lib: showamountquantity shows directly, rather than parsing string output of show instance for Quantity.

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Morgan 2020-12-21 23:10:07 +11:00
parent f998a791cf
commit 5dedec83da
2 changed files with 58 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -130,15 +130,16 @@ module Hledger.Data.Amount (
) where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Decimal (decimalPlaces, normalizeDecimal, roundTo)
import Data.Decimal (DecimalRaw(..), decimalPlaces, normalizeDecimal, roundTo)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (genericSplitAt, groupBy, intercalate, mapAccumL,
partition, sortBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (findWithDefault)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Safe (lastDef, lastMay)
import Text.Printf (printf)
@ -156,7 +157,6 @@ deriving instance Show MarketPrice
-- | Default amount style
amountstyle = AmountStyle L False (Precision 0) (Just '.') Nothing
-- Amount
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ showAmountHelper showzerocommodity a@Amount{acommodity=c, aprice=mp, astyle=Amou
L -> printf "%s%s%s%s" (T.unpack c') space quantity' price
R -> printf "%s%s%s%s" quantity' space (T.unpack c') price
quantity = showamountquantity a
quantity = wbUnpack $ showamountquantity a
(quantity',c') | amountLooksZero a && not showzerocommodity = ("0","")
| otherwise = (quantity, quoteCommoditySymbolIfNeeded c)
space = if not (T.null c') && ascommodityspaced then " " else "" :: String
@ -402,35 +402,40 @@ showAmountDebug :: Amount -> String
showAmountDebug Amount{acommodity="AUTO"} = "(missing)"
showAmountDebug Amount{..} = printf "Amount {acommodity=%s, aquantity=%s, aprice=%s, astyle=%s}" (show acommodity) (show aquantity) (showAmountPriceDebug aprice) (show astyle)
-- | Get the string representation of the number part of of an amount,
-- using the display settings from its commodity.
showamountquantity :: Amount -> String
-- | Get a Text Builder for the string representation of the number part of of an amount,
-- using the display settings from its commodity. Also returns the width of the
-- number.
showamountquantity :: Amount -> WideBuilder
showamountquantity amt@Amount{astyle=AmountStyle{asdecimalpoint=mdec, asdigitgroups=mgrps}} =
punctuatenumber (fromMaybe '.' mdec) mgrps . show $ amountRoundedQuantity amt
-- | Replace a number string's decimal mark with the specified
-- character, and add the specified digit group marks. The last digit
-- group will be repeated as needed.
punctuatenumber :: Char -> Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> String -> String
punctuatenumber dec mgrps s = sign ++ reverse (applyDigitGroupStyle mgrps (reverse int)) ++ frac''
(sign,num) = break isDigit s
(int,frac) = break (=='.') num
frac' = dropWhile (=='.') frac
frac'' | null frac' = ""
| otherwise = dec:frac'
applyDigitGroupStyle :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> String -> String
applyDigitGroupStyle Nothing s = s
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups c gs)) s = addseps (repeatLast gs) s
signB <> intB <> fracB
addseps [] s = s
addseps (g:gs) s
| toInteger (length s) <= toInteger g = s
| otherwise = let (part,rest) = genericSplitAt g s
in part ++ c : addseps gs rest
repeatLast [] = []
repeatLast gs = init gs ++ repeat (last gs)
Decimal e n = amountRoundedQuantity amt
strN = show $ abs n
len = length strN
intLen = max 1 $ len - fromIntegral e
dec = fromMaybe '.' mdec
padded = replicate (fromIntegral e + 1 - len) '0' ++ strN
(intPart, fracPart) = splitAt intLen padded
intB = applyDigitGroupStyle mgrps intLen $ if e == 0 then strN else intPart
signB = if n < 0 then WideBuilder (TB.singleton '-') 1 else mempty
fracB = if e > 0 then WideBuilder (TB.singleton dec <> TB.fromString fracPart) (fromIntegral e + 1) else mempty
-- | Split a string representation into chunks according to DigitGroupStyle,
-- returning a Text builder and the number of separators used.
applyDigitGroupStyle :: Maybe DigitGroupStyle -> Int -> String -> WideBuilder
applyDigitGroupStyle Nothing l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromString s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups _ [])) l s = WideBuilder (TB.fromString s) l
applyDigitGroupStyle (Just (DigitGroups c (g:gs))) l s = addseps (g:|gs) (toInteger l) s
addseps (g:|gs) l s
| l' > 0 = addseps gs' l' rest <> WideBuilder (TB.singleton c <> TB.fromString part) (fromIntegral g + 1)
| otherwise = WideBuilder (TB.fromString s) (fromInteger l)
(rest, part) = genericSplitAt l' s
gs' = fromMaybe (g:|[]) $ nonEmpty gs
l' = l - toInteger g
-- like journalCanonicaliseAmounts
-- | Canonicalise an amount's display style using the provided commodity style map.

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@ -46,6 +46,8 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Text
-- fitto,
-- -- * wide-character-aware layout
-- fitString,
@ -66,6 +68,8 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TB
-- import Text.Parsec
-- import Text.Printf (printf)
@ -74,6 +78,24 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Hledger.Utils.Test
import Text.WideString (charWidth, textWidth)
-- | Helper for constructing Builders while keeping track of text width.
data WideBuilder = WideBuilder
{ wbBuilder :: !TB.Builder
, wbWidth :: !Int
instance Semigroup WideBuilder where
WideBuilder x i <> WideBuilder y j = WideBuilder (x <> y) (i + j)
instance Monoid WideBuilder where
mempty = WideBuilder mempty 0
-- | Unpack a WideBuilder to a String.
wbUnpack :: WideBuilder -> String
wbUnpack = TL.unpack . TB.toLazyText . wbBuilder
-- lowercase, uppercase :: String -> String
-- lowercase = map toLower
-- uppercase = map toUpper