;doc: RELEASING updates

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2022-12-01 13:12:06 -08:00
parent a06fb83ba1
commit 68a912286b

View File

@ -107,32 +107,13 @@ These have complex interdependencies and sequencing constraints. Chunk, separate
## Procedures
### Do a release
- save RELEASING.md as RELEASING2.md
- [check release readiness](#check-release-readiness)
- start making draft binaries: push to `origin/binaries`, resolve failures
- update changelogs: see CHANGELOGS.md
- [make release notes](#make-release-notes)
- choose version: MA.JOR, MA.JOR.MINOR, or MA.JOR.MINOR.FIXUP
- [prepare release branch](#prepare-release-branch) (preview/major release)
or cherry pick changes from master (bugfix/fixup release)
- [make new manuals](#make-new-manuals) (major release)
- [update hledger-install](#update-hledger-install) (major/bugfix/fixup release)
- [update install page](#update-install-page) (major/bugfix/fixup release)
- [make announcement](#make-announcement) (major/notable bugfix release)
- on release branch do `./Shake setversion NEW -c`
- [tag the release](#tag-the-release)
- [make release binaries](#make-release-binaries)
- [make github release](#make-github-release) draft
- upload to hackage: `make hackageupload` (major/bugfix/fixup release)
- publish github release
- publish website changes: manuals, release notes, install page
- [announce release](#announce-release) (major/bugfix release)
- move RELEASING2 updates back to RELEASING, commit
- [cherry-pick release branch to master](#cherry-pick-release-branch-to-master)
- bump master to next version: `./Shake setversion A.BB.99` (major release)
### Release
#### Copy RELEASING.md
- save a copy of RELEASING.md, make updates in the copy
#### Check release readiness
- appropriate timing, release manager availability
- master's changelogs are up to date (see [CHANGELOGS](CHANGELOGS.html))
- master or release branch is ready for release
- clean and synced working copy
@ -143,9 +124,45 @@ These have complex interdependencies and sequencing constraints. Chunk, separate
- uses any required workarounds in stack.yaml
- binary is up to date (`./Shake.hs`)
- commit any changes (msg: `tools: shake`)
- appropriate timing, release manager availability
#### Make release notes
#### Start making cross-platform binaries
- do a preliminary push to `origin/binaries`
- resolve failures
#### Update changelogs
in main repo, master branch:
- `./Shake changelogs`, clean up CHANGES.md's, `./Shake changelogs -c`
See also CHANGELOGS.md.
#### Prepare release branch
Preview/major release:
- `PAUSE=1 ECHO=1 tools/release prep MA.JOR[.99.PREVIEWNUM]` (eg for 1.25 preview 1)
(XXX seems to go wrong without PAUSE`)
- clean up changelogs, amend changelogs commit (see also [CHANGELOGS](CHANGELOGS.html))
- cherry pick changes from master (if needed)
- list changes in three side-by-side magit windows
- 1. NEW IN MASTER: `l o MAJORVER-branch..master`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated` (`C-c D`)
- 2. HEAD: regular magit status view
- 3. RELEASE BRANCH: `l o MAJORVER-branch`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated`
- in master window, working from bottom upward, cherry-pick all non-conflicting changes
- skip changes already in release branch
- skip changelog, command help, and manuals updates
- release branch testing
- `stack build --test`
- `make functest`
Bugfix/fixup release:
- cherry pick changes from master
#### Choose new version
#### Set new version
- on release branch do `./Shake setversion -c NEW`
#### Prepare release notes
In site repo:
- update `src/release-notes.md`
@ -157,47 +174,62 @@ In site repo:
- add contributors, `git shortlog -sn OLD..NEW`
- add summary (major release) or remove it (bugfix release)
- check preview in vs code
- commit: `relnotes: NEW`
- site repo commit: `relnotes: NEW`
#### Prepare release branch
- `PAUSE=1 ECHO=1 tools/release prep MA.JOR[.99.PREVIEWNUM]` (eg for 1.25 preview 1)
(XXX seems to go wrong without PAUSE`)
- cherry pick changes from master
- list changes in three side-by-side magit windows
- 1. NEW IN MASTER: `l o MAJORVER-branch..master`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated` (`C-c D`)
- 2. HEAD: regular magit status view
- 3. RELEASE BRANCH: `l o MAJORVER-branch`, `M-x magit-toggle-buffer-lock`, `M-x toggle-window-dedicated`
- in master window, working from bottom upward, cherry-pick all non-conflicting changes
- skip changes already in release branch
- skip changelog, command help, and manuals updates
- `./Shake cmdhelp -c`
- `./Shake manuals -c`
- update release changelogs (see [CHANGELOGS](CHANGELOGS.html))
- release branch testing
- `stack build --test`
- `make functest`
- `stack exec -- hledger --version`, check version
- `stack exec -- hledger help | tail`, check version & date
#### Prepare announcement
(major/notable bugfix release)
In release branch:
- update `doc/ANNOUNCE` (major release)
- summary, contributors from release notes
- any other edits
- commit: `;doc: announce`
#### Tag the release
- ensure new version has been set with Shake setversion !
- `make tag`
#### Do release build testing
- touch/change Version.hs to encourage recompilation
- `stack build`
- `stack exec -- hledger --version`, check version string: version, release date, no +
- `stack exec -- hledger help | tail`, check version, month matches release
#### Prepare release binaries
- wait for any pending successful builds to complete and update cache
- `tools/release bin`
- get all platforms built on the same commit
- delete any local downloaded binaries from last release
- download binary artifact zip files (on each successful run: right click, download linked file)
#### Prepare new site manuals
(major release)
#### Make new manuals
In site repo:
- js/site.js: add NEW, update currentrelease
- Makefile: add NEW, two places
- js/site.js: add NEW, three places
- Makefile: add NEW, three places
- make snapshot-NEW (after ensuring main repo has been release-tagged)
- commit: `current, makefile, site.js: NEW`
- commit: `manuals: add NEW`
- push
#### Update hledger-install
#### Prepare hledger-install script
(major/bugfix/fixup release)
- update `hledger-install/hledger-install.sh`
- test ? `cd; bash ~/src/hledger/hledger-install/hledger-install.sh`
- RESOLVER (same as stack.yaml)
- EXTRA_DEPS (same as stack.yaml)
- hledger official packages (NEW)
- hledger third-party packages (latest version on hackage)
- test ? (won't work until new hledger packages are on hackage)
`cd; bash ~/src/hledger/hledger-install/hledger-install.sh`
- commit: `install: NEW`
#### Update install page
#### Prepare install page
(major/bugfix/fixup release)
In site repo:
- update `install.md`
@ -214,68 +246,98 @@ In site repo:
- Total count from `make functest`
- commit: `download: NEW`
#### Make announcement
In release branch:
- update `doc/ANNOUNCE` (major release)
- summary, contributors from release notes
- any other edits
- commit: `;doc: announce`
#### Tag the release
- ensure new version has been set with Shake setversion !
- `make tag`
#### Make release binaries
- wait for any pending successful builds to complete and update cache
- `tools/release bin`
- get all platforms built on the same commit
- delete any local downloaded binaries from last release
- download binary artifact zip files (right click, download linked file)
#### Make github release
- `git push origin MA.JOR-branch && git push --tags` (or magit `P p`, `P t`)
#### Draft github release
- copy text from previous similar release, https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases
- create new release, https://github.com/simonmichael/hledger/releases/new
- select release tag (MA.JOR[...])
- leave release tag unselected for now
- set title (MA.JOR[...])
- paste & replace with new release notes
- upload CI binaries
- save as draft
- github release testing: preview on github, upload to hackage
- publish
- check preview, resolve issues
#### Announce release
- pause; take a break afk; check time and energy
- push main repo
- push site repo
- deploy site changes
On hledger.org:
- in /etc/caddy/hledger.org:
#### Pre-release pause
- stop, go afk, take a break
- review time, energy, availability, decide go/no-go
#### Pre-release tests
- appropriate dates in: changelogs, release notes, --version output, man pages, hledger-install script
#### Push release branch
in main repo, release branch:
- `git push github MA.JOR-branch` or magit `P p`
- wait for CI success (?)
#### Upload to hackage
in main repo, release branch:
- `make hackageupload` (major/bugfix/fixup release)
#### Push release branch and tags
in main repo, release branch:
- `git push --tags` or magit `P t`
#### Publish github release
- edit release
- select release tag (MA.JOR[...])
- click publish button
#### Update website
- push to github: in site repo, `git push github` or magit `P u`
- on hledger.org server:
- in main repo (both main and site repos on master):
- `git -C site pull && git pull && make site`
- (or to rebuild all pages, also run `make -C site all`)
- in /opt/hledger/site/hledger.org.caddy:
- @oldmanpath: add `path` for NEW
- @unversionedmanpath: update to NEW
- `systemctl reload caddy`
- in main repo, `./Shake webmanuals` to update dev manuals
- in site repo, `make`
- things to try if site doesn't seem to update ?
- make clean all
- purge cloudflare cache
- browsers might still require shift-reload for a while to see new manuals (safari)
- share release notes link and markdown content in #hledger chat
- send ANNOUNCE as email announcement
- major release: `ANN: hledger NEW` to hledger@googlegroups.com, haskell-cafe@googlegroups.com
- bugfix release: brief announcement to hledger@googlegroups.com
- condense & tweet at https://twitter.com/simonkwmichael
- update last release date on plaintextaccounting.org
<!-- - toot at https://fosstodon.org/web/accounts/106304084994827771 ? -->
- `systemctl reload caddy`
- check site in browser
- install page versions, badge colours
- manuals' versions list in browser. If not updating, try
- checking https://hledger.org/js/site.js
- another browser (not safari)
- shift-reload
- https://dash.cloudflare.com/f629035917dd3b99b1e37ae20c15ff09/hledger.org/caching/configuration > purge
- redirects
- hledger.org/hledger.html redirects to https://hledger.org/NEW/hledger.html
#### Cherry-pick release branch to master
#### Merge release branch changes to master
- switch back to master
- update master changelogs, merging final release changelog entries (see [CHANGELOGS](CHANGELOGS.html))
- cherry-pick other useful changes, such as `;doc: ANNOUNCE`
- after a major release: bump master to new dev version (`./Shake setversion -c A.B.99`)
- check out release branch in another working copy (hledger2)
- manually merge release changelogs into master changelogs (see also [CHANGELOGS](CHANGELOGS.html))
- list commits only in release branch: magit `l o master..MA.JOR-branch`
- cherry-pick any other useful commits
### Do post-release followup
#### Bump master to next version
(major release)
- `./Shake setversion MA.JOR.99 -c`
- `./Shake cmdhelp -c`
- `./Shake mandates`
- `./Shake manuals -c`
#### Push master
in main repo, master branch:
- pass CI checks in dev branch:
- ensure latest commit will trigger CI (does not begin with semicolon) (?)
- `git push github master:simon` or magit `P e github/simon`, with `-f` if needed
- wait for CI success at http://ci.hledger.org
- `git push github master` or magit `P u`
#### Announce release
(major/bugfix release)
- update last release date on plaintextaccounting.org
- share github release link and release notes markdown in #hledger chat
- send ANNOUNCE as email announcement
- (major release): `ANN: hledger NEW` to hledger@googlegroups.com, haskell-cafe@googlegroups.com
- (bugfix release): brief announcement to hledger@googlegroups.com
- condense to 500 & post at https://fosstodon.org/@simonmic
- maybe condense to 140 & post at https://twitter.com/simonkwmichael
#### Commit RELEASING.md
- move copy back to RELEASING.md, commit
### Post-release followup
- monitor packaging status, update install page
- docker - expect/merge PR
- homebrew - expect badge to update soon
@ -285,6 +347,7 @@ In release branch:
- prepare followup releases if needed
- update process docs and tools
### Update packaging
#### Update homebrew formula