Merge pull request #1435 into master (add "payees" check)

Second attempt, repaired version.
This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2020-12-31 08:31:19 -08:00
commit 652deb04ee
12 changed files with 159 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -15,6 +15,19 @@
; liabilities
; debts
; declare accounts:
; account assets:bank:checking
; account income:salary
; account income:gifts
; account assets:bank:saving
; account assets:cash
; account expenses:food
; account expenses:supplies
; account liabilities:debts
; declare commodities:
; commodity $
2008/01/01 income
assets:bank:checking $1

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@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ module Hledger.Data.Journal (
-- overJournalAmounts,
-- traverseJournalAmounts,
-- journalCanonicalCommodities,
@ -183,6 +184,7 @@ instance Semigroup Journal where
-- ,jparsetransactioncount = jparsetransactioncount j1 + jparsetransactioncount j2
,jparsetimeclockentries = jparsetimeclockentries j1 <> jparsetimeclockentries j2
,jincludefilestack = jincludefilestack j2
,jdeclaredpayees = jdeclaredpayees j1 <> jdeclaredpayees j2
,jdeclaredaccounts = jdeclaredaccounts j1 <> jdeclaredaccounts j2
,jdeclaredaccounttypes = jdeclaredaccounttypes j1 <> jdeclaredaccounttypes j2
,jglobalcommoditystyles = jglobalcommoditystyles j1 <> jglobalcommoditystyles j2
@ -211,6 +213,7 @@ nulljournal = Journal {
-- ,jparsetransactioncount = 0
,jparsetimeclockentries = []
,jincludefilestack = []
,jdeclaredpayees = []
,jdeclaredaccounts = []
,jdeclaredaccounttypes = M.empty
,jglobalcommoditystyles = M.empty
@ -273,6 +276,10 @@ journalPostings = concatMap tpostings . jtxns
journalCommoditiesDeclared :: Journal -> [AccountName]
journalCommoditiesDeclared = nubSort . M.keys . jcommodities
-- | Sorted unique payees declared by payee directives in this journal.
journalPayeesDeclared :: Journal -> [Payee]
journalPayeesDeclared = nubSort . map fst . jdeclaredpayees
-- | Sorted unique account names posted to by this journal's transactions.
journalAccountNamesUsed :: Journal -> [AccountName]
journalAccountNamesUsed = accountNamesFromPostings . journalPostings

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@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ instance ToJSON AccountAlias
instance ToJSON AccountType
instance ToJSONKey AccountType
instance ToJSON AccountDeclarationInfo
instance ToJSON PayeeDeclarationInfo
instance ToJSON Commodity
instance ToJSON TimeclockCode
instance ToJSON TimeclockEntry

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@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ data Interval =
instance Default Interval where def = NoInterval
type Payee = Text
type AccountName = Text
data AccountType =
@ -453,6 +455,7 @@ data Journal = Journal {
,jparsetimeclockentries :: [TimeclockEntry] -- ^ timeclock sessions which have not been clocked out
,jincludefilestack :: [FilePath]
-- principal data
,jdeclaredpayees :: [(Payee,PayeeDeclarationInfo)] -- ^ Payees declared by payee directives, in parse order (after journal finalisation)
,jdeclaredaccounts :: [(AccountName,AccountDeclarationInfo)] -- ^ Accounts declared by account directives, in parse order (after journal finalisation)
,jdeclaredaccounttypes :: M.Map AccountType [AccountName] -- ^ Accounts whose type has been declared in account directives (usually 5 top-level accounts)
,jglobalcommoditystyles :: M.Map CommoditySymbol AmountStyle -- ^ per-commodity display styles declared globally, eg by command line option or import command
@ -482,6 +485,17 @@ type ParsedJournal = Journal
-- The --output-format option selects one of these for output.
type StorageFormat = String
-- | Extra information found in a payee directive.
data PayeeDeclarationInfo = PayeeDeclarationInfo {
pdicomment :: Text -- ^ any comment lines following the payee directive
,pditags :: [Tag] -- ^ tags extracted from the comment, if any
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic)
nullpayeedeclarationinfo = PayeeDeclarationInfo {
pdicomment = ""
,pditags = []
-- | Extra information about an account that can be derived from
-- its account directive (and the other account directives).
data AccountDeclarationInfo = AccountDeclarationInfo {

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module Hledger.Read.Common (
@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Custom
import Hledger.Data
import Hledger.Utils
import Safe (headMay)
import Text.Printf (printf)
--- ** doctest setup
-- $setup
@ -368,6 +370,22 @@ journalFinalise InputOpts{auto_,ignore_assertions_,commoditystyles_,strict_} f t
& fmap journalInferMarketPricesFromTransactions -- infer market prices from commodity-exchanging transactions
-- | Check that all the journal's transactions have payees declared with
-- payee directives, returning an error message otherwise.
journalCheckPayeesDeclared :: Journal -> Either String ()
journalCheckPayeesDeclared j = sequence_ $ map checkpayee $ jtxns j
checkpayee t
| p `elem` ps = Right ()
| otherwise = Left $
printf "undeclared payee \"%s\"\nat: %s\n\n%s"
(T.unpack p)
(showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t)
(linesPrepend2 "> " " " $ chomp1 $ showTransaction t)
p = transactionPayee t
ps = journalPayeesDeclared j
-- | Check that all the journal's postings are to accounts declared with
-- account directives, returning an error message otherwise.
journalCheckAccountsDeclared :: Journal -> Either String ()
@ -375,11 +393,13 @@ journalCheckAccountsDeclared j = sequence_ $ map checkacct $ journalPostings j
checkacct Posting{paccount,ptransaction}
| paccount `elem` as = Right ()
| otherwise =
Left $ "\nstrict mode: undeclared account \""++T.unpack paccount++"\""
++ case ptransaction of
Just Transaction{tsourcepos} -> "\nin transaction at: "++showGenericSourcePos tsourcepos
Nothing -> ""
| otherwise = Left $
(printf "undeclared account \"%s\"\n" (T.unpack paccount))
++ case ptransaction of
Nothing -> ""
Just t -> printf "in transaction at: %s\n\n%s"
(showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t)
(linesPrepend " " $ chomp1 $ showTransaction t)
as = journalAccountNamesDeclared j
@ -392,11 +412,13 @@ journalCheckCommoditiesDeclared j =
checkcommodities Posting{..} =
case mfirstundeclaredcomm of
Nothing -> Right ()
Just c -> Left $
"\nstrict mode: undeclared commodity \""++T.unpack c++"\""
++ case ptransaction of
Just Transaction{tsourcepos} -> "\nin transaction at: "++showGenericSourcePos tsourcepos
Nothing -> ""
Just c -> Left $
(printf "undeclared commodity \"%s\"\n" (T.unpack c))
++ case ptransaction of
Nothing -> ""
Just t -> printf "in transaction at: %s\n\n%s"
(showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos t)
(linesPrepend " " $ chomp1 $ showTransaction t)
mfirstundeclaredcomm =
headMay $ filter (not . (`elem` cs)) $ catMaybes $
@ -404,6 +426,7 @@ journalCheckCommoditiesDeclared j =
(map (Just . acommodity) $ amounts pamount)
cs = journalCommoditiesDeclared j
setYear :: Year -> JournalParser m ()
setYear y = modify' (\j -> j{jparsedefaultyear=Just y})

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@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ directivep = (do
@ -396,6 +397,17 @@ addAccountDeclaration (a,cmt,tags) =
j{jdeclaredaccounts = d:decls})
-- Add a payee declaration to the journal.
addPayeeDeclaration :: (Payee,Text,[Tag]) -> JournalParser m ()
addPayeeDeclaration (p, cmt, tags) =
modify' (\j@Journal{jdeclaredpayees} -> j{jdeclaredpayees=d:jdeclaredpayees})
d = (p
pdicomment = cmt
,pditags = tags
indentedlinep :: JournalParser m String
indentedlinep = lift skipNonNewlineSpaces1 >> (rstrip <$> lift restofline)
@ -519,6 +531,15 @@ endtagdirectivep = do
lift restofline
return ()
payeedirectivep :: JournalParser m ()
payeedirectivep = do
string "payee" <?> "payee directive"
lift skipNonNewlineSpaces1
payee <- lift descriptionp -- all text until ; or \n
(comment, tags) <- lift transactioncommentp
addPayeeDeclaration (payee, comment, tags)
return ()
defaultyeardirectivep :: JournalParser m ()
defaultyeardirectivep = do
char 'Y' <?> "default year"
@ -985,6 +1006,11 @@ tests_JournalReader = tests "JournalReader" [
pdamount = usd 922.83
,tests "payeedirectivep" [
test "simple" $ assertParse payeedirectivep "payee foo\n"
,test "with-comment" $ assertParse payeedirectivep "payee foo ; comment\n"
,test "tagdirectivep" $ do
assertParse tagdirectivep "tag foo \n"

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@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
@ -37,6 +38,8 @@ module Hledger.Utils.String (
-- * wide-character-aware layout
@ -86,10 +89,14 @@ lstrip = dropWhile isSpace
rstrip :: String -> String
rstrip = reverse . lstrip . reverse
-- | Remove trailing newlines/carriage returns.
-- | Remove all trailing newlines/carriage returns.
chomp :: String -> String
chomp = reverse . dropWhile (`elem` "\r\n") . reverse
-- | Remove all trailing newline/carriage returns, leaving just one trailing newline.
chomp1 :: String -> String
chomp1 = (++"\n") . chomp
-- | Remove consecutive line breaks, replacing them with single space
singleline :: String -> String
singleline = unwords . filter (/="") . (map strip) . lines
@ -343,3 +350,14 @@ stripAnsi s = either err id $ regexReplace ansire "" s
err = error "stripAnsi: invalid replacement pattern" -- PARTIAL, shouldn't happen
ansire = toRegex' "\ESC\\[([0-9]+;)*([0-9]+)?[ABCDHJKfmsu]" -- PARTIAL, should succeed
-- | Add a prefix to each line of a string.
linesPrepend :: String -> String -> String
linesPrepend prefix = unlines . map (prefix++) . lines
-- | Add a prefix to the first line of a string,
-- and a different prefix to the remaining lines.
linesPrepend2 :: String -> String -> String -> String
linesPrepend2 prefix1 prefix2 s =
unlines $ (prefix1++l) : map (prefix2++) ls
where l:ls = lines s

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Safe (readMay)
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn)
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
checkmode :: Mode RawOpts
checkmode = hledgerCommandMode
@ -40,8 +42,11 @@ check copts@CliOpts{rawopts_} j = do
([], checks) -> forM_ checks $ runCheck copts' j
-- | A type of error check that we can perform on the data.
-- (Currently, just the optional checks that only the check command
-- can do; not the checks done by default or with --strict.)
data Check =
| Payees
| Uniqueleafnames
deriving (Read,Show,Eq)
@ -63,13 +68,18 @@ parseCheckArgument s =
(checkname:checkargs) = words' s
-- XXX do all of these print on stderr ?
-- | Run the named error check, possibly with some arguments,
-- on this journal with these options.
runCheck :: CliOpts -> Journal -> (Check,[String]) -> IO ()
runCheck copts@CliOpts{rawopts_} j (check,args) =
case check of
Ordereddates -> checkdates copts' j
Ordereddates -> checkdates copts' j
Uniqueleafnames -> checkdupes copts' j
Payees ->
case journalCheckPayeesDeclared j of
Right () -> return ()
Left err -> hPutStrLn stderr ("Error: "++err) >> exitFailure
-- Hack: append the provided args to the raw opts,
-- in case the check can use them (like checkdates --unique).

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@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ These checks can be run by specifying their names as arguments to the check comm
- **ordereddates** - transactions are ordered by date (similar to the old `check-dates` command)
- **payees** - all payees used by transactions have been declared
- **uniqueleafnames** - all account leaf names are unique (similar to the old `check-dupes` command)
### Add-on checks

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@ -37,13 +37,15 @@ checkdates CliOpts{rawopts_=rawopts,reportspec_=rspec} j = do
FoldAcc{fa_previous=Nothing} -> return ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Nothing} -> return ()
FoldAcc{fa_error=Just error, fa_previous=Just previous} -> do
putStrLn $ printf
("Error: transaction's date is not in date order%s,\n"
++ "at %s:\n\n%sPrevious transaction's date was: %s")
(if unique then " and/or not unique" else "")
(showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos error)
(showTransaction error)
(show $ date previous)
uniquestr = if unique then " and/or not unique" else ""
positionstr = showGenericSourcePos $ tsourcepos error
txn1str = linesPrepend " " $ showTransaction previous
txn2str = linesPrepend2 "> " " " $ showTransaction error
printf "Error: transaction date is out of order%s\nat %s:\n\n%s"
(txn1str ++ txn2str)
data FoldAcc a b = FoldAcc

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ checkdupesmode = hledgerCommandMode
checkdupes _opts j = do
let dupes = checkdupes' $ accountsNames j
when (not $ null dupes) $ do
-- XXX make output more like Checkdates.hs, Check.hs etc.
mapM_ render dupes

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
# check payees
# check payees succeeds when all payees are declared:
payee foo
2020-01-01 foo
2020-01-02 foo | some description
$ hledger -f - check payees
# and otherwise fails, eg:
2020-01-01 foo
$ hledger -f - check payees
>2 /undeclared payee "foo"/
# or:
payee foo
2020-01-01 the payee | foo
$ hledger -f - check payees
>2 /undeclared payee "the payee"/