dev: cli: refactor/clarify main procedure and command line processing

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Simon Michael 2024-06-13 23:53:25 +01:00
parent 204df22739
commit 570a5472e2
2 changed files with 205 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ etc.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Unused LANGUAGE pragma" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
module Hledger.Cli (
@ -109,6 +110,8 @@ import Hledger.Cli.Version
import Data.Bifunctor (second)
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Control.Monad.Extra (unless)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
-- | The overall cmdargs mode describing hledger's command-line options and subcommands.
@ -149,216 +152,257 @@ mainmode addons = defMode {
-- ]
-- | Let's go!
-- | hledger CLI's main procedure.
-- Here we will parse the command line, read any config file,
-- and search for hledger-* addon executables in the user's PATH,
-- then choose the appropriate builtin operation or addon operation to run,
-- then run it in the right way, usually reading input data (eg a journal) first.
-- Making the CLI usable and robust with main command, builtin subcommands,
-- and various kinds of addon commands, while balancing UX, environment, idioms,
-- legacy, and a language and libraries with their own requirements and limitations,
-- gets a bit complex. Try to keep this reasonably manageable/testable/clear.
-- See also: Hledger.Cli.CliOptions, cli.test, and the debug output below.
main :: IO ()
main = withGhcDebug' $ do
when (ghcDebugMode == GDPauseAtStart) $ ghcDebugPause'
-- let's go!
dbgIO :: Show a => String -> a -> IO () -- this signature is needed
dbgIO = ptraceAtIO 8
dbgIO "running" prognameandversion
starttime <- getPOSIXTime
-- try to encourage user's $PAGER to properly display ANSI
-- give ghc-debug a chance to take control
when (ghcDebugMode == GDPauseAtStart) $ ghcDebugPause'
-- try to encourage user's $PAGER to display ANSI when supported
when useColorOnStdout setupPager
-- Choose and run the appropriate internal or external command based
-- on the raw command-line arguments, cmdarg's interpretation of
-- same, and hledger-* executables in the user's PATH. A somewhat
-- complex mishmash of cmdargs and custom processing, hence all the
-- debugging support and tests. See also Hledger.Cli.CliOptions and
-- command-line.test.
-- some preliminary (imperfect) argument parsing to supplement cmdargs
rawcliargs <- getArgs >>= expandArgsAt
-- do some preliminary argument parsing to help cmdargs
cliargs <- getArgs
>>= expandArgsAt -- interpolate @ARGFILEs
<&> replaceNumericFlags -- convert -NUM to --depth=NUM
cliargswithcmdfirst = rawcliargs & replaceNumericFlags & moveFlagsAfterCommand
cliargswithcmdfirst = cliargs & moveFlagsAfterCommand
isNonEmptyNonFlag s = not $ null s || "-" `isPrefixOf` s
clicmdarg = headDef "" $ takeWhile isNonEmptyNonFlag cliargswithcmdfirst
isNullCommand = null clicmdarg
(rawcliargsbeforecmd, rawcliargsaftercmd) = second (drop 1) $ break (==clicmdarg) rawcliargs
dbgIO :: Show a => String -> a -> IO () -- type signature needed
dbgIO = ptraceAtIO 8
nocmdprovided = null clicmdarg
(cliargsbeforecmd, cliargsaftercmd) = second (drop 1) $ break (==clicmdarg) cliargs
dbgIO "running" prognameandversion
dbgIO "raw cli args" rawcliargs
dbgIO "raw args before command" rawcliargsbeforecmd
dbgIO "raw args after command" rawcliargsaftercmd
dbgIO "raw cli args rearranged for cmdargs" cliargswithcmdfirst
dbgIO "command argument is probably" clicmdarg
dbgIO "cli args" cliargs
dbgIO "cli args with command argument first, if any" cliargswithcmdfirst
dbgIO "command argument found" clicmdarg
dbgIO "cli args before command" cliargsbeforecmd
dbgIO "cli args after command" cliargsaftercmd
-- search PATH for addon commands, excluding any that match builtin command names
-- Search PATH for addon commands. Exclude any that match builtin command names.
addons <- hledgerAddons <&> filter (not . (`elem` builtinCommandNames) . dropExtension)
-- do a preliminary parse with cmdargs to identify the full command name
let cmd = stringopt "command" $ parseArgsWithCmdargs cliargswithcmdfirst addons
-- Now, so we can look for command-specific options in config files,
-- try to identify the command's full name (clicmdarg may be an abbreviation).
-- For this we do a preliminary parse of the user's arguments with cmdargs.
-- If no command was provided, or if the command line contains a bad flag
-- or a wrongly present/missing flag argument, cmd will be "".
cmd = parseArgsWithCmdargs cliargswithcmdfirst addons & either (const "") (stringopt "command")
badcmdprovided = null cmd && not nocmdprovided
isaddoncmd = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addons
-- isbuiltincmd = cmd `elem` builtinCommandNames
-- get any extra args/opts declared in a config file, both general and command-specific
dbgIO "nocmdprovided" nocmdprovided
dbgIO "badcmdprovided" badcmdprovided
dbgIO "cmd found" cmd
dbgIO "isaddoncmd" isaddoncmd
-- Read any extra general args/opts, and any command-specific ones, from a config file.
-- And insert them before the user's args, with adjustments, to get the final args.
conf <- getConf
genargsfromconf = confArgsFor "general" conf
cmdargsfromconf = confArgsFor cmd conf
dbgIO ("extra general args from config file") genargsfromconf
dbgIO ("extra "<>cmd<>" args from config file") cmdargsfromconf
cmdargsfromconf = if null cmd then [] else confArgsFor cmd conf
argsfromcli = drop 1 cliargswithcmdfirst
finalargs = -- (avoid breaking vs code haskell highlighting..)
if null clicmdarg then [] else [clicmdarg] <> genargsfromconf <> cmdargsfromconf <> argsfromcli
& replaceNumericFlags -- convert any -NUM opts from the config file
-- finalargs' <- expandArgsAt finalargs -- expand any @ARGFILEs from the config file ? don't bother
-- insert the config file args (before the others) and parse the lot with cmdargs
(clicmdarg',cliotherargs) = splitAt 1 cliargswithcmdfirst
allargswithcmdfirst = clicmdarg' <> genargsfromconf <> cmdargsfromconf <> cliotherargs & replaceNumericFlags
dbgIO "allargswithcmdfirst" allargswithcmdfirst
opts' <- argsToCliOpts allargswithcmdfirst addons
-- and save the start time
let opts = opts'{progstarttime_=starttime}
unless (null genargsfromconf) $ dbgIO ("extra general args from config file") genargsfromconf
unless (null cmdargsfromconf) $ dbgIO ("extra "<>cmd<>" args from config file") cmdargsfromconf
dbgIO "final args" finalargs
-- Now parse these in full, first to RawOpts with cmdargs, then to hledger CliOpts.
-- At this point a bad flag or flag argument will cause the program to exit with an error.
let rawopts = either usageError id $ parseArgsWithCmdargs finalargs addons
opts0 <- rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
let opts = opts0{progstarttime_=starttime}
-- select an action and prepare to run it
isInternalCommand = cmd `elem` builtinCommandNames -- not (null cmd) && not (cmd `elem` addons)
isExternalCommand = not (null cmd) && cmd `elem` addons -- probably
isBadCommand = not (null clicmdarg) && null cmd
printUsage = pager $ showModeUsage (mainmode addons) ++ "\n"
badCommandError = error' ("command "++clicmdarg++" is not recognized, run with no command to see a list") >> exitFailure -- PARTIAL:
helpFlag = boolopt "help" $ rawopts_ opts
tldrFlag = boolopt "tldr" $ rawopts_ opts
infoFlag = boolopt "info" $ rawopts_ opts
manFlag = boolopt "man" $ rawopts_ opts
versionFlag = boolopt "version" $ rawopts_ opts
f `orShowHelp` mode1
| helpFlag = pager $ showModeUsage mode1 ++ "\n"
| tldrFlag = runTldrForPage $ maybe "hledger" (("hledger-"<>)) $ headMay $ modeNames mode1
| infoFlag = runInfoForTopic "hledger" (headMay $ modeNames mode1)
| manFlag = runManForTopic "hledger" (headMay $ modeNames mode1)
| otherwise = f
-- where
-- lastdocflag
dbgIO "processed opts" opts
dbgIO "command matched" cmd
dbgIO "isNullCommand" isNullCommand
dbgIO "isInternalCommand" isInternalCommand
dbgIO "isExternalCommand" isExternalCommand
dbgIO "isBadCommand" isBadCommand
dbgIO "period from opts" (period_ . _rsReportOpts $ reportspec_ opts)
dbgIO "interval from opts" (interval_ . _rsReportOpts $ reportspec_ opts)
dbgIO "query from opts & args" (_rsQuery $ reportspec_ opts)
-- Finally, select an action and run it.
-- Check for the help/doc/version flags first, since they are a high priority.
-- (A perfectionist might think they should be so high priority that adding -h
-- to an invalid command line would show help. But cmdargs tends to fail first,
-- preventing this, and trying to detect them without cmdargs, and always do the
-- right thing with builtin commands and addon commands, gets much too complicated.)
-- high priority flags and situations. -h, then --help, then --tldr, then --info, then --man are highest priority.
| isNullCommand && helpFlag = dbgIO "" "-h/--help with no command, showing general help" >> printUsage
| isNullCommand && tldrFlag = dbgIO "" "--tldr with no command, showing general tldr page" >> runTldrForPage "hledger"
| isNullCommand && infoFlag = dbgIO "" "--info with no command, showing general info manual" >> runInfoForTopic "hledger" Nothing
| isNullCommand && manFlag = dbgIO "" "--man with no command, showing general man page" >> runManForTopic "hledger" Nothing
| versionFlag && not (isExternalCommand || helpFlag || tldrFlag || infoFlag || manFlag) = putStrLn prognameandversion
| isNullCommand = dbgIO "" "no command, showing commands list" >> printCommandsList prognameandversion addons
| isBadCommand = badCommandError
helpFlag = boolopt "help" $ rawopts_ opts
tldrFlag = boolopt "tldr" $ rawopts_ opts
infoFlag = boolopt "info" $ rawopts_ opts
manFlag = boolopt "man" $ rawopts_ opts
versionFlag = boolopt "version" $ rawopts_ opts
-- no command and a help/doc flag found - show general help/docs
| nocmdprovided && helpFlag -> pager $ showModeUsage (mainmode []) ++ "\n"
| nocmdprovided && tldrFlag -> runTldrForPage "hledger"
| nocmdprovided && infoFlag -> runInfoForTopic "hledger" Nothing
| nocmdprovided && manFlag -> runManForTopic "hledger" Nothing
-- builtin commands
| Just (cmdmode, cmdaction) <- findBuiltinCommand cmd =
(case True of
-- these commands should not require or read the journal
_ | cmd `elem` ["demo","help","test"] ->
cmdaction opts $ error' $ cmd++" tried to read the journal but is not supposed to"
-- these commands should create the journal if missing
_ | cmd `elem` ["add","import"] -> do
ensureJournalFileExists . NE.head =<< journalFilePathFromOpts opts
withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
-- other commands read the journal and should fail if it's missing
_ -> withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
`orShowHelp` cmdmode
-- --version flag found and none of these other conditions - show version
| versionFlag && not (isaddoncmd || helpFlag || tldrFlag || infoFlag || manFlag) -> putStrLn prognameandversion
-- addon commands
| isExternalCommand = do
let externalargs = rawcliargsbeforecmd ++ filter (/="--") rawcliargsaftercmd
let shellcmd = printf "%s-%s %s" progname cmd (unwords' externalargs) :: String
dbgIO "external command selected" cmd
dbgIO "external command arguments" (map quoteIfNeeded externalargs)
dbgIO "running shell command" shellcmd
system shellcmd >>= exitWith
-- there's a command argument, but it's bad - show error
| badcmdprovided -> error' $ "command "++clicmdarg++" is not recognized, run with no command to see a list"
-- deprecated commands
-- cmd == "convert" = error' (modeHelp oldconvertmode) >> exitFailure
-- no command found, nothing else to do - show the commands list
| nocmdprovided -> dbgIO "" "no command, showing commands list" >> printCommandsList prognameandversion addons
-- XXX shouldn't/doesn't reach here, but this output might be helpful
| otherwise = usageError $
"could not understand the arguments "++show allargswithcmdfirst
<> if null genargsfromconf then "" else "\ngeneral arguments added from config file: "++show genargsfromconf
<> if null cmdargsfromconf then "" else "\ncommand "<>cmd<>" arguments added from config file: "++show cmdargsfromconf
-- builtin command found
| Just (cmdmode, cmdaction) <- findBuiltinCommand cmd,
let mcmdname = headMay $ modeNames cmdmode,
let tldrpagename = maybe "hledger" (("hledger-"<>)) mcmdname ->
-- help/doc flag - show command help/docs
| helpFlag -> pager $ showModeUsage cmdmode ++ "\n"
| tldrFlag -> runTldrForPage tldrpagename
| infoFlag -> runInfoForTopic "hledger" mcmdname
| manFlag -> runManForTopic "hledger" mcmdname
-- do it
-- builtin command which should not require or read the journal - run it
| cmd `elem` ["demo","help","test"] ->
cmdaction opts $ error' $ cmd++" tried to read the journal but is not supposed to"
-- builtin command which should create the journal if missing - do that and run it
| cmd `elem` ["add","import"] -> do
ensureJournalFileExists . NE.head =<< journalFilePathFromOpts opts
withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
-- all other builtin commands - read the journal and if successful run the command with it
| otherwise -> withJournalDo opts (cmdaction opts)
-- addon command found - run it, passing along all arguments except the command name.
-- It will process args and read the journal itself as needed.
| isaddoncmd -> do
let addonargs = cliargsbeforecmd ++ filter (/="--") cliargsaftercmd
let shellcmd = printf "%s-%s %s" progname cmd (unwords' addonargs) :: String
dbgIO "addon command selected" cmd
dbgIO "addon command arguments" (map quoteIfNeeded addonargs)
dbgIO "running shell command" shellcmd
system shellcmd >>= exitWith
-- deprecated command found
-- cmd == "convert" = error' (modeHelp oldconvertmode) >> exitFailure
-- something else (shouldn't happen ?) - show an error
| otherwise -> usageError $
"could not understand the arguments "++show finalargs
<> if null genargsfromconf then "" else "\ngeneral arguments added from config file: "++show genargsfromconf
<> if null cmdargsfromconf then "" else "\ncommand "<>cmd<>" arguments added from config file: "++show cmdargsfromconf
-- And we're done.
-- Give ghc-debug a final chance to take control.
when (ghcDebugMode == GDPauseAtEnd) $ ghcDebugPause'
-- | Parse hledger CLI options from these command line arguments and add-on command names.
-- Or if it fails, exit the program with usageError.
-- | A helper for addons/scripts: this parses hledger CliOpts from these
-- command line arguments and add-on command names, roughly how hledger main does.
-- If option parsing/validating fails, it exits the program with usageError.
-- Unlike main, this does not read extra args from a config file
-- or search for addons; to do those things, mimic the code in main for now.
argsToCliOpts :: [String] -> [String] -> IO CliOpts
argsToCliOpts rawargs addons = do
-- Try to ensure the command argument is first, and rewrite -NUM flags
-- which cmdargs doesn't support. This is already done in main but
-- perhaps there are other users of this function.
let args = moveFlagsAfterCommand $ replaceNumericFlags rawargs
rawOptsToCliOpts $ parseArgsWithCmdargs args addons
argsToCliOpts args addons = do
let args' = args & moveFlagsAfterCommand & replaceNumericFlags
let rawopts = either usageError id $ parseArgsWithCmdargs args' addons
rawOptsToCliOpts rawopts
-- | Parse these command line arguments/options with cmdargs using mainmode.
-- The names of known addon commands are provided so they too can be recognised.
-- If it fails, exit the program with usageError.
parseArgsWithCmdargs :: [String] -> [String] -> RawOpts
parseArgsWithCmdargs args addons =
either usageError id $ CmdArgs.process (mainmode addons) args
parseArgsWithCmdargs :: [String] -> [String] -> Either String RawOpts
parseArgsWithCmdargs args addons = CmdArgs.process (mainmode addons) args
-- | A hacky workaround for cmdargs not accepting flags before the
-- subcommand name: try to detect and move such flags after the
-- command. This allows the user to put them in either position.
-- The order of options is not preserved, but that should be ok.
-- | cmdargs does not allow flags to appear before the subcommand name.
-- We would like to hide this restriction from the user, making the CLI more forgiving.
-- So this tries to move flags, and their values, after the command name.
-- It's tricky because flags can have an argument following a space, and flags can have optional arguments.
-- We don't parse as precisely as cmdargs here, but we make a reasonable attempt like so:
-- - ensure the optional-argument --debug flag has an argument
-- (XXX Now there are more optional-arg flags for which this should be done, like --forecast, but that's harder)
-- - move all no-argument input/report/help flags
-- - move all required-argument input/report/help flags and their values, whether space-separated or not
-- - try not to confuse things further or cause misleading errors.
-- Note this currently only moves general flags, not command flags.
-- So the manual says only "General options can be written either before or after the command name".
-- Since we're not parsing flags as precisely as cmdargs here, this is
-- imperfect. We make a decent effort to:
-- - move all no-argument help/input/report flags
-- - move all required-argument help/input/report flags along with their values, space-separated or not
-- - ensure --debug has an argument (because.. "or this all goes to hell")
-- - not confuse things further or cause misleading errors.
moveFlagsAfterCommand :: [String] -> [String]
moveFlagsAfterCommand args = moveArgs $ ensureDebugHasArg args
ensureDebugHasArg as = case break (=="--debug") as of
(bs,"--debug":c:cs) | null c || not (all isDigit c) -> bs++"--debug=1":c:cs
(bs,["--debug"]) -> bs++["--debug=1"]
_ -> as
moveArgs args1 = insertFlagsAfterCommand $ moveArgs' (args1, [])
moveArgs' ((f:v:a:as), flags) | isMovableReqArgFlag f, isValue v = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [f,v]) -- -f FILE ..., --alias ALIAS ...
moveArgs' ((fv:a:as), flags) | isMovableFlagAndValue fv = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [fv]) -- -fFILE ..., --alias=ALIAS ...
moveArgs' ((f:a:as), flags) | isMovableReqArgFlag f, not (isValue a) = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [f]) -- -f(missing arg)
moveArgs' ((f:a:as), flags) | isMovableNoArgFlag f = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [f]) -- -h ..., --version ...
moveArgs' (as, flags) = (as, flags) -- anything else
insertFlagsAfterCommand ([], flags) = flags
insertFlagsAfterCommand (command1:args2, flags) = [command1] ++ flags ++ args2
movableflags = inputflags ++ reportflags ++ helpflags
noargmovableflags = concatMap flagNames (filter ((==FlagNone).flagInfo) movableflags) ++ ["tl", "tld"]
-- include --tldr abbreviations (other help flags have no unambiguous abbreviations)
reqargmovableflags = concatMap flagNames $ filter ((==FlagReq ).flagInfo) movableflags
optargmovableflags = concatMap flagNames $ filter (isoptargflag.flagInfo) movableflags
-- -f FILE ..., --alias ALIAS ...
moveArgs' ((f:v:a:as), flags) | isMovableReqArgFlag f, isValue v = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [f,v])
-- -fFILE ..., --alias=ALIAS ...
moveArgs' ((fv:a:as), flags) | isMovableArgFlagAndValue fv = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [fv])
-- -f(missing arg)
moveArgs' ((f:a:as), flags) | isMovableReqArgFlag f, not (isValue a) = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [f])
-- -h ..., --version ...
moveArgs' ((f:a:as), flags) | isMovableNoArgFlag f = moveArgs' (a:as, flags ++ [f])
-- anything else
moveArgs' (as, flags) = (as, flags)
isoptargflag = \case
FlagOpt _ -> True
FlagOptRare _ -> True
_ -> False
insertFlagsAfterCommand ([], flags) = flags
insertFlagsAfterCommand (command1:args2, flags) = [command1] ++ flags ++ args2
isMovableNoArgFlag a = "-" `isPrefixOf` a && dropWhile (=='-') a `elem` optargmovableflags ++ noargmovableflags
isMovableNoArgFlag a = "-" `isPrefixOf` a && dropWhile (=='-') a `elem` optargflagstomove ++ noargflagstomove
isMovableReqArgFlag a = "-" `isPrefixOf` a && dropWhile (=='-') a `elem` reqargmovableflags
isMovableReqArgFlag a = "-" `isPrefixOf` a && dropWhile (=='-') a `elem` reqargflagstomove
isMovableFlagAndValue ('-':'-':a:as) = case break (== '=') (a:as) of
(f:fs,_:_) -> (f:fs) `elem` optargmovableflags ++ reqargmovableflags
_ -> False
isMovableFlagAndValue ('-':shortflag:_:_) = [shortflag] `elem` reqargmovableflags
isMovableFlagAndValue _ = False
isMovableArgFlagAndValue ('-':'-':a:as) = case break (== '=') (a:as) of
(f:fs,_:_) -> (f:fs) `elem` optargflagstomove ++ reqargflagstomove
_ -> False
isMovableArgFlagAndValue ('-':shortflag:_:_) = [shortflag] `elem` reqargflagstomove
isMovableArgFlagAndValue _ = False
isValue "-" = True
isValue ('-':_) = False
isValue _ = True
flagstomove = inputflags ++ reportflags ++ helpflags
noargflagstomove = concatMap flagNames (filter ((==FlagNone).flagInfo) flagstomove)
-- silly special case: if someone is abbreviating --tldr, make sure it works right when written before COMMAND
-- (not needed for --info, --man, --version since their abbreviations are ambiguous)
++ ["tl", "tld"]
reqargflagstomove = -- filter (/= "debug") $
concatMap flagNames $ filter ((==FlagReq ).flagInfo) flagstomove
optargflagstomove = concatMap flagNames $ filter (isFlagOpt .flagInfo) flagstomove
isFlagOpt = \case
FlagOpt _ -> True
FlagOptRare _ -> True
_ -> False
isValue "-" = True
isValue ('-':_) = False
isValue _ = True
-- unit tests (tests_Hledger_Cli) are defined in Hledger.Cli.Commands

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@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ module Hledger.Cli.CliOptions (
-- * CLI options
@ -901,9 +900,3 @@ instance HasReportOptsNoUpdate CliOpts where
instance HasReportOpts CliOpts where
reportOpts = reportSpec.reportOpts
-- | Convert an argument-less --debug flag to --debug=1 in the given arguments list.
-- Used by hledger/ui/web to make their command line parsing easier somehow.
ensureDebugHasArg as = case break (=="--debug") as of
(bs,"--debug":c:cs) | null c || not (all isDigit c) -> bs++"--debug=1":c:cs
(bs,["--debug"]) -> bs++["--debug=1"]
_ -> as