rerunOnly seed (T.pack a) easytests
return False
`catch` (\(_::ExitCode) -> return True)
expectParseEq parser input expected = do
let ep = runIdentity $ parseWithState mempty parser input
scope "parse succeeded" $ expectRight ep
let Right p = ep
scope "parse result" $ expectEq p expected
-- | Run some hunit tests, returning True if there was a problem.
-- With arguments, runs only tests whose names contain the first argument
-- (case sensitive).
runHunitTests :: [String] -> HUnit.Test -> IO Bool
runHunitTests args hunittests = do
let ts =
(case args of
a:_ -> filterTests ((a `isInfixOf`) . testName)
_ -> id
) hunittests
results <- liftM (fst . flip (,) 0) $ runTestTTStdout ts
return $ errors results > 0 || failures results > 0
-- | Like runTestTT but prints to stdout.
runTestTTStdout t = do
(counts, 0) <- HUnit.runTestText (putTextToHandle stdout True) t
return counts
-- matchedTests opts ts
-- | tree_ $ reportopts_ opts =
-- -- Tests, filtered by any arguments, in a flat list with simple names.
-- TestList $
-- filter (matchesAccount (queryFromOpts nulldate $ reportopts_ opts) . T.pack . testName) $
-- flattenTests ts
-- | otherwise =
-- -- Tests, filtered by any arguments, in the original suites with hierarchical names.
-- filterTests (matchesAccount (queryFromOpts nulldate $ reportopts_ opts) . T.pack . testName)
-- ts
-- -- | Like runTestTT but can optionally not erase progress output.
-- runTestTT' verbose t = do
-- (counts, 0) <- runTestText' (f stderr True) t
-- return counts
-- where f | verbose = putTextToHandle'
-- | otherwise = putTextToHandle
-- -- | Like runTestText but also prints test names if any.
-- runTestText' :: PutText st -> Test -> IO (Counts, st)
-- runTestText' _pt _t@(TestLabel _label _) = error "HERE" -- hPutStrLn stderr label >> runTestText pt t
-- runTestText' pt t = runTestText pt t
-- -- runTestText' (PutText put us0) t = do
-- -- (counts', us1) <- trace "XXX" $ performTest reportStart reportError reportFailure us0 t
-- -- us2 <- put (showCounts counts' ++ " :::: " ++ testName t) True us1
-- -- return (counts', us2)
-- -- where
-- -- reportStart ss us = put (showCounts (counts ss)) False us
-- -- reportError = reportProblem "Error:" "Error in: "
-- -- reportFailure = reportProblem "Failure:" "Failure in: "
-- -- reportProblem p0 p1 loc msg ss us = put line True us
-- -- where line = "### " ++ kind ++ path' ++ "\n" ++ formatLocation loc ++ msg
-- -- kind = if null path' then p0 else p1
-- -- path' = showPath (path ss)
-- -- formatLocation :: Maybe SrcLoc -> String
-- -- formatLocation Nothing = ""
-- -- formatLocation (Just loc) = srcLocFile loc ++ ":" ++ show (srcLocStartLine loc) ++ "\n"
-- -- | Like putTextToHandle but does not erase progress lines.
-- putTextToHandle'
-- :: Handle
-- -> Bool -- ^ Write progress lines to handle?
-- -> PutText Int
-- putTextToHandle' handle showProgress = PutText put initCnt
-- where
-- initCnt = if showProgress then 0 else -1
-- put line pers (-1) = do when pers (hPutStrLn handle line); return (-1)
-- put line True cnt = do hPutStrLn handle (erase cnt ++ line); return 0
-- put line False _ = do hPutStr handle ('\n' : line); return (length line)
-- -- The "erasing" strategy with a single '\r' relies on the fact that the
-- -- lengths of successive summary lines are monotonically nondecreasing.
-- erase cnt = if cnt == 0 then "" else "\r" ++ replicate cnt ' ' ++ "\r"

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- see: https://github.com/sol/hpack
-- hash: afb7a8b69691588056deb8465bec29cc05326218651e83f7f47d169e4c46aa95
-- hash: b52d450888004e007b3689cfe42d916ab8e8af3bc91a6a374ff022a719e86611
name: hledger-lib
version: 1.10.99
@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ library
, data-default >=0.5
, deepseq
, directory
, easytest
, extra
, filepath
, hashtables >=
@ -215,6 +216,7 @@ test-suite doctests
, deepseq
, directory
, doctest >=0.8
, easytest
, extra
, filepath
, hashtables >=
@ -411,6 +413,7 @@ test-suite hunittests
, data-default >=0.5
, deepseq
, directory
, easytest
, extra
, filepath
, hashtables >=

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ dependencies:
- Decimal
- deepseq
- directory
- easytest
- filepath
- hashtables >=
- megaparsec >=6.4.1
@ -177,4 +178,3 @@ tests:
source-dirs: tests
- hledger-lib
- easytest

View File

@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ hledger's built-in commands, and helpers for printing the commands list.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
@ -38,7 +37,6 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands (
-- import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Default
-- import Data.CallStack
@ -53,9 +51,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit as C
import System.Exit
import System.IO (stdout)
import EasyTest
import Test.HUnit
import Test.HUnit as HUnit
import Hledger
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
@ -219,141 +215,46 @@ commandsFromCommandsList s =
concatMap (splitOn "|") [w | ' ':l <- lines s, let w:_ = words l]
-- The test command, defined here for easy access to other modules' tests.
-- The test command, defined here so it can access other commands' tests.
testmode = hledgerCommandMode
[here| test
Run the unit tests built in to hledger-lib and hledger,
printing results on stdout and exiting with success or failure.
testmode = (defCommandMode ["test"]) {
modeHelp = "run built-in self-tests"
,modeArgs = ([], Just $ argsFlag "[REGEXPS]")
,modeGroupFlags = Group {
groupUnnamed = []
,groupHidden = [
flagNone ["tree"] (\opts -> setboolopt "tree" opts) "show tests hierarchically"
,flagNone ["flat"] (\opts -> setboolopt "flat" opts) "show tests as a flat list"
,groupNamed = [generalflagsgroup3]
Tests are run in two batches: easytest-based and hunit-based tests.
If any test fails or gives an error, the exit code will be non-zero.
-- | Run some or all hledger-lib and hledger unit tests, and exit with success or failure.
If a pattern argument (case sensitive) is provided, only easytests
in that scope and only hunit tests whose name contains it are run.
If a numeric second argument is provided, it will set the randomness
seed for easytests.
([], Just $ argsFlag "[TESTPATTERN] [SEED]")
-- | See testmode.
-- Unlike other hledger commands, this one does not operate on the user's Journal.
-- For ease of implementation the Journal parameter remains in the type signature,
-- but it will raise an error if used.
-- For ease of implementation the Journal parameter remains in the type signature.
testcmd :: CliOpts -> Journal -> IO ()
testcmd opts _donotuse = do
testcmd opts _undefined = do
let args = words' $ query_ $ reportopts_ opts
putStrLn "\n=== easytest tests: ===\n"
runEasyTests opts
putStrLn "\n\n=== hunit tests: ===\n"
runHunitTests opts
-- hide exit exception output when running tests from ghci/ghcid
`catch` (\(_::ExitCode) -> return ())
-- whitespace to separate test results from ghcid status
e1 <- runEasyTests args easytests
when (not e1) $ putStr "\n"
putStrLn "=== hunit tests: ===\n"
e2 <- runHunitTests args tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands
putStrLn ""
if or [e1, e2] then exitFailure else exitSuccess
-- | Run some easytests.
-- XXX Just duplicates the ones in hledger-lib/tests/easytest.hs for now.
runEasyTests _opts = do
-- rerun "journal.standard account types.queries.assets"
-- rerunOnly 2686786430487349354 "journal.standard account types.queries.assets"
$ tests [
-- collected hledger-lib + hledger hunit tests
scope "journal.standard account types.queries" $
j = samplejournal
journalAccountNamesMatching :: Query -> Journal -> [AccountName]
journalAccountNamesMatching q = filter (q `matchesAccount`) . journalAccountNames
namesfrom qfunc = journalAccountNamesMatching (qfunc j) j
[ scope "assets" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalAssetAccountQuery) ["assets","assets:bank","assets:bank:checking","assets:bank:saving","assets:cash"]
, scope "liabilities" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalLiabilityAccountQuery) ["liabilities","liabilities:debts"]
, scope "equity" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalEquityAccountQuery) []
, scope "income" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalIncomeAccountQuery) ["income","income:gifts","income:salary"]
, scope "expenses" $
expectEq (namesfrom journalExpenseAccountQuery) ["expenses","expenses:food","expenses:supplies"]
runHunitTests opts = do
let ts =
(if tree_ $ reportopts_ opts then matchedTestsTree else matchedTestsFlat)
opts tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands
results <- liftM (fst . flip (,) 0) $ runTestTTStdout ts
if errors results > 0 || failures results > 0
then exitFailure
else exitWith ExitSuccess
-- | Like runTestTT but prints to stdout.
runTestTTStdout t = do
(counts, 0) <- runTestText (putTextToHandle stdout True) t
return counts
-- -- | Like runTestTT but can optionally not erase progress output.
-- runTestTT' verbose t = do
-- (counts, 0) <- runTestText' (f stderr True) t
-- return counts
-- where f | verbose = putTextToHandle'
-- | otherwise = putTextToHandle
-- -- | Like runTestText but also prints test names if any.
-- runTestText' :: PutText st -> Test -> IO (Counts, st)
-- runTestText' _pt _t@(TestLabel _label _) = error "HERE" -- hPutStrLn stderr label >> runTestText pt t
-- runTestText' pt t = runTestText pt t
-- -- runTestText' (PutText put us0) t = do
-- -- (counts', us1) <- trace "XXX" $ performTest reportStart reportError reportFailure us0 t
-- -- us2 <- put (showCounts counts' ++ " :::: " ++ testName t) True us1
-- -- return (counts', us2)
-- -- where
-- -- reportStart ss us = put (showCounts (counts ss)) False us
-- -- reportError = reportProblem "Error:" "Error in: "
-- -- reportFailure = reportProblem "Failure:" "Failure in: "
-- -- reportProblem p0 p1 loc msg ss us = put line True us
-- -- where line = "### " ++ kind ++ path' ++ "\n" ++ formatLocation loc ++ msg
-- -- kind = if null path' then p0 else p1
-- -- path' = showPath (path ss)
-- -- formatLocation :: Maybe SrcLoc -> String
-- -- formatLocation Nothing = ""
-- -- formatLocation (Just loc) = srcLocFile loc ++ ":" ++ show (srcLocStartLine loc) ++ "\n"
-- -- | Like putTextToHandle but does not erase progress lines.
-- putTextToHandle'
-- :: Handle
-- -> Bool -- ^ Write progress lines to handle?
-- -> PutText Int
-- putTextToHandle' handle showProgress = PutText put initCnt
-- where
-- initCnt = if showProgress then 0 else -1
-- put line pers (-1) = do when pers (hPutStrLn handle line); return (-1)
-- put line True cnt = do hPutStrLn handle (erase cnt ++ line); return 0
-- put line False _ = do hPutStr handle ('\n' : line); return (length line)
-- -- The "erasing" strategy with a single '\r' relies on the fact that the
-- -- lengths of successive summary lines are monotonically nondecreasing.
-- erase cnt = if cnt == 0 then "" else "\r" ++ replicate cnt ' ' ++ "\r"
-- | All or pattern-matched tests, as a flat list to show simple names.
matchedTestsFlat opts = TestList .
filter (matchesAccount (queryFromOpts nulldate $ reportopts_ opts) . T.pack . testName) .
-- | All or pattern-matched tests, in the original suites to show hierarchical names.
matchedTestsTree opts =
filterTests (matchesAccount (queryFromOpts nulldate $ reportopts_ opts) . T.pack . testName)
-- collected hledger-lib + hledger unit tests
tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands :: Test.HUnit.Test
tests_Hledger_Cli_Commands = TestList [

View File

@ -787,14 +787,20 @@ With additional QUERY arguments, only transactions matching the query are consid
## test
Run built-in unit tests.
$ hledger test
Cases: 74 Tried: 74 Errors: 0 Failures: 0
This command runs hledger's built-in unit tests and displays a quick report.
With a regular expression argument, it selects only tests with matching names.
It's mainly used in development, but it's also nice to be able to
check your hledger executable for smoke at any time.
It's mainly used during development, but it's also nice to be able to
sanity-check your installed hledger executable at any time.
It runs the unit tests built in to hledger-lib and hledger,
printing results on stdout and exiting with success or failure.
Tests are run in two batches: easytest-based and hunit-based tests.
If any test fails or gives an error, the exit code will be non-zero.
If a pattern argument (case sensitive) is provided, only easytests
in that scope and only hunit tests whose name contains it are run.
If a numeric second argument is provided, it will set the randomness
seed for easytests.