;dev: update doctests for weekly headings change [#2204]

This commit is contained in:
Simon Michael 2024-06-25 18:36:43 +01:00
parent a734ba5026
commit 6c47fa034a
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ spansSpan spans = DateSpan (spanStartDate =<< headMay spans) (spanEndDate =<< la
-- >>> t (Months 2) 2008 01 01 2008 04 01
-- [DateSpan 2008-01-01..2008-02-29,DateSpan 2008-03-01..2008-04-30]
-- >>> t (Weeks 1) 2008 01 01 2008 01 15
-- [DateSpan 2007-12-31W01,DateSpan 2008-01-07W02,DateSpan 2008-01-14W03]
-- [DateSpan 2007-W01,DateSpan 2008-W02,DateSpan 2008-W03]
-- >>> t (Weeks 2) 2008 01 01 2008 01 15
-- [DateSpan 2007-12-31..2008-01-13,DateSpan 2008-01-14..2008-01-27]
-- >>> t (DayOfMonth 2) 2008 01 01 2008 04 01

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@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ periodTextWidth = periodTextWidth' . simplifyPeriod
-- | Render a period as a compact display string suitable for user output.
-- >>> showPeriod (WeekPeriod (fromGregorian 2016 7 25))
-- "2016-07-25W30"
-- "2016-W30"
showPeriod :: Period -> Text
showPeriod (DayPeriod b) = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F" b -- DATE
showPeriod (WeekPeriod b) = T.pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%0Y-W%V" b -- YYYY-Www