preserve transaction order regardless of where the blank one is

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2007-07-09 17:39:00 +00:00
parent 11c96dd042
commit 573fac2755

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@ -21,13 +21,14 @@ elideRight width s =
autofillTransactions :: [LedgerTransaction] -> [LedgerTransaction]
autofillTransactions ts =
let (ns, as) = partition isNormal ts
where isNormal t = (symbol $ currency $ tamount t) /= "AUTO" in
case (length as) of
0 -> ns
1 -> ns ++ [balanceTransaction $ head as]
where balanceTransaction t = t{tamount = -(sumLedgerTransactions ns)}
case (length blanks) of
0 -> ts
1 -> map balance ts
otherwise -> error "too many blank transactions in this entry"
(normals, blanks) = partition isnormal ts
balance t = if isnormal t then t else t{tamount = -(sumLedgerTransactions normals)}
isnormal t = (symbol $ currency $ tamount t) /= "AUTO"
sumLedgerTransactions :: [LedgerTransaction] -> Amount
sumLedgerTransactions = sum . map tamount