cli: Commands.Balance.multiBalanceReportAsSpreadsheetHelper: vertically merge cells showing account names and Total

lib: Write.Spreadsheet: add support for cell spans
This commit is contained in:
Henning Thielemann 2024-09-29 23:41:47 +02:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent d12ec3b015
commit 5565f11c73
6 changed files with 148 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -46,18 +46,33 @@ formatCell cell =
let class_ =
map (HtmlAttr.class_ . Html.textValue) $
filter (not . Text.null) [Spr.textFromClass $ cellClass cell] in
let span_ makeCell attrs =
case Spr.cellSpan cell of
Spr.NoSpan -> foldl (!) makeCell attrs
Spr.Covered -> pure ()
Spr.SpanHorizontal n ->
foldl (!) makeCell
(HtmlAttr.colspan (Html.stringValue $ show n) : attrs)
Spr.SpanVertical n ->
foldl (!) makeCell
(HtmlAttr.rowspan (Html.stringValue $ show n) : attrs)
case cellStyle cell of
Head -> foldl (!) ( content) (style++class_)
Head -> span_ ( content) (style++class_)
Body emph ->
let align =
case cellType cell of
TypeString -> []
TypeDate -> []
_ -> [HtmlAttr.align "right"]
valign = [HtmlAttr.valign "top"]
valign =
case Spr.cellSpan cell of
Spr.SpanVertical n ->
if n>1 then [HtmlAttr.valign "top"] else []
_ -> []
withEmph =
case emph of
Item -> id
Total -> Html.b
in foldl (!) ( $ withEmph content)
in span_ ( $ withEmph content) $

View File

@ -45,16 +45,33 @@ formatCell cell =
let class_ =
map Html.class_ $
filter (not . Text.null) [Spr.textFromClass $ cellClass cell] in
let span_ makeCell attrs cont =
case Spr.cellSpan cell of
Spr.NoSpan -> makeCell attrs cont
Spr.Covered -> pure ()
Spr.SpanHorizontal n ->
makeCell (Html.colspan_ (Text.pack $ show n) : attrs) cont
Spr.SpanVertical n ->
makeCell (Html.rowspan_ (Text.pack $ show n) : attrs) cont
case cellStyle cell of
Head -> Html.th_ (style++class_) content
Head -> span_ Html.th_ (style++class_) content
Body emph ->
let align =
case cellType cell of
TypeString -> []
TypeDate -> []
_ -> [HtmlBase.makeAttribute "align" "right"]
valign =
case Spr.cellSpan cell of
Spr.SpanVertical n ->
if n>1
then [HtmlBase.makeAttribute "valign" "top"]
else []
_ -> []
withEmph =
case emph of
Item -> id
Total -> Html.b_
in Html.td_ (style++align++class_) $ withEmph content
in span_ Html.td_ (style++align++valign++class_) $
withEmph content

View File

@ -239,24 +239,32 @@ data DataStyle =
cellConfig :: ((Spr.Border Spr.NumLines, Style), DataStyle) -> [String]
cellConfig ((border, cstyle), dataStyle) =
let moreStyles =
let boldStyle = " <style:text-properties fo:font-weight='bold'/>"
alignTop =
" <style:table-cell-properties style:vertical-align='top'/>"
alignParagraph =
printf " <style:paragraph-properties fo:text-align='%s'/>"
moreStyles =
borderStyle border
case cstyle of
Body Item -> []
Body Item ->
alignTop :
Body Total ->
[" <style:text-properties fo:font-weight='bold'/>"]
alignTop :
boldStyle :
Head ->
" <style:paragraph-properties fo:text-align='center'/>" :
" <style:text-properties fo:font-weight='bold'/>" :
alignParagraph "center" :
boldStyle :
case dataStyle of
DataMixedAmount ->
[" <style:paragraph-properties fo:text-align='end'/>"]
DataMixedAmount -> [alignParagraph "end"]
_ -> []
cstyleName = cellStyleName cstyle
@ -314,6 +322,19 @@ formatCell cell =
(cellContent cell)
_ -> "office:value-type='string'"
covered =
case cellSpan cell of
Spr.Covered -> "covered-"
_ -> ""
span_ =
case cellSpan cell of
Spr.SpanHorizontal n | n>1 ->
printf " table:number-columns-spanned='%d'" n
Spr.SpanVertical n | n>1 ->
printf " table:number-rows-spanned='%d'" n
_ -> ""
anchor text =
if T.null $ Spr.cellAnchor cell
then text
@ -321,10 +342,10 @@ formatCell cell =
(escape $ T.unpack $ Spr.cellAnchor cell) text
printf "<table:table-cell%s %s>" style valueType :
printf "<table:%stable-cell%s%s %s>" covered style span_ valueType :
printf "<text:p>%s</text:p>"
(anchor $ escape $ T.unpack $ cellContent cell) :
"</table:table-cell>" :
printf "</table:%stable-cell>" covered :
escape :: String -> String

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Hledger.Write.Spreadsheet (
Class(Class), textFromClass,
@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ import Hledger.Data.Types (Amount)
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Text (Text)
import Prelude hiding (span)
data Type =
@ -82,19 +85,59 @@ newtype Class = Class Text
textFromClass :: Class -> Text
textFromClass (Class cls) = cls
{- |
* 'NoSpan' means a single unmerged cell.
* 'Covered' is a cell if it is part of a horizontally or vertically merged cell.
We maintain these cells although they are ignored in HTML output.
In contrast to that, FODS can store covered cells
and allows to access the hidden cell content via formulas.
CSV does not support merged cells
and thus simply writes the content of covered cells.
Maintaining 'Covered' cells also simplifies transposing.
* @'SpanHorizontal' n@ denotes the first cell in a row
that is part of a merged cell.
The merged cell contains @n@ atomic cells, including the first one.
That is @SpanHorizontal 1@ is actually like @NoSpan@.
The content of this cell is shown as content of the merged cell.
* @'SpanVertical' n@ starts a vertically merged cell.
The writer functions expect consistent data,
that is, 'Covered' cells must actually be part of a merged cell
and merged cells must only cover 'Covered' cells.
data Span =
| Covered
| SpanHorizontal Int
| SpanVertical Int
deriving (Eq)
transposeSpan :: Span -> Span
transposeSpan span =
case span of
NoSpan -> NoSpan
Covered -> Covered
SpanHorizontal n -> SpanVertical n
SpanVertical n -> SpanHorizontal n
data Cell border text =
Cell {
cellType :: Type,
cellBorder :: Border border,
cellStyle :: Style,
cellSpan :: Span,
cellAnchor :: Text,
cellClass :: Class,
cellContent :: text
instance Functor (Cell border) where
fmap f (Cell typ border style anchor class_ content) =
Cell typ border style anchor class_ $ f content
fmap f (Cell typ border style span anchor class_ content) =
Cell typ border style span anchor class_ $ f content
defaultCell :: (Lines border) => text -> Cell border text
defaultCell text =
@ -102,6 +145,7 @@ defaultCell text =
cellType = TypeString,
cellBorder = noBorder,
cellStyle = Body Item,
cellSpan = NoSpan,
cellAnchor = mempty,
cellClass = Class mempty,
cellContent = text
@ -112,7 +156,10 @@ emptyCell = defaultCell mempty
transposeCell :: Cell border text -> Cell border text
transposeCell cell =
cell {cellBorder = transposeBorder $ cellBorder cell}
cell {
cellBorder = transposeBorder $ cellBorder cell,
cellSpan = transposeSpan $ cellSpan cell
transpose :: [[Cell border text]] -> [[Cell border text]]
transpose = List.transpose . map (map transposeCell)

View File

@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Balance (
-- ** Tests
@ -458,12 +459,11 @@ budgetAverageClass rc =
case rc of Value -> "budget rowaverage"; Total -> "budget colaverage"
-- What to show as heading for the totals row in balance reports ?
-- Currently nothing in terminal, Total: in html and xSV output.
totalRowHeadingText = ""
totalRowHeadingBudgetText = ""
totalRowHeadingHtml = "Total:"
totalRowHeadingCsv = "Total:"
totalRowHeadingBudgetCsv = "Total:"
-- Currently nothing in terminal, Total: in HTML, FODS and xSV output.
totalRowHeadingText = ""
totalRowHeadingSpreadsheet = "Total:"
totalRowHeadingBudgetText = ""
totalRowHeadingBudgetCsv = "Total:"
-- Single-column balance reports
@ -663,6 +663,19 @@ addTotalBorders =
rawTableContent :: [[Ods.Cell border text]] -> [[text]]
rawTableContent = map (map Ods.cellContent)
addRowSpanHeader ::
Ods.Cell border text ->
[[Ods.Cell border text]] -> [[Ods.Cell border text]]
addRowSpanHeader header rows =
case rows of
[] -> []
[row] -> [header:row]
_ ->
zipWith (:)
(header{Ods.cellSpan = Ods.SpanVertical (length rows)} :
repeat header{Ods.cellSpan = Ods.Covered})
setAccountAnchor ::
Maybe Text -> [Text] -> Text -> Ods.Cell border text -> Ods.Cell border text
setAccountAnchor base query acct cell =
@ -677,7 +690,7 @@ balanceReportAsSpreadsheet opts (items, total) =
headers :
concatMap (\(a, _, _, b) -> rows Value a b) items ++
if no_total_ opts then []
else addTotalBorders $ rows Total totalRowHeadingCsv total
else addTotalBorders $ rows Total totalRowHeadingSpreadsheet total
cell = Ods.defaultCell
headers =
@ -694,14 +707,12 @@ balanceReportAsSpreadsheet opts (items, total) =
(guard (rc==Value) >> balance_base_url_ opts)
(querystring_ opts) name $
cell $ accountNameDrop (drop_ opts) name in
addRowSpanHeader accountCell $
case layout_ opts of
LayoutBare ->
map (\a ->
cell $ acommodity a,
renderAmount rc $ mixedAmount a])
map (\a -> [cell $ acommodity a, renderAmount rc $ mixedAmount a])
. amounts $ mixedAmountStripCosts ma
_ -> [[accountCell, renderAmount rc ma]]
_ -> [[renderAmount rc ma]]
renderAmount rc mixedAmt =
wbToText <$> cellFromMixedAmount bopts (amountClass rc, mixedAmt)
@ -787,18 +798,17 @@ multiBalanceReportAsSpreadsheetHelper ishtml opts@ReportOpts{..} (PeriodicReport
[hCell "rowtotal" "total" | row_total_] ++
[hCell "rowaverage" "average" | average_]
fullRowAsTexts row =
map (anchorCell:) $
addRowSpanHeader anchorCell $
rowAsText Value (dateSpanCell balance_base_url_ querystring_ acctName) row
where acctName = prrFullName row
anchorCell =
setAccountAnchor balance_base_url_ querystring_ acctName $
accountCell $ accountNameDrop drop_ acctName
| no_total_ = []
| ishtml = zipWith (:) (accountCell totalRowHeadingHtml : repeat Ods.emptyCell) $
rowAsText Total simpleDateSpanCell tr
| otherwise = map (accountCell totalRowHeadingCsv :) $
rowAsText Total simpleDateSpanCell tr
totalrows =
if no_total_
then []
else addRowSpanHeader (accountCell totalRowHeadingSpreadsheet) $
rowAsText Total simpleDateSpanCell tr
rowAsText rc dsCell =
let fmt = if ishtml then oneLineNoCostFmt else machineFmt
in map (map (fmap wbToText)) .

View File

@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ compoundBalanceReportAsHtml ropts cbr =
Total simpleDateSpanCell totalrow
-- make a table of rendered lines of the report totals row
& map (map (fmap wbToText))
& zipWith (:) (Spr.defaultCell "Net:" : repeat Spr.emptyCell)
& addRowSpanHeader (Spr.defaultCell "Net:")
-- insert a headings column, with Net: on the first line only
& addTotalBorders -- marking the first for special styling
& map (Html.formatRow . map (fmap L.toHtml))