bs/bse/cf/is: use account type declarations if any

These commands now detect the account types declared by account directives.
Whenever such declarations are not present, built-in regular expressions
are used, as before.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2018-09-27 10:54:16 -10:00
parent c1236fa6e9
commit 605a082d77
3 changed files with 122 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
-- * Standard account types
@ -279,24 +279,65 @@ journalAccountNames = journalAccountNamesDeclaredOrImplied
journalAccountNameTree :: Journal -> Tree AccountName
journalAccountNameTree = accountNameTreeFrom . journalAccountNames
-- standard account types
-- queries for standard account types
-- | A query for Profit & Loss accounts in this journal.
-- Cf <>.
journalProfitAndLossAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalProfitAndLossAccountQuery j = Or [journalIncomeAccountQuery j
,journalExpenseAccountQuery j
-- | Get a query for accounts of a certain type (Asset, Liability..) in this journal.
-- The query will match all accounts which were declared as that type by account directives,
-- plus all their subaccounts which have not been declared as a different type.
-- If no accounts were declared as this type, the query will instead match accounts
-- with names matched by the provided case-insensitive regular expression.
journalAccountTypeQuery :: AccountType -> Regexp -> Journal -> Query
journalAccountTypeQuery atype fallbackregex j =
case M.lookup atype (jdeclaredaccounttypes j) of
Nothing -> Acct fallbackregex
Just as ->
-- XXX Query isn't able to match account type since that requires extra info from the journal.
-- So we do a hacky search by name instead.
And [
Or $ map (Acct . accountNameToAccountRegex) as
,Not $ Or $ map (Acct . accountNameToAccountRegex) differentlytypedsubs
differentlytypedsubs = concat
[subs | (t,bs) <- M.toList (jdeclaredaccounttypes j)
, t /= atype
, let subs = [b | b <- bs, any (`isAccountNamePrefixOf` b) as]
-- | A query for Income (Revenue) accounts in this journal.
-- This is currently hard-coded to the case-insensitive regex @^(income|revenue)s?(:|$)@.
journalIncomeAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalIncomeAccountQuery _ = Acct "^(income|revenue)s?(:|$)"
-- | A query for accounts in this journal which have been
-- declared as Asset by account directives, or otherwise for
-- accounts with names matched by the case-insensitive regular expression
-- @^assets?(:|$)@.
journalAssetAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalAssetAccountQuery = journalAccountTypeQuery Asset "^assets?(:|$)"
-- | A query for Expense accounts in this journal.
-- This is currently hard-coded to the case-insensitive regex @^expenses?(:|$)@.
-- | A query for accounts in this journal which have been
-- declared as Liability by account directives, or otherwise for
-- accounts with names matched by the case-insensitive regular expression
-- @^(debts?|liabilit(y|ies))(:|$)@.
journalLiabilityAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalLiabilityAccountQuery = journalAccountTypeQuery Liability "^(debts?|liabilit(y|ies))(:|$)"
-- | A query for accounts in this journal which have been
-- declared as Equity by account directives, or otherwise for
-- accounts with names matched by the case-insensitive regular expression
-- @^equity(:|$)@.
journalEquityAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalEquityAccountQuery = journalAccountTypeQuery Equity "^equity(:|$)"
-- | A query for accounts in this journal which have been
-- declared as Revenue by account directives, or otherwise for
-- accounts with names matched by the case-insensitive regular expression
-- @^(income|revenue)s?(:|$)@.
journalRevenueAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalRevenueAccountQuery = journalAccountTypeQuery Revenue "^(income|revenue)s?(:|$)"
-- | A query for accounts in this journal which have been
-- declared as Expense by account directives, or otherwise for
-- accounts with names matched by the case-insensitive regular expression
-- @^(income|revenue)s?(:|$)@.
journalExpenseAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalExpenseAccountQuery _ = Acct "^expenses?(:|$)"
journalExpenseAccountQuery = journalAccountTypeQuery Expense "^expenses?(:|$)"
-- | A query for Asset, Liability & Equity accounts in this journal.
-- Cf <>.
@ -306,25 +347,17 @@ journalBalanceSheetAccountQuery j = Or [journalAssetAccountQuery j
,journalEquityAccountQuery j
-- | A query for Asset accounts in this journal.
-- This is currently hard-coded to the case-insensitive regex @^assets?(:|$)@.
journalAssetAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalAssetAccountQuery _ = Acct "^assets?(:|$)"
-- | A query for Liability accounts in this journal.
-- This is currently hard-coded to the case-insensitive regex @^(debts?|liabilit(y|ies))(:|$)@.
journalLiabilityAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalLiabilityAccountQuery _ = Acct "^(debts?|liabilit(y|ies))(:|$)"
-- | A query for Equity accounts in this journal.
-- This is currently hard-coded to the case-insensitive regex @^equity(:|$)@.
journalEquityAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalEquityAccountQuery _ = Acct "^equity(:|$)"
-- | A query for Profit & Loss accounts in this journal.
-- Cf <>.
journalProfitAndLossAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalProfitAndLossAccountQuery j = Or [journalRevenueAccountQuery j
,journalExpenseAccountQuery j
-- | A query for Cash (-equivalent) accounts in this journal (ie,
-- accounts which appear on the cashflow statement.) This is currently
-- hard-coded to be all the Asset accounts except for those containing the
-- case-insensitive regex @(receivable|:A/R|:fixed)@.
-- hard-coded to be all the Asset accounts except for those with names
-- containing the case-insensitive regular expression @(receivable|:A/R|:fixed)@.
journalCashAccountQuery :: Journal -> Query
journalCashAccountQuery j = And [journalAssetAccountQuery j, Not $ Acct "(receivable|:A/R|:fixed)"]
@ -1089,7 +1122,7 @@ tests_Journal = tests "Journal" [
test "assets" $ expectEq (namesfrom journalAssetAccountQuery) ["assets","assets:bank","assets:bank:checking","assets:bank:saving","assets:cash"]
,test "liabilities" $ expectEq (namesfrom journalLiabilityAccountQuery) ["liabilities","liabilities:debts"]
,test "equity" $ expectEq (namesfrom journalEquityAccountQuery) []
,test "income" $ expectEq (namesfrom journalIncomeAccountQuery) ["income","income:gifts","income:salary"]
,test "income" $ expectEq (namesfrom journalRevenueAccountQuery) ["income","income:gifts","income:salary"]
,test "expenses" $ expectEq (namesfrom journalExpenseAccountQuery) ["expenses","expenses:food","expenses:supplies"]

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Note this report shows all account balances with normal positive sign
cbcqueries = [

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# account names
# 1. account directives are affected by aliases and apply account.
# 1. "apply account" and "alias" affect "account" directives.
apply account c
alias c:a=b
@ -8,7 +8,62 @@ account a
$ hledger -f - accounts
# 2. account directives can declare account type.
# Here "asset" is a liability, despite the name. So are its subaccounts.
# "b" is a liability. "b:bb" is an asset.
; a liability
account asset L
; an asset
account b:bb A
; a liability
account b L
(asset:a) 1
(b) 2
(b:bb) 3
$ hledger -f - bs -N --flat
Balance Sheet 2018/01/01
|| 2018/01/01
Assets ||
b:bb || 3
|| 3
Liabilities ||
asset:a || -1
b || -2
|| -3
# 3. Tree mode. A little weird, b appears twice.
# It must be shown above bb, but since not an asset, its balance is excluded there.
# It is shown again in the liabilities section, this time with balance.
$ hledger -f - bs -N
Balance Sheet 2018/01/01
|| 2018/01/01
Assets ||
b || 3
bb || 3
|| 3
Liabilities ||
asset || -1
a || -1
b || -2
|| -3
# a trailing : should give a clear error