;dev: csv: refactor, clarify

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-05-11 15:44:56 -10:00
parent 70d4c0c638
commit 69be1d4ef7

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@ -791,13 +791,14 @@ parseSeparator = specials . T.toLower
specials "tab" = Just '\t'
specials xs = fst <$> T.uncons xs
-- Parse text into CSV records, using Cassava and the configured field separator.
-- Call parseCassava on a file or stdin, converting the result to ExceptT.
parseCsv :: Char -> FilePath -> Text -> ExceptT String IO [CsvRecord]
parseCsv separator filePath csvdata = ExceptT $
case filePath of
"-" -> parseCassava separator "(stdin)" <$> T.getContents
_ -> return $ if T.null csvdata then Right mempty else parseCassava separator filePath csvdata
-- Parse text into CSV records, using Cassava and the given field separator.
parseCassava :: Char -> FilePath -> Text -> Either String [CsvRecord]
parseCassava separator path content =
either (Left . errorBundlePretty) (Right . parseResultToCsv) <$>
@ -820,22 +821,28 @@ printCSV = TB.toLazyText . unlinesB . map printRecord
where printRecord = foldMap TB.fromText . intersperse "," . map printField
printField = wrap "\"" "\"" . T.replace "\"" "\"\""
-- | Return the cleaned up and validated CSV data (can be empty), or an error.
-- | Do some cleanup and validation on the parsed CSV records.
-- Cleanups: filter out empty ([""]) records
-- *
-- Return the cleaned up and validated CSV data (can be empty), or an error.
validateCsv :: CsvRules -> [CsvRecord] -> Either String [CsvRecord]
validateCsv rules = validate . applyConditionalSkips . filternulls
filternulls = filter (/=[""])
skipnum r =
case (getEffectiveAssignment rules r "end", getEffectiveAssignment rules r "skip") of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just _, _) -> Just maxBound
(Nothing, Just "") -> Just 1
(Nothing, Just x) -> Just (read $ T.unpack x)
applyConditionalSkips [] = []
applyConditionalSkips (r:rest) =
case skipnum r of
Nothing -> r:(applyConditionalSkips rest)
Just cnt -> applyConditionalSkips (drop (cnt-1) rest)
skipnum r1 =
case (getEffectiveAssignment rules r1 "end", getEffectiveAssignment rules r1 "skip") of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just _, _) -> Just maxBound
(Nothing, Just "") -> Just 1
(Nothing, Just x) -> Just (read $ T.unpack x)
validate [] = Right []
validate rs@(_first:_) = case lessthan2 of
Just r -> Left $ printf "CSV record %s has less than two fields" (show r)