rename timelog format to timeclock

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2016-04-12 21:10:02 -07:00
parent 3e53cf7ef9
commit 588f36d662
36 changed files with 140 additions and 140 deletions

View File

@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ hledgercov: \
$(call def-help,hledgercov, build "bin/hledgercov" for coverage reports (with ghc) )
$(GHC) $(MAIN) -fhpc -o bin/hledgercov -outputdir .hledgercovobjs $(BUILDFLAGS)
# hledger-lib/Hledger/Read/TimelogReaderPP.hs
# hledger-lib/Hledger/Read/TimeclockReaderPP.hs
dev: dev.hs $(SOURCEFILES) \
$(call def-help,dev, build the dev.hs script for quick experiments (with ghc) )
stack ghc -- $(CABALMACROSFLAGS) -ihledger-lib dev.hs \
@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ haddock: \
hledger-lib/hledger_csv.5 \
hledger-lib/hledger_journal.5 \
hledger-lib/hledger_timelog.5 \
hledger-lib/hledger_timeclock.5 \
hledger-lib/hledger_timedot.5 \
hledger/hledger.1 \
hledger-ui/hledger-ui.1 \

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ main = do

View File

@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ import Hledger
-- import Hledger.Utils.Regex (toRegexCI)
-- import Hledger.Utils.Debug
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.JournalReader as JR
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimelogReader as TR
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimelogReaderNoJU as TRNOJU
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimelogReaderPP as TRPP
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimeclockReader as TR
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimeclockReaderNoJU as TRNOJU
-- import qualified Hledger.Read.TimeclockReaderPP as TRPP
-- import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
-- import Data.Data
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ journal =
-- "data/10000x1000x10.journal"
timelog = "data/sample.timelog"
timeclock = "data/sample.timeclock"
timeit :: String -> IO a -> IO (Double, a)
timeit name action = do
@ -131,8 +131,8 @@ main = do
-- return ()
-- benchmark timelog parsing
-- s <- readFile inputtimelog
-- benchmark timeclock parsing
-- s <- readFile inputtimeclock
-- putStrLn $ show $ length s
-- let s = unlines [
-- "i 2009/03/27 09:00:00 projects:a",
@ -144,11 +144,11 @@ main = do
-- ]
-- -- let output = return . const --
-- -- withArgs ["-l"] $ defaultMain [bench "timelog polyparse" $ nfIO $ runExceptT $ TRPP.parseJournalWith' TRPP.timelogFile False "" s]
-- -- withArgs ["-l"] $ defaultMain [bench "timeclock polyparse" $ nfIO $ runExceptT $ TRPP.parseJournalWith' TRPP.timeclockFile False "" s]
-- defaultMain [
-- -- bench ("read "++inputtimelog++" with parsec") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TR.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output
-- -- bench ("read "++inputtimelog++" with parsec, no ju") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TRNOJU.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output,
-- -- bench ("read "++inputtimelog++" polyparse") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TRPP.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output
-- -- bench ("read "++inputtimeclock++" with parsec") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TR.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output
-- -- bench ("read "++inputtimeclock++" with parsec, no ju") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TRNOJU.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output,
-- -- bench ("read "++inputtimeclock++" polyparse") $ nfIO $ runExceptT (TRPP.parse Nothing False "" s) >>= output
-- ]
-- return ()

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Simon Michael.
Released under GNU GPLv3+.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), ledger(1)
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5)
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1)
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5)

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Note there is no built-in access control, so you will need to hide
hledger-api behind an authenticating proxy if you want to restrict
<!-- With journal and timelog files (but not CSV files, currently) -->
<!-- With journal and timeclock files (but not CSV files, currently) -->
<!-- the web app detects changes and will show the new data on the next request. -->
<!-- If a change makes the file unparseable, hledger-api will show an error -->
<!-- until the file has been fixed. -->

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ module Hledger.Data (
module Hledger.Data.Posting,
module Hledger.Data.RawOptions,
module Hledger.Data.StringFormat,
module Hledger.Data.TimeLog,
module Hledger.Data.Timeclock,
module Hledger.Data.Transaction,
module Hledger.Data.Types,
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Ledger
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.RawOptions
import Hledger.Data.StringFormat
import Hledger.Data.TimeLog
import Hledger.Data.Timeclock
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Data.Types
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ tests_Hledger_Data = TestList
-- ,tests_Hledger_Data_RawOptions
-- ,tests_Hledger_Data_StringFormat
-- ,tests_Hledger_Data_Types

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Dates
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.TimeLog
import Hledger.Data.Timeclock
import Hledger.Query
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ instance Show Journal where
-- ,show (jtxns j)
-- ,show (jmodifiertxns j)
-- ,show (jperiodictxns j)
-- ,show $ open_timelog_entries j
-- ,show $ open_timeclock_entries j
-- ,show $ jmarketprices j
-- ,show $ final_comment_lines j
-- ,show $ jContext j
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ nulljournal :: Journal
nulljournal = Journal { jmodifiertxns = []
, jperiodictxns = []
, jtxns = []
, open_timelog_entries = []
, open_timeclock_entries = []
, jmarketprices = []
, final_comment_lines = []
, jContext = nullctx
@ -160,8 +160,8 @@ addPeriodicTransaction pt j = j { jperiodictxns = pt : jperiodictxns j }
addMarketPrice :: MarketPrice -> Journal -> Journal
addMarketPrice h j = j { jmarketprices = h : jmarketprices j }
addTimeLogEntry :: TimeLogEntry -> Journal -> Journal
addTimeLogEntry tle j = j { open_timelog_entries = tle : open_timelog_entries j }
addTimeclockEntry :: TimeclockEntry -> Journal -> Journal
addTimeclockEntry tle j = j { open_timeclock_entries = tle : open_timeclock_entries j }
-- | Get the transaction with this index (its 1-based position in the input stream), if any.
journalTransactionAt :: Journal -> Integer -> Maybe Transaction
@ -416,12 +416,12 @@ journalApplyAliases aliases j@Journal{jtxns=ts} =
-- | Do post-parse processing on a journal to make it ready for use: check
-- all transactions balance, canonicalise amount formats, close any open
-- timelog entries, maybe check balance assertions and so on.
-- timeclock entries, maybe check balance assertions and so on.
journalFinalise :: ClockTime -> LocalTime -> FilePath -> String -> JournalContext -> Bool -> Journal -> Either String Journal
journalFinalise tclock tlocal path txt ctx assrt j@Journal{files=fs} = do
(journalBalanceTransactions $
journalApplyCommodityStyles $
journalCloseTimeLogEntries tlocal $
journalCloseTimeclockEntries tlocal $
j{ files=(path,txt):fs
, filereadtime=tclock
, jContext=ctx
@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ journalFinalise tclock tlocal path txt ctx assrt j@Journal{files=fs} = do
, jmodifiertxns=reverse $ jmodifiertxns j -- NOTE: see addModifierTransaction
, jperiodictxns=reverse $ jperiodictxns j -- NOTE: see addPeriodicTransaction
, jmarketprices=reverse $ jmarketprices j -- NOTE: see addMarketPrice
, open_timelog_entries=reverse $ open_timelog_entries j -- NOTE: see addTimeLogEntry
, open_timeclock_entries=reverse $ open_timeclock_entries j -- NOTE: see addTimeclockEntry
>>= if assrt then journalCheckBalanceAssertions else return
@ -597,10 +597,10 @@ canonicalStyleFrom ss@(first:_) =
-- case ps of (MarketPrice{mpamount=a}:_) -> Just a
-- _ -> Nothing
-- | Close any open timelog sessions in this journal using the provided current time.
journalCloseTimeLogEntries :: LocalTime -> Journal -> Journal
journalCloseTimeLogEntries now j@Journal{jtxns=ts, open_timelog_entries=es} =
j{jtxns = ts ++ (timeLogEntriesToTransactions now es), open_timelog_entries = []}
-- | Close any open timeclock sessions in this journal using the provided current time.
journalCloseTimeclockEntries :: LocalTime -> Journal -> Journal
journalCloseTimeclockEntries now j@Journal{jtxns=ts, open_timeclock_entries=es} =
j{jtxns = ts ++ (timeclockEntriesToTransactions now es), open_timeclock_entries = []}
-- | Convert all this journal's amounts to cost by applying their prices, if any.
journalConvertAmountsToCost :: Journal -> Journal

View File

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
A 'TimeLogEntry' is a clock-in, clock-out, or other directive in a timelog
A 'TimeclockEntry' is a clock-in, clock-out, or other directive in a timeclock
file (see timeclock.el or the command-line version). These can be
converted to 'Transactions' and queried like a ledger.
module Hledger.Data.TimeLog
module Hledger.Data.Timeclock
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Time.Calendar
@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ import Hledger.Data.Amount
import Hledger.Data.Posting
import Hledger.Data.Transaction
instance Show TimeLogEntry where
instance Show TimeclockEntry where
show t = printf "%s %s %s %s" (show $ tlcode t) (show $ tldatetime t) (tlaccount t) (tldescription t)
instance Show TimeLogCode where
instance Show TimeclockCode where
show SetBalance = "b"
show SetRequiredHours = "h"
show In = "i"
show Out = "o"
show FinalOut = "O"
instance Read TimeLogCode where
instance Read TimeclockCode where
readsPrec _ ('b' : xs) = [(SetBalance, xs)]
readsPrec _ ('h' : xs) = [(SetRequiredHours, xs)]
readsPrec _ ('i' : xs) = [(In, xs)]
@ -48,32 +48,32 @@ instance Read TimeLogCode where
-- | Convert time log entries to journal transactions. When there is no
-- clockout, add one with the provided current time. Sessions crossing
-- midnight are split into days to give accurate per-day totals.
timeLogEntriesToTransactions :: LocalTime -> [TimeLogEntry] -> [Transaction]
timeLogEntriesToTransactions _ [] = []
timeLogEntriesToTransactions now [i]
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o' : timeLogEntriesToTransactions now [i',o]
| otherwise = [entryFromTimeLogInOut i o]
timeclockEntriesToTransactions :: LocalTime -> [TimeclockEntry] -> [Transaction]
timeclockEntriesToTransactions _ [] = []
timeclockEntriesToTransactions now [i]
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeclockInOut i o' : timeclockEntriesToTransactions now [i',o]
| otherwise = [entryFromTimeclockInOut i o]
o = TimeLogEntry (tlsourcepos i) Out end "" ""
o = TimeclockEntry (tlsourcepos i) Out end "" ""
end = if itime > now then itime else now
(itime,otime) = (tldatetime i,tldatetime o)
(idate,odate) = (localDay itime,localDay otime)
o' = o{tldatetime=itime{localDay=idate, localTimeOfDay=TimeOfDay 23 59 59}}
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
timeLogEntriesToTransactions now (i:o:rest)
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o' : timeLogEntriesToTransactions now (i':o:rest)
| otherwise = entryFromTimeLogInOut i o : timeLogEntriesToTransactions now rest
timeclockEntriesToTransactions now (i:o:rest)
| odate > idate = entryFromTimeclockInOut i o' : timeclockEntriesToTransactions now (i':o:rest)
| otherwise = entryFromTimeclockInOut i o : timeclockEntriesToTransactions now rest
(itime,otime) = (tldatetime i,tldatetime o)
(idate,odate) = (localDay itime,localDay otime)
o' = o{tldatetime=itime{localDay=idate, localTimeOfDay=TimeOfDay 23 59 59}}
i' = i{tldatetime=itime{localDay=addDays 1 idate, localTimeOfDay=midnight}}
-- | Convert a timelog clockin and clockout entry to an equivalent journal
-- | Convert a timeclock clockin and clockout entry to an equivalent journal
-- transaction, representing the time expenditure. Note this entry is not balanced,
-- since we omit the \"assets:time\" transaction for simpler output.
entryFromTimeLogInOut :: TimeLogEntry -> TimeLogEntry -> Transaction
entryFromTimeLogInOut i o
entryFromTimeclockInOut :: TimeclockEntry -> TimeclockEntry -> Transaction
entryFromTimeclockInOut i o
| otime >= itime = t
| otherwise =
error' $ "clock-out time less than clock-in time in:\n" ++ showTransaction t
@ -105,16 +105,16 @@ entryFromTimeLogInOut i o
ps = [posting{paccount=acctname, pamount=amount, ptype=VirtualPosting, ptransaction=Just t}]
tests_Hledger_Data_TimeLog = TestList [
tests_Hledger_Data_Timeclock = TestList [
"timeLogEntriesToTransactions" ~: do
"timeclockEntriesToTransactions" ~: do
today <- getCurrentDay
now' <- getCurrentTime
tz <- getCurrentTimeZone
let now = utcToLocalTime tz now'
nowstr = showtime now
yesterday = prevday today
clockin = TimeLogEntry nullsourcepos In
clockin = TimeclockEntry nullsourcepos In
mktime d = LocalTime d . fromMaybe midnight .
#if MIN_VERSION_time(1,5,0)
parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S"
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ tests_Hledger_Data_TimeLog = TestList [
parseTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M:%S"
showtime = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%H:%M"
assertEntriesGiveStrings name es ss = assertEqual name ss (map tdescription $ timeLogEntriesToTransactions now es)
assertEntriesGiveStrings name es ss = assertEqual name ss (map tdescription $ timeclockEntriesToTransactions now es)
assertEntriesGiveStrings "started yesterday, split session at midnight"
[clockin (mktime yesterday "23:00:00") "" ""]

View File

@ -199,19 +199,19 @@ data PeriodicTransaction = PeriodicTransaction {
instance NFData PeriodicTransaction
data TimeLogCode = SetBalance | SetRequiredHours | In | Out | FinalOut deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)
data TimeclockCode = SetBalance | SetRequiredHours | In | Out | FinalOut deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)
instance NFData TimeLogCode
instance NFData TimeclockCode
data TimeLogEntry = TimeLogEntry {
data TimeclockEntry = TimeclockEntry {
tlsourcepos :: GenericSourcePos,
tlcode :: TimeLogCode,
tlcode :: TimeclockCode,
tldatetime :: LocalTime,
tlaccount :: String,
tldescription :: String
} deriving (Eq,Ord,Typeable,Data,Generic)
instance NFData TimeLogEntry
instance NFData TimeclockEntry
data MarketPrice = MarketPrice {
mpdate :: Day,
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ data Journal = Journal {
jmodifiertxns :: [ModifierTransaction],
jperiodictxns :: [PeriodicTransaction],
jtxns :: [Transaction],
open_timelog_entries :: [TimeLogEntry],
open_timeclock_entries :: [TimeclockEntry],
jmarketprices :: [MarketPrice],
final_comment_lines :: String, -- ^ any trailing comments from the journal file
jContext :: JournalContext, -- ^ the context (parse state) at the end of parsing

View File

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Data.Journal (nullctx)
import Hledger.Read.Util
import Hledger.Read.JournalReader as JournalReader
import Hledger.Read.TimeclockReader as TimeclockReader
import Hledger.Read.TimedotReader as TimedotReader
import Hledger.Read.TimelogReader as TimelogReader
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader as CsvReader
import Hledger.Utils
import Prelude hiding (getContents, writeFile)
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ tests_Hledger_Read = TestList $
++ [
"journal" ~: do

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
A reader for the timelog file format generated by timeclock.el
A reader for the timeclock file format generated by timeclock.el
(<>). Example:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ o 2007\/03\/10 17:26:02
From timeclock.el 2.6:
A timelog contains data in the form of a single entry per line.
A timeclock contains data in the form of a single entry per line.
Each entry has the form:
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ i, o or O. The meanings of the codes are:
module Hledger.Read.TimelogReader (
module Hledger.Read.TimeclockReader (
-- * Reader
-- * Tests
import Prelude ()
@ -70,47 +70,47 @@ reader :: Reader
reader = Reader format detect parse
format :: String
format = "timelog"
format = "timeclock"
-- | Does the given file path and data look like it might be timeclock.el's timelog format ?
-- | Does the given file path and data look like it might be timeclock.el's timeclock format ?
detect :: FilePath -> String -> Bool
detect f s
| f /= "-" = takeExtension f == '.':format -- from a known file name: yes if the extension is this format's name
| otherwise = regexMatches "(^|\n)[io] " s -- from stdin: yes if any line starts with "i " or "o "
-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from timeclock.el's timelog
-- | Parse and post-process a "Journal" from timeclock.el's timeclock
-- format, saving the provided file path and the current time, or give an
-- error.
parse :: Maybe FilePath -> Bool -> FilePath -> String -> ExceptT String IO Journal
parse _ = parseAndFinaliseJournal timelogfilep
parse _ = parseAndFinaliseJournal timeclockfilep
timelogfilep :: ParsecT [Char] JournalContext (ExceptT String IO) (JournalUpdate, JournalContext)
timelogfilep = do items <- many timelogitemp
ctx <- getState
return (liftM (foldl' (\acc new x -> new (acc x)) id) $ sequence items, ctx)
timeclockfilep :: ParsecT [Char] JournalContext (ExceptT String IO) (JournalUpdate, JournalContext)
timeclockfilep = do items <- many timeclockitemp
ctx <- getState
return (liftM (foldl' (\acc new x -> new (acc x)) id) $ sequence items, ctx)
-- As all ledger line types can be distinguished by the first
-- character, excepting transactions versus empty (blank or
-- comment-only) lines, can use choice w/o try
timelogitemp = choice [ directivep
timeclockitemp = choice [ directivep
, liftM (return . addMarketPrice) marketpricedirectivep
, defaultyeardirectivep
, emptyorcommentlinep >> return (return id)
, liftM (return . addTimeLogEntry) timelogentryp
] <?> "timelog entry, or default year or historical price directive"
, liftM (return . addTimeclockEntry) timeclockentryp
] <?> "timeclock entry, or default year or historical price directive"
-- | Parse a timelog entry.
timelogentryp :: ParsecT [Char] JournalContext (ExceptT String IO) TimeLogEntry
timelogentryp = do
-- | Parse a timeclock entry.
timeclockentryp :: ParsecT [Char] JournalContext (ExceptT String IO) TimeclockEntry
timeclockentryp = do
sourcepos <- genericSourcePos <$> getPosition
code <- oneOf "bhioO"
many1 spacenonewline
datetime <- datetimep
account <- fromMaybe "" <$> optionMaybe (many1 spacenonewline >> modifiedaccountnamep)
description <- fromMaybe "" <$> optionMaybe (many1 spacenonewline >> restofline)
return $ TimeLogEntry sourcepos (read [code]) datetime account description
return $ TimeclockEntry sourcepos (read [code]) datetime account description
tests_Hledger_Read_TimelogReader = TestList [
tests_Hledger_Read_TimeclockReader = TestList [

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import Hledger.Data.Journal () -- Show instance
import Hledger.Data.Types
import Hledger.Read.JournalReader as JournalReader
import Hledger.Read.TimedotReader as TimedotReader
import Hledger.Read.TimelogReader as TimelogReader
import Hledger.Read.TimeclockReader as TimeclockReader
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader as CsvReader
import Hledger.Utils
import Prelude hiding (getContents, writeFile)
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ journalDefaultFilename = ".hledger.journal"
readers :: [Reader]
readers = [

View File

@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ Glob patterns (\f[C]*\f[]) are not currently supported.
The \f[C]include\f[] directive may only be used in journal files, and
currently it may only include other journal files (eg, not CSV or
timelog files.)
timeclock files.)
Add\-on modes exist for various text editors, to make working with
@ -863,7 +863,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ If the path does not begin with a slash, it is relative to the current file.
Glob patterns (`*`) are not currently supported.
The `include` directive may only be used in journal files, and currently
it may only include other journal files (eg, not CSV or timelog files.)
it may only include other journal files (eg, not CSV or timeclock files.)

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
.TH "hledger_timelog" "5" "April 2016" "" "hledger User Manuals"
.TH "hledger_timeclock" "5" "April 2016" "" "hledger User Manuals"
Timelog \- the timeclock time logging format, as read by hledger
Timeclock \- the time logging format of timeclock.el, as read by hledger
hledger can read timelog files.
hledger can read timeclock files.
As with Ledger, these are (a subset of) timeclock.el\[aq]s format,
containing clock\-in and clock\-out entries as in the example below.
The date is a simple date (also, default year directives work).
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ entries:
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.timelog\ print
$\ hledger\ \-f\ t.timeclock\ print
2015/03/30\ *\ optional\ description\ after\ two\ spaces
\ \ \ \ (some:account\ name)\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.33h
@ -47,13 +47,13 @@ $\ hledger\ \-f\ t.timelog\ print
Here is a sample.timelog to download and some queries to try:
Here is a sample.timeclock to download and some queries to try:
$\ hledger\ \-f\ sample.timelog\ balance\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ current\ time\ balances
$\ hledger\ \-f\ sample.timelog\ register\ \-p\ 2009/3\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ sessions\ in\ march\ 2009
$\ hledger\ \-f\ sample.timelog\ register\ \-p\ weekly\ \-\-depth\ 1\ \-\-empty\ \ #\ time\ summary\ by\ week
$\ hledger\ \-f\ sample.timeclock\ balance\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ current\ time\ balances
$\ hledger\ \-f\ sample.timeclock\ register\ \-p\ 2009/3\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ #\ sessions\ in\ march\ 2009
$\ hledger\ \-f\ sample.timeclock\ register\ \-p\ weekly\ \-\-depth\ 1\ \-\-empty\ \ #\ time\ summary\ by\ week
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
% hledger_timelog(5)
% hledger_timeclock(5)
% April 2016
@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
Timelog - the timeclock time logging format, as read by hledger
Timeclock - the time logging format of timeclock.el, as read by hledger
hledger can read timelog files.
hledger can read timeclock files.
[As with Ledger](,
these are (a subset of)
[timeclock.el]('s format,
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ The time format is HH:MM[:SS][+-ZZZZ]. Seconds and timezone are optional.
The timezone, if present, must be four digits and is ignored
(currently the time is always interpreted as a local time).
i 2015/03/30 09:00:00 some:account name optional description after two spaces
o 2015/03/30 09:20:00
i 2015/03/31 22:21:45 another account
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ one day, it is split into several transactions, one for each day. For
the above time log, `hledger print` generates these journal entries:
``` {.shell}
$ hledger -f t.timelog print
$ hledger -f t.timeclock print
2015/03/30 * optional description after two spaces
(some:account name) 0.33h
@ -51,13 +51,13 @@ $ hledger -f t.timelog print
Here is a
[sample.timelog]( to
[sample.timeclock]( to
download and some queries to try:
$ hledger -f sample.timelog balance # current time balances
$ hledger -f sample.timelog register -p 2009/3 # sessions in march 2009
$ hledger -f sample.timelog register -p weekly --depth 1 --empty # time summary by week
$ hledger -f sample.timeclock balance # current time balances
$ hledger -f sample.timeclock register -p 2009/3 # sessions in march 2009
$ hledger -f sample.timeclock register -p weekly --depth 1 --empty # time summary by week
To generate time logs, ie to clock in and clock out, you could:

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Though called "timedot", the format does not specify the commodity being
logged, so could represent other dated, quantifiable things.
Eg you could record a single\-entry journal of financial transactions,
perhaps slightly more conveniently than with hledger_journal(5) format.
.SS Format
A timedot file contains a series of day entries.
A day entry begins with a date, and is followed by category/quantity
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ It can be formatted like a bar chart, making clear at a glance where time was sp
Though called "timedot", the format does not specify the commodity being logged, so could represent other dated, quantifiable things.
Eg you could record a single-entry journal of financial transactions, perhaps slightly more conveniently than with hledger_journal(5) format.
## Format
A timedot file contains a series of day entries.
A day entry begins with a date, and is followed by category/quantity pairs, one per line.

View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ library:
- Hledger.Data.StringFormat
- Hledger.Data.Posting
- Hledger.Data.RawOptions
- Hledger.Data.TimeLog
- Hledger.Data.Timeclock
- Hledger.Data.Transaction
- Hledger.Data.Types
- Hledger.Query
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ library:
- Hledger.Read.CsvReader
- Hledger.Read.JournalReader
- Hledger.Read.TimedotReader
- Hledger.Read.TimelogReader
- Hledger.Read.TimeclockReader
- Hledger.Read.Util
- Hledger.Reports
- Hledger.Reports.ReportOptions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ extra-source-files:
source-repository head
type: git
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ library
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ library

View File

@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Note there is no built\-in access control, so you will need to hide
hledger\-web behind an authenticating proxy (such as apache or nginx) if
you want to restrict who can see and add entries to your journal.
With journal and timelog files (but not CSV files, currently) the web
With journal and timeclock files (but not CSV files, currently) the web
app detects changes and will show the new data on the next request.
If a change makes the file unparseable, hledger\-web will show an error
until the file has been fixed.
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Note there is no built-in access control, so you will need to hide
hledger-web behind an authenticating proxy (such as apache or nginx)
if you want to restrict who can see and add entries to your journal.
With journal and timelog files (but not CSV files, currently)
With journal and timeclock files (but not CSV files, currently)
the web app detects changes and will show the new data on the next request.
If a change makes the file unparseable, hledger-web will show an error
until the file has been fixed.

View File

@ -2138,7 +2138,7 @@ Released under GNU GPL v3 or later.
hledger(1), hledger\-ui(1), hledger\-web(1), hledger\-api(1),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timelog(5), hledger_timedot(5),
hledger_csv(5), hledger_journal(5), hledger_timeclock(5), hledger_timedot(5),

site/.gitignore vendored
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@ -9,5 +9,5 @@

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ h4, h5, h6 {
border:thin solid #cec;
/* border:none; */
.timelog {
.timeclock {
border:thin solid #eec;
/* border:none; */

View File

@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ A JSON API server.
<!-- **[CSV](manual2.html#csv-format)** -->
<!-- **[Timeclock](manual2.html#timelog-format)** -->
<!-- **[Timeclock](manual2.html#timeclock-format)** -->
<!-- **[Timedot](manual2.html#timedot-format)** -->
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ A JSON API server.
#### [CSV](csv.html)
<!-- How hledger reads Comma Separated Value data. -->
#### [Timeclock](timelog.html)
#### [Timeclock](timeclock.html)
<!-- Timeclock format, a sequence of clock-in/clock-out records. -->
#### [Timedot](timedot.html)

View File

@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ hledger's primary data format, representing a general journal.
#### [hledger_csv(5)](csv.html)
How hledger reads Comma Separated Value data.
#### [hledger_timelog(5)](timelog.html)
#### [hledger_timeclock(5)](timeclock.html)
Timeclock format, a sequence of clock-in/clock-out records.
#### [hledger_timedot(5)](timedot.html)

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ We currently support:
- Ledger's journal format, mostly
- csv format
- timelog format
- timeclock format
- regular journal transactions
- multiple commodities
- fixed transaction prices
@ -135,9 +135,9 @@ or [balance assertions](manual.html#assertions-and-ordering).
- hledger shows start and end dates of the intervals requested,
not just the span containing data
- hledger always shows timelog balances in hours
- hledger always shows timeclock balances in hours
- hledger splits multi-day timelog sessions at midnight by default (Ledger does this with an option)
- hledger splits multi-day timeclock sessions at midnight by default (Ledger does this with an option)
- hledger's output follows the decimal point character, digit grouping,
and digit group separator character used in the journal.
@ -156,14 +156,14 @@ or [balance assertions](manual.html#assertions-and-ordering).
seen. Ledger uses D only for commodity display settings and for the
entry command.
- hledger generates a description for timelog sessions, instead of
- hledger generates a description for timeclock sessions, instead of
taking it from the clock-out entry
- hledger's [include directive](manual.html#including-other-files) does not support
shell glob patterns (eg `include *.journal` ), which Ledger's does.
- hledger's include directive works only in journal files, and currently can only include
journal files, not eg timelog or CSV files
journal files, not eg timeclock or CSV files
- when checking [balance assertions](manual.html#balance-assertions)
hledger sorts the account's postings first by date and then (for

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# a timelog session is parsed as a similarly-named transaction with one virtual posting
# a timeclock session is parsed as a similarly-named transaction with one virtual posting
hledger -f - print
i 2009/1/1 08:00:00
@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ o 2009/1/3 09:00:00
>>>= 0
# ledger timelog example from #ledger
# ==== consulting.timelog
# ; Timelog for consulting sideline
# ledger timeclock example from #ledger
# ==== consulting.timeclock
# ; Time log for consulting sideline
# ; All times UTC
# i 2011/01/26 16:00:00 XXXX:Remote "IPMI Access"
# o 2011/01/26 16:15:00
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ o 2009/1/3 09:00:00
# ; Ledger for Consulting sideline
# !account Consulting
# !include consulting.timelog
# !include consulting.timeclock
# !end

tools/.gitignore vendored
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@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell
generatetimelog.hs NUMENTRIES
generatetimeclock.hs NUMENTRIES
Outputs a dummy timelog with the specified number of clock-in/clock-out entries,
Outputs a dummy timeclock log with the specified number of clock-in/clock-out entries,
one per day.