mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 05:11:33 +03:00
multibalanceReport: Move responsibility for determining displayed name in multiBalanceReportWith, not at point of consumption.
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ type BudgetAverage = Average
-- | A budget report tracks expected and actual changes per account and subperiod.
type BudgetCell = (Maybe Change, Maybe BudgetGoal)
type BudgetReport = PeriodicReport AccountName BudgetCell
type BudgetReportRow = PeriodicReportRow AccountName BudgetCell
type BudgetReport = PeriodicReport DisplayName BudgetCell
type BudgetReportRow = PeriodicReportRow DisplayName BudgetCell
-- | Calculate budget goals from all periodic transactions,
-- actual balance changes from the regular transactions,
@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ sortBudgetReport ropts j (PeriodicReport ps rows trow) = PeriodicReport ps sorte
sortTreeBURByActualAmount :: [BudgetReportRow] -> [BudgetReportRow]
sortTreeBURByActualAmount rows = sortedrows
anamesandrows = [(prrName r, r) | r <- rows]
anamesandrows = [(prrFullName r, r) | r <- rows]
anames = map fst anamesandrows
atotals = [(a, tot) | PeriodicReportRow a _ _ (tot,_) _ <- rows]
atotals = [(displayFull a, tot) | PeriodicReportRow a _ (tot,_) _ <- rows]
accounttree = accountTree "root" anames
accounttreewithbals = mapAccounts setibalance accounttree
@ -124,8 +124,8 @@ sortBudgetReport ropts j (PeriodicReport ps rows trow) = PeriodicReport ps sorte
-- <unbudgeted> remains at the top.
sortByAccountDeclaration rows = sortedrows
(unbudgetedrow,rows') = partition ((=="<unbudgeted>") . prrName) rows
anamesandrows = [(prrName r, r) | r <- rows']
(unbudgetedrow,rows') = partition ((==unbudgetedAccountName) . prrFullName) rows
anamesandrows = [(prrFullName r, r) | r <- rows']
anames = map fst anamesandrows
sortedanames = sortAccountNamesByDeclaration j (tree_ ropts) anames
sortedrows = unbudgetedrow ++ sortAccountItemsLike sortedanames anamesandrows
@ -189,17 +189,17 @@ budgetRollUp budgetedaccts showunbudgeted j = j { jtxns = remapTxn <$> jtxns j }
combineBudgetAndActual :: MultiBalanceReport -> MultiBalanceReport -> BudgetReport
(PeriodicReport budgetperiods budgetrows (PeriodicReportRow _ _ budgettots budgetgrandtot budgetgrandavg))
(PeriodicReport actualperiods actualrows (PeriodicReportRow _ _ actualtots actualgrandtot actualgrandavg)) =
(PeriodicReport budgetperiods budgetrows (PeriodicReportRow _ budgettots budgetgrandtot budgetgrandavg))
(PeriodicReport actualperiods actualrows (PeriodicReportRow _ actualtots actualgrandtot actualgrandavg)) =
PeriodicReport periods rows totalrow
periods = nubSort . filter (/= nulldatespan) $ budgetperiods ++ actualperiods
-- first, combine any corresponding budget goals with actual changes
rows1 =
[ PeriodicReportRow acct treeindent amtandgoals totamtandgoal avgamtandgoal
| PeriodicReportRow acct treeindent actualamts actualtot actualavg <- actualrows
, let mbudgetgoals = Map.lookup acct budgetGoalsByAcct :: Maybe ([BudgetGoal], BudgetTotal, BudgetAverage)
[ PeriodicReportRow acct amtandgoals totamtandgoal avgamtandgoal
| PeriodicReportRow acct actualamts actualtot actualavg <- actualrows
, let mbudgetgoals = Map.lookup (displayFull acct) budgetGoalsByAcct :: Maybe ([BudgetGoal], BudgetTotal, BudgetAverage)
, let budgetmamts = maybe (replicate (length periods) Nothing) (map Just . first3) mbudgetgoals :: [Maybe BudgetGoal]
, let mbudgettot = second3 <$> mbudgetgoals :: Maybe BudgetTotal
, let mbudgetavg = third3 <$> mbudgetgoals :: Maybe BudgetAverage
@ -211,14 +211,14 @@ combineBudgetAndActual
budgetGoalsByAcct :: Map AccountName ([BudgetGoal], BudgetTotal, BudgetAverage) =
Map.fromList [ (acct, (amts, tot, avg))
| PeriodicReportRow acct _ amts tot avg <- budgetrows ]
Map.fromList [ (displayFull acct, (amts, tot, avg))
| PeriodicReportRow acct amts tot avg <- budgetrows ]
-- next, make rows for budget goals with no actual changes
rows2 =
[ PeriodicReportRow acct treeindent amtandgoals totamtandgoal avgamtandgoal
| PeriodicReportRow acct treeindent budgetgoals budgettot budgetavg <- budgetrows
, acct `notElem` map prrName rows1
[ PeriodicReportRow acct amtandgoals totamtandgoal avgamtandgoal
| PeriodicReportRow acct budgetgoals budgettot budgetavg <- budgetrows
, displayFull acct `notElem` map prrFullName rows1
, let acctBudgetByPeriod = Map.fromList $ zip budgetperiods budgetgoals :: Map DateSpan BudgetGoal
, let amtandgoals = [ (Nothing, Map.lookup p acctBudgetByPeriod) | p <- periods ] :: [BudgetCell]
, let totamtandgoal = (Nothing, Just budgettot)
@ -230,10 +230,10 @@ combineBudgetAndActual
-- TODO: respect --sort-amount
-- TODO: add --sort-budget to sort by budget goal amount
rows :: [BudgetReportRow] =
sortOn prrName $ rows1 ++ rows2
sortOn prrFullName $ rows1 ++ rows2
-- TODO: grand total & average shows 0% when there are no actual amounts, inconsistent with other cells
totalrow = PeriodicReportRow () 0
totalrow = PeriodicReportRow ()
[ (Map.lookup p totActualByPeriod, Map.lookup p totBudgetByPeriod) | p <- periods ]
( Just actualgrandtot, Just budgetgrandtot )
( Just actualgrandavg, Just budgetgrandavg )
@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ budgetReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} budgetr =
budgetReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> BudgetReport -> Table String String (Maybe MixedAmount, Maybe MixedAmount)
(PeriodicReport periods rows (PeriodicReportRow _ _ coltots grandtot grandavg)) =
(PeriodicReport periods rows (PeriodicReportRow _ coltots grandtot grandavg)) =
addtotalrow $
(T.Group NoLine $ map Header accts)
@ -322,10 +322,13 @@ budgetReportAsTable
++ [" Total" | row_total_ ropts]
++ ["Average" | average_ ropts]
accts = map renderacct rows
renderacct (PeriodicReportRow a i _ _ _)
| tree_ ropts = replicate ((i-1)*2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (accountLeafName a)
| otherwise = T.unpack $ maybeAccountNameDrop ropts a
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ _ as rowtot rowavg) =
-- FIXME. Have to check explicitly for which to render here, since
-- budgetReport sets accountlistmode to ALTree. Find a principled way to do
-- this.
renderacct row
| tree_ ropts = replicate ((prrDepth row - 1)*2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (prrDisplayName row)
| otherwise = T.unpack . maybeAccountNameDrop ropts $ prrFullName row
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) =
as ++ [rowtot | row_total_ ropts] ++ [rowavg | average_ ropts]
| no_total_ ropts = id
@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ import Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes
-- 2. a list of rows, each containing:
-- * the full account name
-- * the account's depth
-- * the full account name, display name, and display depth
-- * A list of amounts, one for each column.
@ -63,8 +61,8 @@ import Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes
-- 3. the column totals, and the overall grand total (or zero for
-- cumulative/historical reports) and grand average.
type MultiBalanceReport = PeriodicReport AccountName MixedAmount
type MultiBalanceReportRow = PeriodicReportRow AccountName MixedAmount
type MultiBalanceReport = PeriodicReport DisplayName MixedAmount
type MultiBalanceReportRow = PeriodicReportRow DisplayName MixedAmount
-- type alias just to remind us which AccountNames might be depth-clipped, below.
type ClippedAccountName = AccountName
@ -78,7 +76,7 @@ type ClippedAccountName = AccountName
-- command (in multiperiod mode) and (via multiBalanceReport') by the bs/cf/is commands.
multiBalanceReport :: Day -> ReportOpts -> Journal -> MultiBalanceReport
multiBalanceReport today ropts j =
multiBalanceReportWith ropts q j (journalPriceOracle infer j)
multiBalanceReportWith ropts q j (journalPriceOracle infer j)
q = queryFromOpts today ropts
infer = infer_value_ ropts
@ -93,46 +91,55 @@ multiBalanceReportWith :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> PriceOracle -> Multi
multiBalanceReportWith ropts@ReportOpts{..} q j priceoracle = report
-- Queries, report/column dates.
reportspan = dbg "reportspan" $ calculateReportSpan ropts q j
reportq = dbg "reportq" $ makeReportQuery ropts reportspan q
ropts' = dbg "ropts'" $ setDefaultAccountListMode ALFlat ropts
reportspan = dbg "reportspan" $ calculateReportSpan ropts' q j
reportq = dbg "reportq" $ makeReportQuery ropts' reportspan q
-- The matched accounts with a starting balance. All of these should appear
-- in the report, even if they have no postings during the report period.
startbals = dbg' "startbals" $ startingBalances ropts reportq j reportspan
startbals = dbg' "startbals" $ startingBalances ropts' reportq j reportspan
-- Postings matching the query within the report period.
ps :: [(Posting, Day)] = dbg'' "ps" $ getPostings ropts reportq j
ps :: [(Posting, Day)] = dbg'' "ps" $ getPostings ropts' reportq j
days = map snd ps
-- The date spans to be included as report columns.
colspans = dbg "colspans" $ calculateColSpans ropts reportspan days
colspans = dbg "colspans" $ calculateColSpans ropts' reportspan days
-- Group postings into their columns.
colps = dbg'' "colps" $ calculateColumns colspans ps
-- Each account's balance changes across all columns.
acctchanges = dbg'' "acctchanges" $ calculateAccountChanges ropts q startbals colps
acctchanges = dbg'' "acctchanges" $ calculateAccountChanges ropts' q startbals colps
-- Process changes into normal, cumulative, or historical amounts, plus value them
accumvalued = dbg'' "accumvalued" $ accumValueAmounts ropts j priceoracle colspans startbals acctchanges
accumvalued = dbg'' "accumvalued" $ accumValueAmounts ropts' j priceoracle colspans startbals acctchanges
-- All account names that will be displayed, possibly depth-clipped.
displayaccts = dbg'' "displayaccts" $ displayedAccounts ropts q accumvalued
displayaccts = dbg'' "displayaccts" $ displayedAccounts ropts' q accumvalued
-- All the rows of the report.
rows = dbg'' "rows" $ buildReportRows ropts reportq accumvalued
rows = dbg'' "rows" $ buildReportRows ropts' reportq accumvalued
-- Sorted report rows.
sortedrows = dbg' "sortedrows" $ sortRows ropts j rows
sortedrows = dbg' "sortedrows" $ sortRows ropts' j rows
-- Calculate column totals
totalsrow = dbg' "totalsrow" $ calculateTotalsRow ropts displayaccts sortedrows
totalsrow = dbg' "totalsrow" $ calculateTotalsRow ropts' displayaccts sortedrows
-- Postprocess the report, negating balances and taking percentages if needed
report = dbg' "report" . postprocessReport ropts $
report = dbg' "report" . postprocessReport ropts' $
PeriodicReport colspans sortedrows totalsrow
-- | Calculate the span of the report to be generated.
setDefaultAccountListMode :: AccountListMode -> ReportOpts -> ReportOpts
setDefaultAccountListMode def ropts = ropts{accountlistmode_=mode}
mode = case accountlistmode_ ropts of
ALDefault -> def
a -> a
-- | Calculate the span of the report to be generated.
calculateReportSpan :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal -> DateSpan
calculateReportSpan ropts q j = reportspan
@ -312,7 +319,7 @@ buildReportRows :: ReportOpts -> Query
-> HashMap AccountName [Account]
-> [MultiBalanceReportRow]
buildReportRows ropts q acctvalues =
[ PeriodicReportRow a (accountNameLevel a) rowbals rowtot rowavg
[ PeriodicReportRow (name a) rowbals rowtot rowavg
| (a,accts) <- HM.toList acctvalues
, let rowbals = map balance accts
-- The total and average for the row.
@ -323,6 +330,7 @@ buildReportRows ropts q acctvalues =
, empty_ ropts || queryDepth q == 0 || any (not . mixedAmountLooksZero) rowbals -- TODO: Remove this eventually, to be handled elswhere
name = if tree_ ropts then treeDisplayName else flatDisplayName
balance = if tree_ ropts then aibalance else aebalance
-- | Calculate accounts which are to be displayed in the report, as well as
@ -363,9 +371,9 @@ sortRows ropts j
sortTreeMBRByAmount :: [MultiBalanceReportRow] -> [MultiBalanceReportRow]
sortTreeMBRByAmount rows = sortedrows
anamesandrows = [(prrName r, r) | r <- rows]
anamesandrows = [(prrFullName r, r) | r <- rows]
anames = map fst anamesandrows
atotals = [(prrName r, prrTotal r) | r <- rows]
atotals = [(prrFullName r, prrTotal r) | r <- rows]
accounttree = accountTree "root" anames
accounttreewithbals = mapAccounts setibalance accounttree
@ -383,7 +391,7 @@ sortRows ropts j
-- Sort the report rows by account declaration order then account name.
sortMBRByAccountDeclaration rows = sortedrows
anamesandrows = [(prrName r, r) | r <- rows]
anamesandrows = [(prrFullName r, r) | r <- rows]
anames = map fst anamesandrows
sortedanames = sortAccountNamesByDeclaration j (tree_ ropts) anames
sortedrows = sortAccountItemsLike sortedanames anamesandrows
@ -394,13 +402,13 @@ sortRows ropts j
calculateTotalsRow :: ReportOpts -> HashMap ClippedAccountName (ClippedAccountName, Int)
-> [MultiBalanceReportRow] -> PeriodicReportRow () MixedAmount
calculateTotalsRow ropts displayaccts rows =
PeriodicReportRow () 0 coltotals grandtotal grandaverage
PeriodicReportRow () coltotals grandtotal grandaverage
highestlevelaccts = HM.filterWithKey (\a _ -> isHighest a) displayaccts
where isHighest = not . any (`HM.member` displayaccts) . init . expandAccountName
colamts = transpose . map prrAmounts $ filter isHighest rows
where isHighest row = not (tree_ ropts) || prrName row `HM.member` highestlevelaccts
where isHighest row = not (tree_ ropts) || prrFullName row `HM.member` highestlevelaccts
-- TODO: If colamts is null, then this is empty. Do we want it to be a full
-- column of zeros?
@ -418,8 +426,8 @@ postprocessReport ropts (PeriodicReport spans rows totalrow) =
maybeInvert = if invert_ ropts then prNegate else id
percentage = if not (percent_ ropts) then id else \case
PeriodicReportRow name d rowvals rowtotal rowavg ->
PeriodicReportRow name d
PeriodicReportRow name rowvals rowtotal rowavg ->
PeriodicReportRow name
(zipWith perdivide rowvals $ prrAmounts totalrow)
(perdivide rowtotal $ prrTotal totalrow)
(perdivide rowavg $ prrAverage totalrow)
@ -431,16 +439,17 @@ postprocessReport ropts (PeriodicReport spans rows totalrow) =
-- (see ReportOpts and CompoundBalanceCommand).
balanceReportFromMultiBalanceReport :: ReportOpts -> Query -> Journal
-> ([(AccountName, AccountName, Int, MixedAmount)], MixedAmount)
balanceReportFromMultiBalanceReport opts q j = (rows', total)
balanceReportFromMultiBalanceReport ropts q j = (rows', total)
PeriodicReport _ rows (PeriodicReportRow _ _ totals _ _) =
multiBalanceReportWith opts q j (journalPriceOracle (infer_value_ opts) j)
rows' = [( a
, if flat_ opts then a else accountLeafName a -- BalanceReport expects full account name here with --flat
, if tree_ opts then d-1 else 0 -- BalanceReport uses 0-based account depths
PeriodicReport _ rows (PeriodicReportRow _ totals _ _) =
multiBalanceReportWith ropts q j (journalPriceOracle (infer_value_ ropts) j)
rows' = [( displayFull a
, leafName a
, if tree_ ropts then displayDepth a - 1 else 0 -- BalanceReport uses 0-based account depths
, headDef nullmixedamt amts -- 0 columns is illegal, should not happen, return zeroes if it does
) | PeriodicReportRow a d amts _ _ <- rows]
) | PeriodicReportRow a amts _ _ <- rows]
total = headDef nullmixedamt totals
leafName = if flat_ ropts then displayFull else displayName -- BalanceReport expects full account name here with --flat
-- | Transpose a Map of HashMaps to a HashMap of Maps.
@ -519,8 +528,8 @@ tests_MultiBalanceReport = tests "MultiBalanceReport" [
(opts,journal) `gives` r = do
let (eitems, etotal) = r
(PeriodicReport _ aitems atotal) = multiBalanceReport nulldate opts journal
showw (PeriodicReportRow acct indent lAmt amt amt')
= (acct, accountLeafName acct, indent, map showMixedAmountDebug lAmt, showMixedAmountDebug amt, showMixedAmountDebug amt')
showw (PeriodicReportRow a lAmt amt amt')
= (displayFull a, displayName a, displayDepth a, map showMixedAmountDebug lAmt, showMixedAmountDebug amt, showMixedAmountDebug amt')
(map showw aitems) @?= (map showw eitems)
showMixedAmountDebug (prrTotal atotal) @?= showMixedAmountDebug etotal -- we only check the sum of the totals
@ -531,8 +540,8 @@ tests_MultiBalanceReport = tests "MultiBalanceReport" [
,test "with -H on a populated period" $
(defreportopts{period_= PeriodBetween (fromGregorian 2008 1 1) (fromGregorian 2008 1 2), balancetype_=HistoricalBalance}, samplejournal) `gives`
[ PeriodicReportRow "assets:bank:checking" 3 [mamountp' "$1.00"] (Mixed [nullamt]) (Mixed [amt0 {aquantity=1}])
, PeriodicReportRow "income:salary" 2 [mamountp' "$-1.00"] (Mixed [nullamt]) (Mixed [amt0 {aquantity=(-1)}])
[ PeriodicReportRow (flatDisplayName "assets:bank:checking") [mamountp' "$1.00"] (Mixed [nullamt]) (Mixed [amt0 {aquantity=1}])
, PeriodicReportRow (flatDisplayName "income:salary") [mamountp' "$-1.00"] (Mixed [nullamt]) (Mixed [amt0 {aquantity=(-1)}])
Mixed [nullamt])
@ -17,10 +17,22 @@ module Hledger.Reports.ReportTypes
, periodicReportSpan
, prNegate
, prNormaliseSign
, prMapName
, prMapMaybeName
, DisplayName(..)
, flatDisplayName
, treeDisplayName
, prrFullName
, prrDisplayName
, prrDepth
) where
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Decimal
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Hledger.Data
@ -72,7 +84,6 @@ data PeriodicReport a b =
data PeriodicReportRow a b =
{ prrName :: a -- An account name.
, prrDepth :: Int -- Indent level for displaying this account name in tree mode. 0, 1, 2...
, prrAmounts :: [b] -- The data value for each subperiod.
, prrTotal :: b -- The total of this row's values.
, prrAverage :: b -- The average of this row's values.
@ -94,5 +105,57 @@ prNegate :: Num b => PeriodicReport a b -> PeriodicReport a b
prNegate (PeriodicReport colspans rows totalsrow) =
PeriodicReport colspans (map rowNegate rows) (rowNegate totalsrow)
rowNegate (PeriodicReportRow name indent amts tot avg) =
PeriodicReportRow name indent (map negate amts) (-tot) (-avg)
rowNegate (PeriodicReportRow name amts tot avg) =
PeriodicReportRow name (map negate amts) (-tot) (-avg)
-- | Map a function over the row names.
prMapName :: (a -> b) -> PeriodicReport a c -> PeriodicReport b c
prMapName f report = report{prRows = map (prrMapName f) $ prRows report}
-- | Map a function over the row names, possibly discarding some.
prMapMaybeName :: (a -> Maybe b) -> PeriodicReport a c -> PeriodicReport b c
prMapMaybeName f report = report{prRows = mapMaybe (prrMapMaybeName f) $ prRows report}
-- | Map a function over the row names of the PeriodicReportRow.
prrMapName :: (a -> b) -> PeriodicReportRow a c -> PeriodicReportRow b c
prrMapName f row = row{prrName = f $ prrName row}
-- | Map maybe a function over the row names of the PeriodicReportRow.
prrMapMaybeName :: (a -> Maybe b) -> PeriodicReportRow a c -> Maybe (PeriodicReportRow b c)
prrMapMaybeName f row = case f $ prrName row of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just a -> Just row{prrName = a}
-- | A full name, display name, and depth for an account.
data DisplayName = DisplayName
{ displayFull :: AccountName
, displayName :: AccountName
, displayDepth :: Int
} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance ToJSON DisplayName where
toJSON = toJSON . displayFull
toEncoding = toEncoding . displayFull
-- | Construct a flat display name, where the full name is also displayed at
-- depth 0
flatDisplayName :: AccountName -> DisplayName
flatDisplayName a = DisplayName a a 0
-- | Construct a tree display name, where only the leaf is displayed at its
-- given depth
treeDisplayName :: AccountName -> DisplayName
treeDisplayName a = DisplayName a (accountLeafName a) (accountNameLevel a)
-- | Get the full, canonical, name of a PeriodicReportRow tagged by a
-- DisplayName.
prrFullName :: PeriodicReportRow DisplayName a -> AccountName
prrFullName = displayFull . prrName
-- | Get the display name of a PeriodicReportRow tagged by a DisplayName.
prrDisplayName :: PeriodicReportRow DisplayName a -> AccountName
prrDisplayName = displayName . prrName
-- | Get the display depth of a PeriodicReportRow tagged by a DisplayName.
prrDepth :: PeriodicReportRow DisplayName a -> Int
prrDepth = displayDepth . prrName
@ -463,18 +463,18 @@ renderComponent1 opts (acctname, depth, total) (FormatField ljust min max field)
-- and will include the final totals row unless --no-total is set.
multiBalanceReportAsCsv :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> CSV
multiBalanceReportAsCsv opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_}
(PeriodicReport colspans items (PeriodicReportRow _ _ coltotals tot avg)) =
(PeriodicReport colspans items (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals tot avg)) =
maybetranspose $
("Account" : map showDateSpan colspans
++ ["Total" | row_total_]
++ ["Average" | average_]
) :
[T.unpack (maybeAccountNameDrop opts a) :
[T.unpack (displayFull a) :
map showMixedAmountOneLineWithoutPrice
++ [rowtot | row_total_]
++ [rowavg | average_])
| PeriodicReportRow a _ amts rowtot rowavg <- items]
| PeriodicReportRow a amts rowtot rowavg <- items]
if no_total_ opts
then []
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ multiBalanceReportAsText ropts@ReportOpts{..} r =
-- | Build a 'Table' from a multi-column balance report.
balanceReportAsTable :: ReportOpts -> MultiBalanceReport -> Table String String MixedAmount
balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balancetype_}
(PeriodicReport colspans items (PeriodicReportRow _ _ coltotals tot avg)) =
(PeriodicReport colspans items (PeriodicReportRow _ coltotals tot avg)) =
maybetranspose $
addtotalrow $
@ -619,10 +619,9 @@ balanceReportAsTable opts@ReportOpts{average_, row_total_, balancetype_}
++ [" Total" | totalscolumn]
++ ["Average" | average_]
accts = map renderacct items
renderacct (PeriodicReportRow a i _ _ _)
| tree_ opts = replicate ((i-1)*2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (accountLeafName a)
| otherwise = T.unpack $ maybeAccountNameDrop opts a
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ _ as rowtot rowavg) = as
renderacct row =
replicate ((prrDepth row - 1) * 2) ' ' ++ T.unpack (prrDisplayName row)
rowvals (PeriodicReportRow _ as rowtot rowavg) = as
++ [rowtot | totalscolumn]
++ [rowavg | average_]
addtotalrow | no_total_ opts = id
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ compoundBalanceCommand CompoundBalanceCommandSpec{..} opts@CliOpts{reportopts_=r
-- "2008/01/01-2008/12/31", not "2008").
| balancetype == HistoricalBalance = showEndDates enddates
| otherwise = showDateSpan requestedspan
| otherwise = showDateSpan requestedspan
enddates = map (addDays (-1)) $ catMaybes $ map spanEnd colspans -- these spans will always have a definite end date
requestedspan = queryDateSpan date2_ userq `spanDefaultsFrom` journalDateSpan date2_ j
@ -271,12 +271,12 @@ compoundBalanceSubreport ropts@ReportOpts{..} userq j priceoracle subreportqfn s
nonzeroaccounts =
dbg5 "nonzeroaccounts" $
mapMaybe (\(PeriodicReportRow act _ amts _ _) ->
if not (all mixedAmountLooksZero amts) then Just act else Nothing) rows
mapMaybe (\(PeriodicReportRow act amts _ _) ->
if not (all mixedAmountLooksZero amts) then Just (displayFull act) else Nothing) rows
rows' = filter (not . emptyRow) rows
emptyRow (PeriodicReportRow act _ amts _ _) =
all mixedAmountLooksZero amts && not (any (act `isAccountNamePrefixOf`) nonzeroaccounts)
emptyRow (PeriodicReportRow act amts _ _) =
all mixedAmountLooksZero amts && not (any (displayFull act `isAccountNamePrefixOf`) nonzeroaccounts)
-- | Render a compound balance report as plain text suitable for console output.
{- Eg:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user