;doc: update manuals

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2023-03-27 11:07:56 -10:00
parent 891853d2f2
commit 6bf2afe80c
6 changed files with 1203 additions and 1153 deletions

View File

@ -471,6 +471,18 @@ They will vary depending on which account register you came from
The #N number preceding them is the transaction\[aq]s position within
the complete unfiltered journal, which is a more stable id (at least
until the next reload).
On this screen (and the register screen), the \f[V]E\f[R] key will open
your text editor with the cursor positioned at the current transaction
if possible.
This screen has a limitation with showing file updates: it will not show
them until you exit and re-enter it.
So eg to see the effect of using the \f[V]E\f[R] key, currently you
must: - press \f[V]E\f[R], edit and save the file, then exit the editor,
returning to hledger-ui - press \f[V]g\f[R] to reload the file (or use
\f[V]-w/--watch\f[R] mode) - press \f[V]LEFT\f[R] then \f[V]RIGHT\f[R]
to exit and re-enter the transaction screen.
.SS Error
This screen will appear if there is a problem, such as a parse error,

View File

@ -519,6 +519,17 @@ preceding them is the transactions position within the complete
unfiltered journal, which is a more stable id (at least until the next
On this screen (and the register screen), the E key will open your
text editor with the cursor positioned at the current transaction if
This screen has a limitation with showing file updates: it will not
show them until you exit and re-enter it. So eg to see the effect of
using the E key, currently you must: - press E, edit and save the
file, then exit the editor, returning to hledger-ui - press g to
reload the file (or use -w/--watch mode) - press LEFT then RIGHT
to exit and re-enter the transaction screen.

File: hledger-ui.info, Node: Error, Prev: Transaction, Up: SCREENS
@ -692,20 +703,20 @@ Node: Register14910
Ref: #register15034
Node: Transaction17046
Ref: #transaction17169
Node: Error18053
Ref: #error18147
Node: TIPS18391
Ref: #tips18490
Node: Watch mode18532
Ref: #watch-mode18639
Node: Debug output20127
Ref: #debug-output20238
Ref: #environment20569
Node: FILES21992
Ref: #files22091
Node: BUGS22351
Ref: #bugs22428
Node: Error18628
Ref: #error18722
Node: TIPS18966
Ref: #tips19065
Node: Watch mode19107
Ref: #watch-mode19214
Node: Debug output20702
Ref: #debug-output20813
Ref: #environment21144
Node: FILES22567
Ref: #files22666
Node: BUGS22926
Ref: #bugs23003

End Tag Table

View File

@ -422,48 +422,59 @@ SCREENS
them is the transaction's position within the complete unfiltered jour-
nal, which is a more stable id (at least until the next reload).
On this screen (and the register screen), the E key will open your text
editor with the cursor positioned at the current transaction if possi-
This screen has a limitation with showing file updates: it will not
show them until you exit and re-enter it. So eg to see the effect of
using the E key, currently you must: - press E, edit and save the file,
then exit the editor, returning to hledger-ui - press g to reload the
file (or use -w/--watch mode) - press LEFT then RIGHT to exit and re-
enter the transaction screen.
This screen will appear if there is a problem, such as a parse error,
when you press g to reload. Once you have fixed the problem, press g
This screen will appear if there is a problem, such as a parse error,
when you press g to reload. Once you have fixed the problem, press g
again to reload and resume normal operation. (Or, you can press escape
to cancel the reload attempt.)
Watch mode
One of hledger-ui's best features is the auto-reloading -w/--watch
mode. With this flag, it will update the display automatically when-
One of hledger-ui's best features is the auto-reloading -w/--watch
mode. With this flag, it will update the display automatically when-
ever changes are saved to the data files.
This is very useful when reconciling. A good workflow is to have your
bank's online register open in a browser window, for reference; the
journal file open in an editor window; and hledger-ui in watch mode in
This is very useful when reconciling. A good workflow is to have your
bank's online register open in a browser window, for reference; the
journal file open in an editor window; and hledger-ui in watch mode in
a terminal window, eg:
$ hledger-ui --watch --register checking -C
As you mark things cleared in the editor, you can see the effect imme-
diately without having to context switch. This leaves more mental
bandwidth for your accounting. Of course you can still interact with
hledger-ui when needed, eg to toggle cleared mode, or to explore the
As you mark things cleared in the editor, you can see the effect imme-
diately without having to context switch. This leaves more mental
bandwidth for your accounting. Of course you can still interact with
hledger-ui when needed, eg to toggle cleared mode, or to explore the
Here are some current limitations to be aware of:
Changes might not be detected with certain editors, possibly including
Jetbrains IDEs, gedit, other Gnome applications; or on certain unusual
Changes might not be detected with certain editors, possibly including
Jetbrains IDEs, gedit, other Gnome applications; or on certain unusual
filesystems. (#1617, #911). To work around, reload manually by press-
ing g in the hledger-ui window. (Or see #1617 for another workaround,
ing g in the hledger-ui window. (Or see #1617 for another workaround,
and let us know if it works for you.)
CPU and memory usage can sometimes gradually increase, if hledger-ui
--watch is left running for days. (Possibly correlated with certain
platforms, many transactions, and/or large numbers of other files
present). To work around, quit and restart it, or (where supported)
CPU and memory usage can sometimes gradually increase, if hledger-ui
--watch is left running for days. (Possibly correlated with certain
platforms, many transactions, and/or large numbers of other files
present). To work around, quit and restart it, or (where supported)
suspend (CTRL-z) and restart it (fg).
Debug output
You can add --debug[=N] to the command line to log debug output. This
will be logged to the file hledger-ui.log in the current directory. N
You can add --debug[=N] to the command line to log debug output. This
will be logged to the file hledger-ui.log in the current directory. N
ranges from 1 (least output, the default) to 9 (maximum output).
@ -473,17 +484,17 @@ ENVIRONMENT
On unix computers, the default value is: ~/.hledger.journal.
A more typical value is something like ~/finance/YYYY.journal, where
~/finance is a version-controlled finance directory and YYYY is the
current year. Or, ~/finance/current.journal, where current.journal is
A more typical value is something like ~/finance/YYYY.journal, where
~/finance is a version-controlled finance directory and YYYY is the
current year. Or, ~/finance/current.journal, where current.journal is
a symbolic link to YYYY.journal.
The usual way to set this permanently is to add a command to one of
The usual way to set this permanently is to add a command to one of
your shell's startup files (eg ~/.profile):
export LEDGER_FILE=~/finance/current.journal`
On some Mac computers, there is a more thorough way to set environment
On some Mac computers, there is a more thorough way to set environment
variables, that will also affect applications started from the GUI (eg,
Emacs started from a dock icon): In ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist, add an
entry like:
@ -494,20 +505,20 @@ ENVIRONMENT
For this to take effect you might need to killall Dock, or reboot.
On Windows computers, the default value is probably C:\Users\YOUR-
NAME\.hledger.journal. You can change this by running a command like
this in a powershell window (let us know if you need to be an Adminis-
On Windows computers, the default value is probably C:\Users\YOUR-
NAME\.hledger.journal. You can change this by running a command like
this in a powershell window (let us know if you need to be an Adminis-
trator, and if this persists across a reboot):
> setx LEDGER_FILE "C:\Users\MyUserName\finance\2021.journal"
Or, change it in settings: see https://www.java.com/en/down-
Or, change it in settings: see https://www.java.com/en/down-
Reads data from one or more files in journal, timeclock, timedot, or
CSV format. The default file is .hledger.journal in your home direc-
tory; this can be overridden with one or more -f FILE options, or the
Reads data from one or more files in journal, timeclock, timedot, or
CSV format. The default file is .hledger.journal in your home direc-
tory; this can be overridden with one or more -f FILE options, or the
LEDGER_FILE environment variable.
@ -516,13 +527,13 @@ BUGS
-V affects only the accounts screen.
When you press g, the current and all previous screens are regenerated,
which may cause a noticeable pause with large files. Also there is no
which may cause a noticeable pause with large files. Also there is no
visual indication that this is in progress.
--watch is not yet fully robust. It works well for normal usage, but
many file changes in a short time (eg saving the file thousands of
times with an editor macro) can cause problems at least on OSX. Symp-
toms include: unresponsive UI, periodic resetting of the cursor posi-
--watch is not yet fully robust. It works well for normal usage, but
many file changes in a short time (eg saving the file thousands of
times with an editor macro) can cause problems at least on OSX. Symp-
toms include: unresponsive UI, periodic resetting of the cursor posi-
tion, momentary display of parse errors, high CPU usage eventually sub-
siding, and possibly a small but persistent build-up of CPU usage until
the program is restarted.
@ -533,7 +544,7 @@ BUGS
Report bugs at http://bugs.hledger.org (or on the #hledger chat or
Report bugs at http://bugs.hledger.org (or on the #hledger chat or
hledger mail list)

View File

@ -6576,8 +6576,8 @@ A special query term used automatically in hledger-web only: tells
hledger-web to show the transaction register for an account.)
.SS Combining query terms
When given multiple query terms, most commands select things which
When given multiple space-separated query terms, most commands select
things which match:
.IP \[bu] 2
any of the description terms AND
.IP \[bu] 2
@ -6597,32 +6597,35 @@ have no postings matching any of the negative account terms AND
.IP \[bu] 2
match all the other terms.
Although these fixed rules are enough for many needs, we do not support
full boolean expressions (#203), (and you should not write AND or OR in
your queries).
This makes certain queries hard to express, but here are some tricks
that can help:
.IP "1." 3
Use a doubled \f[V]not:\f[R] prefix.
Eg, to print only the food expenses paid with cash:
.RS 4
$ hledger print food not:not:cash
We also support more complex boolean queries with the \[aq]expr:\[aq]
This allows one to combine queries using one of three operators: AND,
OR, and NOT, where NOT is different syntax for \[aq]not:\[aq].
Examples of such queries are:
.IP \[bu] 2
Match transactions with \[aq]cool\[aq] in the description AND with the
\[aq]A\[aq] tag
.RS 2
\f[V]expr:\[dq]desc:cool AND tag:A\[dq]\f[R]
.IP "2." 3
Or pre-filter the transactions with \f[V]print\f[R], piping the result
into a second hledger command (with balance assertions disabled):
.RS 4
$ hledger print cash | hledger -f- -I balance food
.IP \[bu] 2
Match transactions NOT to the \[aq]expenses:food\[aq] account OR with
the \[aq]A\[aq] tag
.RS 2
\f[V]expr:\[dq]NOT expenses:food OR tag:A\[dq]\f[R]
.IP \[bu] 2
Match transactions NOT involving the \[aq]expenses:food\[aq] account OR
with the \[aq]A\[aq] tag AND involving the \[aq]expenses:drink\[aq]
(the AND is implicitly added by space-separation, following the rules
.RS 2
\f[V]expr:\[dq]expenses:food OR (tag:A expenses:drink)\[dq]\f[R]
.SS Queries and command options

View File

@ -5689,8 +5689,8 @@ File: hledger.info, Node: Combining query terms, Next: Queries and command opt
17.2 Combining query terms
When given multiple query terms, most commands select things which
When given multiple space-separated query terms, most commands select
things which match:
• any of the description terms AND
• any of the account terms AND
@ -5704,20 +5704,28 @@ match:
• have no postings matching any of the negative account terms AND
• match all the other terms.
Although these fixed rules are enough for many needs, we do not
support full boolean expressions (#203), (and you should not write AND
or OR in your queries). This makes certain queries hard to express, but
here are some tricks that can help:
We also support more complex boolean queries with the expr: prefix.
This allows one to combine queries using one of three operators: AND,
OR, and NOT, where NOT is different syntax for not:.
1. Use a doubled not: prefix. Eg, to print only the food expenses
paid with cash:
Examples of such queries are:
$ hledger print food not:not:cash
• Match transactions with cool in the description AND with the A
2. Or pre-filter the transactions with print, piping the result into
a second hledger command (with balance assertions disabled):
expr:"desc:cool AND tag:A"
$ hledger print cash | hledger -f- -I balance food
• Match transactions NOT to the expenses:food account OR with the
A tag
expr:"NOT expenses:food OR tag:A"
• Match transactions NOT involving the expenses:food account OR
with the A tag AND involving the expenses:drink account. (the
AND is implicitly added by space-separation, following the rules
expr:"expenses:food OR (tag:A expenses:drink)"

File: hledger.info, Node: Queries and command options, Next: Queries and valuation, Prev: Combining query terms, Up: Queries
@ -10739,258 +10747,258 @@ Node: Query types200808
Ref: #query-types200929
Node: Combining query terms204269
Ref: #combining-query-terms204446
Node: Queries and command options205544
Ref: #queries-and-command-options205743
Node: Queries and valuation206008
Ref: #queries-and-valuation206203
Node: Querying with account aliases206442
Ref: #querying-with-account-aliases206653
Node: Querying with cost or value206795
Ref: #querying-with-cost-or-value206972
Node: Pivoting207281
Ref: #pivoting207395
Node: Generating data208883
Ref: #generating-data209015
Node: Forecasting209513
Ref: #forecasting209638
Node: Budgeting212525
Ref: #budgeting212645
Node: Cost reporting212916
Ref: #cost-reporting213044
Node: -B Convert to cost214159
Ref: #b-convert-to-cost214315
Node: Equity conversion postings215723
Ref: #equity-conversion-postings215937
Node: Inferring equity postings from cost216832
Ref: #inferring-equity-postings-from-cost217081
Node: Inferring cost from equity postings217900
Ref: #inferring-cost-from-equity-postings218148
Node: When to infer cost/equity219957
Ref: #when-to-infer-costequity220175
Node: How to record conversions220583
Ref: #how-to-record-conversions220775
Node: Conversion with implicit cost221066
Ref: #conversion-with-implicit-cost221271
Node: Conversion with explicit cost222176
Ref: #conversion-with-explicit-cost222421
Node: Conversion with equity postings222848
Ref: #conversion-with-equity-postings223117
Node: Conversion with equity postings and explicit cost223954
Ref: #conversion-with-equity-postings-and-explicit-cost224221
Node: Cost tips224695
Ref: #cost-tips224821
Node: Valuation225557
Ref: #valuation225681
Node: -V Value226467
Ref: #v-value226593
Node: -X Value in specified commodity226792
Ref: #x-value-in-specified-commodity226987
Node: Valuation date227144
Ref: #valuation-date227315
Node: Finding market price227754
Ref: #finding-market-price227959
Node: --infer-market-prices market prices from transactions229139
Ref: #infer-market-prices-market-prices-from-transactions229417
Node: Valuation commodity232263
Ref: #valuation-commodity232476
Node: Simple valuation examples233721
Ref: #simple-valuation-examples233919
Node: --value Flexible valuation234582
Ref: #value-flexible-valuation234788
Node: More valuation examples236474
Ref: #more-valuation-examples236683
Node: Interaction of valuation and queries238694
Ref: #interaction-of-valuation-and-queries238935
Node: Effect of valuation on reports239415
Ref: #effect-of-valuation-on-reports239612
Node: PART 4 COMMANDS247371
Ref: #part-4-commands247514
Node: Commands overview247893
Ref: #commands-overview248027
Node: DATA ENTRY248206
Ref: #data-entry248330
Ref: #data-creation248687
Ref: #data-management248976
Ref: #reports-financial249276
Ref: #reports-versatile249764
Ref: #reports-basic250177
Node: HELP250710
Ref: #help250832
Node: ADD-ONS250946
Ref: #add-ons251052
Node: accounts251649
Ref: #accounts251782
Node: activity253757
Ref: #activity253876
Node: add254250
Ref: #add254360
Node: aregister257221
Ref: #aregister257342
Node: aregister and custom posting dates260318
Ref: #aregister-and-custom-posting-dates260484
Node: balance261052
Ref: #balance261178
Node: balance features262183
Ref: #balance-features262323
Node: Simple balance report264453
Ref: #simple-balance-report264638
Node: Balance report line format266283
Ref: #balance-report-line-format266485
Node: Filtered balance report268735
Ref: #filtered-balance-report268927
Node: List or tree mode269254
Ref: #list-or-tree-mode269422
Node: Depth limiting270797
Ref: #depth-limiting270963
Node: Dropping top-level accounts271580
Ref: #dropping-top-level-accounts271780
Node: Showing declared accounts272094
Ref: #showing-declared-accounts272293
Node: Sorting by amount272834
Ref: #sorting-by-amount273001
Node: Percentages273691
Ref: #percentages273850
Node: Multi-period balance report274420
Ref: #multi-period-balance-report274620
Node: Balance change end balance277013
Ref: #balance-change-end-balance277222
Node: Balance report types278670
Ref: #balance-report-types278851
Node: Calculation type279367
Ref: #calculation-type279522
Node: Accumulation type280053
Ref: #accumulation-type280233
Node: Valuation type281161
Ref: #valuation-type281349
Node: Combining balance report types282416
Ref: #combining-balance-report-types282610
Node: Budget report284514
Ref: #budget-report284666
Node: Budget report start date290400
Ref: #budget-report-start-date290578
Node: Budgets and subaccounts291940
Ref: #budgets-and-subaccounts292147
Node: Selecting budget goals295633
Ref: #selecting-budget-goals295832
Node: Budget vs forecast296879
Ref: #budget-vs-forecast297038
Node: Data layout298738
Ref: #data-layout298888
Node: Useful balance reports306829
Ref: #useful-balance-reports306979
Node: balancesheet308132
Ref: #balancesheet308277
Node: balancesheetequity309643
Ref: #balancesheetequity309801
Node: cashflow311244
Ref: #cashflow311375
Node: check312861
Ref: #check312975
Node: Basic checks313781
Ref: #basic-checks313901
Node: Strict checks314439
Ref: #strict-checks314582
Node: Other checks315023
Ref: #other-checks315165
Node: Custom checks315742
Ref: #custom-checks315899
Node: More about specific checks316320
Ref: #more-about-specific-checks316482
Node: close317214
Ref: #close317325
Node: close and costs319711
Ref: #close-and-costs319855
Node: close and balance assertions320144
Ref: #close-and-balance-assertions320346
Node: Example retain earnings321517
Ref: #example-retain-earnings321734
Node: Example migrate balances to a new file322092
Ref: #example-migrate-balances-to-a-new-file322357
Node: Example excluding closing/opening transactions322910
Ref: #example-excluding-closingopening-transactions323159
Node: codes324337
Ref: #codes324454
Node: commodities325330
Ref: #commodities325458
Node: demo325528
Ref: #demo325649
Node: descriptions326505
Ref: #descriptions326635
Node: diff326926
Ref: #diff327041
Node: files328087
Ref: #files328196
Node: help328337
Ref: #help-1328446
Node: import329436
Ref: #import329559
Node: Deduplication330667
Ref: #deduplication330792
Node: Import testing332714
Ref: #import-testing332879
Node: Importing balance assignments333730
Ref: #importing-balance-assignments333936
Node: Commodity display styles334593
Ref: #commodity-display-styles334766
Node: incomestatement334895
Ref: #incomestatement335037
Node: notes336404
Ref: #notes336526
Node: payees336888
Ref: #payees337003
Node: prices337528
Ref: #prices337643
Node: print337945
Ref: #print338060
Node: register343506
Ref: #register343628
Node: Custom register output348737
Ref: #custom-register-output348868
Node: rewrite350243
Ref: #rewrite350361
Node: Re-write rules in a file352273
Ref: #re-write-rules-in-a-file352436
Node: Diff output format353589
Ref: #diff-output-format353772
Node: rewrite vs print --auto354884
Ref: #rewrite-vs.-print---auto355046
Node: roi355620
Ref: #roi355727
Node: Spaces and special characters in --inv and --pnl357488
Ref: #spaces-and-special-characters-in---inv-and---pnl357736
Node: Semantics of --inv and --pnl358234
Ref: #semantics-of---inv-and---pnl358481
Node: IRR and TWR explained360359
Ref: #irr-and-twr-explained360519
Node: stats363631
Ref: #stats363739
Node: tags365136
Ref: #tags-1365243
Node: test366260
Ref: #test366353
Ref: #part-5-common-tasks367236
Node: Getting help367510
Ref: #getting-help367651
Node: Constructing command lines368415
Ref: #constructing-command-lines368616
Node: Starting a journal file369297
Ref: #starting-a-journal-file369504
Node: Setting opening balances370702
Ref: #setting-opening-balances370907
Node: Recording transactions374060
Ref: #recording-transactions374249
Node: Reconciling374805
Ref: #reconciling374957
Node: Reporting377270
Ref: #reporting377419
Node: Migrating to a new file381408
Ref: #migrating-to-a-new-file381565
Node: Queries and command options205784
Ref: #queries-and-command-options205983
Node: Queries and valuation206248
Ref: #queries-and-valuation206443
Node: Querying with account aliases206682
Ref: #querying-with-account-aliases206893
Node: Querying with cost or value207035
Ref: #querying-with-cost-or-value207212
Node: Pivoting207521
Ref: #pivoting207635
Node: Generating data209123
Ref: #generating-data209255
Node: Forecasting209753
Ref: #forecasting209878
Node: Budgeting212765
Ref: #budgeting212885
Node: Cost reporting213156
Ref: #cost-reporting213284
Node: -B Convert to cost214399
Ref: #b-convert-to-cost214555
Node: Equity conversion postings215963
Ref: #equity-conversion-postings216177
Node: Inferring equity postings from cost217072
Ref: #inferring-equity-postings-from-cost217321
Node: Inferring cost from equity postings218140
Ref: #inferring-cost-from-equity-postings218388
Node: When to infer cost/equity220197
Ref: #when-to-infer-costequity220415
Node: How to record conversions220823
Ref: #how-to-record-conversions221015
Node: Conversion with implicit cost221306
Ref: #conversion-with-implicit-cost221511
Node: Conversion with explicit cost222416
Ref: #conversion-with-explicit-cost222661
Node: Conversion with equity postings223088
Ref: #conversion-with-equity-postings223357
Node: Conversion with equity postings and explicit cost224194
Ref: #conversion-with-equity-postings-and-explicit-cost224461
Node: Cost tips224935
Ref: #cost-tips225061
Node: Valuation225797
Ref: #valuation225921
Node: -V Value226707
Ref: #v-value226833
Node: -X Value in specified commodity227032
Ref: #x-value-in-specified-commodity227227
Node: Valuation date227384
Ref: #valuation-date227555
Node: Finding market price227994
Ref: #finding-market-price228199
Node: --infer-market-prices market prices from transactions229379
Ref: #infer-market-prices-market-prices-from-transactions229657
Node: Valuation commodity232503
Ref: #valuation-commodity232716
Node: Simple valuation examples233961
Ref: #simple-valuation-examples234159
Node: --value Flexible valuation234822
Ref: #value-flexible-valuation235028
Node: More valuation examples236714
Ref: #more-valuation-examples236923
Node: Interaction of valuation and queries238934
Ref: #interaction-of-valuation-and-queries239175
Node: Effect of valuation on reports239655
Ref: #effect-of-valuation-on-reports239852
Node: PART 4 COMMANDS247611
Ref: #part-4-commands247754
Node: Commands overview248133
Ref: #commands-overview248267
Node: DATA ENTRY248446
Ref: #data-entry248570
Ref: #data-creation248927
Ref: #data-management249216
Ref: #reports-financial249516
Ref: #reports-versatile250004
Ref: #reports-basic250417
Node: HELP250950
Ref: #help251072
Node: ADD-ONS251186
Ref: #add-ons251292
Node: accounts251889
Ref: #accounts252022
Node: activity253997
Ref: #activity254116
Node: add254490
Ref: #add254600
Node: aregister257461
Ref: #aregister257582
Node: aregister and custom posting dates260558
Ref: #aregister-and-custom-posting-dates260724
Node: balance261292
Ref: #balance261418
Node: balance features262423
Ref: #balance-features262563
Node: Simple balance report264693
Ref: #simple-balance-report264878
Node: Balance report line format266523
Ref: #balance-report-line-format266725
Node: Filtered balance report268975
Ref: #filtered-balance-report269167
Node: List or tree mode269494
Ref: #list-or-tree-mode269662
Node: Depth limiting271037
Ref: #depth-limiting271203
Node: Dropping top-level accounts271820
Ref: #dropping-top-level-accounts272020
Node: Showing declared accounts272334
Ref: #showing-declared-accounts272533
Node: Sorting by amount273074
Ref: #sorting-by-amount273241
Node: Percentages273931
Ref: #percentages274090
Node: Multi-period balance report274660
Ref: #multi-period-balance-report274860
Node: Balance change end balance277253
Ref: #balance-change-end-balance277462
Node: Balance report types278910
Ref: #balance-report-types279091
Node: Calculation type279607
Ref: #calculation-type279762
Node: Accumulation type280293
Ref: #accumulation-type280473
Node: Valuation type281401
Ref: #valuation-type281589
Node: Combining balance report types282656
Ref: #combining-balance-report-types282850
Node: Budget report284754
Ref: #budget-report284906
Node: Budget report start date290640
Ref: #budget-report-start-date290818
Node: Budgets and subaccounts292180
Ref: #budgets-and-subaccounts292387
Node: Selecting budget goals295873
Ref: #selecting-budget-goals296072
Node: Budget vs forecast297119
Ref: #budget-vs-forecast297278
Node: Data layout298978
Ref: #data-layout299128
Node: Useful balance reports307069
Ref: #useful-balance-reports307219
Node: balancesheet308372
Ref: #balancesheet308517
Node: balancesheetequity309883
Ref: #balancesheetequity310041
Node: cashflow311484
Ref: #cashflow311615
Node: check313101
Ref: #check313215
Node: Basic checks314021
Ref: #basic-checks314141
Node: Strict checks314679
Ref: #strict-checks314822
Node: Other checks315263
Ref: #other-checks315405
Node: Custom checks315982
Ref: #custom-checks316139
Node: More about specific checks316560
Ref: #more-about-specific-checks316722
Node: close317454
Ref: #close317565
Node: close and costs319951
Ref: #close-and-costs320095
Node: close and balance assertions320384
Ref: #close-and-balance-assertions320586
Node: Example retain earnings321757
Ref: #example-retain-earnings321974
Node: Example migrate balances to a new file322332
Ref: #example-migrate-balances-to-a-new-file322597
Node: Example excluding closing/opening transactions323150
Ref: #example-excluding-closingopening-transactions323399
Node: codes324577
Ref: #codes324694
Node: commodities325570
Ref: #commodities325698
Node: demo325768
Ref: #demo325889
Node: descriptions326745
Ref: #descriptions326875
Node: diff327166
Ref: #diff327281
Node: files328327
Ref: #files328436
Node: help328577
Ref: #help-1328686
Node: import329676
Ref: #import329799
Node: Deduplication330907
Ref: #deduplication331032
Node: Import testing332954
Ref: #import-testing333119
Node: Importing balance assignments333970
Ref: #importing-balance-assignments334176
Node: Commodity display styles334833
Ref: #commodity-display-styles335006
Node: incomestatement335135
Ref: #incomestatement335277
Node: notes336644
Ref: #notes336766
Node: payees337128
Ref: #payees337243
Node: prices337768
Ref: #prices337883
Node: print338185
Ref: #print338300
Node: register343746
Ref: #register343868
Node: Custom register output348977
Ref: #custom-register-output349108
Node: rewrite350483
Ref: #rewrite350601
Node: Re-write rules in a file352513
Ref: #re-write-rules-in-a-file352676
Node: Diff output format353829
Ref: #diff-output-format354012
Node: rewrite vs print --auto355124
Ref: #rewrite-vs.-print---auto355286
Node: roi355860
Ref: #roi355967
Node: Spaces and special characters in --inv and --pnl357728
Ref: #spaces-and-special-characters-in---inv-and---pnl357976
Node: Semantics of --inv and --pnl358474
Ref: #semantics-of---inv-and---pnl358721
Node: IRR and TWR explained360599
Ref: #irr-and-twr-explained360759
Node: stats363871
Ref: #stats363979
Node: tags365376
Ref: #tags-1365483
Node: test366500
Ref: #test366593
Ref: #part-5-common-tasks367476
Node: Getting help367750
Ref: #getting-help367891
Node: Constructing command lines368655
Ref: #constructing-command-lines368856
Node: Starting a journal file369537
Ref: #starting-a-journal-file369744
Node: Setting opening balances370942
Ref: #setting-opening-balances371147
Node: Recording transactions374300
Ref: #recording-transactions374489
Node: Reconciling375045
Ref: #reconciling375197
Node: Reporting377510
Ref: #reporting377659
Node: Migrating to a new file381648
Ref: #migrating-to-a-new-file381805

End Tag Table

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