finish refactoring balanceTransaction

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2015-06-28 14:13:11 -07:00
parent 4da22cd846
commit 5978a19b15
2 changed files with 96 additions and 103 deletions

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@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ amountWithCommodity c a = a{acommodity=c, aprice=NoPrice}
-- | Convert an amount to the commodity of its assigned price, if any. Notes:
-- - price amounts must be MixedAmounts with exactly one component Amount (or there will be a runtime error)
-- - price amounts must be MixedAmounts with exactly one component Amount (or there will be a runtime error) XXX
-- - price amounts should be positive, though this is not currently enforced
costOfAmount :: Amount -> Amount

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@ -260,25 +260,13 @@ isTransactionBalanced styles t =
bvsum' = canonicalise $ costOfMixedAmount bvsum
canonicalise = maybe id canonicaliseMixedAmount styles
-- XXX refactor
-- | Ensure this transaction is balanced, possibly inferring a missing
-- amount or conversion price, or return an error message.
-- Balancing is affected by commodity display precisions, so those may
-- be provided.
-- We can infer a missing real amount when there are multiple real
-- postings and exactly one of them is amountless (likewise for
-- balanced virtual postings). Inferred amounts are converted to cost
-- basis when possible.
-- We can infer a conversion price when all real amounts are specified
-- and the sum of real postings' amounts is exactly two
-- non-explicitly-priced amounts in different commodities (likewise
-- for balanced virtual postings).
-- amount or conversion price(s), or return an error message.
-- Balancing is affected by commodity display precisions, so those can
-- (optionally) be provided.
balanceTransaction :: Maybe (Map.Map Commodity AmountStyle) -> Transaction -> Either String Transaction
balanceTransaction styles t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} =
case inferAmounts t of
balanceTransaction styles t =
case inferBalancingAmount t of
Left err -> Left err
Right tWithAmounts ->
case isTransactionBalanced styles tWithAmountsAndPrices of
@ -286,86 +274,28 @@ balanceTransaction styles t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} =
True -> Right $ txnTieKnot tWithAmountsAndPrices
tWithAmountsAndPrices = (if tWithAmounts==t then inferBalancingPrices else id) tWithAmounts -- XXX unneeded ?
printerr s = intercalate "\n" [s, showTransactionUnelided t]
-- infer conversion prices for real postings if needed
rmixedamountsinorder = map pamount $ realPostings tWithAmounts
ramountsinorder = concatMap amounts rmixedamountsinorder
rcommoditiesinorder = map acommodity ramountsinorder
rsumamounts = amounts $ sum rmixedamountsinorder
-- as it says above, we can infer a conversion price when
tWithAmountsAndRealPrices =
if tWithAmounts == t -- all real amounts were explicit (we didn't have to infer any)
&& length rsumamounts == 2 -- and the sum of real amounts has exactly two commodities (assumption: summing mixed amounts normalises to one simple amount per commodity)
&& all ((==NoPrice).aprice) rsumamounts -- and none of the amounts had explicit prices
then tWithAmounts{tpostings=map inferprice ps}
else tWithAmounts
nonzerobalanceerror :: Transaction -> String
nonzerobalanceerror t = printf "could not balance this transaction (%s%s%s)" rmsg sep bvmsg
inferprice p@Posting{pamount=Mixed [a@Amount{acommodity=c,aprice=NoPrice}], ptype=RegularPosting} -- assumption: a posting's mixed amount contains one simple amount
= p{pamount=Mixed [a{aprice=conversionprice c}]}
conversionprice c | c == unpricedcommodity
(rsum, _, bvsum) = transactionPostingBalances t
rmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost rsum = ""
| otherwise = "real postings are off by " ++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount rsum)
bvmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost bvsum = ""
| otherwise = "balanced virtual postings are off by " ++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount bvsum)
sep = if not (null rmsg) && not (null bvmsg) then "; " else "" :: String
-- calculate a price that makes the postings balance, and give it "just enough"
-- display precision that a manual calculation with the displayed numbers
-- shows the transaction balancing.
= if length ramountsinunpricedcommodity == 1
-- when there is only one posting in the target commodity,
-- show a total price (@@) for more exact output. In this
-- case show all available decimal digits, it shouldn't be too many.
then TotalPrice $ abs targetcommodityamount `withPrecision` maxprecision
-- otherwise, calculate the average unit conversion price across all postings.
-- Set the precision to the sum of the precisions of the commodities involved,
-- which should be enough to make calculation look right while also preventing
-- irrational numbers from printing excessive digits.
else UnitPrice $ abs unitprice `withPrecision` sumofprecisions
| otherwise = NoPrice
unpricedcommodity = head $ filter (`elem` (map acommodity rsumamounts)) rcommoditiesinorder
unpricedamount = head $ filter ((==unpricedcommodity).acommodity) rsumamounts
targetcommodityamount = head $ filter ((/=unpricedcommodity).acommodity) rsumamounts
ramountsinunpricedcommodity = filter ((==unpricedcommodity).acommodity) ramountsinorder
unitprice = targetcommodityamount `divideAmount` (aquantity unpricedamount)
sumofprecisions = (asprecision $ astyle $ targetcommodityamount) + (asprecision $ astyle $ unpricedamount)
inferprice p = p
-- infer conversion prices for balanced virtual postings if needed. XXX duplicates the above
bvmixedamountsinorder = map pamount $ balancedVirtualPostings tWithAmountsAndRealPrices
bvamountsinorder = concatMap amounts bvmixedamountsinorder
bvcommoditiesinorder = map acommodity bvamountsinorder
bvsumamounts = amounts $ sum bvmixedamountsinorder
tWithAmountsAndPrices =
if length bvsumamounts == 2 && all ((==NoPrice).aprice) bvsumamounts && tWithAmounts==t -- XXX could check specifically for bv amount inferring
then tWithAmountsAndRealPrices{tpostings=map inferprice ps}
else tWithAmountsAndRealPrices
inferprice p@Posting{pamount=Mixed [a@Amount{acommodity=c,aprice=NoPrice}], ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting}
= p{pamount=Mixed [a{aprice=conversionprice c}]}
conversionprice c | c == unpricedcommodity
= if length bvamountsinunpricedcommodity == 1
then TotalPrice $ abs targetcommodityamount `withPrecision` maxprecision
else UnitPrice $ abs unitprice `withPrecision` sumofprecisions
| otherwise = NoPrice
unpricedcommodity = head $ filter (`elem` (map acommodity bvsumamounts)) bvcommoditiesinorder
unpricedamount = head $ filter ((==unpricedcommodity).acommodity) bvsumamounts
targetcommodityamount = head $ filter ((/=unpricedcommodity).acommodity) bvsumamounts
bvamountsinunpricedcommodity = filter ((==unpricedcommodity).acommodity) bvamountsinorder
unitprice = targetcommodityamount `divideAmount` (aquantity unpricedamount)
sumofprecisions = (asprecision $ astyle $ targetcommodityamount) + (asprecision $ astyle $ unpricedamount)
inferprice p = p
-- | Infer up to one missing amount each for this transactions's real
-- and balanced virtual postings, if needed, or return an error
-- | Infer up to one missing amount for this transactions's real postings, and
-- likewise for its balanced virtual postings, if needed; or return an error
-- message if we can't.
inferAmounts :: Transaction -> Either String Transaction
inferAmounts t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
-- We can infer a missing amount when there are multiple postings and exactly
-- one of them is amountless. If the amounts had price(s) the inferred amount
-- have the same price(s), and will be converted to the price commodity.
inferBalancingAmount :: Transaction -> Either String Transaction
inferBalancingAmount t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
| length amountlessrealps > 1
= Left $ printerr "could not balance this transaction - can't have more than one real posting with no amount (remember to put 2 or more spaces before amounts)"
| length amountlessbvps > 1
@ -380,15 +310,78 @@ inferAmounts t@Transaction{tpostings=ps}
inferamount p@Posting{ptype=BalancedVirtualPosting} | not (hasAmount p) = p{pamount=costOfMixedAmount (-bvsum)}
inferamount p = p
nonzerobalanceerror :: Transaction -> String
nonzerobalanceerror t = printf "could not balance this transaction (%s%s%s)" rmsg sep bvmsg
(rsum, _, bvsum) = transactionPostingBalances t
rmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost rsum = ""
| otherwise = "real postings are off by " ++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount rsum)
bvmsg | isReallyZeroMixedAmountCost bvsum = ""
| otherwise = "balanced virtual postings are off by " ++ showMixedAmount (costOfMixedAmount bvsum)
sep = if not (null rmsg) && not (null bvmsg) then "; " else "" :: String
-- | Infer prices for this transaction's posting amounts, if needed to make
-- the postings balance. This is done once for the real postings and again
-- (separately) for the balanced virtual postings. When it's not possible, the
-- transaction is left unchanged.
-- The simplest example is a transaction with two postings, each in a
-- different commodity, with no prices specified. In this case we'll add a
-- price to the first posting such that it can be converted to the commodity
-- of the second posting (with -B), and such that the postings balance.
-- In general, we can infer a conversion price when the sum of posting amounts
-- contains exactly two different commodities and no explicit prices. The
-- transaction could contain additional commodities, and/or prices, if they
-- cancel out; what matters is that the sum of posting amounts contains
-- exactly two commodities and zero prices.
-- There can also be more than two postings in either of the commodities.
-- We want to avoid excessive display of digits when the calculated price is
-- an irrational number, while also ensuring the displayed numbers balance if
-- the user does a manual calculation. This is achieved in two ways:
-- - when there is only one posting in the "from" commodity, a total price
-- (@@) is used, and all available decimal digits are shown
-- - otherwise, a suitable averaged unit price (@) is applied to the relevant
-- postings, with a display precision that is the sum of the display
-- precisions of the two commodities being converted between.
-- All postings are expected to contain an explicit amount (no missing
-- amounts) in a single commodity. (The code used to avoid inferring prices
-- when it had previously inferred a missing amount, but it seems harmless to
-- do that.)
inferBalancingPrices :: Transaction -> Transaction
inferBalancingPrices t@Transaction{tpostings=ps} = t{tpostings=ps'}
ps' = map (priceInferrerFor t BalancedVirtualPosting) $
map (priceInferrerFor t RegularPosting) $
-- | Generate a posting update function which assigns a suitable balancing
-- price to the posting, if and as appropriate for the given transaction and
-- posting type (real or balanced virtual).
priceInferrerFor :: Transaction -> PostingType -> (Posting -> Posting)
priceInferrerFor t pt = inferprice
postings = filter ((==pt).ptype) $ tpostings t
pmixedamounts = map pamount postings
pamounts = concatMap amounts pmixedamounts
pcommodities = map acommodity pamounts
sumamounts = amounts $ sum pmixedamounts -- sum normalises to one amount per commodity & price
sumcommodities = map acommodity sumamounts
sumprices = filter (/=NoPrice) $ map aprice sumamounts
caninferprices = length sumcommodities == 2 && null sumprices
inferprice p@Posting{pamount=Mixed [a]}
| caninferprices && ptype p == pt && acommodity a == fromcommodity
= p{pamount=Mixed [a{aprice=conversionprice}]}
fromcommodity = head $ filter (`elem` sumcommodities) pcommodities -- these heads are ugly but should be safe
| fromcount==1 = TotalPrice $ abs toamount `withPrecision` maxprecision
| otherwise = UnitPrice $ abs unitprice `withPrecision` summedprecision
fromcount = length $ filter ((==fromcommodity).acommodity) pamounts
fromamount = head $ filter ((==fromcommodity).acommodity) sumamounts
tocommodity = head $ filter (/=fromcommodity) sumcommodities
toamount = head $ filter ((==tocommodity).acommodity) sumamounts
unitprice = toamount `divideAmount` (aquantity fromamount)
summedprecision = (asprecision $ astyle $ toamount) + (asprecision $ astyle $ fromamount)
inferprice p = p
-- Get a transaction's secondary date, defaulting to the primary date.
transactionDate2 :: Transaction -> Day