mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 12:54:07 +03:00
fix: aregister: Make multicommodity amounts are properly aligned in
aregister. (#1656) This also switches to the renderTable interface for laying out aregister, just as in postingsReport.
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,17 +19,19 @@ module Hledger.Cli.Commands.Aregister (
) where
import Data.List (find, intersperse)
import Data.Default (def)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import System.Console.CmdArgs.Explicit (flagNone, flagReq)
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, CsvRecord, printCSV)
import Hledger
import Hledger.Read.CsvReader (CSV, CsvRecord, printCSV)
import Hledger.Cli.CliOptions
import Hledger.Cli.Utils
import Text.Tabular.AsciiWide
aregistermode = hledgerCommandMode
$(embedFileRelative "Hledger/Cli/Commands/Aregister.txt")
@ -123,17 +125,16 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsCsvRecord
-- | Render a register report as plain text suitable for console output.
accountTransactionsReportAsText :: CliOpts -> Query -> Query -> AccountTransactionsReport -> TL.Text
accountTransactionsReportAsText copts reportq thisacctq items
= TB.toLazyText . unlinesB $
title :
map (accountTransactionsReportItemAsText copts reportq thisacctq amtwidth balwidth) items
accountTransactionsReportAsText copts reportq thisacctq items = TB.toLazyText $
title <> TB.singleton '\n' <> lines
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showamt . itemamt) items
balwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : map (wbWidth . showamt . itembal) items
showamt = showMixedAmountB oneLine{displayMinWidth=Just 12, displayMaxWidth=mmax} -- color_
where mmax = if no_elide_ . _rsReportOpts . reportspec_ $ copts then Nothing else Just 32
lines = foldMap (accountTransactionsReportItemAsText copts reportq thisacctq amtwidth balwidth) items
amtwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : widths (map itemamt items)
balwidth = maximumStrict $ 12 : widths (map itembal items)
widths = map wbWidth . concatMap (showMixedAmountLinesB oneLine)
itemamt (_,_,_,_,a,_) = a
itembal (_,_,_,_,_,a) = a
-- show a title indicating which account was picked, which can be confusing otherwise
title = maybe mempty (\s -> foldMap TB.fromText ["Transactions in ", s, " and subaccounts:"]) macct
@ -165,20 +166,23 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsText
-- String -- a display string describing the other account(s), if any
-- MixedAmount -- the amount posted to the current account(s) (or total amount posted)
-- MixedAmount -- the register's running total or the current account(s)'s historical balance, after this transaction
foldMap TB.fromText . concat . intersperse (["\n"]) $
[ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, " "
, fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True tdescription
, " "
, fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True accts
, " "
, amtfirstline
, " "
, balfirstline
[ [ spacer, a, " ", b ] | (a,b) <- zip amtrest balrest ]
table <> TB.singleton '\n'
table = renderRowB def{tableBorders=False, borderSpaces=False} . Group NoLine $ map Header
[ textCell TopLeft $ fitText (Just datewidth) (Just datewidth) True True date
, spacerCell
, textCell TopLeft $ fitText (Just descwidth) (Just descwidth) True True tdescription
, spacerCell2
, textCell TopLeft $ fitText (Just acctwidth) (Just acctwidth) True True accts
, spacerCell2
, Cell TopRight $ map (pad amtwidth) amt
, spacerCell2
, Cell BottomRight $ map (pad balwidth) bal
spacerCell = Cell BottomLeft [WideBuilder (TB.singleton ' ') 1]
spacerCell2 = Cell BottomLeft [WideBuilder (TB.fromString " ") 2]
pad fullwidth amt = WideBuilder (TB.fromText $ T.replicate w " ") w <> amt
where w = fullwidth - wbWidth amt
-- calculate widths
(totalwidth,mdescwidth) = registerWidthsFromOpts copts
(datewidth, date) = (10, showDate $ transactionRegisterDate reportq thisacctq t)
@ -200,18 +204,9 @@ accountTransactionsReportItemAsText
-- gather content
accts = -- T.unpack $ elideAccountName acctwidth $ T.pack
amt = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt amtwidth change
bal = TL.toStrict . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder $ showamt balwidth balance
showamt w = showMixedAmountB noPrice{displayColour=color_, displayMinWidth=Just w, displayMaxWidth=Just w}
-- alternate behaviour, show null amounts as 0 instead of blank
-- amt = if null amt' then "0" else amt'
-- bal = if null bal' then "0" else bal'
(amtlines, ballines) = (T.lines amt, T.lines bal)
(amtlen, ballen) = (length amtlines, length ballines)
numlines = max 1 (max amtlen ballen)
(amtfirstline:amtrest) = take numlines $ amtlines ++ repeat "" -- posting amount is top-aligned
(balfirstline:balrest) = take numlines $ replicate (numlines - ballen) "" ++ ballines -- balance amount is bottom-aligned
spacer = T.replicate (totalwidth - (amtwidth + 2 + balwidth)) " "
amt = showamt change
bal = showamt balance
showamt = showMixedAmountLinesB noPrice{displayColour=color_}
-- tests
@ -79,3 +79,24 @@ Transactions in a and subaccounts:
2021-01-03 fifth a 5 15
2021-01-03 sixth, because fo.. a 6 21
2021-01-04 seventh, because .. b 7 28
a 1 A
a -1 B
b 1 B
c -1 A
a 1 C
b -1 C
# 6. aregister correctly aligns amounts when there are multiple commodities (#1656).
$ hledger -f- areg a
Transactions in a and subaccounts:
2021-01-01 b, c 1 A 1 A
-1 B -1 B
2021-01-02 b 1 C 1 A
-1 B
1 C
Reference in New Issue
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