easier options for bench.hs

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2008-12-10 20:45:09 +00:00
parent cd41128620
commit 61b288bf05

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@ -2,13 +2,16 @@
bench.hs (see usage string below).
For simple benchmarking. Similar to my darcs-benchmark/bench.hs script.
For simple benchmarking. Based on my darcs-benchmark/bench.hs script.
Simon Michael 2008
$ cat - >bench.tests
-f sample.ledger -s balance
-f ~/.ledger -s balance
$ bench.hs bench.tests 2 hledger "ledger --no-cache" ledger
$ bench.hs -v hledger "ledger --no-cache" ledger
Using bench.tests
Running 2 tests 2 times in . with 3 executables at 2008-11-26 18:52:15.776357 UTC:
1: hledger -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.02s]
2: hledger -f sample.ledger -s balance [0.01s]
@ -52,46 +55,95 @@ import Data.Time.Format
import System.Locale
import Control.Monad
import Debug.Trace
import System.Console.GetOpt
usagehdr = "bench [-f testsfile] [-n iterations] [-p precision] executable1 [executable2 ...]\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Run some functional tests with each of the specified executables,\n" ++
"where a test is \"zero or more arguments supported by all executables\",\n" ++
"and report the best execution times.\n"
options = [
Option ['f'] ["testsfile"] (ReqArg File "testsfile") "file containing tests, one per line, default: bench.tests"
,Option ['n'] ["iterations"] (ReqArg Num "iterations") "number of test iterations to run, default: 2"
,Option ['p'] ["precision"] (ReqArg Prec "precision") "show times with this precision, default: 2"
,Option ['v'] ["verbose"] (NoArg Verbose) "show intermediate results"
,Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help) "show this help"
usage = "bench.hs <testsfile> <num> [<executable> ...]\n" ++
"\n" ++
"Run some functional tests, defined as lines of arguments in\n" ++
"testsfile, num times with each of the specified executables,\n" ++
"printing the execution times and a summary.\n" ++
"Tips:\n" ++
"- comment out tests with #\n"
usageftr = "\n" ++
"Tips:\n" ++
"- executables may have arguments if enclosed in quotes\n" ++
"- tests can be commented out with #\n" ++
"- results are saved in benchresults.{html,txt}\n"
precision = 2
usage = usageInfo usagehdr options ++ usageftr
-- an option value
data Opt = File {value::String}
| Num {value::String}
| Prec {value::String}
-- I don't know how optValuesForConstructor etc. can have that
-- type signature with these, but it works..
-- | Some Int
| Verbose
| Help
deriving (Eq,Show)
-- option value getters.
fileopt :: [Opt] -> String
fileopt opts = optValueWithDefault File "bench.tests" opts
precisionopt :: [Opt] -> Int
precisionopt opts = read $ optValueWithDefault Prec "2" opts
numopt :: [Opt] -> Int
numopt opts = read $ optValueWithDefault Num "2" opts
verboseopt :: [Opt] -> Bool
verboseopt opts = Verbose `elem` opts
-- options utilities
parseargs :: [String] -> ([Opt],[String])
parseargs as =
case (getOpt Permute options as) of
(opts,args,[]) -> (opts,args)
(_,_,errs) -> error (concat errs ++ usage)
optValueWithDefault :: (String -> Opt) -> String -> [Opt] -> String
optValueWithDefault optcons def opts =
last $ [def] ++ optValuesForConstructor optcons opts
optValuesForConstructor :: (String -> Opt) -> [Opt] -> [String]
optValuesForConstructor optcons opts = concatMap get opts
where get o = if optcons v == o then [v] else [] where v = value o
main = do
(testsfile,iterations,dir,exes) <- getArgs >>= return . parseargs
tests <- readFile testsfile >>= return . testlines
args <- getArgs
let (opts,exes) = parseargs args
when (null exes) $ error $ "at least one executable needed\n" ++ usage
let (file, num) = (fileopt opts, numopt opts)
tests <- readFile file >>= return . filter istest . lines
now <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ printf "Running %d tests %d times in %s with %d executables at %s:\n"
(length tests) (iterations) dir (length exes) (show now)
let doexe t e = sequence $ map (doiteration t e dir) [1..iterations]
putStrLn $ printf "Using %s" file
putStrLn $ printf "Running %d tests %d times with %d executables at %s:"
(length tests) num (length exes) (show now)
let doexe t e = sequence $ map (doiteration opts t e) [1..num]
let dotest t = sequence $ map (doexe t) exes
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
results <- mapM dotest tests
summarise tests exes results
-- parseargs (t:n:d:[]) = parseargs (t:n:d:["darcs"])
parseargs (t:n:es) = (t,read n,".",es)
parseargs _ = error $ "\n" ++ usage
testlines s = filter istest $ lines s
istest s = not (null s' || ("#" `isPrefixOf` s')) where s' = clean s
summarise opts tests exes results
istest s = not (null s' || ("#" `isPrefixOf` s')) where s' = clean s
clean = unwords . words
doiteration :: String -> String -> String -> Int -> IO Float
doiteration test exe dir iteration = do
doiteration :: [Opt] -> String -> String -> Int -> IO Float
doiteration opts test exe iteration = do
let cmd = unwords [exe,clean test]
putStr $ show iteration ++ ": " ++ cmd
when (verboseopt opts) $ putStr $ show iteration ++ ": " ++ cmd
hFlush stdout
t <- time cmd
printf "\t[%ss]\n" (showtime t)
when (verboseopt opts) $ printf "\t[%ss]\n" (showtime opts t)
return t
time :: String -> IO Float
@ -104,23 +156,25 @@ time cmd = do
t2 <- getCurrentTime
return $ realToFrac $ diffUTCTime t2 t1
summarise tests exes results = do
summarise :: [Opt] -> [String] -> [String] -> [[[Float]]] -> IO ()
summarise opts tests exes results = do
putStrLn "\nSummary (best iteration):\n"
let t = maketable tests exes results
let t = maketable opts tests exes results
putStrLn $ TA.render id t
let outname = "benchresults"
writeFile (outname <.> "txt") $ TA.render id t
writeFile (outname <.> "html") $ renderHtml $ TH.css TH.defaultCss +++ TH.render id t
maketable :: [String] -> [String] -> [[[Float]]] -> Table String
maketable rownames colnames results = Table rowhdrs colhdrs rows
maketable :: [Opt] -> [String] -> [String] -> [[[Float]]] -> Table String
maketable opts rownames colnames results = Table rowhdrs colhdrs rows
rowhdrs = Group NoLine $ map Header $ padright rownames
colhdrs = Group SingleLine $ map Header colnames
rows = map (map (showtime . minimum)) results
rows = map (map ((showtime opts) . minimum)) results
padright ss = map (printf (printf "%%-%ds" w)) ss
where w = maximum $ map length ss
showtime = printf $ "%."++(show precision)++"f"
showtime :: [Opt] -> (Float -> String)
showtime opts = printf $ "%."++(show $ precisionopt opts)++"f"
strace a = trace (show a) a