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synced 2024-12-28 21:02:04 +03:00
tests: convert & re-enable StringFormat tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ easytests_Data = tests "Data" [
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
-- hledger's report item fields. The formats are used by
-- report-specific renderers like renderBalanceReportItem.
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies, PackageImports #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, OverloadedStrings, TypeFamilies, PackageImports #-}
module Hledger.Data.StringFormat (
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.StringFormat (
, StringFormat(..)
, StringFormatComponent(..)
, ReportItemField(..)
, tests_Hledger_Data_StringFormat
, easytests_StringFormat
) where
import Prelude ()
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import "base-compat-batteries" Prelude.Compat
import Numeric
import Data.Char (isPrint)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Test.HUnit as U (test)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Megaparsec
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ defaultStringFormatStyle = BottomAligned
stringformatp :: SimpleStringParser StringFormat
stringformatp = do
alignspec <- optional (try $ char '%' >> oneOf "^_,")
alignspec <- optional (try $ char '%' >> oneOf ("^_,"::String))
let constructor =
case alignspec of
Just '^' -> TopAligned
@ -137,47 +137,45 @@ fieldp = do
testFormat :: StringFormatComponent -> String -> String -> Assertion
testFormat fs value expected = assertEqual name expected actual
(name, actual) = case fs of
FormatLiteral l -> ("literal", formatString False Nothing Nothing l)
FormatField leftJustify min max _ -> ("field", formatString leftJustify min max value)
formatStringTester fs value expected = actual `is` expected
actual = case fs of
FormatLiteral l -> formatString False Nothing Nothing l
FormatField leftJustify min max _ -> formatString leftJustify min max value
testParser :: String -> StringFormat -> Assertion
testParser s expected = case (parseStringFormat s) of
Left error -> assertFailure $ show error
Right actual -> assertEqual ("Input: " ++ s) expected actual
easytests_StringFormat = tests "StringFormat" [
tests_Hledger_Data_StringFormat = U.test [ formattingTests ++ parserTests ]
formattingTests = [
testFormat (FormatLiteral " ") "" " "
, testFormat (FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField) "description" "description"
, testFormat (FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField) "description" " description"
, testFormat (FormatField False Nothing (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description"
, testFormat (FormatField True Nothing (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description"
, testFormat (FormatField True (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField) "description" "description "
, testFormat (FormatField True (Just 20) (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description "
, testFormat (FormatField True Nothing (Just 3) DescriptionField) "description" "des"
tests "formatStringHelper" [
formatStringTester (FormatLiteral " ") "" " "
, formatStringTester (FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField) "description" "description"
, formatStringTester (FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField) "description" " description"
, formatStringTester (FormatField False Nothing (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description"
, formatStringTester (FormatField True Nothing (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description"
, formatStringTester (FormatField True (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField) "description" "description "
, formatStringTester (FormatField True (Just 20) (Just 20) DescriptionField) "description" "description "
, formatStringTester (FormatField True Nothing (Just 3) DescriptionField) "description" "des"
parserTests = [
testParser "" (defaultStringFormatStyle [])
, testParser "D" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "D"])
, testParser "%(date)" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, testParser "%(total)" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, testParser "^%(total)" (TopAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, testParser "_%(total)" (BottomAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, testParser ",%(total)" (OneLine [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, testParser "Hello %(date)!" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, testParser "%-(date)" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField True Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, testParser "%20(date)" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField])
, testParser "%.10(date)" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, testParser "%20.10(date)" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, testParser "%20(account) %.10(total)\n" (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing AccountField
, FormatLiteral " "
, FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) TotalField
, FormatLiteral "\n"
,tests "parseStringFormat" $
let s `gives` expected = test (T.pack s) $ parseStringFormat s `is` Right expected
in [
"" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [])
, "D" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "D"])
, "%(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , "^%(total)" `gives` (TopAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , "_%(total)" `gives` (BottomAligned [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
-- , ",%(total)" `gives` (OneLine [FormatField False Nothing Nothing TotalField])
, "Hello %(date)!" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatLiteral "Hello ", FormatField False Nothing Nothing DescriptionField, FormatLiteral "!"])
, "%-(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField True Nothing Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%20(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing DescriptionField])
, "%.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20.10(date)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) (Just 10) DescriptionField])
, "%20(account) %.10(total)" `gives` (defaultStringFormatStyle [FormatField False (Just 20) Nothing AccountField
,FormatLiteral " "
,FormatField False Nothing (Just 10) TotalField
, test "newline not parsed" $ expectLeft $ parseStringFormat "\n"
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