mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 20:02:27 +03:00
big overhaul of options, support -f-, rudimentary timelog file handling
This commit is contained in:
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Models (
module AccountName,
module Transaction,
module Entry,
module TimeLogEntry,
module TimeLog,
module EntryTransaction,
module Ledger,
module Account
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import BasicTypes
import AccountName
import Transaction
import Entry
import TimeLogEntry
import TimeLog
import EntryTransaction
import Ledger
import Account
@ -1,86 +1,76 @@
module Options (module Options, usageInfo)
module Options
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Directory
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Utils
usageHeader = "Usage: hledger [OPTIONS] register|balance [MATCHARGS]"
getOptions :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
getOptions argv =
case getOpt RequireOrder options argv of
(o,n,[] ) -> return (o,n)
(_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo usageHeader options))
usage = "Usage: hledger [OPTIONS] "++commands++" [ACCTPATTERNS] [-- DESCPATTERNS]\nOptions:"
commands = "register|balance"
defaultcmd = "register"
ledgerFilePath = findFileFromOpts "~/ledger.dat" "LEDGER"
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = [
Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version number"
, Option ['f'] ["file"] (OptArg readFileOpt "FILE") "ledger file, or - to read stdin"
, Option ['s'] ["subtotal"] (NoArg ShowSubs) "balance: show sub-accounts" --; register: show subtotals"
Option ['f'] ["file"] (ReqArg File "FILE") "ledger file; - means use standard input",
Option ['s'] ["showsubs"] (NoArg ShowSubs) "balance report: show subaccounts" -- register: show subtotals
--Option ['V'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version"
data Flag = Version | File String | ShowSubs deriving (Show,Eq)
readFileOpt :: Maybe String -> Flag
readFileOpt = File . fromMaybe "stdin"
getFile :: Flag -> String
getFile (File s) = s
getFile _ = []
data Flag =
File String |
ShowSubs |
deriving (Show,Eq)
getLedgerFilePath :: [Flag] -> IO String
getLedgerFilePath opts = do
defaultpath <- tildeExpand "~/ledger.dat"
envordefault <- getEnv "LEDGER" `catch` \_ -> return defaultpath
path <- tildeExpand envordefault
return $ last $ [envordefault] ++ (filter (/= "") (map getFile opts))
parseOptions :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
parseOptions argv =
case getOpt RequireOrder options argv of
(opts,[],[]) -> return (opts, [defaultcmd])
(opts,args,[]) -> return (opts, args)
(_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ showusage))
-- ledger pattern args are a list of account patterns optionally followed
-- by -- and a list of description patterns
ledgerPatternArgs :: [String] -> ([String],[String])
ledgerPatternArgs args =
-- testoptions RequireOrder ["foo","-v"]
-- testoptions Permute ["foo","-v"]
-- testoptions (ReturnInOrder Arg) ["foo","-v"]
-- testoptions Permute ["foo","--","-v"]
-- testoptions Permute ["-?o","--name","bar","--na=baz"]
-- testoptions Permute ["--ver","foo"]
testoptions order cmdline = putStr $
case getOpt order options cmdline of
(o,n,[] ) -> "options=" ++ show o ++ " args=" ++ show n
(_,_,errs) -> concat errs ++ showusage
showusage = usageInfo usage options
-- find a file path from options, an env var or a default value
findFileFromOpts :: FilePath -> String -> [Flag] -> IO String
findFileFromOpts defaultpath envvar opts = do
envordefault <- getEnv envvar `catch` \_ -> return defaultpath
paths <- mapM tildeExpand $ [envordefault] ++ (concatMap getfile opts)
return $ last paths
getfile (File s) = [s]
getfile _ = []
tildeExpand :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
tildeExpand ('~':[]) = getHomeDirectory
tildeExpand ('~':'/':xs) = getHomeDirectory >>= return . (++ ('/':xs))
-- -- ~name, requires -fvia-C or ghc 6.8
-- --import System.Posix.User
-- -- tildeExpand ('~':xs) = do let (user, path) = span (/= '/') xs
-- -- pw <- getUserEntryForName user
-- -- return (homeDirectory pw ++ path)
tildeExpand xs = return xs
-- -- courtesy of allberry_b
-- ledger pattern args are 0 or more account patterns optionally followed
-- by -- and 0 or more description patterns
parseLedgerPatternArgs :: [String] -> ([String],[String])
parseLedgerPatternArgs args =
case "--" `elem` args of
True -> ((takeWhile (/= "--") args), tail $ (dropWhile (/= "--") args))
False -> (args,[])
getDepth :: [Flag] -> Int
getDepth opts =
maximum $ [1] ++ map depthval opts where
depthval (ShowSubs) = 9999
depthval _ = 1
-- example:
-- module Opts where
-- import System.Console.GetOpt
-- import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
-- data Flag
-- = Verbose | Version
-- | Input String | Output String | LibDir String
-- deriving Show
-- options :: [OptDescr Flag]
-- options =
-- [ Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "chatty output on stderr"
-- , Option ['V','?'] ["version"] (NoArg Version) "show version number"
-- , Option ['o'] ["output"] (OptArg outp "FILE") "output FILE"
-- , Option ['c'] [] (OptArg inp "FILE") "input FILE"
-- , Option ['L'] ["libdir"] (ReqArg LibDir "DIR") "library directory"
-- ]
-- inp,outp :: Maybe String -> Flag
-- outp = Output . fromMaybe "stdout"
-- inp = Input . fromMaybe "stdin"
-- compilerOpts :: [String] -> IO ([Flag], [String])
-- compilerOpts argv =
-- case getOpt Permute options argv of
-- (o,n,[] ) -> return (o,n)
-- (_,_,errs) -> ioError (userError (concat errs ++ usageInfo header options))
-- where header = "Usage: ic [OPTION...] files..."
@ -1,14 +1,46 @@
module Parse
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as P
import System.IO
import Utils
import Models
-- set up token parsing, though we're not yet using these much
ledgerLanguageDef = LanguageDef {
commentStart = ""
, commentEnd = ""
, commentLine = ";"
, nestedComments = False
, identStart = letter <|> char '_'
, identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_':"
, opStart = opLetter emptyDef
, opLetter = oneOf "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
, reservedOpNames= []
, reservedNames = []
, caseSensitive = False
lexer = P.makeTokenParser ledgerLanguageDef
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
semi = P.semi lexer
identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
ledgerfile :: Parser Ledger
ledgerfile = ledger <|> ledgerfromtimelog
-- standard ledger file parser
Here's the ledger 2.5 grammar:
"The ledger file format is quite simple, but also very flexible. It supports
@ -109,33 +141,6 @@ i, o, b, h
-- parsec example: http://pandoc.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/Text/Pandoc/Readers/RST.hs
-- sample data in Tests.hs
-- set up token parsing, though we're not yet using these much
ledgerLanguageDef = LanguageDef {
commentStart = ""
, commentEnd = ""
, commentLine = ";"
, nestedComments = False
, identStart = letter <|> char '_'
, identLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "_':"
, opStart = opLetter emptyDef
, opLetter = oneOf "!#$%&*+./<=>?@\\^|-~"
, reservedOpNames= []
, reservedNames = []
, caseSensitive = False
lexer = P.makeTokenParser ledgerLanguageDef
whiteSpace = P.whiteSpace lexer
lexeme = P.lexeme lexer
symbol = P.symbol lexer
natural = P.natural lexer
parens = P.parens lexer
semi = P.semi lexer
identifier = P.identifier lexer
reserved = P.reserved lexer
reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
-- ledger file parsers
ledger :: Parser Ledger
ledger = do
@ -245,6 +250,7 @@ whiteSpace1 :: Parser ()
whiteSpace1 = do space; whiteSpace
-- timelog file parser
timelog grammar, from timeclock.el 2.6
@ -281,7 +287,16 @@ o 2007/03/10 17:26:02
-- timelog file parsers
ledgerfromtimelog :: Parser Ledger
ledgerfromtimelog = do
tl <- timelog
return $ ledgerFromTimeLog tl
timelog :: Parser TimeLog
timelog = do
entries <- many timelogentry
return $ TimeLog entries
timelogentry :: Parser TimeLogEntry
timelogentry = do
@ -306,5 +321,6 @@ printParseResult r = case r of Left e -> parseError e
Right v -> print v
parseLedgerFile :: String -> IO (Either ParseError Ledger)
parseLedgerFile f = parseFromFile ledger f
parseLedgerFile "-" = fmap (parse ledgerfile "-") $ hGetContents stdin
parseLedgerFile f = parseFromFile ledgerfile f
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
feature: read timelog files
timelog parser
convert timelog entries to ledger entries
read whole file
handle time amounts
fix arithmetic
calculate time intervals
find datetime type
auto-generate missing clock-out
optimization: add CookedLedger caching txns etc.
profile again
@ -225,12 +225,19 @@ ledger7 = Ledger
timelogentry1_str = "i 2007/03/11 16:19:00 hledger\n"
timelogentry2_str = "o 2007/03/11 16:30:00\n"
timelogentry1 = TimeLogEntry 'i' "2007/03/11 16:19:00" "hledger"
timelogentry2_str = "o 2007/03/11 16:30:00\n"
timelogentry2 = TimeLogEntry 'o' "2007/03/11 16:30:00" ""
timelog1_str = concat [
timelog1 = TimeLog [
-- utils
@ -304,14 +311,16 @@ props =
"expenses:phone","expenses:vacation","liabilities","liabilities:credit cards",
"liabilities:credit cards:discover"]
ledgerPatternArgs [] == ([],[])
,ledgerPatternArgs ["a"] == (["a"],[])
,ledgerPatternArgs ["a","b"] == (["a","b"],[])
,ledgerPatternArgs ["a","b","--"] == (["a","b"],[])
,ledgerPatternArgs ["a","b","--","c","b"] == (["a","b"],["c","b"])
,ledgerPatternArgs ["--","c"] == ([],["c"])
,ledgerPatternArgs ["--"] == ([],[])
parseLedgerPatternArgs [] == ([],[])
,parseLedgerPatternArgs ["a"] == (["a"],[])
,parseLedgerPatternArgs ["a","b"] == (["a","b"],[])
,parseLedgerPatternArgs ["a","b","--"] == (["a","b"],[])
,parseLedgerPatternArgs ["a","b","--","c","b"] == (["a","b"],["c","b"])
,parseLedgerPatternArgs ["--","c"] == ([],["c"])
,parseLedgerPatternArgs ["--"] == ([],[])
,parse' timelogentry timelogentry1_str `parseEquals` timelogentry1
,parse' timelogentry timelogentry2_str `parseEquals` timelogentry2
,parse' timelog timelog1_str `parseEquals` timelog1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
module TimeLog
import Utils
import BasicTypes
import Transaction
import Entry
import Ledger
data TimeLogEntry = TimeLogEntry {
tcode :: Char,
tdatetime :: DateTime,
tcomment :: String
} deriving (Eq,Ord)
instance Show TimeLogEntry where
show t = printf "%s %s %s" (show $ tcode t) (tdatetime t) (tcomment t)
data TimeLog = TimeLog {
timelog_entries :: [TimeLogEntry]
} deriving (Eq)
instance Show TimeLog where
show tl = printf "TimeLog with %d entries" $ length $ timelog_entries tl
ledgerFromTimeLog :: TimeLog -> Ledger
ledgerFromTimeLog tl =
Ledger [] [] (entriesFromTimeLogEntries $ timelog_entries tl)
entriesFromTimeLogEntries :: [TimeLogEntry] -> [Entry]
entriesFromTimeLogEntries [clockin] =
entriesFromTimeLogEntries [clockin, clockoutNowEntry]
entriesFromTimeLogEntries [clockin,clockout] =
Entry {
edate = indate,
estatus = True,
ecode = "",
edescription = accountname,
etransactions = [
Transaction accountname amount,
Transaction "TIME" (-amount)
accountname = (tcomment clockin)
intime = tdatetime clockin
indate = dateFrom $ tdatetime clockin
outtime = tdatetime clockout
amount = timeAmount $ 0 -- read $ outtime - intime
entriesFromTimeLogEntries many =
(entriesFromTimeLogEntries $ take 2 many) ++
(entriesFromTimeLogEntries $ drop 2 many)
clockoutNowEntry = TimeLogEntry ' ' "" ""
timeAmount = Amount "h"
dateFrom = id
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ module Utils (
import System.Directory
import Data.List
import Data.Tree
import Debug.Trace
@ -25,17 +24,6 @@ splitAtElement e l =
(first,rest) = break (e==) l'
-- courtesy of allberry_b
tildeExpand :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
tildeExpand ('~':[]) = getHomeDirectory
tildeExpand ('~':'/':xs) = getHomeDirectory >>= return . (++ ('/':xs))
-- ~name, requires -fvia-C or ghc 6.8
--import System.Posix.User
-- tildeExpand ('~':xs) = do let (user, path) = span (/= '/') xs
-- pw <- getUserEntryForName user
-- return (homeDirectory pw ++ path)
tildeExpand xs = return xs
-- tree tools
@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ hledger
@ -22,7 +24,6 @@ hledger
-- application logic & most IO
module Main
import System
@ -38,21 +39,43 @@ import Parse
import Tests
import Utils
main :: IO ()
main = do
(opts, args) <- (getArgs >>= getOptions)
if args == []
then register [] []
let (command, args') = (head args, tail args) in
if "reg" `isPrefixOf` command then (register opts args')
else if "bal" `isPrefixOf` command then balance opts args'
else if "test" `isPrefixOf` command then test
else putStr $ usageInfo usageHeader options
(opts, (cmd:args)) <- getArgs >>= parseOptions
run cmd opts args
where run cmd opts args
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "register" = register opts args
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "balance" = balance opts args
| cmd `isPrefixOf` "test" = test
| otherwise = putStr showusage
-- commands
test :: IO ()
register :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO ()
register opts args = do
doWithLedger opts $ printRegister
printRegister ledger =
putStr $ showTransactionsWithBalances
(ledgerTransactionsMatching (acctpats,descpats) ledger)
where (acctpats,descpats) = parseLedgerPatternArgs args
balance :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO ()
balance opts args = do
doWithLedger opts $ printBalance
printBalance ledger =
putStr $ showLedgerAccounts ledger acctpats showsubs maxdepth
(acctpats,_) = parseLedgerPatternArgs args
showsubs = (ShowSubs `elem` opts)
maxdepth = case (acctpats, showsubs) of
([],False) -> 1
otherwise -> 9999
test :: IO ()
test = do
hcounts <- runTestTT tests
qcounts <- mapM quickCheck props
@ -60,45 +83,20 @@ test = do
where showHunitCounts c =
reverse $ tail $ reverse ("passed " ++ (unwords $ drop 5 $ words (show c)))
register :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO ()
register opts args = do
getLedgerFilePath opts >>= parseLedgerFile >>= doWithParsed (printRegister opts args)
balance :: [Flag] -> [String] -> IO ()
balance opts args = do
getLedgerFilePath opts >>= parseLedgerFile >>= doWithParsed (printBalance opts args)
-- utils
-- doWithLedgerFile =
-- getLedgerFilePath >>= parseLedgerFile >>= doWithParsed
doWithLedger :: [Flag] -> (Ledger -> IO ()) -> IO ()
doWithLedger opts cmd = do
ledgerFilePath opts >>= parseLedgerFile >>= doWithParsed cmd
doWithParsed :: Show a => (a -> IO ()) -> (Either ParseError a) -> IO ()
doWithParsed a p = do
case p of Left e -> parseError e
Right v -> a v
printRegister :: [Flag] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
printRegister opts args ledger = do
putStr $ showTransactionsWithBalances
(ledgerTransactionsMatching (acctpats,descpats) ledger)
where (acctpats,descpats) = ledgerPatternArgs args
printBalance :: [Flag] -> [String] -> Ledger -> IO ()
printBalance opts args ledger = do
putStr $ showLedgerAccounts ledger acctpats showsubs maxdepth
(acctpats,_) = ledgerPatternArgs args
showsubs = (ShowSubs `elem` opts)
maxdepth = case (acctpats, showsubs) of
([],False) -> 1
otherwise -> 9999
doWithParsed action parsed = do
case parsed of Left e -> parseError e
Right l -> action l
-- interactive testing:
-- p <- getLedgerFilePath [] >>= parseLedgerFile
-- p <- ledgerFilePath [] >>= parseLedgerFile
-- let l = either (\_ -> Ledger [] [] []) id p
-- let ant = ledgerAccountNameTree l
-- let at = ledgerAccountTreeMatching l [] True 999
Reference in New Issue
Block a user