simplify Transaction type

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2007-07-04 10:59:29 +00:00
parent a1b060f4cf
commit 5763a80fda
6 changed files with 51 additions and 58 deletions

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@ -12,10 +12,13 @@ import LedgerFile
rawLedgerTransactions :: LedgerFile -> [Transaction]
rawLedgerTransactions l = entryTransactionsFrom $ entries l
rawLedgerTransactions = txns . entries
txns :: [LedgerEntry] -> [Transaction]
txns es = concat $ map flattenEntry es
rawLedgerAccountNamesUsed :: LedgerFile -> [AccountName]
rawLedgerAccountNamesUsed l = accountNamesFromTransactions $ entryTransactionsFrom $ entries l
rawLedgerAccountNamesUsed = accountNamesFromTransactions . rawLedgerTransactions
rawLedgerAccountNames :: LedgerFile -> [AccountName]
rawLedgerAccountNames = sort . expandAccountNames . rawLedgerAccountNamesUsed
@ -44,12 +47,12 @@ cacheLedger l =
tmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(account $ head g, g) | g <- groupedts])
(Map.fromList [(a,[]) | a <- ans])
txns a = tmap ! a
txns = (tmap !)
subaccts a = filter (isAccountNamePrefixOf a) ans
subtxns a = concat [txns a | a <- [a] ++ subaccts a]
lprecision = maximum $ map (precision . tamount . transaction) ts
lprecision = maximum $ map (precision . amount) ts
bmap = Map.union
(Map.fromList [(a, (sumEntryTransactions $ subtxns a){precision=lprecision}) | a <- ans])
(Map.fromList [(a, (sumTransactions $ subtxns a){precision=lprecision}) | a <- ans])
(Map.fromList [(a,nullamt) | a <- ans])
amap = Map.fromList [(a, Account a (tmap ! a) (bmap ! a)) | a <- ans]
@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ ledgerTransactions :: Ledger -> [Transaction]
ledgerTransactions l =
setprecisions $ rawLedgerTransactions $ rawledger l
setprecisions = map (entryTransactionSetPrecision (lprecision l))
setprecisions = map (transactionSetPrecision (lprecision l))
ledgerTransactionsMatching :: ([String],[String]) -> Ledger -> [Transaction]
ledgerTransactionsMatching ([],[]) l = ledgerTransactionsMatching ([".*"],[".*"]) l

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module LedgerEntry
import Utils
@ -27,7 +26,7 @@ showDate d = printf "%-10s" d
showDescription s = printf "%-20s" (elideRight 20 s)
isEntryBalanced :: LedgerEntry -> Bool
isEntryBalanced e = (sumTransactions . etransactions) e == 0
isEntryBalanced e = (sumLedgerTransactions . etransactions) e == 0
autofillEntry :: LedgerEntry -> LedgerEntry
autofillEntry e =
@ -68,7 +67,7 @@ showEntries = concatMap showEntry
entrySetPrecision :: Int -> LedgerEntry -> LedgerEntry
entrySetPrecision p (LedgerEntry d s c desc ts) =
LedgerEntry d s c desc $ map (transactionSetPrecision p) ts
LedgerEntry d s c desc $ map (ledgerTransactionSetPrecision p) ts
-- modifier & periodic entries

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@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module LedgerTransaction
import Utils
@ -7,10 +6,10 @@ import AccountName
import Amount
instance Show LedgerTransaction where show = showTransaction
instance Show LedgerTransaction where show = showLedgerTransaction
showTransaction :: LedgerTransaction -> String
showTransaction t = (showaccountname $ taccount t) ++ " " ++ (showamount $ tamount t)
showLedgerTransaction :: LedgerTransaction -> String
showLedgerTransaction t = (showaccountname $ taccount t) ++ " " ++ (showamount $ tamount t)
showaccountname = printf "%-22s" . elideRight 22
showamount = printf "%11s" . showAmountRoundedOrZero
@ -27,11 +26,11 @@ autofillTransactions ts =
case (length as) of
0 -> ns
1 -> ns ++ [balanceTransaction $ head as]
where balanceTransaction t = t{tamount = -(sumTransactions ns)}
where balanceTransaction t = t{tamount = -(sumLedgerTransactions ns)}
otherwise -> error "too many blank transactions in this entry"
sumTransactions :: [LedgerTransaction] -> Amount
sumTransactions = sum . map tamount
sumLedgerTransactions :: [LedgerTransaction] -> Amount
sumLedgerTransactions = sum . map tamount
transactionSetPrecision :: Int -> LedgerTransaction -> LedgerTransaction
transactionSetPrecision p (LedgerTransaction a amt) = LedgerTransaction a amt{precision=p}
ledgerTransactionSetPrecision :: Int -> LedgerTransaction -> LedgerTransaction
ledgerTransactionSetPrecision p (LedgerTransaction a amt) = LedgerTransaction a amt{precision=p}

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ hledger project notes
** bugs/cleanup
*** rename EntryTransaction/Transaction
** ledger features
*** print command
**** need to save & print comments

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@ -9,30 +9,17 @@ import Amount
import Currency
entry (e,t) = e
transaction (e,t) = t
date (e,t) = edate e
status (e,t) = estatus e
code (e,t) = ecode e
description (e,t) = edescription e
account (e,t) = taccount t
amount (e,t) = tamount t
flattenEntry :: LedgerEntry -> [Transaction]
flattenEntry e = [(e,t) | t <- etransactions e]
flattenEntry (LedgerEntry d _ _ desc ts) = [Transaction d desc (taccount t) (tamount t) | t <- ts]
entryTransactionSetPrecision :: Int -> Transaction -> Transaction
entryTransactionSetPrecision p (e, LedgerTransaction a amt) = (e, LedgerTransaction a amt{precision=p})
transactionSetPrecision :: Int -> Transaction -> Transaction
transactionSetPrecision p (Transaction d desc a amt) = Transaction d desc a amt{precision=p}
accountNamesFromTransactions :: [Transaction] -> [AccountName]
accountNamesFromTransactions ts = nub $ map account ts
entryTransactionsFrom :: [LedgerEntry] -> [Transaction]
entryTransactionsFrom es = concat $ map flattenEntry es
sumEntryTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Amount
sumEntryTransactions ets =
sumTransactions $ map transaction ets
sumTransactions :: [Transaction] -> Amount
sumTransactions = sum . map amount
matchTransactionAccount :: Regex -> Transaction -> Bool
matchTransactionAccount r t =
@ -53,22 +40,27 @@ showTransactionsWithBalances [] _ = []
showTransactionsWithBalances ts b =
unlines $ showTransactionsWithBalances' ts dummyt b
dummyt = (LedgerEntry "" False "" "" [], LedgerTransaction "" (dollars 0))
dummyt = Transaction "" "" "" (dollars 0)
showTransactionsWithBalances' [] _ _ = []
showTransactionsWithBalances' (t:ts) tprev b =
(if (entry t /= (entry tprev))
(if sameentry t tprev
then [showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance t b']
else [showTransactionAndBalance t b'])
++ (showTransactionsWithBalances' ts t b')
where b' = b + (amount t)
b' = b + (amount t)
sameentry (Transaction d1 desc1 _ _) (Transaction d2 desc2 _ _) =
d1 == d2 && desc1 == desc2
-- we forgot the entry-txn relationships.. good enough ?
showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance :: Transaction -> Amount -> String
showTransactionDescriptionAndBalance t b =
(showEntryDescription $ entry t) ++ (showTransaction $ transaction t) ++ (showBalance b)
(showEntryDescription $ LedgerEntry (date t) False "" (description t) [])
++ (showLedgerTransaction $ LedgerTransaction (account t) (amount t)) ++ (showBalance b)
showTransactionAndBalance :: Transaction -> Amount -> String
showTransactionAndBalance t b =
(replicate 32 ' ') ++ (showTransaction $ transaction t) ++ (showBalance b)
(replicate 32 ' ') ++ (showLedgerTransaction $ LedgerTransaction (account t) (amount t)) ++ (showBalance b)
showBalance :: Amount -> String
showBalance b = printf " %12s" (showAmountRoundedOrZero b)

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@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ data Amount = Amount {
precision :: Int -- number of significant decimal places
} deriving (Eq)
-- AccountNames are strings like "assets:cash:petty"; from these we figure
-- out the chart of accounts
-- AccountNames are strings like "assets:cash:petty", from which we derive
-- the chart of accounts
type AccountName = String
-- a flow of some amount to some account (see also Transaction)
-- a line item in a ledger entry
data LedgerTransaction = LedgerTransaction {
taccount :: AccountName,
tamount :: Amount
@ -59,21 +59,19 @@ data LedgerTransaction = LedgerTransaction {
-- a ledger entry, with two or more balanced transactions
data LedgerEntry = LedgerEntry {
edate :: Date,
estatus :: EntryStatus,
estatus :: Bool,
ecode :: String,
edescription :: String,
etransactions :: [LedgerTransaction]
} deriving (Eq)
type EntryStatus = Bool
-- an "=" automated entry (ignored)
-- an automated ledger entry
data ModifierEntry = ModifierEntry {
valueexpr :: String,
m_transactions :: [LedgerTransaction]
} deriving (Eq)
-- a "~" periodic entry (ignored)
-- a periodic ledger entry
data PeriodicEntry = PeriodicEntry {
periodexpr :: String,
p_transactions :: [LedgerTransaction]
@ -97,20 +95,23 @@ data LedgerFile = LedgerFile {
entries :: [LedgerEntry]
} deriving (Eq)
-- We convert Transactions into EntryTransactions, which are (entry,
-- transaction) pairs, since I couldn't see how to have transactions
-- reference their entry like in OO. These are referred to as just
-- "transactions" in modules above Transaction.
type Transaction = (LedgerEntry,LedgerTransaction)
-- we flatten LedgerEntries and LedgerTransactions into Transactions,
-- which are simpler to query at the cost of some data duplication
data Transaction = Transaction {
date :: Date,
description :: String,
account :: AccountName,
amount :: Amount
} deriving (Eq)
-- all information for a particular account, derived from a LedgerFile
-- cached information for a particular account
data Account = Account {
aname :: AccountName,
atransactions :: [Transaction], -- excludes sub-accounts
abalance :: Amount -- includes sub-accounts
abalance :: Amount -- includes sub-accounts
-- a ledger with account info cached for faster queries
-- a ledger with account information cached for faster queries
data Ledger = Ledger {
rawledger :: LedgerFile,
accountnametree :: Tree AccountName,