bin: check-fancyassertions: add docs to --help output

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Simon Michael 2022-02-10 08:20:54 -10:00
parent c301a08195
commit 5a0d61998a

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@ -123,6 +123,46 @@ import System.FilePath (FilePath)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
-- Don't know how to preserve newlines yet.
helptxt = unlines [
"ASSERTIONS can be:"
,"In the simplest form, an assertion is just a comparison between"
,"values. A value is either an amount or an account name (both as"
,"defined by hledger). The comparison operators are <, <=, ==,"
,">=, >, and != (with the obvious meanings)."
,"Normally, the name of an account refers to the balance of that account"
,"only, without including subaccounts. The syntax `* ACCT` refers"
,"to the sum of the values in both that account and its subaccounts."
,"hledger-check-fancyassertions -D 'budget:books >= £0'"
,"\"At the end of every day, the books budget is greater than or equal to"
,"£0\", implying that if I overspend, I need to take the money out of"
,"some other account. Note the double space after budget:books, this is"
,"because account names can contain single spaces."
,"Assertions can be combined with logical connectives. The connectives"
,"are &&, ||, ==>, and <==> (with the obvious meanings)."
,"Assertions can also be wrapped inside parentheses."
,"hledger-check-fancyassertions '(assets:overdraft < £2000) ==> (*assets:checking == £0)'"
,"\"If I have taken money from my overdraft, then I must have no money in"
,"my checking account (including subaccounts).\""
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser args
@ -367,6 +407,7 @@ args :: ParserInfo Opts
args = info (helper <*> parser) $ mconcat
[ fullDesc
, progDesc "Complex account balance assertions for hledger journals."
, footer helptxt
parser = Opts <$> (optional . strOption)