;doc: changelog edits

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2021-11-26 21:06:52 -10:00
parent d2081e5d8f
commit 55f5aa9238
4 changed files with 142 additions and 96 deletions

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@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ For package-specific changes and minor releases, see the hledger package changel
# db0361113
- doc: account types: prioritise short names, hide old syntax
- doc: more compact/accurate directives overview
- ;imp: examples/templates/, with one example file set ("basic")
- pkg: bump to latest nightly snapshot to avoid buggy happy 1.21.0

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@ -11,41 +11,42 @@ For user-visible changes, see the hledger package changelog.
# 7e47d3645
- pkg: Use maximumBound instead of maximumDef to avoid deprecation warnings in safe-0.3.18. (Stephen Morgan)
- lib!: Semigroup instance of PeriodicReportRow and PeriodicReport now preserves first prrName, rather than the second. (Stephen Morgan)
Previously the second name would be taken, ignoring the first.
- lib: Add Bifunctor instances for PeriodicReport and PeriodicReportRow. (Stephen Morgan)
- The Semigroup instance of PeriodicReportRow and PeriodicReport now
preserves the first prrName, rather than the second.
(Stephen Morgan)
- pkg: Drop base-compat-batteries dependency. (Stephen Morgan)
Our supported stackage versions are now new enough that we don't need
any of the compatibility features anymore.
- cln: Move posting rendering functions into Hledger.Data.Posting. Replace showPosting with a wrapper around postingAsLines. (Stephen Morgan)
The functions textConcat(Top|Bottom)Padded are no longer used anywhere
in the code base, and can be removed if desired.
- PeriodicReport and PeriodicReportRow now have Bifunctor instances.
(Stephen Morgan)
- Move posting rendering functions into Hledger.Data.Posting.
This produces slightly different output for showPosting, in particular
it no longer displays the transaction date. However, this has been
marked as for debugging only for a while, and is only used in
hledger-check-fancy assertions. The output there is still acceptable.
marked as for debugging only for a while.
(Stephen Morgan)
- ref!: postingDateOrDate2, transactionDateOrDate2, whichDateFromOpts -> whichDate (#1731)
- Drop postingDateOrDate2, transactionDateOrDate2; rename
whichDateFromOpts to whichDate. (#1731)
- ;pkg: allow megaparsec 9.2
- Added new helper functions journalValueAndFilterPostings(With) to make
valuation and filtration less error prone.
(Stephen Morgan)
- ref: Add new helper functions journalValueAndFilterPostings(With)?. (Stephen Morgan)
Combining valuation with filtration is subtle and error-prone (see e.g. #1625).
We have to do in in both MultiBalanceReport and PostingsReport, where it
is done in slightly different ways. This refactors this functionality
into separate functions which are called in both reports, for uniform
- Avoid deprecation warnings with safe 0.3.18+.
(Stephen Morgan)
- imp!: value: For register reports with no reporting interval and --value=end,
historical reports should be valued at journal/report end date. (Stephen Morgan)
- Drop base-compat-batteries dependency.
(Stephen Morgan)
- Allow megaparsec 9.2.
# 1.23 2021-09-21
- Require base >=4.11, prevent red squares on Hackage's build matrix.
Much code cleanup and reorganisation, such as:

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@ -11,8 +11,15 @@ See also the hledger changelog.
# 791f4655d
- Allow megaparsec 9.2
# 1.23 2021-09-21

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@ -11,87 +11,120 @@ User-visible changes in the hledger command line tool and library.
# 791f4655d
- fix: prices: Do not include zero amounts when calculating amounts for balance assignments. (#1736) (Stephen Morgan)
- The balance commands have a new --declared flag, causing them to
include leaf (ie, non-parent) accounts declared by account directives,
even if they contain no transactions yet. Together with -E, this shows
a balance for both used and declared accounts.
The idea is to be able to see a useful "complete" balance report, even
when you don't have transactions in all of your declared accounts yet.
- journal files now support a `decimal-mark` directive as a more
principled way to specify the decimal character in use in that file,
ensuring accurate number parsing.
(#1670, Lawrence Wu)
- The stats command now shows rough but useful performance stats: run
time and processing speed in transactions per second.
- balance commands no longer elide too-wide amounts by default. And,
they provide more control over how multicommodity amounts are displayed.
The --commodity-column flag has been deprecated and replaced by a new
--layout option, with three values:
- wide (the default, shows amounts on one line unelided, like older hledger versions)
- tall (a new display mode, shows one amount per line)
- bare (like the old --commodity-columm, shows one commodity per line with symbols in their own column)
(Stephen Morgan)
- balance: support the --related flag, like register, showing the
other postings from the transactions. (#1469, Stephen Morgan)
- roi now uses posting dates when available, and honors the --date2
flag. This will not change the results computed for the typical
use-case, it just makes "roi" more thorough/consistent.
(Dmitry Astapov)
- aregister now shows transactions' secondary date if the --date2 flag is used.
- timedot: a D default commodity (and style) declared in a parent
journal file will now be applied to timedot amounts. This means they
can be priced and valued/converted.
- cli: The --pretty and --forecast options can now be written after the
command name, like other general options.
(Stephen Morgan)
- register -V -H with no interval now values at report end date, like balance.
(#1718, Stephen Morgan)
- Allow megaparsec 9.2.
- Drop the base-compat-batteries dependency. (Stephen Morgan)
- prices: Do not include zero amounts when calculating amounts for balance assignments. (#1736) (Stephen Morgan)
This is not usually a problem, but can get in the way of auto-inferring prices.
- fix: csv: Successfully parse empty csv file. (#1183) (Stephen Morgan)
- csv: Successfully parse an empty csv file. (#1183) (Stephen Morgan)
- imp: balcmds: support --declared on bs/cf/is also (#1765)
- balance: Balance reports with --depth=0 properly report aggregated
values, not zero everywhere. (#1761) (Stephen Morgan)
- feat: bal: with --declared, include declared leaf accounts (#1765)
Together with -E, this shows a balance for both used and declared
accounts (excluding empty parent accounts, which are usually not
wanted in list-mode reports).
- prices: Do not try to generate prices when there would be a zero
denominator. Also correctly generate reverse prices for zero
amounts. (Stephen Morgan)
This is somewhat consistent with --declared in the accounts and payees
commands, except for the leaf account restriction.
- csv: Allow both amount-in and amount-out fields to contain a zero.
(#1733, Stephen Morgan)
The idea of this is to be able to see a useful "complete" balance
report, even when you don't have transactions in all of your declared
accounts yet. I mainly want this for hledger-ui, but there's no harm
in exposing it in the balance CLI as well.
- balance: Balance reports should consider date: queries when
calculating report span with --date2. (#1745, Stephen Morgan)
- ;imp: doc: account types: prioritise short names, hide old syntax
- print: auto: The print command should always display inferred
amounts for --auto generated postings. (#1276, Stephen Morgan)
- imp: doc: more compact/accurate directives overview
- imp: stats: also show run time and throughput
CliOpts has a new field, progstarttime_.
Currently the new stats are always printed on stdout, ignoring --output-file/--output-format.
- fix: balance: Balance reports with --depth=0 should report on true values, not zero everywhere. (#1761) (Stephen Morgan)
- feat: docs for decimal-mark (#1670, #1726)
- imp: journal: support decimal-mark directive in journal files (Lawrence)
To match csv-rule and override amount-style as described in
- ;imp: bal --layout: streamline help more (#1751)
- imp!: balance: Stop eliding long amounts. (#1739) (Stephen Morgan)
This feature has caused a lot of confusion, and we now have better ways
of making sure columns don't get too wide.
- imp: balance: Implement multi-line display for multicommodity balance reports. (Stephen Morgan)
This allows more control over how multicommodity amounts are displayed.
In addition to the default single-line display, and the recent commodity
column display, we now have multi-line display. This is controlled by
the --layout option, which has possible values "wide", "tall", and
"bare". The --commodity-column option has been hidden, but is equivalent
to --layout=bare.
- fix: prices: Do not try to generate prices when there would be a zero denominator. (Stephen Morgan)
Also correctly generate reverse prices for zero amounts.
- fix: csv: Handle multiple zero amounts in postings in csv files. (#1733) (Stephen Morgan)
- imp: balance: Allow --related flag for balance reports. (#1469) (Stephen Morgan)
- fix: balance: Balance reports should consider date: queries when calculating report span with --date2. (#1745) (Stephen Morgan)
- fix: print: auto: The print command should always display inferred amounts for --auto generated postings. (#1276) (Stephen Morgan)
- pkg: Drop base-compat-batteries dependency. (Stephen Morgan)
Our supported stackage versions are now new enough that we don't need
any of the compatibility features anymore.
- fix: roi: use posting dates when available, honor --date2 (Dmitry Astapov)
This will not change the results computed for the typical use-case,
just makes "roi" more thorough/consistent by supporting posting dates
when they are provided.
- areg: begin respecting --date2: show txns' date2 (#1731)
- ;pkg: allow megaparsec 9.2
- timedot: a D default commodity (and style) is applied to timedot aounts
This means they can be priced and converted.
- imp!: value: For register reports with no reporting interval and --value=end, historical reports should be valued at journal/report end date. (Stephen Morgan)
- imp: cli: Allow general optional argument flags (--pretty and --forecast) to be moved after the subcommand name. (Stephen Morgan)
# 1.23 2021-09-21
@ -187,6 +220,7 @@ Improvements
predictably and intuitively with multiple commodities.
Multi-commodity amounts are sorted by comparing their amounts in
each commodity, with alphabetically-first commodity symbols being
most significant, and assuming zero with alphabetically-first commodity symbols being
most significant, and assuming zero when a commodity is missing.
[#1564](https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/issues/1564), Stephen Morgan)