ui, web: update generated man pages

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2015-10-30 13:23:01 -07:00
parent bb13ca4c56
commit 63314daeba
2 changed files with 160 additions and 15 deletions

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ hledger\-ui is hledger\[aq]s curses\-style interface.
It reads a hledger journal file (~/.hledger.journal, $LEDGER_FILE, or
\-f FILE) and provides a simple full\-screen console interface for
viewing account balances and transactions.
It is simpler and more efficient for browsing than the hledger CLI, but
lighter and faster than hledger\-web.
It is simpler and more convenient for browsing than the command\-line
interface, but lighter and faster than hledger\-web.
The journal file is \f[C]~/.hledger.journal\f[], \f[C]$LEDGER_FILE\f[],
or another file specified with \-f.
@ -158,6 +158,123 @@ show empty/zero things which are normally omitted
show amounts in their cost price\[aq]s commodity
Generally the cursor keys navigate; \f[C]right\f[] (or \f[C]enter\f[])
goes deeper, \f[C]left\f[] returns to the previous screen,
\f[C]up\f[]/\f[C]down\f[]/\f[C]page\ up\f[]/\f[C]page\ down\f[]/\f[C]home\f[]/\f[C]end\f[]
move up and down through lists.
\f[C]g\f[] gets the latest data and reloads the screen (and any previous
There may be a noticeable pause.
\f[C]q\f[] quits the application.
Some screens have additional key bindings, described below.
.SS Accounts screen
This is normally the first screen displayed.
It lists accounts and their balances, like hledger\[aq]s balance
By default, it shows all accounts and their latest ending balances.
if you specify a query on the command line, it shows just the matched
accounts and the balances from matched transactions.
When not in flat mode, indentation indicates the account hierarchy.
\f[C]F\f[] toggles flat mode on and off.
By default, all subaccounts are displayed.
To see less detail, set a depth limit by pressing a number key,
\f[C]1\f[] to \f[C]9\f[].
Or, adjust the depth limit by pressing \f[C]\-\f[] or \f[C]+\f[]
(\f[C]=\f[] also works).
\f[C]0\f[] removes the depth limit.
\f[C]C\f[] toggles cleared mode.
In cleared mode, the accounts and balances are derived only from
transactions which are marked cleared (*).
Press \f[C]right\f[] or \f[C]enter\f[] to view an account\[aq]s
transactions register.
.SS Register screen
This screen lists all transactions affecting a particular account (like
a check register).
In cleared mode (press \f[C]C\f[]) it lists only transactions which are
marked cleared.
It does not otherwise filter by query.
Note this screen shows transactions, not postings (unlike hledger\[aq]s
register command).
This means:
.IP \[bu] 2
Each line represents a whole transaction.
.IP \[bu] 2
For each transaction, it shows the other account(s) involved, in
abbreviated form.
(If there are both real and virtual postings, it shows only the accounts
affected by real postings.)
.IP \[bu] 2
It shows the overall change to the current account\[aq]s balance from
each transaction; positive for an inflow to this account, negative for
an outflow.
.IP \[bu] 2
When no query other than a date limit is in effect, it shows the current
account\[aq]s historic balance as of the transaction date.
Otherwise it shows a running total starting from zero.
Eg, these will show historic balances:
.RS 2
$\ hledger\-ui
$\ hledger\-ui\ \-\-begin\ \[aq]this\ month\[aq]
$\ hledger\-ui\ \-\-register\ checking\ date:2015/10
while these will show a running total, since the queries are not just
date limits:
$\ hledger\-ui\ checking
$\ hledger\-ui\ \-\-begin\ \[aq]this\ month\[aq]\ desc:market
$\ hledger\-ui\ \-\-register\ checking\ \-\-cleared
Press \f[C]right\f[] or \f[C]enter\f[] to view the selected transaction
in full detail.
.SS Transaction screen
This screen shows a single transaction, as a general journal entry,
similar to hledger\[aq]s print command and journal format
The transaction\[aq]s date(s) and any cleared flag, transaction code,
description, comments, along with all of its account postings are shown.
Simple transactions have two postings, but there can be more (or in
certain cases, fewer).
\f[C]up\f[] and \f[C]down\f[] will step through all transactions listed
in the previous account register screen.
In the title bar, the numbers in parentheses show your position within
that account register.
They will vary depending on which account register you came from
(remember most transactions appear in multiple account registers).
The #N number preceding them is the transaction\[aq]s position within
the complete unfiltered journal, which is a more stable id (at least
until the next reload).
.SS Error screen
This screen will appear if there is a problem, such as a parse error,
when you press g to reload.
Once you have fixed the problem described, press g again to reload and
restore normal operation.
\f[B]LEDGER_FILE\f[] sets the default journal file path.
@ -177,11 +294,15 @@ is awkward.
\f[C]\-f\-\f[] doesn\[aq]t work (hledger\-ui can\[aq]t read from stdin).
\f[C]\-V\f[] doesn\[aq]t affect the register screen.
\f[C]\-V\f[] affects only the accounts screen.
If you reload while in the register screen, when you return to the
accounts screen it will be showing old data, and pressing g again will
not reload it; you must adjust depth to force it (eg press 0).
When you press \f[C]g\f[], the current and all previous screens are
regenerated, which may cause a noticeable pause.
Also there is no visual indication that this is in progress.
The register screen\[aq]s switching between historic balance and running
total based on query arguments may be confusing, and there is no column
heading to indicate which is being displayed.

View File

@ -21,15 +21,12 @@ file format.
hledger is inspired by and largely compatible with ledger(1).
hledger\-web is hledger\[aq]s web interface.
It starts a simple web application for browsing and adding transactions
in a hledger journal file, and also (unless started with \-\-server)
opens the app in a new web browser window if possible, and exits after
two minutes of inactivity.
hledger\-web provides a more user\-friendly UI than the hledger CLI or
hledger\-ui interface, showing more at once (accounts, the current
account register, balance charts) and allowing history\-aware data
entry, interactive searching, and bookmarking.
It starts a simple web application for browsing and adding transactions,
and optionally opens it in a web browser window if possible.
It provides a more user\-friendly UI than the hledger CLI or hledger\-ui
interface, showing more at once (accounts, the current account register,
balance charts) and allowing history\-aware data entry, interactive
searching, and bookmarking.
hledger\-web also lets you share a ledger with multiple users, or even
the public web.
@ -42,6 +39,33 @@ on every edit.
The journal file is \f[C]~/.hledger.journal\f[], \f[C]$LEDGER_FILE\f[],
or another file specified with \-f.
For more about the format, see hledger(1) or hledger_journal(5).
By default, hledger\-web starts the web app in "transient mode" and also
opens it in your default web browser if possible.
In this mode the web app will keep running for as long as you have it
open in a browser window, and will exit after two minutes of inactivity
(no requests and no browser windows viewing it).
With \f[C]\-\-server\f[], it starts the web app in non\-transient mode
and logs requests to the console.
Typically when running hledger web as part of a website you\[aq]ll want
to use \f[C]\-\-base\-url\f[] to set the protocol/hostname/port/path to
be used in hyperlinks.
The \f[C]\-\-file\-url\f[] option allows static files to be served from
a different url, eg for better caching or cookie\-less serving.
You can use \f[C]\-\-port\f[] to listen on a different TCP port, eg if
you are running multiple hledger\-web instances.
This need not be the same as the PORT in the base url.
Note there is no built\-in access control, so you will need to hide
hledger\-web behind an authenticating proxy (such as apache or nginx) if
you want to restrict who can see and add entries to your journal.
With journal and timelog files (but not CSV files, currently) the web
app detects changes and will show the new data on the next request.
If a change makes the file unparseable, hledger\-web will show an error
until the file has been fixed.
Note: if invoking hledger\-web as a hledger subcommand, write