dev: lib: clean up/simplify debug helpers

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-10-31 11:26:11 -10:00
parent fbd2ed5a44
commit 603fae70c0
5 changed files with 145 additions and 164 deletions

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@ -121,16 +121,16 @@ accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j thisacctq = it
-- want to keep prices around, so we can toggle between cost and no cost quickly. We can use
-- the show_costs_ flag to be efficient when we can, and detailed when we have to.
(if show_costs_ ropts then id else journalMapPostingAmounts mixedAmountStripPrices)
. ptraceAtWith 5 (("ts3:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
. traceAtWith 5 (("ts3:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
-- maybe convert these transactions to cost or value
. journalApplyValuationFromOpts rspec
. ptraceAtWith 5 (("ts2:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
. traceAtWith 5 (("ts2:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
-- apply any cur:SYM filters in reportq
. (if queryIsNull amtq then id else filterJournalAmounts amtq)
-- only consider transactions which match thisacctq (possibly excluding postings
-- which are not real or have the wrong status)
. traceAt 3 ("thisacctq: "++show thisacctq)
$ ptraceAtWith 5 (("ts1:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
$ traceAtWith 5 (("ts1:\n"++).pshowTransactions.jtxns)
j{jtxns = filter (matchesTransaction thisacctq . relevantPostings) $ jtxns j}
@ -155,7 +155,7 @@ accountTransactionsReport rspec@ReportSpec{_rsReportOpts=ropts} j thisacctq = it
items =
accountTransactionsReportItems reportq thisacctq startbal maNegate (journalAccountType j)
-- sort by the transaction's register date, then index, for accurate starting balance
. ptraceAtWith 5 (("ts4:\n"++) snd)
. traceAtWith 5 (("ts4:\n"++) snd)
. sortBy (comparing (Down . fst) <> comparing (Down . tindex . snd))
. map (\t -> (transactionRegisterDate wd reportq thisacctq t, t))
$ jtxns acctJournal

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@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
{- |
Helpers for debug logging to console or file.
This module also exports Debug.Trace and (from the breakpoint package) Debug.Breakpoint.
Uses Hledger.Utils.Print. See also additional helpers in Hledger.Utils.Parse,
Hledger.UI.UIUtils etc.
Convenient helpers for debug logging to stderr or a file.
The function names try to balance consistency, memorability, and ease of typing.
This module also exports Debug.Trace and the breakpoint package's Debug.Breakpoint.
@dbg0@-@dbg9@ will pretty-print values to stderr
if the program was run with a sufficiently high @--debug=N@ argument.
(@--debug@ with no argument means @--debug=1@; @dbg0@ always prints).
The @dbgN*@ functions are intended to be added at points of interest in your code.
They will print labelled values to stderr, only if the program was run with a
sufficiently high debug level. Debug level ranges from 0 (no output) to 9 (most output),
and is set by the @--debug[=N]@ command line option. (@--debug@ with no argument means 1).
Uses unsafePerformIO for simple program-wide read-only access to the debug level
set by the --debug command-line flag. The @debugLevel@ global is set once at startup,
so in GHCI if you want to change it you must save this file and :reload.
(Sometimes it's more convenient to temporarily add dbg0's in your code and :reload.)
The command line is parsed for --debug using unsafePerformIO, for easy use of these helpers
in existing code, or before normal command line parsing.
If you are working in GHCI, changing the debug level requires editing and reloading this file.
Sometimes it's more convenient to temporarily add dbg0's in your code and :reload.
Debug level is a number from 1 (least output) to 9 (most output).
In hledger, debug levels are used as follows:
Debug level: What to show:
------------ ---------------------------------------------------------
0 normal command output only (no warnings, eg)
1 (--debug) useful warnings, most common troubleshooting info, eg valuation
1 useful warnings, most common troubleshooting info, eg valuation
2 common troubleshooting info, more detail
3 report options selection
4 report generation
@ -40,17 +39,22 @@ Debug level: What to show:
module Hledger.Utils.Debug (
-- * Tracing
-- * Pretty tracing
-- ** Debug-level-aware tracing
-- * Tracing to stderr
-- ** Easiest form (recommended)
-- * Logging to a file
-- ,debugLogLevel
-- ,ptraceLogAt
-- ,ptraceLogAtWith
-- ,ptraceLogAtIO
-- * Convenient pretty tracing in pure code
@ -62,7 +66,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Debug (
-- ** More control
-- * Convenient tracing with a show function
@ -73,8 +77,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Debug (
-- ** For standalone lines in IO blocks
-- * Convenient pretty tracing in IO
@ -85,62 +88,45 @@ module Hledger.Utils.Debug (
-- ** Debug-logging to a file
-- ** Re-exports
-- * Re-exports
,module Debug.Breakpoint
,module Debug.Trace
import Control.DeepSeq (force)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.List hiding (uncons)
import Debug.Breakpoint
import Debug.Trace
import Debug.Trace (trace)
import Safe (readDef)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Control.Exception (evaluate)
-- import Hledger.Utils.Parse
import Hledger.Utils.Print
-- import Text.Megaparsec (MonadParsec)
import Hledger.Utils.Print (pshow)
-- XXX some of the below can be improved with pretty-simple,
-- | Pretty trace. Easier alias for traceShowId + pShow.
ptrace :: Show a => a -> a
ptrace = traceWith pshow
-- | Like traceShowId, but uses a custom show function to render the value.
-- traceShowIdWith was too much of a mouthful.
-- | Trace a showable value with the given show function before returning it.
traceWith :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
traceWith f a = trace (f a) a
-- | Global debug level, which controls the verbosity of debug errput
-- on the console. The default is 0 meaning no debug errput. The
-- @--debug@ command line flag sets it to 1, or @--debug=N@ sets it to
-- | Pretty-trace a showable value before returning it.
-- Like Debug.Trace.traceShowId, but pretty-printing and easier to type.
ptrace :: Show a => a -> a
ptrace = traceWith pshow
-- | Global debug output level. This is the requested verbosity of
-- debug output printed to stderr. The default is 0 meaning no debug output.
-- The @--debug@ command line flag sets it to 1, or @--debug=N@ sets it to
-- a higher value (note: not @--debug N@ for some reason). This uses
-- unsafePerformIO and can be accessed from anywhere and before normal
-- command-line processing. When running with :main in GHCI, you must
-- touch and reload this module to see the effect of a new --debug option.
-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
{-# NOINLINE debugLevel #-}
-- Avoid using dbg* in this function (infinite loop).
debugLevel :: Int
debugLevel = case dropWhile (/="--debug") args of
["--debug"] -> 1
@ -149,7 +135,6 @@ debugLevel = case dropWhile (/="--debug") args of
case take 1 $ filter ("--debug" `isPrefixOf`) args of
['-':'-':'d':'e':'b':'u':'g':'=':v] -> readDef 1 v
_ -> 0
args = unsafePerformIO getArgs
@ -180,25 +165,94 @@ ptraceAt level
| otherwise = ls
in trace (s++":"++nlorspace++intercalate "\n" ls') a
-- | Like ptraceAt, but takes a custom show function instead of a label.
ptraceAtWith :: Show a => Int -> (a -> String) -> a -> a
ptraceAtWith level f
| level > 0 && debugLevel < level = id
| otherwise = \a -> let p = f a
-- ls = lines p
-- nlorspace | length ls > 1 = "\n"
-- | otherwise = " " ++ take (10 - length s) (repeat ' ')
-- ls' | length ls > 1 = map (" "++) ls
-- | otherwise = ls
-- in trace (s++":"++nlorspace++intercalate "\n" ls') a
in trace p a
-- | Like ptraceAt, but convenient to insert in an IO monad and
-- enforces monadic sequencing.
-- XXX These have a bug; they should use
-- traceIO, not trace, otherwise GHC can occasionally over-optimise
-- (cf lpaste a few days ago where it killed/blocked a child thread).
ptraceAtIO :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Int -> String -> a -> m ()
ptraceAtIO lvl lbl x = liftIO $ ptraceAt lvl lbl x `seq` return ()
-- "dbg" would clash with megaparsec.
-- | Pretty-print a label and the showable value to the console, then return it.
-- XXX separate file logging debug level and helpers - probably not needed
-- since you can just redirect stderr to a file, on unix at least.
-- -- | Global debug log level. Like debugLevel, but controls verbosity
-- -- of debug output logged to the debug log file.
-- -- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
-- {-# NOINLINE debugLogLevel #-}
-- debugLogLevel :: Int
-- debugLogLevel = case dropWhile (/="--debug") args of
-- ["--debug-log"] -> 1
-- "--debug-log":n:_ -> readDef 1 n
-- _ ->
-- case take 1 $ filter ("--debug-log" `isPrefixOf`) args of
-- ['-':'-':'d':'e':'b':'u':'g':'-':'l':'o':'g':'=':v] -> readDef 1 v
-- _ -> 0
-- where
-- args = unsafePerformIO getArgs
-- | Log a string to ./debug.log before returning the second argument.
-- Uses unsafePerformIO.
-- {-# NOINLINE traceLog #-}
traceLog :: String -> a -> a
traceLog s x = unsafePerformIO $ do
evaluate (force s) -- to complete any previous logging before we attempt more
appendFile "debug.log" (s ++ "\n")
return x
-- | Log a string to ./debug.log before returning the second argument,
-- if the global debug level is at or above the specified level.
-- At level 0, always logs. Otherwise, uses unsafePerformIO.
traceLogAt :: Int -> String -> a -> a
traceLogAt level s
| level > 0 && debugLevel < level = id
| otherwise = traceLog s
-- -- | Pretty-log a label and showable value to ./debug.log,
-- -- if the global debug level is at or above the specified level.
-- -- At level 0, always prints. Otherwise, uses unsafePerformIO.
-- ptraceLogAt :: Show a => Int -> String -> a -> a
-- ptraceLogAt level
-- | level > 0 && debugLogLevel < level = const id
-- | otherwise = \lbl a ->
-- let
-- ls = lines $ pshow' a
-- nlorspace | length ls > 1 = "\n"
-- | otherwise = replicate (max 1 $ 11 - length lbl) ' '
-- ls' | length ls > 1 = map (' ':) ls
-- | otherwise = ls
-- in traceLog (lbl++":"++nlorspace++intercalate "\n" ls') a
-- -- | Like ptraceLogAt, but takes a custom show function instead of a label.
-- ptraceLogAtWith :: Show a => Int -> (a -> String) -> a -> a
-- ptraceLogAtWith level f
-- | level > 0 && debugLevel < level = id
-- | otherwise = \a -> let p = f a
-- -- ls = lines p
-- -- nlorspace | length ls > 1 = "\n"
-- -- | otherwise = " " ++ take (10 - length s) (repeat ' ')
-- -- ls' | length ls > 1 = map (" "++) ls
-- -- | otherwise = ls
-- -- in trace (s++":"++nlorspace++intercalate "\n" ls') a
-- in trace p a
-- -- | Like ptraceAt, but convenient to insert in an IO monad and
-- -- enforces monadic sequencing.
-- -- XXX These have a bug; they should use
-- -- traceIO, not trace, otherwise GHC can occasionally over-optimise
-- -- (cf lpaste a few days ago where it killed/blocked a child thread).
-- ptraceLogAtIO :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Int -> String -> a -> m ()
-- ptraceLogAtIO lvl lbl x = liftIO $ ptraceLogAt lvl lbl x `seq` return ()
-- | Pretty-trace and pretty-log a label and showable value
-- to stderr and the debug log, then return it.
dbg0 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dbg0 = ptraceAt 0
-- | Pretty-print a label and the showable value to the console when the global debug level is >= 1, then return it.
-- | Pretty-trace a label and showable value to stderr if
-- --debug level is high enough,
-- and pretty-log to the debug log if --debug-log level is
-- high enough, then return the value.
-- Uses unsafePerformIO.
dbg1 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dbg1 = ptraceAt 1
@ -232,49 +286,38 @@ dbg9 = ptraceAt 9
dbgExit :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dbgExit msg = const (unsafePerformIO exitFailure) . dbg0 msg
-- | Like dbg0, but takes a custom show function instead of a label.
-- | Like dbgN, but taking a show function instead of a label.
dbg0With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg0With = ptraceAtWith 0
dbg0With = traceAtWith 0
dbg1With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg1With = ptraceAtWith 1
dbg1With = traceAtWith 1
dbg2With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg2With = ptraceAtWith 2
dbg2With = traceAtWith 2
dbg3With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg3With = ptraceAtWith 3
dbg3With = traceAtWith 3
dbg4With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg4With = ptraceAtWith 4
dbg4With = traceAtWith 4
dbg5With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg5With = ptraceAtWith 5
dbg5With = traceAtWith 5
dbg6With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg6With = ptraceAtWith 6
dbg6With = traceAtWith 6
dbg7With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg7With = ptraceAtWith 7
dbg7With = traceAtWith 7
dbg8With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg8With = ptraceAtWith 8
dbg8With = traceAtWith 8
dbg9With :: Show a => (a -> String) -> a -> a
dbg9With = ptraceAtWith 9
-- | Like ptraceAt, but convenient to insert in an IO monad and
-- enforces monadic sequencing (plus convenience aliases).
-- XXX These have a bug; they should use
-- traceIO, not trace, otherwise GHC can occasionally over-optimise
-- (cf lpaste a few days ago where it killed/blocked a child thread).
ptraceAtIO :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => Int -> String -> a -> m ()
ptraceAtIO lvl lbl x = liftIO $ ptraceAt lvl lbl x `seq` return ()
-- XXX Could not deduce (a ~ ())
-- ptraceAtM :: (Monad m, Show a) => Int -> String -> a -> m a
-- ptraceAtM lvl lbl x = ptraceAt lvl lbl x `seq` return x
dbg9With = traceAtWith 9
-- | Like dbgN, but convenient to use in IO.
dbg0IO :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => String -> a -> m ()
dbg0IO = ptraceAtIO 0
@ -305,66 +348,3 @@ dbg8IO = ptraceAtIO 8
dbg9IO :: (MonadIO m, Show a) => String -> a -> m ()
dbg9IO = ptraceAtIO 9
-- | Log a string to ./debug.log before returning the second argument.
-- Uses unsafePerformIO.
-- {-# NOINLINE dlogTrace #-}
dlogTrace :: String -> a -> a
dlogTrace s x = unsafePerformIO $ do
evaluate (force s) -- to complete any previous logging before we attempt more
appendFile "debug.log" (s ++ "\n")
return x
-- | Log a string to ./debug.log before returning the second argument,
-- if the global debug level is at or above the specified level.
-- At level 0, always logs. Otherwise, uses unsafePerformIO.
dlogTraceAt :: Int -> String -> a -> a
dlogTraceAt level s
| level > 0 && debugLevel < level = id
| otherwise = dlogTrace s
-- | Log and pretty-print a label and showable value to "./debug.log",
-- if the global debug level is at or above the specified level.
-- At level 0, always prints. Otherwise, uses unsafePerformIO.
dlogAt :: Show a => Int -> String -> a -> a
dlogAt level
| level > 0 && debugLevel < level = const id
| otherwise = \lbl a ->
ls = lines $ pshow' a
nlorspace | length ls > 1 = "\n"
| otherwise = replicate (max 1 $ 11 - length lbl) ' '
ls' | length ls > 1 = map (' ':) ls
| otherwise = ls
in dlogTrace (lbl++":"++nlorspace++intercalate "\n" ls') a
-- | Pretty-print a label and the showable value to ./debug.log if at or above
-- a certain debug level, then return it.
dlog0 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog0 = dlogAt 0
dlog1 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog1 = dlogAt 1
dlog2 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog2 = dlogAt 2
dlog3 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog3 = dlogAt 3
dlog4 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog4 = dlogAt 4
dlog5 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog5 = dlogAt 5
dlog6 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog6 = dlogAt 6
dlog7 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog7 = dlogAt 7
dlog8 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog8 = dlogAt 8
dlog9 :: Show a => String -> a -> a
dlog9 = dlogAt 9

View File

@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ type TextParser m a = ParsecT HledgerParseErrorData Text m a
-- | Print the provided label (if non-null) and current parser state
-- (position and next input) to the console. See also megaparsec's dbg.
-- traceParse :: String -> TextParser m ()
traceParse :: String -> TextParser m ()
traceParse msg = do
pos <- getSourcePos
next <- (T.take peeklength) `fmap` getInput

View File

@ -443,7 +443,7 @@ listScrollPushingSelection name listheight scrollamt = do
-- if the global debug level is at or above a standard hledger-ui debug level.
-- Uses unsafePerformIO.
dlogUiTrace :: String -> a -> a
dlogUiTrace = dlogTraceAt uiDebugLevel
dlogUiTrace = traceLogAt uiDebugLevel
-- | Like dlogUiTrace, but convenient in IO.
dlogUiTraceIO :: String -> IO ()

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@ -556,6 +556,7 @@ getHledgerCliOpts' mode' args0 = do
," See also hledger -h for general hledger options."
-- | Print debug info about arguments and options if --debug is present.
-- XXX use standard dbg helpers
debugArgs :: [String] -> CliOpts -> IO ()
debugArgs args1 opts =
when ("--debug" `elem` args1) $ do