dev: web: clarify AddForm a bit (#1229)

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-08-25 08:16:30 +01:00
parent 581831b16d
commit 6503bfec6a
2 changed files with 29 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -61,42 +61,42 @@ addForm ::
Journal -> Day -> Markup ->
MForm m (FormResult Transaction, WidgetFor (HandlerSite m) ())
addForm j today = identifyForm "add" $ \extra -> do
(dateRes, dateView) <- mreq dateField dateFS Nothing
(descRes, descView) <- mreq textField descFS Nothing
(acctRes, _) <- mreq listField acctFS Nothing
(amtRes, _) <- mreq listField amtFS Nothing
let -- bindings used in add-form.hamlet
descriptions = foldMap S.fromList [journalPayeesDeclaredOrUsed j, journalDescriptions j]
files = fst <$> jfiles j
(dateRes, dateView) <- mreq dateField dateSettings Nothing
(descRes, descView) <- mreq textField descSettings Nothing
(acctRes, _) <- mreq listField "account" Nothing
(amtRes , _) <- mreq listField "amount" Nothing
let (postRes, displayRows) = validatePostings acctRes amtRes
-- bindings used in add-form.hamlet
let descriptions = foldMap S.fromList [journalPayeesDeclaredOrUsed j, journalDescriptions j]
journals = fst <$> jfiles j
pure (validateTransaction dateRes descRes postRes, $(widgetFile "add-form"))
dateFS = FieldSettings "date" Nothing Nothing (Just "date")
-- field settings
dateSettings = FieldSettings "date" Nothing Nothing (Just "date")
[("class", "form-control input-lg"), ("placeholder", "Date")]
descFS = FieldSettings "desc" Nothing Nothing (Just "description")
descSettings = FieldSettings "desc" Nothing Nothing (Just "description")
[("class", "form-control input-lg typeahead"), ("placeholder", "Description"), ("size", "40")]
acctFS = FieldSettings "amount" Nothing Nothing (Just "account") []
amtFS = FieldSettings "amount" Nothing Nothing (Just "amount") []
dateField = checkMMap (pure . validateDate) (T.pack . show) textField
validateDate s =
first (const ("Invalid date format" :: Text)) $
fixSmartDateStrEither' today (T.strip s)
-- custom field types
dateField = checkMMap (pure . validateDate) (T.pack . show) textField
validateDate s =
first (const ("Invalid date format" :: Text)) $
fixSmartDateStrEither' today (T.strip s)
listField = Field
{ fieldParse = const . pure . Right . Just . dropWhileEnd T.null
, fieldView = error "Don't render using this!" -- PARTIAL:
, fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded
-- Used in add-form.hamlet
-- helpers used in add-form.hamlet
toBloodhoundJson :: [Text] -> Markup
toBloodhoundJson ts =
-- This used to work, but since 1.16, it seems like something changed.
-- toJSON ("a"::Text) gives String "a" instead of "a", etc.
-- preEscapedString . escapeJSSpecialChars . show . toJSON
preEscapedText $ T.concat [
T.intercalate "," $ map (
@ -112,8 +112,8 @@ addForm j today = identifyForm "add" $ \extra -> do
) ts,
b64wrap :: Text -> Text
b64wrap = ("atob(\""<>) . (<>"\")") . encodeBase64
b64wrap = ("atob(\""<>) . (<>"\")") . encodeBase64
validateTransaction ::
FormResult Day
@ -128,8 +128,11 @@ validateTransaction dateRes descRes postingsRes =
x -> x
makeTransaction date desc postings =
nulltransaction {tdate = date, tdescription = desc, tpostings = postings}
nulltransaction {
tdate = date
,tdescription = desc
,tpostings = postings
-- | Parse a list of postings out of a list of accounts and a corresponding list
-- of amounts

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@ -58,10 +58,10 @@
<div .col-md-4 .col-xs-4 .col-sm-4>
<button type=submit .btn .btn-default .btn-lg name=submit>add
$if length journals > 1
$if length files > 1
<span .input-lg>to:
<select #journalselect .form-control.input-lg name=journal style="width:auto; display:inline-block;">
$forall p <- journals
<option value=#{p}>#{p}
<select #journalselect .form-control.input-lg name=file style="width:auto; display:inline-block;">
$forall f <- files
<option value=#{f}>#{f}
<span .small style="padding-left:2em;">