;doc:RELEASING: updates

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-06-03 07:53:25 -10:00
parent c2c668e3a7
commit 583f0f394d

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@ -65,7 +65,10 @@ Here are some definitions, useful eg when executing or automating release proced
| *package* | A releasable unit of Haskell software. hledger has several core packages usually released together: hledger-lib, hledger, hledger-ui, hledger-web. |
| *hledger version number* | A 2-4 part dotted number naming a hledger release or hledger package version: `MA.JOR[.MINOR[.FIXUP]]` or `MA.JOR.99[.PREVIEW]` where 99 means "unreleased (MAJOR+1)". See examples below. |
| *hledger version string* | A line of text describing a hledger binary, shown by `--version`. It contains program name, version number, commit hash and date, machine architecture etc. Eg: `hledger 1.24.1-g7799d526b-20211210, mac-x86_64` |
| *Complete, partial, mixed releases* | A release of all the core hledger packages (hledger-lib, hledger, hledger-ui, hledger-web) is called *complete*. A release of only some of the core packages is called *partial*. A release where some packages have different versions (because of a previous partial release) is called *mixed*. Major and preview releases are always complete, bugfix and fixup releases can be partial and/or mixed. |
| *Complete release* | A release of all four core hledger packages (hledger-lib, hledger, hledger-ui, hledger-web). Major and preview releases are always complete.
| *Partial release* | A release of just some of the hledger packages. Bugfix and fixup releases are sometimes partial.
| *Single-version release* | A release where all packages have the same version. Major and preview releases are always single-version.
| *Mixed-version release* | A release where the packages have different versions, because of a previous partial release. Bugfix and fixup releases are sometimes mixed-version.
| *changelog* | A CHANGES.md file listing the release history and the changes in each release. There is one for each hledger package and one for the hledger project as a whole. |
| *release notes* | The Release Notes page on the hledger website: the combined release history of the core hledger packages, showing user visible changes only. |
| | **hledger release/build types** |
@ -171,67 +174,66 @@ See [CHANGELOGS](CHANGELOGS.md).
Bake it ? Try `bash -x ./bake prep VERSION` next time. Warning, avoid possible bug with being in master instead. Does a bunch of stuff including partly finalising changelogs.
#### Release branch and version number
- Bake it: `./bake prep NEW
- NEW is `MA.JOR[.MINOR|.99.PREVIEWNUM]` (eg for 1.25 preview 1)
- creates release branch if needed
- sets version numbers (Shake setversion)
- partly finalises changelogs (Shake changelogs)
- for troubleshooting can use bash -x PAUSE=1 ECHO=1 ...
- "avoid possible bug with being in master instead" (?)
- "seems to go wrong without PAUSE" (?)
#### Release branch
Bugfix/fixup release:
- switch to release branch, cherry pick changes from master
Preview/major release:
- `PAUSE=1 ECHO=1 ./bake prep MA.JOR[.99.PREVIEWNUM]` (eg for 1.25 preview 1)
(XXX seems to go wrong without PAUSE`)
- clean up changelogs, amend changelogs commit (see also [CHANGELOGS](CHANGELOGS.md))
- cherry pick changes from master (if needed)
- list changes in three side-by-side magit windows
- 1. NEW IN MASTER: `l o MAJORVER-branch..master`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated` (`C-c D`)
- 2. HEAD: regular magit status view
- 3. RELEASE BRANCH: `l o MAJORVER-branch`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated`
- in master window, working from bottom upward, cherry-pick all non-conflicting changes
- skip changes already in release branch
- skip changelog, command help, and manuals updates
- release branch testing
### Select commits for release
- cherry pick desirable commits from master (if needed)
- eg fancy workflow:
- list changes in three side-by-side magit windows
- 1. NEW IN MASTER: `l o MAJORVER-branch..master`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated` (`C-c D`)
- 2. HEAD: regular magit status view
- 3. RELEASE BRANCH: `l o MAJORVER-branch`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated`
- in master window, working from bottom upward, cherry-pick all non-conflicting changes
- skip changes already in release branch
- skip changelog, command help, and manuals updates
- do release branch testing ?
- `stack build --test`
- `make functest`
#### Release version number
- Choose new version (NEW): MA.JOR, MA.JOR.MINOR, or MA.JOR.MINOR.FIXUP
- In release branch do `./Shake setversion -c NEW`
#### Release changelogs
- add release version/date headings manually (or fix `bake prep`, then clean up manually)
- open all changelogs and release notes in emacs
- maybe run ./Shake changelogs again
- manually clean up changelogs
- manually add release version/date headings (or fix `bake prep`)
#### Release notes
In site repo, update `src/release-notes.md`:
- copy template, uncomment
- replace date
- replace XX with NEW
- copy template from top comment
- replace date and XX
- add new content from changelogs, excluding hledger-lib
- remove any empty sections
- add contributors, `git shortlog -sn OLD..NEW`
- add summary (major release) or remove it (bugfix release)
- site repo commit: `relnotes: NEW`
- for a major release, add highlights
- clean up
- commit: `relnotes: NEW`
#### Release build tests
- touch/change Version.hs to encourage recompilation
- touch/change Version.hs to encourage recompilation (?)
- `stack build`
- `stack exec -- hledger --version`, check version, hash, release date, no '+'
- `stack exec -- hledger help | tail`, check version, month matches release
#### Platform CI tests
Multi-platform CI tests:
- push to `github/binaries` (or `./bake bin`)
- resolve failures
- wait for green on all platforms
- `./bake bin` (push to `github/binaries`)
- wait for green on all platforms, resolve failures
#### Release binaries
Once all platform CI tests are green:
- in local downloads dir, delete any zip files from last release
- in each successful platform job: right click, Download linked file
- unpack the zip file for local platform
- on that same commit, build native local binaries:
- unpack the github binaries for the local platform
- build native binaries for the local platform (on that same commit):
- `make install-as-VERSION`
#### hledger-install script