;doc: update/simplify general options list in the manuals

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Simon Michael 2024-05-29 09:53:08 -10:00
parent d4dcbbd4c8
commit 5f255e28ee
4 changed files with 245 additions and 190 deletions

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@ -54,169 +54,251 @@ m4_define({{_timedot_}}, {{```timedot$1```}} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl Various lists of common command line options.
m4_dnl Should be kept synced with CliOptions.hs etc.
m4_define({{_helpoptions_}}, {{
`-h --help`
: show general or COMMAND help
: show general or COMMAND user manual with man
: show general or COMMAND user manual with info
: show general or ADDONCMD version
: show debug output (levels 1-9, default: 1)
}} )m4_dnl
m4_define({{_inputoptions_}}, {{
`-f FILE --file=FILE`
: use a different input file. For stdin, use - (default: `$LEDGER_FILE` or `$HOME/.hledger.journal`)
: Conversion rules file to use when reading CSV (default: FILE.rules)
: Field separator to expect when reading CSV (default: ',')
: rename accounts named OLD to NEW
`--pivot FIELDNAME`
: use some other field or tag for the account name
`-I --ignore-assertions`
: disable balance assertion checks (note: does not disable balance assignments)
`-s --strict`
: do extra error checking (check that all posted accounts are declared)
}} )m4_dnl
m4_define({{_reportingoptions_}}, {{
`-b --begin=DATE`
: include postings/txns on or after this date
(will be adjusted to preceding subperiod start when using a report interval)
`-e --end=DATE`
: include postings/txns before this date
(will be adjusted to following subperiod end when using a report interval)
`-D --daily`
: multiperiod/multicolumn report by day
`-W --weekly`
: multiperiod/multicolumn report by week
`-M --monthly`
: multiperiod/multicolumn report by month
`-Q --quarterly`
: multiperiod/multicolumn report by quarter
`-Y --yearly`
: multiperiod/multicolumn report by year
`-p --period=PERIODEXP`
: set start date, end date, and/or reporting interval all at once using [period expressions](hledger.html#period-expressions) syntax
: match the secondary date instead (see command help for other effects)
: override today's date (affects relative smart dates, for tests/examples)
`-U --unmarked`
: include only unmarked postings/txns (can combine with -P or -C)
`-P --pending`
: include only pending postings/txns
`-C --cleared`
: include only cleared postings/txns
`-R --real`
: include only non-virtual postings
`-NUM --depth=NUM`
: hide/aggregate accounts or postings more than NUM levels deep
`-E --empty`
: show items with zero amount, normally hidden (and vice-versa in hledger-ui/hledger-web)
`-B --cost`
: convert amounts to their cost/selling amount at transaction time
`-V --market`
: convert amounts to their market value in default valuation commodities
`-X --exchange=COMM`
: convert amounts to their market value in commodity COMM
: convert amounts to cost or market value, more flexibly than -B/-V/-X
: infer conversion equity postings from costs
: infer costs from conversion equity postings
: use costs as additional market prices, as if they were P directives
: generate transactions from [periodic rules](hledger.html#periodic-transactions),
: between the latest recorded txn and 6 months from today,
: or during the specified PERIOD (= is required).
: Auto posting rules will be applied to these transactions as well.
: Also, in hledger-ui make future-dated transactions visible.
: generate extra postings by applying [auto posting rules](hledger.html#auto-postings) to all txns (not just forecast txns)
: add visible tags indicating transactions or postings which have been generated/modified
: Override the commodity style in the output for the specified commodity. For example 'EUR1.000,00'.
`--color=WHEN (or --colour=WHEN)`
: Should color-supporting commands use ANSI color codes in text output.
: 'auto' (default): whenever stdout seems to be a color-supporting terminal.
: 'always' or 'yes': always, useful eg when piping output into 'less -R'.
: 'never' or 'no': never.
: A NO_COLOR environment variable overrides this.
: Show prettier output, e.g. using unicode box-drawing characters.
: Accepts 'yes' (the default) or 'no' ('y', 'n', 'always', 'never' also work).
: If you provide an argument you must use '=', e.g. '--pretty=yes'.
When a reporting option appears more than once in the command line, the last one takes precedence.
Some reporting options can also be written as [query arguments](hledger.html#queries).
}} )m4_dnl
m4_define({{_generaloptions_}}, {{
General input/data transformation flags:
-f --file=FILE Read data from FILE, or from stdin if -. Can be
specified more than once. If not specified, reads
from $LEDGER_FILE or $HOME/.hledger.journal.
--rules-file=RULEFILE Use conversion rules from this file for
converting subsequent CSV/SSV/TSV files. If not
specified, uses FILE.rules for each such FILE.
--alias=A=B|/RGX/=RPL transform account names from A to B, or by
replacing regular expression matches
--auto generate extra postings by applying auto posting
rules ("=") to all transactions
--forecast[=PERIOD] Generate extra transactions from periodic rules
("~"), from after the latest ordinary transaction
until 6 months from now. Or, during the specified
PERIOD (the equals is required). Auto posting rules
will also be applied to these transactions. In
hledger-ui, also make future-dated transactions
visible at startup.
-I --ignore-assertions don't check balance assertions by default
--infer-costs infer conversion equity postings from costs
--infer-equity infer costs from conversion equity postings
--infer-market-prices infer market prices from costs
--pivot=TAGNAME use a different field or tag as account names
-s --strict do extra error checks (and override -I)
--verbose-tags add tags indicating generated/modified data
General output/reporting flags (supported by some commands):
-b --begin=DATE include postings/transactions on/after this date
-e --end=DATE include postings/transactions before this date
(with a report interval, will be adjusted to
following subperiod end)
-D --daily multiperiod report with 1 day interval
-W --weekly multiperiod report with 1 week interval
-M --monthly multiperiod report with 1 month interval
-Q --quarterly multiperiod report with 1 quarter interval
-Y --yearly multiperiod report with 1 year interval
-p --period=PERIODEXP set begin date, end date, and/or report interval,
with more flexibility
--today=DATE override today's date (affects relative dates)
--date2 match/use secondary dates instead (deprecated)
-U --unmarked include only unmarked postings/transactions
-P --pending include only pending postings/transactions
-C --cleared include only cleared postings/transactions
(-U/-P/-C can be combined)
-R --real include only non-virtual postings
--depth=NUM or -NUM: show only top NUM levels of accounts
-E --empty Show zero items, which are normally hidden.
In hledger-ui & hledger-web, do the opposite.
-B --cost show amounts converted to their cost/sale amount
-V --market Show amounts converted to their value at period
end(s) in their default valuation commodity.
Equivalent to --value=end.
-X --exchange=COMM Show amounts converted to their value at period
end(s) in the specified commodity.
Equivalent to --value=end,COMM.
--value=WHEN[,COMM] show amounts converted to their value on the
specified date(s) in their default valuation
commodity or a specified commodity. WHEN can be:
'then': value on transaction dates
'end': value at period end(s)
'now': value today
YYYY-MM-DD: value on given date
-c --commodity-style=S Override a commodity's display style.
Eg: -c '$1000.' or -c '1.000,00 EUR'
--color=YN --colour Use ANSI color codes in text output? Can be:
'yes' or 'always',
'no' or 'never' (a NO_COLOR env var forces this),
'auto' (the default: when using a color terminal).
--pretty[=YN] Use box-drawing characters in text output? Can be
'yes' (the default argument for --pretty) or 'no'.
If YN is specified, the equals is required.
--debug=[N] show debug output (levels 1-9, default: 1)
General help flags:
--version show version information
-h --help show command-line help for hledger [or COMMAND]
--info show the hledger manual [for COMMAND] with info
--man show the hledger manual [for COMMAND] with man
}} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl Too much hassle for now:
m4_dnl m4_define({{_helpoptions_}}, {{
m4_dnl `--version`
m4_dnl : show version information
m4_dnl `-h --help`
m4_dnl : show command-line help for hledger [or COMMAND]
m4_dnl `--info`
m4_dnl : show the hledger manual [for COMMAND] with info
m4_dnl `--man`
m4_dnl : show the hledger manual [for COMMAND] with man
m4_dnl }} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl m4_define({{_inputoptions_}}, {{
m4_dnl `-f FILE --file=FILE`
m4_dnl : use a different input file. For stdin, use - (default: `$LEDGER_FILE` or `$HOME/.hledger.journal`)
m4_dnl `--rules-file=RULESFILE`
m4_dnl : Conversion rules file to use when reading CSV (default: FILE.rules)
m4_dnl `--separator=CHAR`
m4_dnl : Field separator to expect when reading CSV (default: ',')
m4_dnl `--alias=OLD=NEW`
m4_dnl : rename accounts named OLD to NEW
m4_dnl `--pivot FIELDNAME`
m4_dnl : use some other field or tag for the account name
m4_dnl `-I --ignore-assertions`
m4_dnl : disable balance assertion checks (note: does not disable balance assignments)
m4_dnl `-s --strict`
m4_dnl : do extra error checking (check that all posted accounts are declared)
m4_dnl }} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl m4_dnl
m4_dnl m4_define({{_reportingoptions_}}, {{
m4_dnl `-b --begin=DATE`
m4_dnl : include postings/txns on or after this date
m4_dnl (will be adjusted to preceding subperiod start when using a report interval)
m4_dnl `-e --end=DATE`
m4_dnl : include postings/txns before this date
m4_dnl (will be adjusted to following subperiod end when using a report interval)
m4_dnl `-D --daily`
m4_dnl : multiperiod/multicolumn report by day
m4_dnl `-W --weekly`
m4_dnl : multiperiod/multicolumn report by week
m4_dnl `-M --monthly`
m4_dnl : multiperiod/multicolumn report by month
m4_dnl `-Q --quarterly`
m4_dnl : multiperiod/multicolumn report by quarter
m4_dnl `-Y --yearly`
m4_dnl : multiperiod/multicolumn report by year
m4_dnl `-p --period=PERIODEXP`
m4_dnl : set start date, end date, and/or reporting interval all at once using [period expressions](hledger.html#period-expressions) syntax
m4_dnl `--date2`
m4_dnl : match the secondary date instead (see command help for other effects)
m4_dnl `--today=DATE`
m4_dnl : override today's date (affects relative smart dates, for tests/examples)
m4_dnl `-U --unmarked`
m4_dnl : include only unmarked postings/txns (can combine with -P or -C)
m4_dnl `-P --pending`
m4_dnl : include only pending postings/txns
m4_dnl `-C --cleared`
m4_dnl : include only cleared postings/txns
m4_dnl `-R --real`
m4_dnl : include only non-virtual postings
m4_dnl `-NUM --depth=NUM`
m4_dnl : hide/aggregate accounts or postings more than NUM levels deep
m4_dnl `-E --empty`
m4_dnl : show items with zero amount, normally hidden (and vice-versa in hledger-ui/hledger-web)
m4_dnl `-B --cost`
m4_dnl : convert amounts to their cost/selling amount at transaction time
m4_dnl `-V --market`
m4_dnl : convert amounts to their market value in default valuation commodities
m4_dnl `-X --exchange=COMM`
m4_dnl : convert amounts to their market value in commodity COMM
m4_dnl `--value`
m4_dnl : convert amounts to cost or market value, more flexibly than -B/-V/-X
m4_dnl `--infer-equity`
m4_dnl : infer conversion equity postings from costs
m4_dnl `--infer-costs`
m4_dnl : infer costs from conversion equity postings
m4_dnl `--infer-market-prices`
m4_dnl : use costs as additional market prices, as if they were P directives
m4_dnl `--forecast`
m4_dnl : generate transactions from [periodic rules](hledger.html#periodic-transactions),
m4_dnl : between the latest recorded txn and 6 months from today,
m4_dnl : or during the specified PERIOD (= is required).
m4_dnl : Auto posting rules will be applied to these transactions as well.
m4_dnl : Also, in hledger-ui make future-dated transactions visible.
m4_dnl `--auto`
m4_dnl : generate extra postings by applying [auto posting rules](hledger.html#auto-postings) to all txns (not just forecast txns)
m4_dnl `--verbose-tags`
m4_dnl : add visible tags indicating transactions or postings which have been generated/modified
m4_dnl `--commodity-style`
m4_dnl : Override the commodity style in the output for the specified commodity. For example 'EUR1.000,00'.
m4_dnl `--color=WHEN (or --colour=WHEN)`
m4_dnl : Should color-supporting commands use ANSI color codes in text output.
m4_dnl : 'auto' (default): whenever stdout seems to be a color-supporting terminal.
m4_dnl : 'always' or 'yes': always, useful eg when piping output into 'less -R'.
m4_dnl : 'never' or 'no': never.
m4_dnl : A NO_COLOR environment variable overrides this.
m4_dnl `--pretty[=WHEN]`
m4_dnl : Show prettier output, e.g. using unicode box-drawing characters.
m4_dnl : Accepts 'yes' (the default) or 'no' ('y', 'n', 'always', 'never' also work).
m4_dnl : If you provide an argument you must use '=', e.g. '--pretty=yes'.
m4_dnl When a reporting option appears more than once in the command line, the last one takes precedence.
m4_dnl Some reporting options can also be written as [query arguments](hledger.html#queries).
m4_dnl }} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl m4_define({{_generaloptions_}}, {{
m4_dnl _inputoptions_
m4_dnl _reportingoptions_
m4_dnl _helpoptions_
m4_dnl _optionnotes_
m4_dnl }} )m4_dnl
m4_dnl A standard description of hledger.
m4_define({{_hledgerdescription_}}, {{
hledger is a robust, user-friendly, cross-platform set of programs

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@ -90,17 +90,9 @@ hledger-ui provides the following options:
hledger-ui also supports many of hledger's general options
(and the hledger manual's command line tips also apply here):
## General help options
## General options
## General input options
## General reporting options

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@ -136,17 +136,9 @@ If you see accounts which appear to have a zero balance, but cannot be hidden wi
these have a mixed-cost balance which looks like zero when costs are hidden.
Currently hledger-web does not show costs at all.
## General help options
## General options
## General input options
## General reporting options

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@ -240,20 +240,9 @@ If this causes difficulty, you can always run the add-on directly, without using
# Options
Run `hledger -h` to see general command line help, and general options which are common
to most hledger commands. These options can be written anywhere on the command line.
They can be grouped into help, input, and reporting options:
to most hledger commands. These options can be written anywhere on the command line:
## General help options
## General input options
## General reporting options
# Command line tips