lib: superficial changes to comment parsers

This commit is contained in:
Alex Chen 2018-05-16 21:31:56 -06:00 committed by Simon Michael
parent 188583e232
commit 67ed2d6cbf

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@ -115,7 +115,6 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Safe
import System.Time (getClockTime)
import Text.Megaparsec.Compat hiding (skipManyTill)
import Control.Applicative.Combinators (skipManyTill)
@ -819,6 +818,7 @@ multilinecommentp = startComment *> anyLine `skipManyTill` endComment
startComment = string "comment" >> emptyLine
endComment = eof <|> (string "end comment" >> emptyLine)
emptyLine = void $ skipMany spacenonewline *> newline
anyLine = anyChar `manyTill` newline
@ -834,11 +834,13 @@ followingcommentp = T.unlines . map snd <$> followingcommentlinesp
followingcommentlinesp :: TextParser m [(SourcePos, Text)]
followingcommentlinesp = do
skipMany spacenonewline
samelineComment@(_, samelineCommentText)
<- try commentp <|> (,) <$> (getPosition <* eolof) <*> pure ""
newlineComments <- many $ try $ do
skipSome spacenonewline -- leading whitespace is required
if T.null samelineCommentText && null newlineComments
then pure []
else pure $ samelineComment : newlineComments
@ -863,7 +865,9 @@ followingcommentlinesp = do
-- Right ("date:3/4=5/6\n",[("date","3/4=5/6")],Just 2000-03-04,Nothing)
:: Monad m => Maybe Day -> ErroringJournalParser m (Text, [Tag], Maybe Day, Maybe Day)
:: Monad m
=> Maybe Day
-> ErroringJournalParser m (Text, [Tag], Maybe Day, Maybe Day)
followingcommentandtagsp mdefdate = do
-- pdbg 0 "followingcommentandtagsp"
@ -871,31 +875,31 @@ followingcommentandtagsp mdefdate = do
-- pdbg 0 $ "commentws:" ++ show commentLines
-- Reparse the comment for any tags.
tagsWithPositions <- case traverse (runTextParserAt tagswithvaluepositions) commentLines of
Right tss -> pure $ concat tss
Left e -> throwError $ parseErrorPretty e
tagsWithPositions <- case
traverse (runTextParserAt tagswithvaluepositions) commentLines of
Right tss -> pure $ concat tss
Left e -> throwError $ parseErrorPretty e
-- Extract date-tag style posting dates from the tags.
-- Use the transaction date for defaults, if provided.
let eTagDates = traverse tagDate
$ filter (isDateLabel . fst . snd) tagsWithPositions
where isDateLabel txt = txt == "date" || txt == "date2"
tagDates <- case eTagDates of
Right ds -> pure ds
Left e -> throwError e
let isDateLabel txt = txt == "date" || txt == "date2"
isDateTag = isDateLabel . fst . snd
tagDates <- case traverse tagDate $ filter isDateTag tagsWithPositions of
Right ds -> pure ds
Left e -> throwError $ parseErrorPretty e
-- Reparse the comment for any bracketed style posting dates.
-- Use the transaction date for defaults, if provided.
let eBracketedDates =
traverse (runTextParserAt (bracketedpostingdatesp mdefdate)) commentLines
bracketedDates <- case eBracketedDates of
Right dss -> pure $ concat dss
Left e -> throwError $ parseErrorPretty e
bracketedDates <- case
traverse (runTextParserAt (bracketedpostingdatesp mdefdate))
commentLines of
Right dss -> pure $ concat dss
Left e -> throwError $ parseErrorPretty e
let pdates = tagDates ++ bracketedDates
mdate = fmap snd $ find ((=="date") .fst) pdates
mdate2 = fmap snd $ find ((=="date2").fst) pdates
-- pdbg 0 $ "allDates: "++show pdates
let mdate = headMay $ map snd $ filter ((=="date") .fst) pdates
mdate2 = headMay $ map snd $ filter ((=="date2").fst) pdates
let strippedComment = T.unlines $ map (T.strip . snd) commentLines
tags = map snd tagsWithPositions
@ -907,30 +911,30 @@ followingcommentandtagsp mdefdate = do
runTextParserAt parser (pos, txt) =
runTextParser (setPosition pos *> parser) txt
tagDate :: (SourcePos, Tag) -> Either String (TagName, Day)
tagDate :: (SourcePos, Tag)
-> Either (ParseError Char MPErr) (TagName, Day)
tagDate (pos, (name, value)) =
case runTextParserAt (datep' myear) (pos, value) of
Left e -> Left $ parseErrorPretty e
Right day -> Right (name, day)
fmap (name,) $ runTextParserAt (datep' myear) (pos, value)
where myear = fmap (first3 . toGregorian) mdefdate
-- A transaction/posting comment must start with a semicolon.
-- This parser discards the leading whitespace of the comment
-- and returns the source position of the comment's first non-whitespace character.
-- A transaction/posting comment must start with a semicolon. This parser
-- discards the leading whitespace of the comment and returns the source
-- position of the comment's first non-whitespace character.
commentp :: TextParser m (SourcePos, Text)
commentp = commentStartingWithp ";"
commentp = commentStartingWithp (==';')
-- A line (file-level) comment can start with a semicolon, hash,
-- or star (allowing org nodes).
-- This parser discards the leading whitespace of the comment
-- and returns the source position of the comment's first non-whitespace character.
-- A line (file-level) comment can start with a semicolon, hash, or star
-- (allowing org nodes). This parser discards the leading whitespace of
-- the comment and returns the source position of the comment's first
-- non-whitespace character.
linecommentp :: TextParser m (SourcePos, Text)
linecommentp = commentStartingWithp ";#*"
linecommentp =
commentStartingWithp $ \c -> c == ';' || c == '#' || c == '*'
commentStartingWithp :: [Char] -> TextParser m (SourcePos, Text)
commentStartingWithp cs = do
commentStartingWithp :: (Char -> Bool) -> TextParser m (SourcePos, Text)
commentStartingWithp f = do
-- ptrace "commentStartingWith"
oneOf cs
satisfy f
skipMany spacenonewline
startPos <- getPosition
content <- T.pack <$> anyChar `manyTill` eolof
@ -956,10 +960,7 @@ commentStartingWithp cs = do
-- []
commentTags :: Text -> [Tag]
commentTags s =
case runTextParser tagsp s of
Right r -> r
Left _ -> [] -- shouldn't happen
commentTags s = either (const []) id $ runTextParser tagsp s
-- | Parse all tags found in a string.
tagsp :: SimpleTextParser [Tag]
@ -1000,8 +1001,10 @@ tagswithvaluepositions = do
then tagswithvaluepositions
else do
pos <- getPosition
(:) <$> fmap (\val -> (pos, (tagName, val))) tagValue
<*> tagswithvaluepositions
tagVal <- tagValue
let tag = (pos, (tagName, tagVal))
tags <- tagswithvaluepositions
pure $ tag : tags
atEof :: SimpleTextParser [(SourcePos, Tag)]
atEof = eof *> pure []
@ -1023,10 +1026,6 @@ bracketedpostingdatesp mdefdate = do
--- ** bracketed dates
-- tagorbracketeddatetagsp :: Monad m => Maybe Day -> TextParser u m [Tag]
-- tagorbracketeddatetagsp mdefdate =
-- bracketeddatetagsp mdefdate <|> ((:[]) <$> tagp)
-- | Parse Ledger-style bracketed posting dates ([DATE=DATE2]), as
-- "date" and/or "date2" tags. Anything that looks like an attempt at
-- this (a square-bracketed sequence of 0123456789/-.= containing at
@ -1057,16 +1056,20 @@ bracketeddatetagsp :: Maybe Day -> SimpleTextParser [(TagName, Day)]
bracketeddatetagsp mdefdate = do
-- pdbg 0 "bracketeddatetagsp"
try $ do
let digits = "0123456789"
s <- lookAhead $ between (char '[') (char ']')
(some (oneOf $ '=':digits++datesepchars))
unless (any (`elem` s) digits && any (`elem` datesepchars) s) $
s <- lookAhead
$ between (char '[') (char ']')
$ some $ digitChar <|> datesepchar <|> char '='
unless (any isDigit s && any (`elem` datesepchars) s) $
fail "not a bracketed date"
-- Looks sufficiently like a bracketed date to commit to parsing a date
between (char '[') (char ']') $ do
let myear1 = fmap (first3 . toGregorian) mdefdate
let myear1 = fmap readYear mdefdate
md1 <- optional $ datep' myear1
let myear2 = fmap (first3 . toGregorian) md1 <|> myear1
let myear2 = fmap readYear md1 <|> myear1
md2 <- optional $ char '=' *> (datep' myear2)
pure $ catMaybes [("date",) <$> md1, ("date2",) <$> md2]
where readYear = first3 . toGregorian